• By -


I applaud you. I'm glad you weren't attacked in your quest for justice.


I kept my distance but kept my eye on him once I tracked him down. Was very safe but vigilant, friend.


Screw the Austin bats - sounds like we got the real Batman here! šŸ‘


Seems weirdly appropriate that the Austin Batman's cowl is OU gear.


Who are the Austin bats?


Lady roller derby team


I was hoping they were a vigilante group that rolled around town carrying baseball bats, and they weren't very good at their job


Next up, the gay serial killer.


Youā€™re a real one.


Thank you Batman.. I mean, OP. You did an amazing thing and kept yourself safe by not engaging with him directly. Iā€™m thankful that the PD responded and I hope the victim chooses to press charges. The legal system is a tenuous one and a pain in the ass but this dude doesnā€™t deserve freedom right now and needs a psych eval


You donā€™t have to choose to press charges in Texas. The charges are brought by the DA. Theyā€™ll have more of a case if the victim makes a police statement but itā€™s not necessary. So the charges should be there regardless!


i'm pretty sure I know two other people who have been attacked by this man in the same area with the same physical description and same scenario. I hope he stays in police custody


Assuming OPs description is accurate - the real question is *Why is he not already "staying in police custody" vs. still on the streets attacking more victims?*


Most get out on bond or a PR bond. My sonā€™s school had a homeless man bring a gun onto campus and threaten the security guard and other staff with it. He was arrested, put in jail and then released a couple months later on a pr bond. I kept checking on his case for some time. After his release, he broke into a womanā€™s car and then attacked her. Before the gun incident he had prior crimes that had not been prosecuted. Same story, jail, get out on pr bond, case gets dropped, commit another crime. Itā€™s actually infuriating that the DA isnā€™t prosecuting some of these crimes. I was especially mad about the gun incident. Who doesnā€™t pursue a conviction for someone who brought a gun and pointed it at someone on a school campus?!? Anyway this is totally believable that this particular person is getting arrested and then getting out to do it again.


Our DA sucks


This! So much! But thatā€™s never gonna change just like the state AG will never change. We are stuck with extremist at most offices now. Common sense says a guy like this attacker needs to be locked away for good but no heā€™ll be back out until he finally kills someone then theyā€™ll put him away.


In my experience the issue is not with who is DA. I understand the criticisms against our current, but I can assure you the revolving door issue has been this way for a long time. At least the last 20yrs. This was an issue for me with several people. Iā€™ve been attacked, intervened when others have been attacked, and visited APDā€™s sex crimes unit more than once to file reports on people for masturbating in front of women and one for attempted sexual assault. Consistently these folks were back out on the street fairly quickly. The crimes that involved any sort of sex issues would mean theyā€™d stay off the streets a little longer. The problem is lack of consistent mental healthcare. This involves long term treatment where people can be stabilized and evaluated. 100% that dude should not be on the streets, but this problem is way bigger than him and will continue indefinitely until we address the issue head on. Good on OP for looking out for victim, hopefully they were ok.


Didnt we have "state asylums" for the "mentally unstable" ones? I can understand the current strain on incarceration facilities is at its highest, but the public pushback on building new facilities (in THEIR communities) is likely feeding this unwillingness (or fact, inability) to keep these types of criminals locked up. Rehab is crucial. Mental health assessment is crucial. Determining the source of issues, perhaps through therapy, is crucial. But so what if we KNOW the reasons? What's the solution then? Some reasons can't be undone. It seems the common denominator in a lot of these cases is simply the inability of an individual to be successful in something, given their current situation, or even their current geographical location. This determination should, of course, be executed with the greatest degree of confidence. The costs would also, of course, be much higher to the taxpayers public for this sort of system to be implemented. The current system is a band-aid, created by the untouchables in their hallowed halls and ivory towers, leaving the peasants to deal with it themselves.


Austin State Hospital holds folks, to the best of my knowledge, for about 2 weeks. Long enough to get them stable on meds and then back out to slowly destabilize. Itā€™s really sad to watch. Inevitably they go back to self-medicating, drinking or smoking crack/k2/meth/dope. 2 months later they are fully back to their original state.


This is the real answer




You mean the right person? Sounds like a win to me.


Why is this sort of thing available to people who are arrested from straight up violence? I frankly think it's a good thing to have a good amouny of leniency in the legal system, but people who unrepentantly attack others (and yeah, I'm even willing to put an extra modifier on them for being homeless because of how bad it's gotten) seem like the least deserving of any of that.


At some point in the last 10 years, incompetent to stand trial stopped meaning ā€œweā€™re gonna hang onto you until youā€™re competent to stand trial.ā€


Simple assault is a misdemeanor. It isnā€™t the kind of crime that can keep someone locked up for forever.


That was more than a simple assault. ā€œsimple assault is no more than the threat of severe bodily injury to another person. Once that threat becomes a reality, a simple assault is upgraded to aggravated assault. The use of a deadly weapon to threaten or cause serious bodily injury to another person, including a spouse, is considered aggravated assault that will typically carry a Class 2 felony charge.ā€


Of course...but the allegation here is multiple incidents and we don't know the severity of each one. That's a different scenario than a first time misdemeanor simple assault.


Assault and battery*


Garza Happened




Mental instability isnā€™t a crime but assault is.


Whatā€™s crazy is that if you get violently attacked (in TX) youā€™re justified in using force (in many cases deadly) against your attacker but the cops who see the attack apparently donā€™t even have justification to keep your attacker in jail.


Sorry, it doesn't sound like that at all to me. "Mental instability" isn't a crime and, unless diagnosed by a professional while he's in custody, isn't a factor in "how long he's held" in jail. There is no rule on how long you can be held that's dependent on the severity of the charge. You either are given bail, or you are held until trial/plea deal.


Not true. For many cases, you cannot be held more than 90 days without an indictment by a grand jury. If those 90 days run out before the assigned prosecutor can present the case or get a medical hold, they have to let them go. This isn't a third world country where people get thrown into jail indefinitely.


I'll grant you the 90 day rule, I spoke too broadly, (and did not think that was the message the parent comment was conveying). And I'm not sure that is 100% followed. As just one example, a friend was in travis county jail a few years ago on felony drug charges for four months until they were convicted and sentenced to a rehab facility. It was just a matter of various delays, rescheduled court appearance dates, etc, i.e., bureaucratic inefficiency.


I genuinely admire how you went out of your way to intervene AND you tracked the attacker down?! Thatā€™s some Sherlock shit. Youā€™ve inspired me today OP!


Seriously, massive shoutout to OP. Most people wouldā€™ve just went about their day šŸ†


Or just stood there filming


Kudos My friend got sucker punched in the head by a homeless dude in the domain. Cops came when the dude was long gone already. Tried to chase him down but he kept throwing rocks at us.


Wow, there's homeless at the domain now? I haven't been there in a long time.Ā 


Actually yes. I lived there in Domain Northside for several years, up until last fall. Saw a couple people hanging around pretty frequently in the last couple years I was there. One guy in particular was almost always outside my building looking through trash or sleeping on the little stone walls near street parking. He never bothered anyone from what I saw, though usually Iā€™d only see him in the early mornings or late at night while walking my dog.


No. But that doesnā€™t stop the straggler now and then going in. The security is pretty on top of that if they see them


What part of the domain? I thought they generally stayed outside the borders because itā€™s private property and those security guards are strict


ā€œI even have a pic of him handcuffed with the cops if you want to see it.ā€ an all time closing line


Man. You are a hero, first of all. And second of all this one fucking guy has been terrorizing the area for a while, he is well known to neighbors who pay attention or have had shitty violent encounters with him. He needs the kind of help that involves a 51/50, being hospitalized for observation. Heā€™s super obviously way fucking nuts.


Youā€™re a hero sir.


Thank you. Please be safe.


Well done, and if I see you by the ATX I will buy you a Taco and a Beer for being a Man. Too many people would have kept walking. I hope the guy gets some help as it sounds like he has some serious mental issues going on.


I was pretty anti-gun until I got punched by a homeless person downtown. I can tell you now that I won't be getting punched by a homeless person again.


Dude will be back tomorrow, he was arrested for throwing a trash can. Anyone spending time downtown be extra vigilant and aware of your surroundings. I spend most of my time downtown and the ā€œhomiesā€ have gotten extra crazy ever since the temps have gone up, almost back to how crazy they were during Covid


Itā€™s insane that people are allowed live beyond the law. So many assaults occur where the perp and their location is well known, but they face no consequences. Known thieves are walking around with absolute impunity.Ā 


People like him donā€™t mind spending a few nights in jail. They get free shelter and food for a bit, then back on the loose.


The ability of these people to terrorize is beyond belief. For an out of the area story, search r/Greenpoint and search for Christopher Boissard. Or Google him. He is a registered sex offender who has terrorized Greenpoint for a decade. I just read that he is in jail now but given the usual wash, rinse, repeat it wonā€™t be for long.


The guy who was attacked needs to press charges!! Otherwise, heā€™ll be out very soon, if not already.


Cool story OP, but itā€™s 11:58 PM and OU still sucks


Lol, trust me...I knew that was coming, my friend.


As a Longhorn alumni, thank you my Sooner friend. We need more people like you in this world.


From a longhorn - kudos to you.


Hey, for today: all respect to OU.


Boomer, friend. Sounds like you are a class act! Ps- I have encountered this guy as well. He asked for money and I honestly didnā€™t have cash so he yelled at me and then my kids. I nervous laughed and he started laughing too. Glad he didnā€™t attack me, but when he said ā€œfuck your kidsā€ I donā€™t know why but I couldnā€™t help not laugh.


Under the circumstances, we'd be willing to consider a transfer. Let us know.


This made me laugh, but for his service to Austin, this guy deserves an exemption


Let's meet in the middle and say we're Aggies?


You first


*holds up thumb* Giiii.... Giiiiiigggg... Giiiggggg emmm--- ***I can't! I can't do it!***


You just did!


I had to remove that thumb.




Is this that younger guy who used to walk up and down s 1st shirtless super aggro all the time? I used to work over there and he would come into my store and lock himself in the bathroom and flush a bunch of stuff down the toilet to clog it and be extremely aggressive towards staff.




Yo thatā€™s dope. The follow up is essential as well. Good job by you bud


I'm 11 hours late in responding but MAN are you the hero this city needs! I personally chase after hit and run bums and post up next to shady looking folks sitting in cars at the 360 bridge, knowing full well they are up to no good. We need more people like you in Austin! A job well done seeing this lunatic be handcuffed. Question: was the man who was attacked injured?


He was really dazed and bleeding from his arm and all disheveled as you can imagine. Someone else came over to give him some aid and I took off after the punk.


This post just made me have a crush on you. This is the most attractive thing I have ever read on Reddit. God bless you sir.


Lol, thanks. Right is right, ya know? That was NOT cool in any way, shape or form and I was livid at that punk. Just think...he changed that poor man's entire life in a few seconds. That guy is NEVER going to be the same and now when a Black man like ME comes walking his way he'll always have that "flinch", ya know? Sucks...


These kinds of things shouldn't be happening in our city and its been going on way too long. The city council isn't doing anything. Shit is wild. They need to get these crazy drug addicts out of here. How many more random assaults and attacks with machetes is it going to take?


Yesterday at stassney and emerald wood a homeless guy attacked and broke the glass door of the food store next to milanos. Then ran away only to sit at the bus stop on the corner and drink. I think he was looking to get arrested. Unhinged.


Did you call the police?


We have the wrong people in to do anything about that. And itā€™s not gonna change


Thisbkind of thing is happening all over the country. I donā€™t understand whatā€™s stopping the city governments from actually doing something about it. Whatā€™s stopping them from permanently locking up people like this crazy homeless guy? Lack of proper mental health facilities? If so, why havenā€™t we heard of any proposals to start that kind of program up again?


Thereā€™s a surplus of mental health facilities. Involuntary commitment and incarceration requires legal authorities and prosecutors to do their jobs. In Travis county they donā€™t. They catch and release.


Uhh yeah, in Travis county, they definitely do. For example the guy that did the auditorium shores machete attack a while back was caught, ruled incompetent to stand trial and involuntarily committed. Youā€™re either not paying attention or youā€™re being deliberately misleading.


lol you picked one of the few high profile cases. Garza has publicly stated he doesnā€™t consider most crimes to be a big enough deal for incarceration and arbitrarily decided that domestic abuse is his highest priority.


>Garza has [...] arbitrarily decided that domestic abuse is his highest priority. Oh so that's why the cops hate him so much!


It sounds like this guy was arrested. If you mean "why are homeless people allowed to exist", I mean this is Texas. We're not going to prevent it.


Homeless and a multiple battery and assault guy walking the streets are two different things.


We've got a governor who pardons murders he agrees with and an Attorney General who retaliates against whistleblowers and commits fraud. Exactly what part of this government sounds like one that will be "tough on crime"?


Assaulting innocent people on the street isnā€™t just ā€œexisting.ā€ Stop with the bullshit mental gymnastics. Youā€™re embarrassing yourself


It's rare they're arrested though. He's probably already back on the street or will be soon just to do it to someone else. The local judges and DA office don't hold the homeless accountable. There are laws that need to be enforced like Prop B and Texas HB 1925. Props to the OP for doing something and helping though


City council shouldā€¦ round them up for a firing squad? Whatā€™s your suggestion?


Enforce existing laws. Actually charge people, homeless or not, for breaking the laws. Long term, more mental health and drug abuse facilities and give commitment to those as an option over jail time.


Wow so crime should be illegal now? Ok, fascist.


Implying thereā€™s zero middle ground between no accountability for violence and firing squad?


The city needs to work with the county and the state on this. Make enforcement of Prop B and HB 1925 a priority, shut down the Sunrise Church, The ARCH, and other shelters and move them out, the area on 973 near the Travis Co Sheriff's office would be much better and it looks like there's several acres available out there. Increase police patrols around known camp areas, check for drugs and arrest them, build fencing and "hostile architecture" under underpasses so they can't set up tents, give them the option of going to check in to rehab, sober living, go to a family members, or jail. Living on the street or woods is not an option. Make them aware of mental health services available. Or bus them to Portland or San Francisco to live their best life. Make a city ordinance banning roadside panhandling, no more walking into the streets at red lights asking for money. Get the Governor involved. When he [leased that 5 acres for $1 for that camp a few years](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/gov-abbott-offers-homeless-site-to-atx-helps-for-1-a-month) ago it seemed like it was working. It's now Community First Village. Conduct a thorough audit on the contracts and spending that has taken place so far. Where did the over $79 million dollars go the city spent on homelessness, and what did it accomplish.


The ARCH and other resources have such a large reputation that the homeless are regularly brought downtown from outside of Austin. It led to Haruka Weiserā€™s murder. I fully support tearing it down.


But we didn't *vote* for enforcing Prop B. That was one of the reasons people said to vote against it. It didn't provide funding or anything else to facilitate it. The police themselves said they weren't going to enforce it, and cited how the whole reason we even had a camping ban is because they didn't enforce the last one. People got so caught up in the politics of, "NO WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING SHUT UP LIBERALS" they didn't even listen to the level-headed people who said, "We need a good law with funding and this is not a good law with funding." It's called "fiscal conservatism", where people reject spending $100 to save $1,000 and would prefer to pay $1500 to make sure they don't give $10 to someone who doesn't deserve it. We got what we voted for. The problem is if you dangle a cheap non-solution in front of Austin it'll get voted for every time. Try to fund it with bonds or actually choose the sites for homeless facilities and suddenly nobody wants a solution because when they said things like "Let's get the governor to make the city build a camp" it is immediately followed by, "No, wait, I didn't mean in my neighborhood!" Here's something most people don't realize: everyone in Austin has a neighborhood!


Yes, the voters of Austin did vote for Prop B and enforcement of it in May 2021. [57% of voters said they were in favor of reinstating criminal penalties for camping in public.](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2021/05/01/proposition-b-election-results-austin-homeless-camping-ban/7220579002/) We wouldn't be in this position if we didn't have shit heads like Greg Casar and Steve Adler on the city council [back in 2019 that voted to allow public camping.](https://www.kut.org/austin/2019-06-21/austin-votes-to-scale-back-laws-opponents-say-criminalize-homelessness) They really fucked this city up.


City council has no authority to order the district judge (county) and the DA ( county) to do anything. They are separate governmental entities. If you donā€™t like what is happening then vote for another DA next time. It is all starting there.


If they are a continual threat to society and harming others then yes. Why are we wasting tax dollars on this? Someday they will FAFO and a conceal carry holder will take them out legally.


Being homeless isn't a crime, but being homeless doesn't give you immunity to commit crimes.


Just about every visible vagrant is regularly committing crimes. Often enough, a discouraging police presence and enforcement of petty laws against them ought to do the trick, and Greyhound tickets -do- work.


It's easy to complain about it. Every major city in the country is having this problem. It's what happen when social safety nets get trashed in the name of shareholder value. Why are you blaming a city council?


OP you are doing good deeds out here man I hope more good energy goes your way. Not sure if itā€™s allowed but would you be willing to upload the photo of the perpetrator so the general public knows or is that against the subreddit rules? (I donā€™t think it would be against rules cause there must be a case number if he got arrested)


I know exactly who you're talking about to.




Well done sir. I tip my hat to you.


First: Great job man! Secondly: Boomer Sooner


Hey - you did a good thing OP. Thanks for being a good citizen.


I hope you find the guy who was attacked so that he can press charges. Otherwise the guy will be put back on the streets before he can get the help he needs.


We need more people like you


I saw him just last week in that exact spot. Very threatening behavior though I didnā€™t want to assume he would attack people. Thanks OP!


I might have seen the same guy yesterday in dead stop traffic when about to head over the bridge (at like 4:32pm). He was on the sidewalk, took his shirt off and scattered a bunch of his stuff, and began screaming and pumping his arms. Then he rushed out into the road, took a knee in the center, and started firing an imaginary cross bow at all the cars including mine. He got close and I thought he was going to pummel my car, but at least while I was there, he didn't actually hit anything or anybody for real.


Thank you šŸ™ŒšŸæ


> OUBoyWonder Username checks out! :)


OUBatman is pissed he brought back the Batmobile on an empty tank.


YOU are a REAL Texan. Thank you for keeping it alive.


We definitely need more people like you in this world. Thank you.


Boomer Sooner to the rescue! Well done!


You are awesome sir!


More of this. APD can't/won't handle individual problem characters like this. We gotta step up.


APD would be happy to do it but they know the case gets dropped or the DA wonā€™t even accept charges. Thatā€™s a lot of work for nothing to happen as soon as you get them to jail, so they prioritize other things that actually get prosecuted.


OP was this the guy? https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/s/2vfxhBzFwd


No, my friend. He was a younger guy. Which was really sad. He had so much anger.


Was it the really skinny tall one? I've seen another one that wonders around where ATX Cocina is and he is usually very loud. The skinny tall one usually sits on a bench with his pants down to his ankles.


> I got you justice you rightfully deserved. He'll be out and assaulting another random person in 24 hours.


Mentally ill people were first let out of appropriate facilities by Ronald Reagan and the HUGE problem of mentally handicapped deviants foisted back on families and communities. Itā€™s just gotten worse and worse.


Thank you for bringing this up. The majority of the time, homeless folks are not homeless by choice, but rather severe, untreated mental illness. Families are unequipped to help them- most need at the very least, medication, as well as long-term in house treatment, usually unable to live on their own. But as you pointed out, Reagan decided to defund mental health services by 90% in the 80s, shutting down those services. I hope all involved receive the help they need and deserve.


Wow dude that is impressive šŸ‘šŸ» This story somewhat restores my faith in the humanity (itā€™s a roller coaster really). Please be safe, warrior


Was he wearing fingerless gloves? We were accosted by him a couple weeks ago. Shaved head. Skinny. Maybe 6ā€™ tall?


He was a shorter guy but if you saw him you wouldn't miss him cuz he'd be angrily kicking over scooters, knocking over sidewalk signs, hell I even saw him "buck up" to a PIGEON in an angry manner, no lie. Just full of rage.


That dude will be back on the street before I finish this comment.


Just to let you know, congress passed the olmstead act a kong time ago. It was passed to stop the warehousing of people with psychiatric issues. The act stated that money would be put aside to treat these people in a less restrictive way. Here is the rubā€¦ the money was never released. That is why these folks are on the street. In Texas, the great state if texas have been reducing the amount of psychiatric beds available over the last 20 years. Go Texas.


You called 911 and cops responded? First time for everything I guess.


Oh look, another reason to carry.


OP, or someone else who knows: Could we please get a detailed description of this shitbag? The general consensus seems to be that he'll be back on the streets soon if he isn't already, and I think we'd all benefit from knowing who specifically to be vigilant for.


I guess not all Sooners are bad. ;) jk Thanks OP, for being a Good Samaritan. Weā€™re lucky to have you in our community.


You ainā€™t catching no crackhead but good thing you ended up finding him.


Thank you for putting yourself at risk to defend our community


Noble indeed. Great citizenship. šŸ™šŸ„³ Thank you.


Do you think there is anything the guy could have done to not get attacked? I am always freaked out being downtown and always keep my head on a swivel. Thanks for helping hold the attacker accountable.


Youā€™re the man, thanks for helping someone in need and going the extra mile! People like you make the world a good place


You're a good man. We need more people like you in town, amigo.


Yea downtown has a synthetic marijuana problem it turns people into world war z zombies


Wow. Your girlfriend is a lucky girl.


Wish you were there when I got my ass beat at barton springs randomly :(


What you say is very true. I was attacked by a homeless person in Minneapolis after a concert. He kept asking me for money and I ignored him. Eventually he just punched me in the face. It changed me to the point where now when anyone approaches me on the street, I tense up. It really sucks.


So dystopian but hats off to you man. These people, homeless or not, need to be held responsible for their actions just like the rest of us. People shouldnā€™t be scared in such a ā€˜safe cityā€™.


It's been over an hour. Once of the Garza twins will have released him by now.


Thank god no one defended themselves. Otherwise someone *would* be locked up long term.Ā 


ā€œI even have a pic of him handcuffed with the cops if you want to see it.ā€ an all time closing line


This why im always strap and never go to downtown


If you can hang out on Rainey St after midnight for a few nights perhaps you can bring justice to the serial killer too


If only there were more men like you in the world. Thank you for being who you are - a caring and thoughtful human beingĀ 


You're the best op. That was brave and heroic and simply beautiful how you made us all safer with your actions.


Wow. Thank u for helping him. ā™„ļøā˜®ļø


Iā€™m glad you did helped with this situation. Hopefully the person attacked is okay and gets this info. Hopefully the man who is crazed can get some mental help because he sounds like he is got some damage in his mind.


How you gonna make me respect a land thieves fan?? j/k looking forward to watching yā€™all smack aggie around too. SEC SEC SEC!!!


You are the hero we need but donā€™t deserve




Theyā€™ll let him back out within a few days, and the cycle will continue. But thank you for what you did. I suspect this man tried to attack me as well, or rather, pull me out of my car from the passenger side while at a red light. Luckily my door was locked and the light turned green. But he had murder in his eyes. I have a lot of sympathy for the homeless and mentally ill, but something needs to be done that isnā€™t a band-aid solution. I donā€™t know what that might entail, but we need to start having necessary and difficult conversations about it.


Whatā€™s for dinner tonight ? Justiceā€¦


I work on w 3rd as a security guard and that guy has been a menace to my building since before I even started working there. Thank you sir


I donā€™t know if the heat is getting to them or what, but a homeless guy just walked into our house and took a bunch of stuff the other day. Our neighbors saw him leaving and followed him and called the cops, who picked him up.


You are amazing. Thank you for helping him out!


well done! I live in this area and appreciate your service getting this troubled fucker off the streets and out the hood!


You are a good person. More of you in the world is sorely needed.


Thank you for doing the right thing. I'm glad it worked out. We need more people like you. Be safe out there.


Thank you for doing the right thing and staying safe yourself.


You're good people man. Ethics and morals in use. Less and less of your type are clearing the K thru 12. For some reason they won't have a class, or even a chapter, each year. I got mine from, and no offense to anyone, plus since 16 I've identified as "spiritual." But I was raised in the Episcopal church (my father was a priest) and this is where I learned mine. I'm not saying all schools are devoid of any moral teachings, it's just not enough. I'm ignorant as to why they wont teach "non" religious ethics and morals at school. So, if there's anyone actually reading responses this far down the post, almost the edge of the earth, hehe, can someone explain why schools take this stance. Thanks in advance. And profuse thanks to the good Samaritan and all around bad-guy tracker.




Holy sh!t, I scootered past that guy yesterday around the same time. I had to dodge him in the bike lane in front of Red Ash. He had that presence of someone looking for a fight. Good on you for tracking them down. Dude definitely needs some help. Hopefully he'll get it.


My fucking man šŸ«”


off topic but Boomer Sooner āœŠšŸ¾


Thank you for stepping up! This is a reminder to me (and hopefully everyone else on this thread) that it's up to US to step up and keep each other safe. See something bad happening? Don't assume someone else will solve it.


Really nice but it doesnā€™t matter, police already released him so he can find another victim.


You're a hero! Sorry you had to witness that and sorry to that man who was attacked.


This is nice but at the same time I hope everyone in these comments has compassion for people going through homelessness. Too many people here in Austin talk negatively of these individualsā€¦


Doing the Lord's work and changing the face of racism one day at a time. I really hope this man sees your post OP. Cheers to you, you beautiful human being!!!


Good man, and Go Sooners!


Wow! What a great guy you are!


You are a hero for stepping in. To many people would just film.


I swear this sounds like the same man I saw randomly attack this unsuspecting Blues on the Green goer after people were leaving the park... poor kid got messed up for no reason and the attacker ran off with a t-shirt around his head... seconded on the call to stay safe.


Good man


Maybe not all OU fans are that badā€¦


You are a hero


You are what living, breathing saints wearing human bodies look like.


We need more people like you in this world šŸ™šŸ¼