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Bad for the belly and wallet too next to that Thai place.


I'd suggest hanging out there around peak hour to get a feel for what the noise is like. I looked at buying a place near a freeway (not as close as this), and they made the mistake of showing the property during peak hour and the noise was incredible.


I'd suggest also dropping by late at night. Noise you don't notice during the day is a different thing at night when you're ready for bed and everything else is quiet


Yep, i once stayed in a b&b in a quiet town by the main road through the town. You could hear an individual car approaching about 30 seconds before it got to the house and about 30 seconds after, it drove me nuts


Stayed in a hotel out in Blackwater and it’s dead quiet most of the time, then the coal train rolls by at 2am sounding like the damn apocalypse lmao


Such a great suggestion. I lived on a main road for three years up to late last year. During the day, no issue. I wish I'd spent some time there late at night though, because I didn't realise that police and ambulances used that road as a thoroughfare to service the cop shop and two hospitals within a 7-8 km radius of my flat. And the trams ! Even the "ding dings" became annoying after 10pm because noise seems to carry further on a clear still night.


If you want to be thorough, you also want to go when it's raining some area next to the highway turns into a swamp and stinks for days. Also some roofs or neighbours get extremely loud in the rain.


Agents will play music in these situations too. Ask that they turn it off.


Highway probably has walls, might not be too noisy. Good chance you'd get a lock of break dust and fumes, though. Especially from the trucks.


The M1 is loud at all hours of the day depending on where the wind is blowing. If it's a downhill, you'll also hear truck air brakes.


I live ~30m from the M1. When I wake up in the morning I’m pretty good at estimating what time it is just based on traffic noise, which grows steadily from 5am


For your health? YES.


For real. People are discussing noise as if it's the main drawback. I can live next to a tram line no problem but I don't want to get cancer because of pollution and rubber dust in the air. There are so many studies on the topic. People just need to use google.


I live ~10m from a train line. Every time a large train goes past my house everything stinks of diesel fumes for 5 minutes. Kind of annoying


Too close for what? Depends on your needs and preferences I would say. Edit: and


I've always been amazed people only worry about the possible noise. The fine dust pollution will take years from your life expectancy but no one seems to care.


This is the real issue by a long way. There's so much research done on this issue it only takes a few minutes to find many peer reviewed research articles and studies on the physical affects of living close to a major road. It will considerably increase your risk of respiratory diseases, cancer, heart disease and even dementia. We moved away from a major road because of health reasons and it has certainly made a difference, but I fear much of the effects are now permanent.


The first thing that popped up was within 500m of main roads. I have always lived within 500m of a main road (since literally the day I was born, holidays excepted, all rentals included) Sounds like I’m fucked.


Air purifiers? We live on a road that one side is residential, the other industrial (but small industrial estates mostly) that trucks go down to access factories. Not as much pollution as a freeway, but even the factories themselves emit certain smells (hello, shampoo producers), there are days when the wind blows the right direction that you can't open windows because your house will smell like whatever shampoo they are making that day. We have air purifiers, and they work!


Damn I’ve lived in a house backing onto the M1 for 5 years. What are my chances?


Better if you start running air purifiers (look for a HEPA filter) in your house. Air pollution does cause earlier deaths, eg has been estimated to cause 4,000 premature deaths a year in London.


100% need a HEPA filter as that will reduce the particulate matter in the air.


We rented for two years on a road that was a huuuuge thoroughfare for trucks, super heavy industrial area. We loved the house so we were quite ‘she’ll be right’ about it. Two years wasn’t enough for us to notice any health effects - but the smallest member of the household, the cat, came down with two ailments that she’s never had before or since. She has otherwise been a frankly obnoxiously healthy little creature. Could be anecdata but I reckon she was the canary in the coal mine!


The freeway is quite sunk in that area (about “2 stories down” so to speak) and the entrance ramp creates a larger gap than the map here is implying You’ll definitely hear the M1 but there are definitely worse places to be backing onto the M1 than pac pines Plus you are also right next to Helensvale which is the best transport hub anywhere on the Gold Coast


People say you get used to it, and that is not true. You are always aware of it. Whether you can ignore it and enjoy your time at home depends on you. You also have very bad air with dirt particles all the time.


Could be worse, I guess... if you found a place inside a large roundabout on a highway 😉


https://preview.redd.it/5jxlceto1b9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6f41591d6adc07db50016d91e1ac9490963b36 It’ll be fine


It that even legal


I was joking 😅 But I just found this http://autoevolution.com/news/surrounded-by-traffic-residential-building-sits-dead-center-inside-roundabout-208169.html


Set to appreciate in the long run, just like any Oz property


You'll get used to the noise. If the price is right buy it. Every home has its downsides


Welcome to nz hope you have a visa, Just double glaze your window she’ll be right


All the highways lol


Go there at night. Midnight or past. Listen to the rumble of the traffic. Just say no.


Not yet. But give it a couple of years when they add three more lanes each way. You might even be able to negotiate a slip lane from your driveway.


Brother, you've got some highway in your backyard... Yes, this is ridiculously close to the highway...


Yes. Pm2.5 and pm10, elevated zinc and lead dust, elevated co2, NOX. I wouldn’t do it.


Some may like this position as it has regular background noise and doesn’t feel too quiet and lonely. Some may like the convenience for work etc. There’s always two sides!


U sound like a realtor


True, but as someone who grew up with the white noise of the city west link, silence feels a bit surreal to me.


I lived next to Parramatta road and the sheer amount of non stop smoke and dirt on my windows was crazy.


NGL system shock moving to wa for a bit. Holy fuck. Like a weekday, city is silent After 6pm


Country town night life, major city property prices.


I’ve lived on Bondi Rd, ground/first floor unit with bedroom directly beside the footpath and then the road. Constant traffic with a set of traffic lights 25 m down the road so every fully sick car with a subwoofer that stopped would vibrate the windows. A month in I found it as peaceful as living beside the ocean. The constant background noise became just white noise. I’m more annoyed by the occasional vehicle that roars past my current home.


Well you’d struggle to get any closer than that. If that ain’t I’d hate to see what is. To be honest road noise doesn’t worry me too much it’s not like I meditate or do yoga.


Sushi there used to be the bomb is it still around?


Good spot, right near wet and wild.


What do you think?


Doesn't matter, what you do is buy the house and complain about the noise...


Not until every truck uses their exhaust brakes at 3am


yes to close


I’d drive to the end of that court turn the car off roll down the windows and sit there for an hour. That will give you the answer.


Well if you have to ask….




OP should make an inspection time during peak hour before hitting up reddit for an opinion.


It really depends, you'd be surprised how effective a good sound barrier can be. I've lived on a busy highway with one before and couldn't hear a thing. I've also lived on one with an older house fronting onto it. Could hear everything in the front rooms (which of course were the bedrooms). No way to really answer without going and seeing for yourself because it entirely depends on how the property is set up, and how the highway is set up.


I'm about 1k from the m1 in Upper Coomera and can clearly hear the traffic and it's 9pm. Yeah that's too close. Your house will be so dusty ALL the time. The noise you get used to.


The back yard will make a good driving range.


Way too close. Other people have mentioned the road pollution (brake dust and tyre dust run off, diesel fumes, CO2 emissions) and the increased noise at night, but don’t forget that after it rains the road noises also become 5x louder. Wet roads = every car sounds like a 20 tonne garbage truck. Not to mention that arterial roads typically become *busier* over time, not quieter. Imagine the traffic volume after 10 years, it might have doubled. If you can afford it, buy in a better location even if the house isn’t as nice.


If no one has mentioned it pollution is a big problem near highways. Check the out the air quality around there.


It’s fine. Only about a 20 minute drive to the M1 from there 😂


Is there a sound reduction barrier? I used to live behind the Springvale Rd off-ramp and honestly it ruled. When I moved I had trouble sleeping without the soft hum of the freeway.


Close? Any closer you'd be living on the sidewalk.


Not unless you’ve got a mobile home 😜


Is it cheap?




I’ve lived in a lot of places close to highways and you really don’t hear it. The only thing I hear is the gear changing of a truck …


Got kids or planning to have some? Then yes.


I hope you enjoy sirens.


Check the city council map, there is a pollution overlay


Unfortunately the noise is made worse by the pollutants. Close to highway or heavy traffic does come with pollutants kicked up and settled on and in the house. I’ve experience similar but off a main road - it’s not worth it.


The dust, grime and other shit all over your outdoor furniture would be enough to put me off.


go there at night around the time you go to bed, and in the morning after 5-6am. I live in a similar pocket and I can hear the highway in the morning. Double glazed windows work wonders though, we swapped a few years in and silence. Also the house is air tight so you get a lot less dust


It's fine I live near pimpama exit barely notice it after a while.


Hell Yeah! The closest road to me is a dirt track 750 meters up the driveway, as for a sealed road it's 3km. It's a busy day if someone drives past. (Can't hear them anyway)


How come all the buildings running parallel to the highway have no road access.


Haha i lived not far from there


Go there in morning peak hours and see if you can tolerate the level of traffic noise.


For me, it’s probably not the vehicles passing the property but the ones slowing down or gearing up to go onto the highway.




It's all about your tolerance and if you can deal with the noise. I lived right next to a train crossing for 3 years where the trains typically came by every 10-15 minutes. This was before they stopped blowing their horns through town. I had a harder time when I moved away from the tracks then while I was there. I just got used to it and most the time I never heard it while sleeping.


Nah you get used to the noise and it’s actually very handy for both Brisbane and Gold Coast travel.




Jammed nicely between BINstead way and the motorway perfect 👌🏻




I had a friend who lived 6 houses down from there. The highways loud… loud all the time.


There is no too close or not only too expensive or not.


I grew up not terribly far from there (same suburb) it's fine, you'll get some noise but the M1 is sunken in pretty far for noise, plus the foliage between the neighbourhood and M1 is thicker than it looks.


I live close to a highway, though a bit further than this is. Yes, it's very noisy. All the time. Think long and hard before you buy




Trust me… ypu dont want to live there….


Yes I viewed a place in that spot and being in the backyard for 30 seconds was enough for me to say no. But if it’s a good enough price i’m sure you could get used to it but also remember the resale value will always be lower - the agent was struggling to sell the place I viewed


Look up transport corridors GIS Maps - it will tell you the noise levels better yet go to the site and see it for yourself. No matter how thick and high the acoustic walls are, chances are they will still be disruptive. Also think about hooning if there was any along that corridor




Good idea to check on the internet


To add onto this pac pines internet is garbage


Too close to a highway and too far from a train station. YMMV though.


It’s only like a 5 minutes drive from Helensvale and Helensvale is easily the best station on the Gold Coast to be nearby


They could walk to the train station from there, it is across the highway.


Google maps puts it at a 26minute walk (unless there’s a shortcut Google doesn’t know about). Again this is just my view, but a train station really needs to be within a maximum 10-15 minute walk to make it a practical option for daily commuting. If you need to drive to the station then it’s too far.


There is a shortcut at the end of the cul de sac that you can use to cut across to reach the first intersection before you start crossing the highway


https://preview.redd.it/sl7xou3m9a9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7adbab67907c45e6f35ce792ebed21c6d34966a3 Hmm 35 meters elevation. With full melt at 60 meters to 70 meters, that’s quite deep underwater. What you could do is imagine it as under the sea, and the trees as giant kelp. Because I expect that’s on its way. Hopefully not though, or at least, not soon. Ok, looking at the future underwater highway, hmm, yes, it looks quite loud. But I wager mine is louder.


https://preview.redd.it/sk2x1ecgaa9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88958302b3fc3cf484ec56fe6f093c9ae3218261 137 meters to north east is the actual highway. It’s likely got cement barriers that funnel sound up. It looks like that anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/pfayqhktaa9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a591ccd75380c4d13f7774b89a21db646e49c83f The centre of the nearer offramp is 55 meters north east. That’s a bit of distance.


https://preview.redd.it/wip4jfi2ba9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=689fa5bcda0bd2de3d19cf69f7afee051d9c97dc 90 meters south is another busy road. It hits an intersection so you would have idling traffic.


https://preview.redd.it/zl3ydvf9ba9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc69aa3f410dcd2aa72583f5e5a3b1d38735af26 170 Meters south east is the middle of the intersection. That’s a fair distance. Can you hit a cricket ball that far?


Hmm I’d guess it has dual windows. As in, double glazed. But probably not, it’s Australia, things are expensive here because cars cost lots. But you could insulate it, and install gas filled double glazed windows, And put in a really good air filter, and also have an energy recovery environmental air control system. They aren’t that expensive if you buy them direct from manufacturers overseas. But they probably are expensive if you buy them locally. https://preview.redd.it/hvvf9yuaca9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3251b1c303cf0e5d1692d1a064a6e8f2bc90b23a Looks to me if you get a really good electric vehicle, I mean an electric scooter or an electric bike, there’s a lot within range, so it really depends on whether or not you can ride one. Taking a car would work, but it’s a bit loud. You use that for the time when the weather is bad, or when you’re less comfortable on the escooter or ebike. If you can go without a car for a few years, or have something really dodgy, something ultra cheap or small, and use it as infrequently as possible, you probably save enough to do the windows and insulate the building and get an infrared thermal check. I guess it depends on your hearing, and the prevailing wind direction and a lot of microclimate considerations. Me personally, I wouldn’t touch the building, I’d try to live there with it as is, even if it’s a bit rundown, try to go without a car, live really simple, and look for something while giving it your best effort - look for something above 100 M and where you have better bikepaths. Depending on the type of building, maybe you can rent nearby, or live with someone else, coshare, and fix that building up yourself, as an owner builder. But then you need one of these things called… ute. That needs roads and highways :)


Do you drive? Then suck it up.


Well im sure ypure able to think.by yourself no ?