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Sooooooo I know there is a post about Gorman every few months but just for anyone not knowing . Lisa left in around 2019 but part of her leaving was to not make a big thing about it so it didn’t deter people keen on the brand. It’s no longer made here and is manufactured in the same place Dangerfield and Princess Highway is done OS. And if you know that quality, based on their price point they sell for , it’s garbage. Artists who sign up for prints aren’t treated great and others regularly knock back the opportunity because they get shafted. You’ll notice a change in imagery of late because they finally moved to a different art director to try and give some distance to the other brands under the FX umbrella but it’s all still the same poorly made stuff


This makes sense. I was never into Gorman but in 2017 when I started uni there was a whole "Gorman girl" thing among uni students haha I remember it being kinda cute and good quality. Now it's just crap


Heaps of hashtag-show-us-your-gorman on insta then too


>part of her leaving was to not make a big thing about it so it didn’t deter people keen on the brand. I just wanted to add to this that the same thing happened to Alannah Hill, whose brand was also owned by Factory X, and "not making a big thing out of it" was a requirement by Factory X. So it's not just designers being polite and leaving quietly, it's Factory X saying "we get to keep your name *and* the goodwill you've built up." Then they run the brand into the ground.


Explains a lot. I loved Gorman pre 2018-2019 but have not found anything since then to my likings


I’m not afraid to say I love my Gorman pieces. I generally buy on sale, and natural fibres, but it suits my style- long and floaty (covers butt/boobs as I’m a teacher), and usually interesting prints/patterns. Because of the wide range, I can always find something that I love in store, even if I have to dig to find it. My current fave is a ‘dessert’ dress I picked up in January.


Well off Middle aged women, that’s who


I fit that demographic & I hate Gorman. But go there quite often with my 2 sisters who love it. Very expensive & a lot of boxy cut dresses that look awful.


I don't know who their clothes are meant to look good on. It looks like wearing a circus tent if you're plus sized and the cuts are sooo strange for their fitted clothes.


Hear me out: pregnancy and postpartum. I am the Gorman market, and I always liked their prints (yes I am middle class and work in arts exactly as another commenter typed their market) but I always only wore their more structured pieces or knits, opting for their wide leg pants, their fitted tops, and the thick knit jumpers, mixed in with Kmart / Uniqlo basics. However, when pregnant I didn't want to wear the whole "yummy mummy" look of tight, ruched figure hugging dresses that seemed to be what everyone was selling in their maternity section, or the full length sailor stripe dress. I wanted clothes that I could see myself wearing when not pregnant, that would last more than one season. So I bought a boxy Gorman knee-length dress, and I loved it! It got a lot of wear to fancy events pre- and postpartum, and although expensive to me ($150 on sale) it is linen, a versatile print that suits my colouring, and sun-smart, so it got worn a lot the following summer too. A year after baby was born, I gifted it to a pregnant friend, and it's gotten a great life with her too, but I'd happily wear it now even when not pregnant. It's comfy, smart enough for work or dinners out, and very breathable for Australian climate. No it's not the most flattering, but it's gorgeous and hella fun, and if I wore clothes exclusively to flatter my figure then I'd dress very very differently anyway, because that's just not my main focus.


Yeah, that’s a good call actually - I remember really struggling with the yummy mummy stuff when I was pregnancy, and their boxy stuff would have worked quite well. Luckily it was during COVID and I think I was on the Uniqlo train anyway but yeah! Makes sense.


I've been living any time I want to look "put together" for the last three years of pregnancy-post partum-pregnancy again in a boxy dress and a floaty dress (one winter style, one summer) that I bought in 2018 on a whim. They're still great and going strong now, but last time I went in there it wasn't anywhere near the old quality level!


Their sizing for plus size is wack too. I bought a size 20 pair jeans (I'm normally a 18) and they were easily a size 14 absurd.


The arms in their dresses and shirts are also sooo tight. Like, is this plus size or not??


Thank you for saying this - I thought it was just me having to up my size by one or two! Crazy!


I have one dress I bought in 2018 that I've worn pretty religiously 2022-now. Mind you, two pregnancies, so they do great/did great for maternity options. I haven't gone in or bought anything since 2020 when I was very disappointed in the fabric changes/quality.


>a lot of boxy cut dresses that look awful. I came here to say that exact thing. Their designs are *awful*. Boxy, and drop waists that look good on none except the those both willowy and statuesque; they're so frumpy and unflattering. If I buy Gorman it's always second hand (I do like the linen trousers, but even the cut on those is a bit off).


This is me and I’m currently selling off most of my Gorman. I’m just bored by Superannuated Preschooler dressing now! 😂 I’m keeping my gorgeous artist collab pieces from past years, and some of the more classic styles. Some linen, cotton and wool pieces. Quirky pieces to go with classic denim. I’m buying more Obus lately - ethical, more considered slow fashion, and the cuts work well for me. Went into a Gorman last year and was shocked to see a digitally printed “embroidered denim” dress on really plasticky polyester. All the stores look like outlets, as everything is jammed in, with varying sale signs. I also hate their website, with sale prices that go up with some promotions.


Superannuated Preschooler!! Yes this is it exactly.


A phrase I coined and a style I happily wore for years 😂 Just bored AF with it


Not this well off middle aged woman, I’m still coming to grips with the fact that Cue turned into mean girl fast fashion! But there’s clearly still a few buying Gormans crap here in Hobart because they’re still open down here, and this retail market is brutal.


My rich mother in law gave me a $300 Gorman voucher for my bday. I still haven’t spent it because it’s all such high cost, low quality crap. Might buy some kids stuff for my daughter since it won’t matter as much if it doesn’t last.


Can confirm.


My take is that Gorman is a rort. It didn’t start out that way but then they sold to their parent company and they became mass produced clothes, cheaply made, overpriced for what they are, often cut very badly, that can be a bit of a cliche at times. Basically the teenager and early twenties girl that started in Dangerfield ages into Gorman. You can see certain Gorman styles coming a mile off and I’m sure I’ll offend some people by saying so, but it’s a certain type of person that wears them, who imagines themselves to be dressing “differently” or “uniquely” but half their friends and neighbours are in the exact same thing. This probably has more to do with the people I see and the places I go though. I’m sure in some contexts it does stand out as genuinely unique. But in Melbourne they are clothes for funky mums and we’re not short on those.   It is nice the way they will collaborate with artists and designers and come out with some interesting limited run fabrics. There have been some special things, especially in homewares. I’ve bought Gorman and I probably would buy Gorman again, but only on sale.  I wish they would delve into more genuinely unisex kids clothes or clothes for little boys. That is an area that could do with more “funkiness”! Enough fucking cars and dinosaurs. Boys clothes are a nightmare. 


For the boys clothes, look up Scandi brands. Both of mine were in bright colours and patterns from JNY, DUNS Sweden, Villervalla, and Smafolk. JNY quality in particular was fantastic, and shirts I bought ten years ago are still being worn as hand me downs.


And whatever Oishi-M came back as!


Oh excellent I will check those out! I see a lot of kids in bobo choses too but the prices of these things can be a shock to the system. If someone could do a label that is this mood but target prices for boys (and girls but importantly not excluding boys who don’t want to wear dresses and overtly feminine stuff) I swear they’d make a mint. 


Where do you buy these, though? Online? Do they end up costing a lot due to the exchange rate of our dollar or is the better quality worth it?


There’s a lot of Australian resellers, I’ve also bought from sellers in New Zealand when they’ve had good sales. The quality is worth it, particularly for JNY. At least one shirt I bought ten years ago is still out in the wild, on its third or fourth child, looking brand new. The resale is usually also not bad, you’ll get around 30 to 40 percent back if you care for them well.


Yeah I often buy their non frilly kids cloths for my boy. I wish they had more options. I tend to buy off Halcyon Nights for similar vibes. I’ve always tried to avoid trucks etc, and beige colours. They’re kids, their clothes should be fun and colourful.


Their artist collabs are a nightmare though. They rip them off. Not remotely ethical.


My rich ass therapist that’s who, every session it’s a new Gorman dress and I’m partly funding it 😅


Iconic tbf. I’d feel she wouldn’t judge me on my own spending behaviour. I’m starting therapy in a month, dreading trying to afford it!


Yeah, it’s wild that you have to pay someone for a service and they can spend their earnings however they wish. Sounds like this is an issue that you should talk to your therapist about.


Calm down I wasn’t judging I’m just making a jab at how much therapy is more than anything. I’m not implying that she doesn’t earn her money or that she can’t spend it on whatever she likes. Seems like I’m not the only one that needs a therapist, take your own advice or lighten up maybe 🙄


I think that person is a troll. They’ve had a crack at four other commenters in this thread (including me)!


Omg I felt depressed reading through their comment history, just goes on Reddit to argue and play know it all. Fucking drainer.


I hopped on the website for the first time in months after reading this post and was horrified at what I found. There are 242 dresses for sale right now, which is a ludicrously high number of SKUs, and most of them are obviously hot garbage. Even from the photos you can tell the fabrics are flimsy, the cuts are wrong. The designs are just... off and the styling is non-existent. It's such a shame – Gorman used to have a point of view and it wasn't just 'random Ms Frizzle colourful crap'. Now it's just churned out rubbish. Bummed to see how badly the brand has been degraded!




As an aside, I’m fairly sure social work as a profession is the antithesis of NIMBY, but sure.


This comment section has gone from relevant discussion, to flat out insulting groups of people.


Yes! This is me exactly (except the NIMBY bit, that seems weird) and I wear 50% Gorman, 50% Elk. These brands know their audience. I find Gorman’s quality to be superb - I have been wearing some bits for over a decade. Glad to be the butt of your jokes!


If you're talking about having Gorman garments for over a decade, then you're talking about garments that were made before the company was sold which was when the quality took a nosedive.


Imagine being a grown-ass woman who still feels the need to make fun of what other people wear? Grow up, you’re not in high school anymore.


I don't see it as "making fun of", clothing has a visual language, it communicates things like one's own self concept, aspirations, which groups that person perceives as "in group" vs "other", it communicates where a person sees genuine value, it can tell you how a person spent their day or perhaps how they wish they spent their day, it can tell you so much about how that person views the world and their place in it in a way that is sometimes subconscious, sometimes construed with extreme care, and often the ways in which they interpret the language of clothing tells you some of the most interesting things of all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiotics_of_fashion


You can pretend that comment wasn’t derogatory all you want but I’m not stupid. Tell me how making jokes at the expense of others based on what they’re wearing isn’t making fun?


I think they were sharing their reading of clothing as self constructed text, that the people choosing to wear those clothes were selecting them because of a wish to telegraph themselves as belonging to a specific in group of privileged individuals.


They literally said they joke about these people with their friends. That’s what children do. Putting down others because you perceive them as “privileged” based on some stereotype is immature and screams insecurity. It also has absolutely nothing to do with the original post.


Again, I don't think the commenter was necessarily putting them down, I feel as though they were more passing wry commentary around the reasons someone might choose specific items of clothing for themselves, and what sort of message that person hoped their choices might convey to observers. Every item one chooses to wear exists within a dense web of social meanings, some commonly known to the culture at large, and some only recognisable to specific groups, for example, one person may see another wearing a Takashi Murakami x Louis Vuitton item and recognise that it's an ostentatious status symbol, another might recognise it as being vintage, and another may perceive wearing that specific item as a "wink to the camera" metacommentary on conspicuous consumption and it's relationship with pop culture depending on their level of sociological knowledge around the item. So, choosing to wear an item that in our specific cultural context is read by a large chunk of more or less demographic adjacent people as symbolic of a very certain kind of privilege, is making a very deliberate choice. It's telling the world (or part therof familiar enough with that specific subculture to be able discern the nuances) that you identify with that kind of privilege (not necessarily that you personally possess it, just that you identify with/approve of/aspire to). Observers of that statement are then free to have feelings about what you have chosen to express, and discuss the intersection between your statement and their own personal situation and values, and expressing mild disapproval is as valid a reaction as any other.


Even in your long, tedious monologue you still continue to ignore the fact that they admitted to making jokes about the people who wear Gorman with their friends. That’s the part I take issue with and why admin deleted their comments. End of story. Goodbye.


You’re being quite hostile. Glad to see you’re not just being prickly to me though.


I didn't read that comment as insulting at all – it comes across more as an analysis of the typical Gorman demographic? Obviously the joke at the end is borderline but the commenter did explicitly explain that part was an in-joke they share with their friends. I dunno, just didn't seem that bad. Your comment was a lot more personally insulting (to the person you were replying to) if anything!


If they’re insulted by someone pointing out their rude behaviour then that’s a pretty good indication I hit the nail on the head. Joking about how other people dress amongst your friends isn’t something to gloat about on the internet.




Body shaming, nice. You also need to grow up.


So? Those women have to wear something! What makes them nimbys?


Nothing about wearing Gorman makes them NIMBYs. They simply said that many NIMBYs happen to wear Gorman, in their opinion.




Yes, I am “those women!”. Glad to be of service in giving you someone to be disgusted by!


Imagine being so horrified by someone genuinely appreciating your sense of style. Gorman isn’t my personal thing either but if it makes YOU happy, go ham!


I thought they priced that high to sell the sale stuff. That's their marketing tactic, who buys the full price stuff? I've got one or two things, but it's such a particular look, you really have to have it as your regular style.


I buy a lot of Gorman but only natural fibres or minimal viscose blends. And ofc only on sale or bss groups. 


I bought a skirt from there recently and the quality is dog shit. Hem is all messed up and uneven, my tailor says she can't fix it because it's a knit, and no it's definitely not supposed to be that way. Disappointing.


I stopped buying a couple of years ago because the quality dropped. I only purchased from the outlet. A lot of the dresses were see through as well.


They think they still qualify as 'designer'. Anyone who pays full price is nuts.


Gorman is straight up shit now. Back in the day, when I was child free and had all the time in the world to go out and about, I used to love pointing out all the Gorman pieces I’d see on people, to my husband. There’s someone trying to sell an old Gorman moth quilted blanket for the bargain price of like $650 on eBay……good luck sir/madam.


Who is paying those prices? Primary school teachers who need work-appropriate dresses and like to think of themselves being unique and ~quirky~ I guess. (No hate…but of my friends who buy Gorman, that is 100% the vibe) I kinda understand the appeal of the colourful maximalist vibe, but they are way overpriced and I think all the clothes look incredibly unflattering on all body shapes.


Teachers can’t afford those kind of prices, we are all wearing old Princess Highway dresses.


I was in a Gorman in Brisbane last week, they had a rack that said 'flash sale' but no discounts marked on the tags and no signs indicating what % to take off. If you can't even make the price clear I'm not going to bother browsing. I also agree that the styles and cuts are not great. Often I really like the prints but hate the shape of the item. I wish they would make dresses that has a bit more shape to them. So many of the dresses are basically toddler shaped.


It sorta makes sense though? I mean nobody wants to show up somewhere in something that distinctive and then find there's two other people wearing it.


Gorman is hardly exclusive.


That's not what I said, hon.


Sorry, must have misunderstood. I thought you were insinuating that people were willing to pay $300 for designs that are distinctive and exclusive.


No....I said that irrespective of whether the brand is distinctive and exclusive, the buyers are going to get turned off if they encounter too many others around the place wearing the exact same thing they are. So the brand has to do many designs compared  to the overall sales and short runs of each design and is denied many of the economies of doing large runs. 


There is a massive store at Robina on the Gold Coast. There is never anyone in there. How they can afford that space is beyond me 😅 No disrespect to those who love colourful clothing by any means but that store looks like a kindergarten art department exploded in there. It gives me a headache just glancing at it 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/ukgubfzzi34d1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008bd155668b1f76a7d7efbaf3655470dcea40fb I kid you not, it’s like the wardrobe from “lion witch and the wardrobe” this store goes on for days 🤣 advise taking lunch if you dare venture in


😂 Now I want to go there just to see how big it is! 🤣


😂😂 ![gif](giphy|fSYmbgG5Ug8S11K0FU|downsized)


Never been a fan 




Good thing those women aren’t dressing to try and impress you.


The thing about Gorman, is the pieces while they have a general vibe to them, are very different to everything else. It’s not like you can get the same thing somewhere else.


I have Gorman I bought before kids (pre 2015) and they are all in excellent condition. I bought a few items in lockdown and then tried again last year…all the new stuff has not lasted. Shrinkage or pilling, even some having threads just coming out after barely being worn. My drycleaner commented on one of the dresses that she was shocked by how crap the quality has gotten. Such a shame because i really loved the OG stuff


Quality has declined so not longer worth it. It’s trading off its brand equity but people are progressively wisening up.




They don’t pay them nearly what they should, and that’s if they DO pay them. Exposure doesn’t pay the rent. I t’s Factory X cashing in on the brand’s popularity that once was decent. They’ve also been known to rip off independent designers and pass off the result as “Gorman exclusive”.


Even before Gorman was sold they were notorious for ripping off other people's designs and using their prints. I remember an Aboriginal designer had her prints ripped off and ran a social media campaign highlighting the ongoing theft.


This was true of pre-Factory X Gorman, not anymore. I am 100% a Gorman hater now


I think that may have been the case back in the day but not so much now.


That would be so lovely if it were true. Unfortunately, they’re a terrible company to work for


If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. It’s a very simple concept. Plenty of high end (higher end than Gorman) use synthetic fabrics as well by the way. Edit to add: I am thoroughly disgusted in the amount of adult women who haven’t matured past high school and still feel the need to make fun of what others choose to wear and body shaming them. Grow up.


This whole thread has been horrible!


I know right! I have a rain coat that cost a bomb and now all the plastic lining inside is falling off onto my back.


I was just wondering to make a post about the jumpers that facebook algorithm is showing me. I like ph jumpers. Still I don’t like to buy them for $108. These jumpers are $300 mark. Are they worth it ?


Absolutely not! I only ever buy second hand or once it reaches the ‘outlet’ section of the page. I’d only ever spend max about $120 on a jumper if I had to have it, heaps of barely worn stuff in depop. I love the look of patterned stuff but I often grow tired of the print and then sell it on to buy something else secondhand.


Am I going crazy or back in the day (like 10ish years ago) were there a lot more interesting cuts and shapes too? I used to wear a heap of Gorman and remember avoiding the Sadie dresses etc. but there was so much more to choose from. Somehow less pieces but more variety?


I’m sad to hear this. I haven’t bought anything there for over 8 years but I’ve recently donated the pieces I do have which were really good quality fabrics (silk, linen mix, velvet).


I do like that it at least includes some colour unlike the black/tan/grey wasteland that is the rest of Australian fashion but most of it is too ‘art teacher’ for me. I bought a few of their merino skivvies and they all kind of fell apart after a wear or two. Honestly most Australian fashion sucks. It’s overpriced, boring and of poor quality and very little is made here.


Everything is so boxy and huge. as a petite woman I can’t find anything that doesn’t make me look like I’m wearing a brightly coloured tent.


I still like some of their clothes but I'm astonished at the prices they're asking for the crap made of synthetics. I also don't understand how some of the styles are flattering on anyone? I generally trawl through their site to see what's there but don't buy, I just wait for second hand on Facebook.  Although I did buy the dress I wore to my wedding there last year, lol.  Otherwise to me Gorman is only worth getting second hand. Even their 'sale' prices are high for the quality you're getting. It's a shame. Another thing that it's me is some of the designs are so cute and fun but they feel AWFUL on. Am I willing to pay $200 for the cutest jumper of the year only to be uncomfortable wearing it? No. I am not.


I went to the art gallery in Sydney earlier in the year. Saw more Gorman dresses that day than an actual store


I have feeling FX will be winding it down in a few years like it did to Alannah Hill. I've got a few things from them, a few I've bought on eBay from the before times, some new but never ever have I bought anything full price. No separates because I find them impossible to coordinate and wear with anything else, only dresses that I don't have to coordinate with much else. I've also successfully toned a couple of pieces down with over dyeing to either make it warmer toned or more muted... Seems like a lot of work but everything else seems to be white, black grey or beige these days, or it's Gorman style color bomb.


Neoprene bags and that's pretty much it for me... I buy them on sale if I like the print, and treat them as wash and wear (once dirty, into the washing machine they go). Bear in mind, they are my weekend, running around, bags but some are really cute and definitely work for a brunch/lunch/casual dinner... I noticed they now have nylon bags and less neoprene, I guess they are cutting down on costs further but I probably won't buy those.


Gorman is on the way out, if you buy gorman you will look like a kooky art teacher.