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On day 24. No longer feeling high, still hitting a wall midway through the day wanting to nap and a bit sluggish, but it’s improving. Kinda leaning on my vyvanse to stay focused since I’m still a little out of in when it comes to staying motivated.


Nice, sounds like things are improving. I'm leaning on my Concerta for the same thing.


Took me 3-4 weeks to feel any improvement


Took me about 4-6 weeks to start feeling actively "normal" after my dose, but my side effects were never AWFUL. After about 2 months, it started to change to where I feel actively "normal" when it's in my system, but I can tell when my second dose is coming up (or if I missed it the night before) because I'm miserable and anxious and can't stop crying


Thanks for sharing! The label says I should only take one daily since I'm a poor cypd2 metabolizor. I was a little skeptical, but these are the manufacturers of the drug who are saying this, so it must count for something, lol. And I do feel better on one than two.


I am so scared to start this again. I quit after 1 week because I couldn't do my job. I wish there was some guarantee that this side effect would get better. I am so tempted to give it another shot because I did have some moments of depression relief that I haven't felt ever. But if I am in that state it's impossible to tolerate it.


So essentially there's a chance after 3-4 weeks the ability to concentrate will come back? I don't know how I can combine it with my new job :(.


There is really no way that this drug can cause that sensation. I don't know if maybe it's anxiety or being hyper from bupropion that's causing the issue. Based on the mechanism of action this RX does not cause you to feel high or drugged up.


Lol are you serious? Just look at virtually all the posts and comments on this thread. This is laughable. You do realize that this drug has quite a substantial amount of dextremethorphan, don't you? And based on the experience of others, you seem to be the odd one out if you've experienced no drowsiness and weird feelings. It's even listed among the common side effects. I myself never said it made me feel "high", others have used that word, I have not. I said "drugged up" which can imply any number of different sensations. For me "high" involves a pleasant sensation of some kind, so I did not use that word. But it can certainly cause intense drowsiness, and that's not even up for debate. It's listed among the very common side effects.


Half the people on antidepressant topics imagine all kinds of goofy stuff. ​


Lol you must not be on this medication then, or maybe you're on some poor man/DIY version, I don't know. Or maybe you're an ultra fast metabolizor of the drug. But you're the one imagining things.




I've read plenty, now this conversation is over.


1,114 patients tested with Auvelity during the clinical trial no "tripping" or dissociating, or any mention of psychotomimetic effects was seen.


I said I was drowsy you moron, not that I was tripping. You're being blocked.


Thanks for reply! I’m thinking about cutting in 1/4. On my third day of taking one pill I was jolted awake at 2am with tingling like an adrenaline rush and dizziness. Hard to describe the symptoms. I reluctantly took a klonopin to get me through. This med feels too strong! I didn’t take yesterday for fear of a more intense reaction so i need to take today or get off the train. Ugh


Maybe give it a few more days and just call it quits then if you truly can't stand it. The thing about breaking it is that it's an extended release pill, so when you cut it you're ironically potentially giving yourself more side effects even thoigh you're technically taking less! It is strong and unpleasant but it does get better especially if you just stick to one.


Also what time of day are you taking it? If morning could be worth trying at night and vice versa.


I started in the morning but was too sedated, so switched to 4pm. Seemed okay (still lethargic) but the 2am experience, being 10 hours later, was alarming. I’m concerned about the effect compounding


Don't worry, if you only take 1 every 24 hours it won't compound. Because it Sedates me too, I tend to take it at night. I don't know if you also have anxiety disorders like I do, but often I get really anxious about the side effects when I start a new medication. In the past it's caused me to quit a lot of meds before I was able to time them a chance. So I know what you're going through. It may very well be that Auvelity is intolerable for you and you have to stop it. But if you can, I urge you to take my advice from my experience and give it at least a week or two taking 1 pill a day, even if you feel really strange and sedated and unpleasant. It's important to keep in mind that none of this is irreversible. Once you stop the meds, the side effects will go away. So it's temporary either way. But they might go away on their own if you accept that it feels unpleasant for some days and give it some time. You've got nothing to lose. But if you quit now, you may never find out if it could work for you. Only you know what you can tolerate, but I've found I'm able to endure more than I believe I can in most cases. I know it sucks starting a new med wirh side effects and I'm sorry it's happening to you. I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you! I definitely get anxiety about taking medications. Do you sleep through the night when you take it? When I’ve tried other AD meds in the past I’ve started at lowest dose, i.e. 25mg Zoloft. So this one is a challenge. I’ve also heard of some taking it every other day to start. I’m still feeling the effects after skipping yesterday’s dose.


Yep I am able to sleep. Some antidepressants do cause me insomnia, but not this one. Zoloft may have. I know what you mean though, it sucks that there's only 2 dosing options lol, you either take one pill or two. I'm guessing you're on this because like me, you've been on many others but haven't found adequate relief. Hopefully if you get good symptom relief, this current discomfort will have been worth it. I've been on it about a month now, and I don't really notice that horrible feeling you're describing anymore, just some mild sedation now. But I experienced what you are now for a little over a week maybe. So just see if you can give it a shot, and know that even if it's uncomfortable, it won't do any lasting harm :)


Yeah I’ll try. It’s so hard to function like this. I keep worrying about serotonin syndrome because the side effects are so strange. Glad it worked for you. I appreciate your feedback:)


One thing I can tell you is that Auvelity is much, much less serotonin-based than a SSRI, so the risk of that is extremely low. Believe it or not, I’m taking Auvelity with a SSRI safely and with no adverse effects; I think it would be literally impossible on just Auvelity alone :) you’re quite welcome for the feedback, please keep me posted on what happens. I know this drug has a rough beginning phase. It helped me to view it as more potent than past antidepressants and to see that as why it had more weird effects. Surprisingly, that simple mental trick helped me cope with the side effects more easily!


I have been taking Auvelity for 11 months & my side effects went away after 2 days - I seem to be “the lucky one”


Nice! I'm no longer experiencing side effects from taking one daily. I'm also taking a low dose of trintellix.


I had to cut mine in half in order to tolerate it. Helped a lot.


I’m tempted to do this but the pharmacist said not to because it is extended release. Cutting in half would release the drug all at once & may cause worse side effects. How was your experience cutting in half?


So I actually at first cut it in 1/4 then gradually took more every day until I was able to tolerate a full one it REALLY helped a lot. Cause I really love this medication it has changed my life but I couldn't handle a full pill at first.


Thanks for reply! I’m close to throwing in the towel after 3 days. Had to skip day 4 due to fear of intensified side effects and i still feel drugged. This med feels way too strong. I may try 1/4 so I can give it a fair shot. Took all my effort just to type this, wow!


Yeah try 1/4 or 1/2 see how you feel. I'm curious if that also helps you.


Just started 1/4 today 🤞🏻 after 2 day break. I felt better today after the break & was able to work out before taking the 1/4. Strangely I could still feel the med a little 2 days later. How long did you take 1/4?


Until I felt I needed to up the dose it was a few weeks at least. I don't remember the exact time frame.