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Please connect with the PASS program to rehome your cat. They can help you get set up with resources and can help you navigate this decision. https://www.austinpetsalive.org/resources/pass Additionally, definitely ask a rehoming / adoption fee to prevent any bad actors getting ahold of your cat. I wish you the best in this difficult decision, but I hope you find a great home for her.


Austin Animal Center also has a similar program, Home To Home https://home-home.org/shelters/aac


Thank you!


The website did not work. I filled out the form, got to the end and it would not allow me to submit. I opened a new tab in the browser, it directed me only to pages where I can adopt a rehomed pet. Then it directed me to adopt-a-pet.com But I will email them and see what happens.


PASS program also has a very active Facebook group. I would give that a try as well! [PASS PROGRAM Austin Pets Alive!](https://m.facebook.com/groups/PassAPA/)


Thank you šŸ™


The people asking for a rehoming/adoption fees are typically the bad actors from what Iā€™ve witnessed here.


It can work both ways - bad actors trying to scam adoptees out of money do exist. Also pay once you have the animal. But the fee can act as a filter for folks rehoming as well. To me, Iā€™d rather see even a $25 rehoming fee advertised than free.


I know why people do it, but something seems inherently wrong asking for an adoption fee when asking for someoneā€™s help. As other posters have pointed out, a vet recommendation letter is an alternative that achieves the same goal. Either way, to each their own.


Huh, I didnā€™t see the vet recommendation letter. Thatā€™s interesting! Iā€™d be for that, also.


It does weed out bad actors, I like to think. I had a very small rehoming fee for my great uncle's dog I found a home for. I took her to the vet before putting her up for adoption and got her all good to go. I wanted honestly no money for her and to just do right by her. It was recommended I ask for something for her, and as soon as I did, quality interest in her shot up. In the end, the adopters ended up paying me for her vet visit in a card they asked me to read when I got home. I do realize I got super lucky though!


in theory a vet recommendation would be great! but most vets are so overworked, this seems like a lot to add to their plate (if everyone asked for a letter).


If my cat wasn't an ahole to other cats, I'd take the cutey.


DM'd you!




I have sympathy for your situation, OP. But I would recommend taking the appropriate steps through credible adoption / rehoming agencies to ensure your pet gets placed in the right home. Reddit is not the appropriate platform for this.


I have also tried that. My pet is on multiple waiting lists, but she is miserable in the meantime. I am exhausting all options. And I appreciate you trying to be helpful.


Itā€™s not the worst. If OP does her due diligence, whatā€™s the issue?


I never said it was the worst. But it offloads OPs responsibilities around vetting the new home to an organization that is designed to do this kind of work. Based on OPā€™s post, it doesnā€™t sound like he/she has the time to do the due diligence to increase the likelihood of a successful re-home. So leave it up to those who do.


Is there such a thing?


Some bad people out there hurt cats. A lot of rescues wonā€™t adopt out black cats during the month of October for example leading up to Halloween. Iā€™m not saying that anyone OP finds on a subreddit like this would have bad intentions, but OP, be careful for the sake of your kitty please


Sheā€™s so beautiful. I donā€™t have anything to add other than what people have already said. Please vet any potential new homes and charge a rehoming fee. There are so many horrible people out there unfortunately. I wish I could take her.


Post on the PASS group on Facebook. It has over 70,000 members in Austin and is for rehoming pets. The group is called "PASS PROGRAM Austin Pets Alive! (TEXAS ONLY PAGE)." Please also make sure the person you rehome to can provide a vet reference, so you can make sure they are a responsible pet owner who takes care of their pets. It's also recommended to charge them a rehoming fee. Too many people out there have bad intentions with cats.


Thank you for all the helpful resources!


hey, a few questions! on the average day, what can this girlie be found doing? what is her normal routine? does she tend to get shy with louder environments? where does she tend to sleep? in bed with you? you mentioned she gets used to other cats with time, what were her past experiences with other cats like?


Sheā€™s adorable! I would take her if I could.


It's easy to be critical of others when the shoes being walked in aren't theirs. I hope you're able to find a happy home for you're cat. It's a tough decision, but recognizing it was one needing to be made at all, is responsible and commendable in itself. Good luck to your cat and safe travels to you! ā¤ļø


Hope she finds a home. Sorry for all the judgemental douchebags incapable of empathy


Sheā€™s adorable!


Damn. Iā€™d take her but I work all of the time. Iā€™m rarely home. Sheā€™s incredible.


Goodness sheā€™s so pretty, I wish I lived closer!


Have you joined Nextdoor? Best of wishes to your beautiful fur baby.


She looks like our 2 cats. We have 3 yr old brother and sister cats.


Also post on Nextdoor. Just months ago I had to rehome my cat of 7 years with health problems. I posted everywhere including Home to Home and the PASS program. I finally ended up finding a wonderful woman on Nextdoor who took him in. She cared and loved on him and sent pictures up until his passing. Thereā€™s so many lovely people who are not on Facebook or know about homing sites.


Maine Coon QT


definitely not a maine coon




okay so every dog with long hair is a husky then


OP just commenting to say donā€™t let any asshats make you feel guilty about having to rehome your pet. Circumstances change and if we have to give our pets a better home than we currently can, itā€™s an act of love to do so.


They should absolutely feel guilty. Hopefully it stops them from owning a pet ever again. If they don't feel guilty they'll like just do this another poor animal. This a thirty year old woman, she should know better by now.


Iā€™m convinced that the few of you with this mindset have so little experience with life and so little responsibility that you canā€™t possibly imagine loving something so much you would let go of it to give it a better quality of life. Good for you.


Iā€™m on your side! At least youā€™re trying to find a home for your cat; rather than just dumping her in the middle of nowhere! What area are you in Austin?


I'm a 30+ individual who had to make the same choices and I toughed it out because I am the one who took the responsibility. Yeah, it was inconvenient but it was my responsibility. My experience in life taught me what it felt like to be abandoned. You being a 30 year old woman doing this convinces me you're actually the one with little experience and probably of low character.


You being a 30+ year old man and still speaking out of ignorance, judgement and shame tells me you havenā€™t learned much and you probably will continue not to learn much through the rest of your life. Did you tough it out or did you force your poor animal to remain in a terrible situation with you? Sounds like you made a selfish decision based on bias from your past. But Iā€™m not here to judge you. I canā€™t change your opinion. Youā€™re allowed to have it.


Circumstances change - quite quickly. There was a period of time where I considered having to rehome my cat and I was in AGONY over it. This person is seeking to do the right thing by their animal instead of letting it be miserable or chucking it out onto the street. Good lord, have some empathy.


I have empathy for the animal being abandoned. I've been in the same situation as OP, so I know how hard it is to make the right decision and stick by your responsibility. That's called being an adult.


But itā€™s literally not being abandoned??


Stick by your responsibility or selfishly force your animal to lay in the mud with you? But itā€™s cool. Keep spreading your ignorance.


Stuck by my responsibility. Lay in the mud, Ha! You're a 30 year old nurse. You're choosing to be a travel nurse for more money. That is what you are choosing instead of keeping your promise to that animal.Ā 


Go to Facebook and APA has a PASS program Facebook page and you can make a post there! Thatā€™s how I got my dog šŸ™ƒ


If my cat wasnā€™t as expensive as he is, purebred Siamese and eats the finest protein diet, Iā€™d totally take another cat lol. All seriousness I think if you really love her credible adoption is best option unless you have trusted friends / family that will take kitty.


But for my dog who fears cats, I'd happily take her. Good luck!


I'm in the market for a cat for my daughter. She's 10 and she's been begging me. I live in Pflugerville. No pets currently.


I just want to say thank you for doing right by your pet. I can't believe the criticism you're having to endure from people seriously lacking in empathy. Having adopted several previously owned pets, sometimes pets are better off with other people for lots of reasons that are frankly no one's business. My pets did just fine after I adopted them, and in fact, were (and in two cases are) quite happy. Some people on this thread are acting like you're throwing the cat out of a car on I-35 at rush hour instead of trying to find it a good home. It's just wild. I'm sorry your circumstances have made pet ownership hard, and I appreciate the steps you are taking to give your cat the best life. And no, sometimes it just isn't possible for a pet owner to get another job to accommodate their pet (even suggesting that is again, so wild). I do agree with the posters about the PASS program - it's great, and I've seen a lot of successful adoptions there.


Thank you for the words of encouragement. Iā€™ve spoken to more kind people on this post than the other kind of people. šŸ„° Bunny is such a great cat, truly so sweet and cuddly and playful. I canā€™t bear to see her couped up anymore. And I know that with a loving owner with a more stable living situation, she will absolutely flourish.


I promise Iā€™m not trying to be judgmental and thereā€™s just no way to not sound like it with this question: was your career path aiming differently two years ago or whenever you initially got her?


Yes. I took a huge paycutt (3x Less than what I used to make) a year after adopting her and I have been struggling to catch up financially for the last year. My travel job is hardly cutting it as it is. I am also looking for supplemental income at the moment. I am hoping and praying that I do find her a new home with someone who adores cats as much as everyone in the comments talking about how much they adore their pets like family and could never do something like this. Edited because TMI


Or if you know anyone who wants a cat, please share this with them. ā¤ļø much appreciated.




Op doesn't strike me as the kinda person to dump a kitty in the street, after all she's doing this because the kitty isn't happy in their current situation, and she's trying to provide as many supplies as possible. If she was a horrible human being who throws cats in the street, this post wouldn't even exist. Let's just not be judgemental, we don't know how this separation will hurt op.


Thanks for the mercy šŸ™šŸ«¶šŸ»


Youā€™re just so mean!


30 year-old nurses have a lot of job options. OP is choosing not to get a job that would be easier on their cat. I agree with you that an animal is like a child. You bring a creature into your life that you will have to make sacrifices for. Sometimes it means passing up a job, a trip, or a move. They would never leave our side, no matter the circumstances.


If I took a no traveling job, I would make less than half the money for which Iā€™m already struggling and searching for supplemental work. Youā€™re totally ignoring that fact


Itā€™s a cat, itā€™s not a child. Rehoming a pet isnā€™t abandoning the pet by any stretch.


Itā€™s an animal who canā€™t fend for itself and its entire life revolves around their human. All they know is their family. They canā€™t do anything by and for themselves.


I've adopted dogs that had previous owners. They all lived (and in two cases continue to live) very happy lives with me.


Itā€™s a pet cat. Cats are completely capable of bonding with multiple people. They do it all the time. Youā€™re assigning human thoughts and feelings to a cat for the singular purpose of making someone feel bad. I donā€™t see yourself offering to take the cat.


I donā€™t need a cat, but she seems adorable, and I will help if you need me to.


Adorable. Wish I could take in a third. Good luck


Rehoming your cat here without doing good background checks means it's 50/50 if it ends up getting fed to someone's snake or used for dog fighting. Just an FYI.


how much?


I sent your post to a friend in Austin. Best of luck!


Hello! I may be interested if you havenā€™t already found a home!!


This is really sad. I understand its not possible for OP but I would change jobs for my cat rather than give her away, it makes me tear up just thinking about sending her to live with a stranger


Lot of judgement here. You really donā€™t know much about my situation. It would be cool if we could keep it to helpful comments. Because just sharing how much of a more self-righteous decision you would make if you were me does nothing to help this situation for me or my cat. But thanks anyways, I guess.


Very mature response. I couldnā€™t do what youā€™re doing personally, but Iā€™m also not in your shoes so itā€™s impossible to know. I wish the best for you and your feline friend.


I'm the same I cannot imagine giving any of my pets away, I would move mountains for them if I had to.


Omg such a good person wow


The way this sub goes into full virtue signaling every time someone dumps an animal. ā€œYou are so braveā€, ā€œI donā€™t know whatā€™s happening in your life but I can only imagine how hard I must beā€, yadda yadda. They take out a list of empathetic statements they found on chat gpt and get to work. I used to volunteer at a shelter. Maybe 3 out of 300 surrenders I filed were truly people who had no choice.


Your awesome idea for which you responded on a different thread was for me to quit my job and *in your own words* ā€œaccumulate even more debtā€ than Iā€™m already in to keep her, and board her (requires payment) until I find my own place. Even responding to you seems irresponsible because I doubt you even comprehend the magnitude of sheer stupidity that you type. Let me remind you, boy genius, that if I end up homeless so does she. And then no one here wins, but maybe when someone spots me on the street corner holding a cat and begging for change, will it be okay to rehome her then? But please continue with your words of pure genius.


1. No one should have a full time job and be barely making it. F this shit r/antiwork 2. I also would practically die before giving up my pets, so if you are the same then it must be rough


There is a difference between dumping your cat at a shelter and pointedly finding it a specific new home.


Commenting to boost again


Beautiful cat -wish you both the best.šŸ„²


You need to keep your pet




For real. I'd rather see this post than an abandoned pet on the road.




Posting ā€œI need to rehome my catā€ on Reddit is not ā€œdoing the best she canā€. Doing the best she can would be to make the arrangements needed to make that cat happy. But people who donā€™t love their pets enough or see them as temporary distractions donā€™t have that in them.


You mentioned in a separate comment that because Iā€™m a 30yo nurse, i can get a job easy. Yes, I can. Yes, thereā€™s a nursing shortage in this country, and a multitude of availability for positions offering a extremely short staff, long hours, high patient to nurse ratios, and low pay for the training and labor required. Most of us are still paying on student loans. Not all of us can be stay at home graphic designer dog moms who can afford a $30,000 vet bill. Yeah, it might come off super surprising to you because you lack empathy for humans but some of us struggle to pay even a $1000 vet bill. So Check your goddam privilege at the mf door please. Yes, I did a little research on you, your Reddit account is public info. So before you continue to speak on issues you have 0 understanding of, maybe you should log off Reddit and consider having an actual thought.


There you go. You are choosing to not take a job because it has long hours, short staff, and high patient-to-nurse ratios. Your choice. I waited many years to get a dog because I know it was a decision I would never undo. And even when faced with huge complications, I did not give my animals up. Even when paying for vet bills meant no vacations for years, no changing cars, no going out for dinner. When my dog bit a mailman who thought it was a good idea to enter the house, my husband and I were ready to move to another state if necessary. My brother spent an extra 4 months abroad because him and his partner were waiting to get their catā€™s visa to travel and were living in a very bureaucratic country. It all comes down to choice in the end. Youā€™ve made yours. Please donā€™t get animals in the future.


I knew I would get responses like this and I appreciate your concern, but I have truly exhausted all options. This decision didnā€™t come out of thin air, I have been living between Ohio, Texas and Minnesota the past year doing travel nursing. And I canā€™t afford to stop. Currently, staying in Austin all I can afford is a house with multiple roommates who all have their own pets. Bunny is confined to a room. She deserves better. I have done everything I can to keep her, unfortunately itā€™s not enough. Again, I appreciate the concern, but Bunny needs a home that has people in it who can give her the time and attention she wants. My long hours and travel lifestyle in which she is confined to a bedroom are not suitable for a domestic cat.


You can't give her to a family member or friend? So you can still visit her at least?


my entire family and friends are dog people. And I do not have social media. I have 2 sisters 1 has 3 dogs, 1 has 2. My parents recently adopted a dog that is unfriendly to cats and he kills squirrels and birds he find in the backyard so I donā€™t want him to do that to bunny. One of my grandmothers is too sick to take care of a cat, my other grandmother hates cats. My grandfather is in and out of the hospital weekly and already has 3 cats that rely on his nurses to take care of them. My best friend has 2 dogs, one is a new puppy. My other best friend has 2 large dogs. Due to the fact that Iā€™m in a travel position, Iā€™m at most jobs for 13 weeks or less. Iā€™ve asked around at my current job, but most of the people I work with are also travelers and donā€™t have the means to take on an extra pet at the moment either. Or they just donā€™t know me well enough to agree to foster my cat.


Fair enough. Best of luck with the search


You could get a job as a non traveling nurse. Thereā€™s a nurse shortage all over the country. You can have a friend or family member have her. You could put her in boarding with a sitter until you find a place, even if it means getting into debt. You could do a million things.


That isn't always an option for everyone.


so they both suffer? or is this like a diluted self-righteous thing?


It's a projection and anthropomorphization thing. Deluded*, btw, but yeah, also that. It's a cruel comment, too, as OP obviously is trying to do the right thing and has tried to keep her but understands that that is selfish and not in the cat's best interest at this point.


How the fuck dare you?

