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Honestly the zevo blue light plugins help so much. They're attracted to the UV light like the zapper thing you have and get stuck. I used to have the same issue and even just one helped so much.


I was skeptical ngl but after like 2 weeks it’s caught over a dozen bugs. It’s really worth it op


Not sure if it is worth it, but it definitely catches things. Guess it would be worse without it.


Yeah I have one and it works but it doesn't even make a dent really.


Second this! I bought a couple last summer, it helps a lot


Agree. Zevo plug ins work. We have 8 in our apartment currently bc we live next to an astroturf dog park in our complex and they recently had it stripped and cleaned and it stirred up sewer/drain flys like crazy. Also used [https://a.co/d/2huVwOG](https://a.co/d/2huVwOG) in all drains for a few days in a row and it seemed to help as well. We still have a few but I’m no longer on the edge of burning down the apartment complex.


Is the smell strong? Asking to know what precautions to take with my dog. 


No. No smell at all. I did use the drain fixtures to close all of the drains though.


Thank you! 


Is this the little night light thing with the sticky thing on the back? If so, yes. These work.


Yup! I actually need to get refills of the sticky pad now that I think about it haha


I am going to have to pick some of those up. I have had a couple mosquitoes flying around inside my house driving me nuts.


I have those too and they fill up soo fast! I agree they are great, but as you can see i still get so many out and about


Omg they’re life savers. Buy the refills on Amazon, way cheaper than most spots like Target


+1 for Zevo! I was very skeptical but my fiancé was threatening to throw out my houseplants and ban fresh fruit from the house. Bought a two pack in desperation and haven’t seen a single errant fly, since!


I just went through this and I was at my absolute breaking point. It took me two weeks and trust me I had them TERRIBLY and it took a multitude of sources but it got rid of these fuckers finally. 1. Mason jars. Hear me out. The small sized ones. In the bottom of each one (I set out five in my apartment including 2 in my kitchen) about 1.5 oz white wine. A dash of dish soap. Before you screw on the cap put a little snack size ziplock over the jar then screw cap on. Poke holes with a knife. Here is where my creativity resulted in the single most effective slaughtering mechanism. Get these [sticky traps](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B5VSV97?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) and stick them on the mason jar with part of the sticker sticking up in the air above the jar lid. Two stickers per jar. I am not kidding when I say I caught probably 10 in the first half hour. It coated the stickers so much I had to replace them. Set them out and it may take a week but it will rid you of 90%. You will find out the prime spots based on how many each is catching. What I found was once a few get stuck their friends really start being attracted to that particular jar. Definitely set one around your sink and one on your bathroom sink near the drain there. 2. Stick those sticky things in all your plants and Multiple in each plant 3. Get fly trap strips and put them on the windows. 4. This little guy captured a ton as well [here](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSK83JSK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) The mason jars are the holy grail.


Look up apple cider vinegar traps! Set them up in every room with a sink


You can also use wine instead of vinegar. White wine seems to work the best.


Can confirm. Source: drank a fruit fly.


Will need one or two drops of dish soap on top of red wine vinegar or just some old wine in a disposable cup. The dish soap coats their little wings so they can’t fly and drop to the bottom. Each trap can stay out multiple days. Place near the sink. Keep bananas in the fridge until winter!


> The dish soap coats their little wings so they can’t fly and drop to the bottom. Dish soap is a surfactant - it reduces the surface tension of water, which is why they fall through the surface instead of merely landing on it and taking off


Bleach your drains and flush with boiling water. That’s where they lay eggs.


Do you have plants?


plenty 😬


Check ur plants soil, if they’re living in there get some sticky traps and put them in the soil


i do have the sticky traps and they are full as well, i swear i have already captured thousands


I just had to put a plant out side for this reason 😂


1 part Hydrogen Peroxide to four parts water in your soil for the next few weeks will kill them. Keep going even after they're gone to ensure none come back. I've been fighting this since January after bringing home a new plant, it sucks. The sticky traps and the blue light sticky pads help.


i’ll try this combo! thank you!


There's also little yellow sticky traps you stick in the dirt. Catches the ones going to lay eggs.


Sprinkle mosquito bits in them. They work on fungus gnats as well as mosquitoes. 


In addition to what everyone has said regarding Zevo traps, ACV traps, sticky traps in soil, etc.: I would also consider getting a carnivorous plant if you think you can handle their care. Butterworts are super easy going & are natural sticky paper. I have one in between a cluster of potted plants & it's doing amazing. They're kind of a win-win: less bugs for you & more food for them! Carnivero is a local carnivorous plant house that has several varieties.


I can't tell what they are from the pics but if you have plenty of plants, then its likely fungus gnats. I have been battling them for YEARS and have tried everything and they simply refused to go away for good. Until I found the one & only solution! Buy mosquito bits and make a tea out of them - soak the bits in water from 1 hour to overnight and use that 'tea' to water your plants. You need to continually do this whenever you water your plants until the fungus gnats all go extinct. I cannot believe it worked!


I bought some apple cider vinegar traps and they worked alright, but didn’t really do as well as I had hoped. My wife brought home a small amount of kombucha and mixed it with dish soap and put it out in a regular old glass and there were like 50 of them at the bottom of the glass the next morning. I didn’t even realize there were that many in the house. Apparently they are attracted to the fermented liquid.


> I bought some apple cider vinegar traps Don't waste money on these, just get a jug of apple cider vinegar and pour it into a steep-sided bowl along with some surfactant. You can stretch saran wrap over it and poke some holes in it as well, but it isn't necessary Normal plain household vinegar also works, but not as well as apple cider vinegar in my experience > Apparently they are attracted to the fermented liquid. Yeah, beer and wine also work well. If I have a banana peel or other fruit peel handy then I'll plug the sink overnight, put the peel in, and fill with water and dish soap until only a small part of the peel isn't submerged. Works especially well with phorids


Ramekins are the perfect size and shape. Fill it half-way, dump and refill every 2-3 days.


Aside from some vinegar traps, I stood around my kitchen and bathroom like a ninja for a couple weeks to smush them to death.


If you're in your kitchen and waiting for something to get done, plug your sink, and add some water and a few drops of dish soap/surfactant. Hover over your sink and see how many flies you can shoot down and drown with your breath. Optionally, grab a spray bottle, fill with some vinegar+water, and shoot them down Source - me a few times brewing coffee


I had better luck with the kind of bug trap that sucks them in and they get stuck on the glue at the bottom Something like this https://a.co/d/jj4THi8 That’s an amazing link btw. This is what it’s called if you don’t want to click on the link Katchy Midnight - Indoor Insect Trap with Automatic Setting - Fan Powered with UV Light - Fruit Fly Traps for Indoors - for Fruit Flies, Gnats, Mosquitoes, Moths


Omg this is happening at my house for the 1st time in the 10 years I've lived here. I am also going bananas.


Not sure if this is healthy but it works: mist them with sprayway aerosol window cleaner. The good stuff with the blue cap. You can get it anywhere. I don’t know why it works. You can kill like 20 with one spritz. I don’t care if it gets on my stuff a bit.


Also excellent for knocking down large flies.


I do hydroponics. Fruit flies and mosquito infestations were a constant battle. If you have house plants, it’s likely the source of your gnat problem. There’s only one bullet proof solution I’ve found. Look up “MICROBE-LIFT BMC” on Amazon (liquid version of MosquitoDunks). 1-2 drops in your watering can, water all your plants. You’ll never see a gnat again after 2 weeks. Totally safe to use, non-toxic, pet safe, no smell, maintains organic status on fruiting crops. It’s an organism that gnat and mosquito larvae will feed on, then it causes their guts to explode and die. With no way to reproduce, your adult gnats will die in a few days. Make sure to grab a Zevo bug trap to capture all the adults.


I have the same tiles for my backsplash. I hate them. Edit. Boiling water down all the drains and if you want to be sure get the draino that expands and use that too. I was dealing with that about a month ago and now it's pretty much cleared up.


lol same, i’d switch them out if i wasn’t renting


Quick easy temporary solution - pour boiling water with some white vinegar down your drains. They like to make babies and live down there so flushing them out every week may help for the persistent ones


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6gHL1LJ-HQ) was helpful to me when I went bananas. Really put things in perspective.


Apple cider traps works pretty well, but honestly, just this or something like it. Had a huge problem a few months ago. Put one in my kitchen. I change the sticky part once every couple of weeks, never had a problem since. Don’t even see them. https://a.co/d/9eXRGsr


They reproduce in your drains. Have a plug and put out a trap


Aren't those just drain gnats (although these seem close to a shower). Yea, if those are drain gnats... uuuhhhh boiling water and vinegar (I did both so can't say which worked) got rid of them all. I know the internet says don't use boiling water for your pipes, but ya know ok.


I bought a Zevo from Costco (on sale). It catches a lot of the smaller ones. I also bought one off Amazon. The gnats seem to like the Zevo more.


The bonide systemic for houseplants is a lifesaver. As long as they are not edible plants and are just decorative and you don’t have pets eating the soil you’ll be perfect.


I fuggin haaate these. I have the lil blue lights and some of those apple cider vinegar traps. The cider traps seem to catch the majority of them.


Check that the drain plugs in your sliding door are still in place. I've seen so many sliding doors without them installed of that pop off. If those drains are open the flies will use it to come right in.


Put cinnamon by your windows and doors. this deters them from even coming near as well as lots of other pest. Bonus your place will smell super nice Id put it inside and outside for best results or just heavy outside ground cinnamon works the best but the sticks are fine for windows less for doors.


So I can just empty like two jars of cinnamon on my porch and be good?


Id sprinkle it in a thick lines all around but yes if you have grass area do not be shy to put it in there too and any cracks in the foundation as well def look into it if you have pets and such but it does not affect my puppy and I have had pretty much zero pest since putting it down and I have a trash can on my patio with doggy poop (Also smells amazing too!) covered the potty smell entirely


B for bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s


I just went through something similar. We have a wall plug trap, plant traps & sticky traps near our trash cans. None of those worked 100% until we moved our plants outside. We had recently bought some organic soil & that was the source. No more gnats or flys.


My Bugassault has been earnings it's keep this spring. Hundreds of flies.


OP, make sure you are treating your drains! all bathrooms, all sinks. boiling water, baking soda and apple cider vinegar turns into a fizzling science experiment but solved all my issues at my old apartment.


[Terro Fruit Fly Traps](https://www.heb.com/product-detail/terro-fruit-fly-traps-2-pk/2214577) work great!


They're probably attracted to your bananas.


had this problem a couple of years ago. I dropped diluted bleach in both sinks every day for two weeks and the put the stoppers in the sinks. These little fruit flies live in any source of water and reproduce like crazy. Tubs of water with a few drops of detergent will catch some but enough. At one point I was using a vacuum cleaner to suck them down in bulk from the ceiling every day. But where did they come from? Some time ago, I bought tomatoes & bananas, left them on the counter top in their twisty tied bags. A few hours later, both bags had these guys inside them. They are embedded in the produce. Bleach the drains every day and use stoppers in the sinks for the next two weeks. good luck.


We saw a comment in this sub about putting out a bowl of apple cider vinegar mixed with a drop or 2 of dish soap. Holy carp, that works crazy good!! And it cost us nothing - we already had it in our pantry. (We couldn't find the ACV at first, so we used regular vinegar, which wasn't nearly as effective.)