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They did this to me and I said I wasn't wasting my time with them on the phone to answer the same questions I could answer online without having to talk to anyone. Hung up. Next day, got a link to fill in the questions online instead. Their quote was comparable to my current home insurer but I decided not to go with them based on how annoying I found their quote process.


I take the view that if their quote system is so awful, imagine how hard it would be to make a claim.


i’m with them and had to make a claim, other car was at fault (ran a red light) but i recall they were decent. really responsive (because there are humans on the other side and they resourced their call centre which is in QLD). and i got my pay out quite quick my friend who was insured with woolworths (lol) got his payout after like 2-3 months


We are going through the claims process with Youi currently for a not-at-fault claim. They've been pretty fast and nice to deal with so far, but we're only half way through the process so we'll have to see how it all unfolds. Side note, they were one of the only insurance companies who would insure my under 25 yr old who has a turbo charged vehicle (no issues with their driving record, not even a speeding ticket) for under $4k per year.


They did the same to me. I told them that all I wanted was a quote and I do not have the time for a phone call. They gave me the quote, which was 25% more than my current provider, so I stayed where I was (I did check others as well, but they were all way up… almost like collusion not to target one another’s customers)


As I understand it (dimly) all the various insurance retail companies are owned by only a small handful of parent companies. Eg, Suncorp owns AAMI, GIO, APIA, Bingle and a bunch of others. It's hard to believe that they could be in serious competition with each other, or that they wouldn't share your information between them. This has to be one of the least transparent business sectors in Australia. I always laugh at Youi's brag that they ask you questions in order to tailor their quote to you. As opposed to collecting your information so that they can sell you other kinds of insurance. It's nearly as good as the brag about how there are no tests and conditions in order to join up to an insurance plan and start paying premiums (because the tests and conditions happen when you lodge a claim).


YouI is actually not part of any of the ‘big ones’ For what’s referee to as ‘direct insurance’ (policies you buy direct from the insurer) you’ve got IAG, Suncrop, YouI, Hollande (but under different names) Allianz Zurich and some smaller companies depending on your state. There’s competition but the big names are what people aren’t aware of.


Youi is owned by Rand Merchant Investment Holdings, trading as OUTsurance Group.  They're a South African based multinational. Lest anyone think they are somehow a local startup. 


The Suncorp Group when i worked for them 5+years ago under their previous CEO, were trying to be the world's first financial services marketplace. So a one stop shop for insurance and then potentially banking services. So we had call centre Consultants that were able to sell Suncorp, GIO and AAMI policies. They kept APIA and Shannons separate due to being specialised insurances. The goal at the time was you could call up and get x3 quotes at once. But as that would be determined to be personal advice (as opposed to general advice) all said consultants would need higher levels of qualifications and be licensed to offer said advice. They never achieved that as the directors/shareholders lost faith in the CEO. And from what i understand now all the brands have been separated back to how they were before. Individual conpanies with no 'overflow' to each other. Was an expensive endeavour that achieved nothing. Much like most 'initiatives' that happened during the 9 years I worked for them 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Who would you recommend using ad and alternative?


From my wife: "SAME"


YOUI = YOU idiots?


Am I the only one who read that in [Ren's voice](https://youtu.be/hQ9DTYKJ_PM)?


Ah, someone with a classical education.


First time in 10 years I bought car insurance because for the friken first time they were cheaper. Now his was last year it’s time for me to renew again.


Youi is just the worst. Period. For some reason it reminds me of the project… Either way a complete ripoff and shit advertising.


lol love this.


I’ve noticed this a lot recently! Even with recipets and emails. In store they said they can only do digital receipts and I had to provide an email address, next thing I knew I was signed up for their emails. YIKES


This is probably a breach of the privacy act and the antispam provisions in it.


This is absolutely a privacy breach


How? Its your choice to enter the phone number


But OP didn’t agree to the purpose of what the data is being used for. They have grounds for complaint. If enough people complain they’ll get pinged. (I can tell you where to complain if you need)


It's their responsibility to provide a receipt. They stated they were digital receipt only, in it self may be illegal for people within digital access. But they then uses that data to send marketing when they only got the data (mobile/email) for the purposes of providing a receipt.


Yeah omg, they tried to do this to me at Lovisa. After payment, they asked me for my email so they could send the receipt. I was tired and couldn't be bothered reading it out and also didn't want to sign up for their spam. So i said no, all good, dont worry then i dont need one - and she was like "but we have to provide you with a receipt"... And i was like ahhh... Can you just give me a physical one then? She tried to push back against that saying they only do digital but eventually gave in because at that point i really didnt want to give my email and she gave a physical one. Wild


Pass on your complaint to the ACMA - that’s likely a breach of the Spam Act.


Sounds more like a matter for the ICO- ie if they're misrepresenting what they're gathering the information for, then it is a privacy breach. The ICO more directly deals with consumer complaints too, so better if it does fall to them.


It could very well be both! It sounds like a breach of s 16 of the Spam Act. The ACMA accepts consumer complaints to help inform their investigations. Nothing stopping someone passing on a complaint about bad behaviour to multiple regulators.


> I had to provide an email address You're not required to have an email address. A business is required to provide a receipt. I just say "paper receipt please" and they have to give it to you.


I have dummy email actresses to deal with this crap. Apple even lees you create throwaway addresses. If they start spamming you, you just delete the email alias. It’s also handy when someone has a data breach or has onsold your details, you know exactly who it was. I hate the youi quote process, and I am a Youi customer, only because for whatever reason they work out the best price for us for some things. They tried desperately to get my new car insured with them but they we’re uncompetitive and unable to explain why our other car insured at the same address for the same amount was able to beat everyone else, but the new car was was 30% higher.


Every time I shop at Strandbags they sign me back up to their mailing list. I unsubscribe immediately after but they repeatedly do it.


https://quackr.io/temporary-numbers/australia Why they would even need to ‘verify your quote with a code’ is laughable. This isn’t some 2FA security scenario; you don’t even have an account with them! It’s just exploiting people who will automatically think “oh it’s verifying with a code! This all seems very official. I should follow along. For security. Yes.” 😂 What a fantastic bit of social engineering. I agree, Youi are absolute shit. I’ve obtained quotes from them many many times over the years, mainly due to their very effective ad campaigns. Their price was always complete shit.


Making you jump through hoops to get the quote is so their site can't be scripted and put into quote comparison sites since they know they are above the market average. This means you have to search them up yourself from the brand recognition and go through the quote process.


Funnily I’ll never go to their site again, simply because they’re priced poorly despite their marketing positioning themselves as a quirky, hip, ultra-affordable no-frills product. Much like AHM. Both fail to deliver on the thing that draws people to them. And their marketing directors probably get paid eye-watering money.


The difference is that AHM used to be good. Youi hasn't been good in at least 10 years


Nah. It's just because their business model is outbound selling, which converts better amongst certain segments. If they were above market average they wouldn't be viable (nobody switches to a challenger brand if they're more expensive), and it's pretty easy to block price scraping bots.


Then an email code would work just fine. Or a captcha.


I've always found them the cheapest. I comparison shop every year and still have car, contents and P&L with them. Don't mean to shill for them, but just offering a different anecdotal experience.




Yes… it’s an SMS code.




If you use the dummy number for the sms confirmation, then they won't have your real number to call on. Sounds helpful to me.


Twenty minutes of listening to their bullshit and the price quoted was $250 more than the NRMA.


Can I ask what you got with them? I just switched my comprehensive car insurance the other way around, from NRMA to Youi, because they were cheaper.


Yeah no matter what we did, Youi was cheaper for us too :/


Insurers price policies based on 'rating factors'. Throw a bunch of factors like, age, income, postcode, car model and prior claims data into a logistic regression (old school AI) and out pops a 'technical' price. Add on costs, taxes and about 5-10% profit to get the customer facing price. If I tune my model slightly differently, or have a different cost base to another insurer I can get a wildly different result. Models get updated roughly annually so you might find even the same profile for a given insurer will change year to year. Best way to manage is to get 3+ quotes every year and switch or threaten to switch and trigger any retention offers. Because people hate searching for insurance so much, there's ~80-90% customer retention rates so no one really does this as often as they should.


Four cars Caravan Home and contents


Same with me, but I went with RAA. And the guy on the line was really puzzled and sounded angry/agitated when I basically said “you’re smoking crack if you think I’ll choose you guys over the same product from soemone else that’s over half the price”


Did you tell them that? I feel like last time I spoke with them they had a lot of wiggle room with the offer.


Without any further details - it sounds like they are using your personal information in a way that they didnt disclose they were collecting it for. If so like they are in a direct breach of The Privacy Act 1988, where misuse of private data carries a serious offense. However I am sure they have sneaky text somewhere indicating they will also use your number to market to you. which would expand their purpose to cover themselves.


The whole idea for me of doing an online quote is to not have to talk to a pushy salesperson. They did this to me and I instantly went and paid for AAMI insurance. I didn’t even look at the cost difference, it could have been $200 cheaper and I still wouldn’t have bought it. I shop online for a reason!


Yep. I have a lot of AAMI insurance because their price is decent, their service is good, and they let you do almost everything online.


Did the same thing, if sales are pushy, I won’t use that service again Youi has been blacklisted


What annoys me the most is they keep trying to socialise with me. Asking about my weekend etc. I just want to sort out my insurance mate, not talk weekend plans with someone that doesn’t give a toss. Stop wasting my time, it’s turning me further away from your service.


That sort of script is probably designed to prey on the elderly so they have someone to chat to that makes them feel good about themselves and since they feel so good about this company they'll happily pay the overpriced insurance.


Sometimes I feel sorry for the owner of 0400 000 000


It’s probably owned by Telstra and out of service haha


Last time when I got a quote I put a real estate’s phone number. Damn it won’t work next time


this is truly beautiful


That’s probably why they did it. So that you’d feel obliged to use your real number


This happened to me the other day – was pretty shocked at how brazen it is. I ignored their multiple calls and texts and put them on my shit list for life. Terrible business practice.


Youi has always been way more expensive than any. The trick must just be in the performance. Sleazy shits. I bet they don’t pay up, either.


This. The marketing is so bullshit. Get to know you better to better give you a cheaper quote. What horse shit. They are one company that doesn't get a go on my annual quote merry-go-round.


Get to know you better So they can deny a claim because you were driving to work for the 4th day when you said you only go to the office 3 days a week normally


They don't. I know quite a few people who've had shit experiences with them


Their marketing line is that they personalise the quote based on individual information, so even if it is genuine it must mean they are more expensive for many people to balance out those that are cheaper.


Took me 40+ minutes to get a quote of $3,300 a year while my RACV renewal was almost half that. Ridiculous.


They’ve done this for years. They even did the whole “let me check with my manager to get a bet quote” used car spiel with me. Never quoted with them again.


The best part after half an hour was when the guy on the phone said so that's your quote, now I'm going to ask for your sale today and will go ahead and process this if that's okay. Me - " no thanks for $300 more than my current provider...can you beat that by $100 otherwise Cya Stuart" He fumbled with saying something along the lines of premium service then hung up on ME. Hehe.


They’re so shoddy. Same thing happened to me. He was then like “oh but I thought you wanted to go ahead, why did you change your mind?” Despite me clearly saying, multiple times, that I’m gathering quotes. They’re simply trained to gaslight you.


Report them to the Privacy Commissioner. It is illegal for them to collect information that isn’t necessary for them to provide you with a service. If they’ve asked for your email address they are not allowed to verify ANYTHING using SMS, they can do that via email.


>Privacy Commissioner. Tried. I first need to write to Youi first to complain, and give them 30 days to respond. What nonsense eh.


Omg. That’s just crap. No wonder companies are getting away with this kind of behaviour.


That's how they get away with it.


Just write a simple email. They likely won’t change what they do. Even if they respond the next day, you can take it to the commissioner and say you’re unsatisfied.


AFCA is the correct body here - you can go straight to them. https://www.afca.org.au/make-a-complaint/insurance They will still likely make you go through the IDR process, but at least you're bringing the issue to their attention. There is a ton of scrutiny on insurers complaints process at the moment so every data point helps.


You can complain to AFCA at any point, you cant raise a complaint to the office of the information commissioner until you've raised the complaint with the organisation, but but you should be raising it with Youi too as they should be self reporting this breach to regulatory bodies as well as to the code governance committee for the code of practice issue. If this is a systemic issue rather than a zealous employee who doesn't understand their obligations it is a big problem. An organisation is allowed to use your personal information for the purpose they have collected it only, unless you have consented to a secondary purpose or it is in some way required by law. Further, you should be able to obtain a quote without giving any contact details at all, even for verification. If you had to put in your email too that's an issue as well.


Just renewed my CTP with them. Had three calls in an hour from them for fully comp. Thought it was a tad excessive


cancel that shit, they hot garbage


You’re a hot lead !


Please complain to AFCA and ASIC about their practices, if no-one does, it will continue


For sure I'm about to go get some quotes for ppl who deserve a call haha


I didn’t answer any of their call, after a few tries they sent me the quote via email in the end


I had this with Aussie homeloans! I was just playing around to see how much deposit I needed. Had to enter details to get the final number. They hounded me off different numbers. I only answered one day because I was waiting on a tradie to call me. I actually said "I'm sorry I am in no way ready for a home loan, it was just a calculator. I was looking for my options. Thank you have a nice day." Hung up. Received ANOTHER call off a private number and the cow had the AUDACITY to say "I believe we were cut off. Let's continue with getting your home loan..." I just hung up again. Wtf. At no stage did I say I wanted a home loan and frankly there's absolutely no way I'm financially able to have a homeloan, but if someone says thanks but no thanks...don't ring back and act all snippy. They are on my shit list for when I eventually do get one!


In the future, before hanging up remember to say something like, "remove me from your database and never call me again" or similar. You need to be explicit that they're not allowed to contact you anymore. 


This happened to me the other day. Don’t they know we don’t want to talk to a real person?? I just want the quote. So five missed calls later and a couple of texts ignored I got a quote emailed through. It was cheaper than NRMA but just their dumb tricks would be reason enough for me to avoid.


To be fair to Youi, I wrote off my car last year and they were great to deal with and very fair with valuation, giving me more than the car was worth actually. But yea, pain in the ass and the hike premiums every year (which you can argue against)


That’s probably how they could give you more than the car was worth lol


I don’t know how these guys have any customers. I’ve tried using them twice and both times their quotes were over double the next guys - even when I drove the car less than 1000kms in a year.


Whilst I do think Youi has decent policies, they also charge a premium for frankly doing what the minimum should be for other insurers. With that said, their process is slow and annoying. There isn't anything "personal" about insurance. The process is way too slow, lengthy and usually is higher than any other common insurer. I had home insurance and they boosted it by over $400 in 2 consecutive years. I switched, they asked why, and admitted they couldn't match it. It was the same price as they had 2 years ago, and I had made no claims.


This is standard practice. Get u in on a discounted price and then jack it up overtime and hope you can’t be bothered to switch


They did this back in 2010 to me, seems like they're still doing the same shit of not giving a quote online 😆. At least the ads no longer have that smug guy in it.


"Youi, we get you. Eventually"


I think they’re targeting old and lonely people, they’re genuinely pleasant to talk to and will humour basically anything you want to chat about. By the end you feel see buddy-buddy you want to buy the policy just to help out a mate. Insurance and counseling wrapped into a single product 😂


Called last weeks , wasn’t happy with my current supplier at $1,200 … did online with youi and they called … $2450 When i said I wasn’t interested based on price , tried to keep the convo alive by telling me how great they were.


About 10 years ago I did a quote through Youi. Back then they wouldn't even give you the quote without you providing your bank account details - which I did cause I was young and silly - they said you could call up and ask for a refund straight away if you didn't like the quote. So I did exactly that and was abused by the lady over the phone saying that the other insurers were crap, huffed and puffed etc. Never again.


I stonewalled the aggressive girl who rang me and because of that underhanded and annoying approach, I have now decided to never insure with them. Absolutely disgusting behaviour.


It's been like this for years


My CTP and comprehensive insurance were due last month and experienced this exact same situation. I told the lady I don't want to talk, I just want a quote and she told me I'll receive it in an email afterwards. I hung up, signed up for Bingle and an hour later got the youi email. The quote was twice as much as the Bingle one. For the CTP I got AAMI. Honestly if they can't even get sign up experience well how can I expect good service when I need it? Don't get me started with NRMA user experience..


Same here. Called me and the lady was super chipper but too much with an awful lot of faux joy for me and my new car. And was $500 more. Never again.


I forgot I got a quote from Youi ages back and mistakenly got another car insurance quote recently. RAC was 550. Youi 750 and Woolworths 400..luckily whennthe called back telling the Woolworths was 400 put an end to the conversation. I wonder if they're ever cooperative or just pushy with sales tactics


Woolies must not have wanted me because their quote was over double the next-highest 😂


Maybe because I opted for the less than 4000 kms.


I’m always worried about lying in that field.


Lol...my tachometer is broke. Speedo still works...


Thanks for the warning 👍


They’re so shit, I had a call with them and told them what I’m currently with and the guy had the decency to say they couldn’t match that instead of wasting more of my time.


Haha Youi must’ve changed at some point late last year. I used to be able to get quotes without needing a number — I reckon it was like November last year when they asked for a number. I was actually ready to pull the trigger on a new insurer (was buying a new car) so I wasn’t against actually talking to someone about it. They called within literally 2 seconds of me hitting the button… I swear someone sits on the other side in their call centre watching you fill out the form, then has your number dialled up and ready to call as soon as they see you hit “enter” lol. He was then perplexed as to why I didn’t want to sign up to the service there and then, even though I repeatedly explained I was gathering quotes and was not confident theirs was the best, since I was seeing a huge range (from sub-$100/mo to over $300/mo) for similar products with no rhyme or reason. I see why people stick with the big guns with all the frills and bullshit like AAMI and Bupa. They run a tight ship with a quality product, and they don’t need to run deceptive marketing or quote tactics to get people in. Jesus.


Nah I had the exact same thing happen to me about 3 years ago. Was at work and needed insurance so over lunch I got a youi quote. Best thing I know mobile rings. I basically said to the person that if I wanted to speak to someone I would have called. I went online because I didn’t want to and now youi is on my lifetime shit list


I called them up a year ago for a quote, and after spending 40 minutes on the phone to them, they said that I'd be very happy with the figure they gave me, which was nearly twice what RACV quoted me. My smash repairer does say they usually pay out appropriately for the higher end jobs, though.


They do the same when you cancel, it's pretty frustrating.  They have a cancel option on the website and all it does is send you an email telling them someone will call you to finalize your outstanding balance. Spoiler they put on the hard sell and try to "see what we can do" about lowering your quote, they can't and I'd already gone through the bullshit a month prior. Saved $300 by switching house and car.


Yep, went through this the other day and it pissed me right off, I hate hard sales tactics. I don't answer my phone most of the time, and I certainly didn't this time. They called a few more times.ans then finally emailed it through to me. The price was shit, and the tactic was shit. Won't bother trying to get a quote of them again. AAMI seems to be the cheapest these days. They've probably all got the same, single underwriter anyways, like everything else these days all owned by the same company.


Compare the market is equally annoying. The guy leeched my 45 minutes for a quote that had a lot of redundant questions


They used to push their marketing of “we take into account how you use your car” ie where it’s parked all day. This person saved $200 because they part in a carpark building. I googled a quote as my husbands car is on a military base all day - fuxking more expensive!


Some insurers will call you up to undercut their competitors when you fill in those forms. I don't hate that I guess.


If thats how hard it is for you to give them your money imagine how hard a claim will be


Just don't pick up their calls. They emailed me the quote after I rejected their calls lol I already got other quotes as soon as I saw the 'our consultant will call you' nah fk that.


> I'm far too polite to just hangup. Don't blame us because you are a fool.


My one and only experience with Youi was about car insurance. Couldn't get my new best friend off the phone. Don't remember if it was a reasonable quote or not, and it didn't matter as I would have been happy to pay more to avoid having so much of my time sucked up to purchase a utility thing like can insurance. To their credit, they never rang me back.


Was with Youi for about 10yrs, great service in fact the two claims got approved faster than I had my excess payment available lol. Only moved away when they couldn’t give our custom bills car a decent insured amount. But yeah their marketing stat is shit


Not new. I had this trick happen to me many years ago and tried to get me to pay $450pm for a $8000 vehicle. Get these scammers out of here!


Yes Youi Sux but so does bingle. Stay away from both!


After answering questions for 20 minutes about a home I was yet to move into, I had to cut the person off and say “if it’s this hard to get a quote, how hard is it to make a claim. I’m out.”


Youi called me to go through the quote over the phone, and that annoyed me so much I said ‘forget about it’. Most other providers let you do it completely online.


Why would anyone use Youi is beyond me Worst Insurance Company around


They’ve been doing it a while. What drives me insane is that I had my house insured through them a year earlier. None of my details had changed. Pull that policy up and see what the renewal cost is? No, sorry sir you have to redo the whole application. Sat through it. And their price was 1500 dollars more expensive than my current provider. Thanks for wasting my time and disappointing me.


What home insurance are you currently with? I’ve been searching for a while


Allianz has been cheapest for me for a couple of years in a row now.


Great, I’ll look into them. Thanks! :)


This may be lost in the sea of comments however this is a deceptive practice from YOUI that may contravene s992A Corporations Act and RG 38.  Masking the phone number as a mobile phone/sms verification does not equate to positive and voluntary consent from the consumer, it is not clear that a reasonable person (I mean this thread speaks for itself) that a sms verification is consent for a phone call and agreeing to a sms for verification purposes is NOT consent for contact for obtaining a quote.  This is a poor customer experience and whichever clown in their regulatory legal/compliance team must be Icarus for designing this sales path.  If I were you, I'd raise a complaint that you are dissatisfied with their services and pursue the above. At the minimum they'll have a regulatory SLA to handle this internally and provide you a written response and this will hopefully give them the push to review their current controls. 


This isn't a new thing, they've been doing it for years.


Youi are shit


domineering cover late impolite tender fanatical test bewildered whole existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just use a free online mobile number to receive the code. Never ever give them your number.


how does one obtain such a number?


Youi has consistently been the highest premium I’ve ever got a quote for. I don’t even bother with them anymore.


Many many years ago, and I doubt they still do it, I went with NIB as my health insurer purely because they were the only website that gave a dollar figure quote without asking me for an email address or phone number. I can't be the only one, there must be a corner of the market who appreciate a simple, no bullshit, online quote and I am surprised less do it to be quite honest. Quite often I will get to a screen asking for personal info before giving a quote and its an automatic browser window close cos I can't be bothered. If they just gave me a quote there's a chance I'd go through with the process.


AAmi and budget direct are usually cheapest for me.


Cheap is bad. Insurance today is a total scam, but necessary. Break it down simply: - what's my premium? - what's my excess, and are there any variables? - can I choose my repairer? - what's the access to the provider like - actual office space, online only??? - which organisation is underwriting them?


Dont answer , they will send you an sms with a link to the quote, then you can make changes or just buy online


The way to dispose of email addresses is via Apple or Simple Login. Then, just delete them. I now automatically block unknown callers on my iPhone and send them to voicemail. If you're not in my contacts list, leave a message.


Their whole website is a funnel for outbound pressure sales designed and sold to them by zen desk


Got a quote from youi they were $1000 more then Suncorp for less cover.


We had a not-at-fault accident last year. They kept lacking to tell us that repairer was unable to do the job and then letting the car sit in the lot. This happened several times with several different repairers, each time them not even keeping us up to date. The only way we ended up getting something done was by getting quite upset.


If you want their quote without the BS just stonewall them when they call. What is the price. What is the price. Refuse to answer any other questions 


I had a policy with Youi when they first started. Ever since, they've been consistently far more expensive than anyone else. Their ads are bullshit.


Same with me. I refused to answer and blocked the number. I’ll never do a quote with youi again.


Youi is dumb. We will reduce your premium slightly if you have weetbix for breakfast on Wednesdays, then drive to work, but before 8am, and not taking any freeways, to park in a secure garage at the end. If you have an accident and these conditions weren’t met we won’t pay. We will waste time investigating if you didn’t break any silly rules.


Used to work in insurance – they're notorious in the industry for being absolute shysters. Refuse to pay out on claims when their member is 100% at fault, and they slowroll all negotiations. Total scum.


This has been the case for a while and when I got suckered I refused to answer just on principle. They pestered me for about a week.


I went through the painful process with Youi. They actually had competitive prices. But even for getting an updated quote by changing a couple of criteria, I had to keep calling their bloody agents. It was so painful that I cbf wasting so much time for the privilege of signing up with them.


If you do the quote at night when the call center is closed, you get an online quote.


Currently with them but tried to get an online quote quickly - I was at the bloody gym and they rung me. If they had said they were going to pull that at the start I simply wouldn't have done it. New car comes with roadside, they couldn't take the roadside out of the comprehensive to give me a lower price. So much for all their marketing around customising their cover for what you need. The quote they gave me was identical to what I currently pay, no recognition of loyalty and no better price for a newer, smaller, safer car. Kinda miffed.


Youi done this for years, just come in at double the next option. Wild


I had this happen to me. I was searching for quotes to compare to my current providers renewal and they put me on hold “to do a better deal than what I’d been offered by my current provider”, came back and quoted $95 a year more. Then they had the audacity to ask if that would convince me to sign up today!


Not just them. I have noticed this with a few places that do ‘quotes’. I’m used to giving out fake numbers because I just want to see the damn figure but no, some salesman needs to speak to me.


Same thing happened to me and then my husband. All other insurers give you a written quote. I'll never quote through Youi again. And every time, always higher than my current insurer. Good riddance.


This happened to me last year, the quote was so ridiculous and I told the person that.


Thanks for the warning 👍


Used to work in the insurance space, the lower cost providers are sharks man, they'll send you a lower cost policy which is full of holes. Few tips, insurance prices in tiers, always ask for insurance at the 999 value, 9999 covered vs 10,000 can save you like 50 bucks. On the back of this, play with your figures, find out how the algorithm prices, especially contents insurance, you can get a few extra thousand in coverage typically for less than 50 cents. Always pay more for 0 excess, your intention is to use the insurance. Read your PDS, theirs so many things you can claim for people don't know about. especially with 0 excess. Powercut? Replace the entire contents of your freezer, hit someone with your pushbike on your way to work in Aus/NZ? Legal liability cover. Accidental damage (big one), kids tip the TV over while running around? Phone in the washing machine, covered. The point is to make as many claims as possible, I always like to say if you're not getting calls from the claims dispute department, you're not getting value for money. landlord insurance, contents means carpets blinds and draperies, just because the house isn't furnished doesn't mean you skip it. Had a guy call up house got flooded, 15k to recarpet the whole place, no contents insurance for landlord, not covered. Name your valueables on the policy, every phone, ipad, laptop that's in the household, we replace like for like, so if it's an iphone vs an iphone 15 pro maxx 1tb and you've given us the serial ID beforehand makes your life a whole lot easier.


Yeap and I bet they will lose your info too. Do what I did, say to your provider you’re going to switch because it’s cheaper, you’ve been a customer for X years - what can they do for you


Why would you ever give your number to an insurer in the first place? What did you think would happen? They didn’t need verification of anything, they just wanted to make sure you didn’t give them a dummy phone number, which most people do as they don’t want to be spammed. That’s literally all they do, they hire people whose sole job is to ring and spam you all day. What is this “too polite to hang up”? Just hang up. They get 700 people hanging up on them every day. They’re literally probably calling about 20-30 people an hour and hundreds of numbers a day to keep up with KPIs, they don’t give a shit if you hang up, you’re just a number. It’s the same with EVERY type and brand of insurer, all of them


YOUi, we'll get you.


YOUI have no respect for your time


That is why when they …


Budget Direct is arguably worse. I tried to get a quote for my modified 4x4, went through their whole online process, ticking boxes and informing their system as to what modifcations have been done to my vehicle. Get all the way to the end, and after putting in my contact details, I was told my vehicle is "too modified" for them to insure... I was still called by a lady to complete signing up with Budget Direct, whom I had to tell that Budget Direct considers my vehicle too modified to insure. The somewhat funny thing is, the modification Budget Direct didn't like (the extended aftermarket fuel tank), was on the second page of their form (of about 4 or 5 pages). Surely their system could have told me then that they wouldn't insure me?!