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I always find the area around Riegersburg to be worth a visit. Should not be too far off course and there are nice "Buschenschank", the Zotter manufacture, Gölles distilleries (and tasting) and a castle with a falconry. Definitely set up for tourism, but not yet overdone.


Thanks, will definitely consider that too!


I second Zotter. If you like chocolate maybe take a look at the tours they offer.  Here is a link to their homepage: https://www.zotter.at/en/zotter-experience-world/prices-choco-tour  Scroll a bit down to find a description. I also recommend the Käsekunst Manufaktur zu Riegersburg (https://maps.app.goo.gl/h1brUyi3mVA7Z77DA), if you like cheese.


I can absolutely second Riegersburg. I've seen many castles, but Riegersburg is my absolute favourite one! It's on top of a dormant volcano and has a cute little museum about witchcraft and sorcery, since Feldbach, which is nearby, was the site of the largest Styria witch trial.


Personally been to Riegersburg with my family a few years back. It's extremely beautiful. It also had a falconry when we visited (don't know if they still do) and there was also a small lake next to the castle to cool off after the tour in the summer heat


Zotter factory is great, you are almost guaranteed to have a good time there if you like chocolate


I don't like chocolate... I love it!!!


after the Zotter visit I didn't want to try chocolate for weeks and wanted to sleep in the car for eating so much chocolate. 10/10 waiting for the next excuse to persuade someone to visit some time in the future.


If you like cheese, consider the Fromagerie near Riegersburg as well (between Riegersburg and Zotter) It's rather small, but the affection to cheese is wonderful


Yep, can +1 this. You just need to take the exit "Ilz" and from there it is a 15 minute drive.


Sorry to be pedantic, but in Styria we don't have any "Heurigen" we have "Buschenschänke"


Thanks. Makes googling easier. I'll fix it


I am a simple man, i read Riegersburg and i upvote.


If you're into nature and hiking: Grüner See, Bärenschützklamm, Schneeberg, Rax. Or if you're interested in racing, with a little detour, you can go to Red Bull Ring - not recommended this week tho, as the F1 race will take place during the weekend, so it is super crowded. But any other time of the year, you can just walk in, take a look at the circuit, some F1 and other race cars in the lobby, etc.


Definitely leaning into nature, but the other activities sound interesting as well. Grüner See looks beautiful btw.


Oh it is. But it can get very crowded during the summer (especially weekends)


I will be traveling on Saturday and returning on Monday, so I suppose it will be crowd free on Monday.


No, it won't be crowd free on any day during summer.


Damn. Good to know tho.


doesn't matter too much, still worth it in my opinion


And it‘s summer. So there won‘t be that much water in the lake. So the pictures of trees and park benches in the water are taken in early soring when the snow on the mountains is melting.


Is it? I live near by and wasn't there since 2022. It looked shit compared to the time before it was a tourist hotspot.


Currently finally has proper amounts of water in it as well (normally rather dried out from June onwards)


A nice alternative to Grüner See is also Leopoldsteiner See.


Bärenschützklamm is still closed


got any more info by chance? latest articles i could find say it should open in june 2024 (which is already after some delays)




not much into hiking, but i second these suggestions. grüner see is a bit overhyped in my opinion, just doesn't live up to the oversaturated photos on the internet. [schneeberg](https://maps.app.goo.gl/fPbbpaYrtSbWyF5D6) is fantastic imo. bärenschützklamm too, if it was not closed. if you go to grüner see, [edelweissboden](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Lc8ABVVK5i8pUJLR8) and hochturm would be very close and also great.


Some viaducts of the Semmering Railway


Semmering railway ist the oldest mountain railway in the world.


Depending on the definition of mountain railway, you could also say it’s the Geislinger Steige in Germany, which is a few years older.


In Mürzzuschlag there is the "Südbahnmuseum". A Museum about the history of the semmering railway. They also have some old Trains and stuff. So if you like trains, definitely worth a visit.


On your way back you can leave the S6 at Exit Gloggnitz or Maria Schutz and take the regular road L4168. The road running parallel to the S6 will cost you basically no time and has some stunning view points. You can make a short stop at Semmering Aussichtspunkt or do a longer stop and go up to the Millenniumswarte (takes around 30-45min to get up there), which has a very nice view all around the alps in that area. Later down the road rejoin the S6 at Spital am Semmering.


I can recommend to visit the Zotter chocolate factory - not only the scenery with the Riegersburg (castle) is really nice but also the chocolate is especially tasty and you can try way more than you can ever eat. Also Herberstein Zoo is kinda on the way and very pretty, including a pretty castle.


Zotter is one of those things I wish I could go to for my bday but it's abyssmal getting there by public transport


Just walk a bit from Feldbach?


Takes me like 5hours total from my home in Vienna to get there by public transport


Gamlitz and the surrounding vineyards are maybe less obvious but very beautiful with amazing food and drink.


Weinstraße to be more specific.


I think Semmering (along S6 right at the border between Lower Austria and Styria) is one of the most beautiful places in Austria. There are beautiful needle forests and views on the Semmering Railway and the surrounding area there. A specific place to target is the [20-Schilling-Blick](https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2516745460#map=16/47.6522/15.8244). Someone else mentioned Baden bei Wien, which is nice, but not extraordinary.


Seems like no locals are around here… You have tons of castles and strongholds to see there. Some of them are in nice conditions…some of them are ruins. Going from north to south…as soon as you leave vienna: Castles (a non complete list…much more are there…but I like these): Laxenburg, Trumau, Eisenstadt, Kottingbrunn, Ebenfuhrth, Seebenstein, Grimmenstein, Schiefheiten, Friedensburg Schlaining (here you have a museum of the history of whole eastern Austria presented and there is some Wine Tasting in the Basement) Lakes…there are many small lakes you can go swimming. Some biger ones: Neufeld, Steinbrunn, Forchtenau, Stubenbergsee There are a few thermal spa‘s in this area: Vöslauer Thermalbad, Linsberg Asia, Fischauee Thermalbad, H2O Therme, Therme Stegersbach, Therme Loipersdorf Dude…there is so much to see and do…you could spend months in this region and you would still miss most of it 😁


Sadly I can't visit all of them XD but I will definitely consider when visiting properly for a month or two, I have relatives in Austria so staying there longer won't be an issue.


musste ein wenig schmunzeln als bei burgen forchtenstein nicht angeführt war, bei “größeren seen” dann aber doch aber echt toller kommentar! könnte da nicht mehr allzu viel ergänzen


Find die Burg etwas schwach…dafür den See aber um so besser 😂


defintiv! ich fand nur das wording so cool, weil forchtenstein sicher eher für die burg (wo ich dir recht gebe, ist a bissl a zache verteidigungsburg halt) als für den see bekannt ist 😂 aber stausee ist dafür der hit


Der See ist doch noch ein Geheimtipp im Burgenland 😂


schick mir mal eine dm, ich glaub ich hab da ein foto, das dich durchaus zum lachen bringen könnte 😂 vor allem jetzt noch vor den sommerferien nach 18h ist es wahnsinn. war gestern dort und ich war um 18.45h der einzige badegast 💀


Fischauer Thermalbad is great in the summer (Water is around 18°C)


Riegersburg, Zotter Schokoladenmanufaktur.


I can’t recommend enough places but I would definitely avoid one. Do NOT go to Wiener Neustadt-


Any particular reason?


Boring and ugly as fuck.


Ok, gonna take your word for it.


Agree. It's just a town built for commuting.


Wr Neustadt is the most American part in Austria - roads, stroads, parking lots and more parking lots.


And gang violence. Don't forget the gang violence


A lot has been listed. What you could also consider is the Lurgrotte ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lurgrotte largest cave) and what I like is the Teichalm which is nice for walking/eating etc.


Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum just outside of Graz. If you want to go for a good Austrian alpine meal, I can recommend Almgasthaus Schießlingalm. You can drive up there for a small road fee, like €7, otherwise it is a 1hr hike from the radio station below.. Get some roasted pork belly, dumpling soup, alkoholfrei bier (for the driver) and strudel. Cows with bells and all. https://preview.redd.it/qw53sx87549d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4757661ed5b3f5be848cdd7ac724495ab9029740


Ohhh, didn't know about that one, adding it to my list!


It is probably the quickest full Alpine experience I can think of along that route which you can drive into... most places you have to hike to, or are kind of closed ski resorts. https://preview.redd.it/3u9svkl7749d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=388fc65007cb72f6ada14f5ff59961661b33ad2b


[https://www.steiermark.com/de/Hochsteiermark/Urlaub-planen/Ausflugsziele/Almgasthaus-Schiesslingalm\_isd\_281617](https://www.steiermark.com/de/Hochsteiermark/Urlaub-planen/Ausflugsziele/Almgasthaus-Schiesslingalm_isd_281617) closed on mondays... bring 50 cent, 1 euro, 2 euro coins for the road barrier.


Alois Günter Haus is also close to S6 and it‘s accessible via a small unpaved toll road. But it‘s more a Schutzhaus so the food in the Schließlingalm will be better https://maps.app.goo.gl/QqefkvFxiHLzRtLM9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy


Yeah the food at Schließlingalm is Oma quality. Best I've had in Steiermark actually.


You should definitely visit Graz


It looks like a nice city from the pictures, definitely on my list.


Eis Greissler Manufaktur near Krumbach. Just a few minutes away from the autobahn. Perfect for a short break on your trip. Alternatively Mönichkirchner Schwaig for a short hiking trip and a downhill Go-Kart drive. Or if you are into Mountainbiking, you can go to the Wexl Trails, rent a bike and you will have a great time there.


you can‘t exit the highway going northbound at Krumbach


Check this out and EAT ALL THE CHOCOLATE [https://g.co/kgs/1rojbLH](https://g.co/kgs/1rojbLH)


it looks like the waterfalls of Myrafälle will be on your way. It can be a bit crowded during the weekend, bit if you find yourself early enough there or late afternoon you could enjoy it


If you're visiting during the summer, Bad Vöslau has a really nice public bath. Also, Fürstenfeld's bath isn't as pretty but it's huge, one of the biggest in Europe. If you visit Riegersburg, as others have suggested, you might wanna try [Buschenschank Bernhart](https://maps.app.goo.gl/W4DR1CRcH8F9ssTB9). Buschenschänke are traditional wine&snack places in that part of Austria. Or, if you want a traditional warm meal, [Gasthaus Wippl](https://maps.app.goo.gl/oyQN2A2kM72R3Uam8). Both offer a great view of the castle. If you're into history, definitely visit the [Zeughaus](https://www.museum-joanneum.at/en/styrian-armoury) in Graz. If you like historical Landmarks you could visit Stift Rein. Not as famous as Stift Melk or Admont but really beautiful aswell. There are already some great hiking tips here, so I won't go into that, but personally I really like Bärenschützklamm. And of course Vienna is a big imperial city that has tons to offer, but I'd check out the museums (whatever you're into), maybe just stroll through the 1st district and eat a Käsekrainer at a Würstelstand.


[Semmering Bahnwanderweg](https://www.bergfex.at/sommer/niederoesterreich/touren/wanderung/5542,semmering-bahnwanderweg/) is a nice place for a hike.


we austrians love to shit on vienna, but tbh, its one of the most beautifull cities in there are and you should at least reserve 2 days for vienna.


Me! Jks. But Baden bei Wien. It's a very pretty town.


Insert Fürstenfeld by STS


Not too far off, you can visit Güssing


Looking at maps, it has a castle on a small hill surrounded by the town, seems very interesting.


If you are interested in hiking but never been to the alps I'd recommend the Hochwechsel which is on your route from Graz to Vienna. My favorite hiking trail starts at the Mariensee biotope, follows a whitewater stream with beautiful waterfalls, and leads up to the peak of Hochwechsel. From there, you have a view over the Eastern Alps and on good days you can see from Bratislava to the Julian Alps in Slovenia and sometimes even as far as Croatia. The hike takes about 6 hours with breaks and is not very technically demanding, but it involves around 900 meters of elevation gain. I've actually hiked there several times while traveling from Graz to Vienna, so it's doable in a day.


Some Buschenschank in Hartberg.


Second this. If you want some authentic local food in this area, you have to visit a "Buschenschank". They serve cold plates, breads topped with meat and stuff Like that. They produce most of their products by themself. Especially wine, lots of wine! Here you can find a calender. Most of them are just open for a few weeks or months. [calender](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:c915deb7-caf0-4f03-82b5-d975c31de8cd) This is how a typical "Brettljause" looks Like: https://preview.redd.it/tldx9jtnj69d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ad627ef3189cf529726a891aa2fb3fffed33fb


Frohnleiten north of Graz has a cute little old town next to the river


Some Keyword to Google. Hohe Wand Schneeberg Myrafälle Zotter Eisgreisler Baden as a City is nice


Just make sure you specify "Baden bei Wien".\^\^


Check out a "Buschenschank" in south-west Styria, there are many in that region. Perfect to combine with a bicycle trip. Buschenschänke are a type of restaurant with only local cold dishes made by the family of the restaurant themselves. Beetle beans, lots of delicious meats and cheeses, pumpkin seed oil and delicious wine. The landscape of that region is also almost mediterranean-like. It's called "Austrias Tuscany". Very beautiful.






On the Vienna-Graz part of your trip, you could exit the highway at Maria Schutz / Semmering and take the gondola up the Hirschenkogel.


s6 exit gloggnitz direction hirschwang you find austrias oldest cable car to mountain rax called raxseilbahn (if the weather is fine take a bath in river schwarza) a2 exit puchberg/schneeberg you find a cog railway to mountain schneeberg called schneebergbahn btw these mountains are the highest in lower austria (2000+) naturpark hohe wand is in the area too.




You can visit the Skywalk on Hohe Wand, near Wr. Neustadt.


You will see trees, a lot of trees


Some of the best Krapfen in Austria, you can find them in Maria Schutz https://www.klosterkrapfen.at/klosterkrapfen_de.html


Zotter Schokoladenfabrik


If you like to see some mountainous terrain you can take the Rax Seilbahn https://www.raxalpe.com/ or the Schneeberg Zahnradbahn https://www.schneebergbahn.at to the top of the mountain. These are pretty close to the highways S6 and A2 and beautiful landscapes.


What concert are you going to?


AC DC, 21st July


Baden and mödling are kind of tiny viennas and have allot of nature. Especially baden has allot of parks and the helenental(valley of helena) is very nice, especially during a hot day! There are allot of hidden gems on both routes!


Burg Oberkapfenberg in Kapfenberg might be worth it~ they also got a big falconry~


Fahrst du Rammstein?


I loved the Steinwandklamm and Myrafalls! And on the way back we drove to Maria Schutz to eat HUGE Krapfen (basically Austrian donuts without holes and delicious!). There was also a bat cave we visited between these - can’t remember where though. I was dead for three days after that trip 😂


There are so so so many tours (hiking / mountainbiking) there. Especially in upper Styria (mountainous region around your downwards arrow). You can find a lot of tours on Bergfex or similar websites (just searching in Google will get you lots of results, might want to search in German though). Since you aren't experienced I'd do a very easy tour like Teichalm (near Graz) -> Hochlantsch (1700 m, easy path, not too long, great view) on the way up and then a bigger tour (to a mountain >2000 m) on the way down. If you are willing to drive a bit longer (like an hour? each direction) go to the national park Gesäuse.


Tunnels from the inside.


Driving right by Wiener Neustadt warzone I see?


Beautiful landscape a bunch of cows and some castles 


My cheating ex-boyfriend


Loads of dutch people currently.






Wiener Neustadt is a Nice City. Im from there :)


You Can Go i to Route 66 Steak House. Best Steak House in town


one or zwoa oaschlecha


Look for mostwirtshauses, when they are open. Local temporary restaurants... At farmers.. great food small prices... Some with stunning views and atmosphere


a whole lotta ganG shihhh


Not recommend to come to the Red bull Ring area this weekend F1 is ongoing and u need Tickets to even get close to the circuit, every direct street to the circuit is closed..






Definitely visit Baden by Wien! It has a beautiful historic center and lots of pretty shops to explore :)


Rain, hail and maybe sun (while you are in Styria)


Hohe Wand


Not much if you dont plan on exiting the Schnellstraße/Autobahn. Otherwise its just going to be concrete, trees and horrible drivers


Nothing 👍🏼😂


There‘s a temple in Mödling called the „Husarentempel“, it‘s a bit of a hike around 1h30min long. The temple looks pretty cool and you get a nice view over Vienna :)


Klagenfurt is one of the most important city's to visit in Austria


I recently started using ChatGPT Ai and it works well for these types of questions. There's a web-based version as well. Any of the new Ai apps will do basically the same.


I think asking the actual people living here is better than asking an AI.


I don't totally disagree, but you might be surprised. It's an interesting resource...that's free.




Hehe Mürzzuschlag


Please have mercy with them


What do you expect to see when driving on the Autobahn?


Not on the Autobahn itself, but the surrounding areas.


I, myself, like to visit Naschmarkt every time I'm in Vienna. On Saturdays, there's a flea market, additionally. I've received a recommendation to visit Zotter's chocolate world lately, so... maybe you'd like to check on it. Heurigen is also an experience you shouldn't miss (there are several along the route to Graz, not far from Vienna - with "Grossheuriger" events at several places, especially this time of the year)


It's not like you can stop somewhere along the way, right?


If you look out of your left side window you'll be able to see Austria and if you look out of your right side window you'll also see Austria.


In vienna junkies


Nothing only streets and cars and many drunk people




Tschuschn aus neunkirchen


the half thats closer to vienna... fuck all


On the first trip you can see the most beautiful thing in Austria - Vienna in the rear mirror!