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Agree with most of your suggestions but it's important to note that being suspended by the university is very diffferent from choosing to defer. ETA: it's very unclear which applies to the OP. Until what was "off" what "record" of yours?? This doesn't make much sense...




Trust me, I was quite confused at the time as well. Because I had been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety from the situation, I was deemed a risk by QCT. I personally don't understand how this could've affected it. I am trying to sort it all out now and gather the necessary documentation but with it being 10 years I just need a little advice on what I could possibly do


What does the university paper work say? That'll be definitive, but it sounds like you were suspended from the course after it was deemed that you posed a risk. The 10yr rule is hard to get around and that is probably exactly why you were suspended for 10 years... The time to appeal the suspension was 10yrs ago, not now. Even if you were to get readmission, it may be very unlikely that you'll ever be able to work as a teacher. ETA: You could have appealed the Teachers College suspension to QCAT at the time... [https://cdn.qct.edu.au/pdf/Suspension\_of\_registration\_or\_PTT\_InformationSheet.pdf](https://cdn.qct.edu.au/pdf/Suspension_of_registration_or_PTT_InformationSheet.pdf)


A risk for what? Being around children? How does depression/anxiety get you assessed as a risk to kids for a decade?


I never had it explained what the risk on my behalf was. When I filed all of this at 19, I was told that because when I turned 18 it was then legal the affiliation I had with the accused. I can wholehearted say I was quite stupid to just voluntarily agree with the decisions being made at the time, I didn't have much guidance in the area.


I am certain there is a WHOLE lot more to this story that you are not telling us.




Yeah, I am guessing there was an ongoing association with the accused.


It was a teacher student relationship. He was employed as a temp teacher when I was 15 and left after a year, that was when he had messaged me via Facebook and we had started a relationship that lasted 2 years. I won't deny there is a whole lot more than I have lead onto. Ultimately, I want to finish my degree and was seeing if there was a way to continue where I had left it.


Have you applied for financial compensation under one of the institutional child sexual abuse redress schemes? Assuming the abuse occurred in QLD, the info about different compensation avenues can be found [here](https://knowmore.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Can-I-get-compensation-Queensland.pdf). This is also helpful: [https://knowmore.org.au/for-survivors/compensation-options/](https://knowmore.org.au/for-survivors/compensation-options/) You are also probably eligible for free counselling too, if you haven't accessed that already.


Yeah, the relationship happened before the degree. It was when I was in university that the investigation happened. Thank you, I will definitely look into this. I didn't realise this was something I could look into.


I haven't yet, thank you for pointing me in that direction. The defer was a recommendation due to being diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety therefore deemed a risk. I understand my post is a little confusing, please bear with me as this is a bit difficult for me to proceed with. I made some unwise decisions based on what I believed was right with the advice I was given. I'm not looking for compensation necessarily. I just ultimately want to try and complete this part of my life


Have you gone through this information from the College of Teachers? [https://cdn.qct.edu.au/pdf/Suspension\_of\_registration\_or\_PTT\_InformationSheet.pdf](https://cdn.qct.edu.au/pdf/Suspension_of_registration_or_PTT_InformationSheet.pdf) And this? I am certain that you have not shared the full story here... [https://cdn.qct.edu.au/pdf/Suspension\_of\_registration\_or\_PTT\_Policy.pdf?\_ga=2.250223814.1155551124.1547774159-314976597.1524804331](https://cdn.qct.edu.au/pdf/Suspension_of_registration_or_PTT_Policy.pdf?_ga=2.250223814.1155551124.1547774159-314976597.1524804331)




I did not. The topic of 'on record off record', I never got an official statement but it was the legal terms that were told to me. I am unfortunately aware now that I have most likely left this too late to have anything substantial done. I do thank everyone who has given their advice, as disappointing it is to accept, it has been helpful


If you never got an "official statement" how do you konw you have "something" on your "record" for 10 years?!


You were deemed a risk, or at risk?  Two very different things.   At risk is a term often used by universities the context of poor academic progress.  If that was the case you had likely failed some or all of your subjects.  To get to the point of suspension there would have been a lot of correspondence, and probably even a hearing for you to state your case. If you want to resume your studies, you need to contact the university and explain (better than you have here) that your situation has changed, and you are now able to focus on your studies. 


None of this makes sense.


Totally agree. There's a whole lot more to this story than OP is saying.


Yeah it does. OP was involved in a teacher/student relationship. I'm guessing that was the reason for the suggested deferment. Possibly, the 10 year deferral has something to do with the original teacher's friends and colleagues eventually moving on and allowing the institutional memory to be forgotten. Especially around placements. I'm not saying that this is right or wrong, just that to me, it seems like the only logical possibility. There is also the possibility that OP's relationship with the teacher didn't end, or later legally rekindled, and of course, assumed guilt by association potentially.


This reads as though they suggested you suspend your studies / defer them whilst going through your stuff, and you did so voluntarily. Regardless. It’s too long of a gap. You’d have to start your studies again.


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