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Bosco getting eaten by the Earth Queen. #NOPE


You know…maybe she did deserve to go out that way…for bosco


Zaheer should have ate her frfr


Who needs they Quessy ate? (If this gets me banned I regret *NOTHING*)


o7 me too buddy, me too




*jazz music stops* #WHAT


thats one of those details that unironically gave me too much hope for the world building of korra lmao


Aang being a neglectful father Sokka not having a family (wife and kids) No mention of key players like Suki, Appa, Momo, Mai, Ty Lee, Azula etc. No mention of Mai and Zuko (did they stay together?) https://preview.redd.it/qzlkaddlb49d1.jpeg?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=175dd68ba98b64d2baad1aba7e07df3fa27c36a6


Was it stated somewhere he didn't?


No sign he did. They went into great detail to show Toph's kids (Suyin and Lin) plus Aang's and Katara"s kids (Tenzin, Kya and Bumi) plus Zuko's daughter (Izumi) but for Sokka? *crickets* https://preview.redd.it/kxirfvvu159d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c66718dcc728ccafb6c9484f35ad2b740c0ed259


Aang wasn't a Neglectful Father tho. You guys are blowing up one throw away line from LoK to spin it into your own headcanon. Kya and Bumi only said that Aang spent more time with Tenzin than he did with them. Nothing suggests that he abandoned or neglected them, especially considering how neither of them hold any ill will towards Aang. If Aang didn't spend most of his time with Tenzin how do you think it would have been for Tenzin? Tenzin was someone who was inevitably going to be the Lone Survivor of an Entire Culture. Aang had to teach Tenzin the entirety of Air Nomad Heritage without which Aang would literally have been the Last Airbender as Tenzin wouldn't be a Good Leader to the Air Acolytes or even his own Progeny. Aang is extremely possessive of his culture and dislikes even those he likes and considers family from breaking it's Traditions. That much was established well as a Character Trait of Aang as far back as Season 1 and enumerated several times within the comics


*Looks it up* How the fuck is this canon?!


I always thought that was bullshit. For one it was a rumor, so we don't know it's true. Second, the Earth King definetly wouldn't have allowed that while he was alive.


It's like how in the hungergames katniss tries to drown a cat on page 1, then the book expects you to have any sympathy for them


Sokka not having a wife and kids in Korra


What do you mean no wife? What happened to Suki?


It’s implied that Suki had to attend to her duties as Kyoshi island’s leading warrior and Sokka had to attend to his Water tribe and later Republic city duties.


I'd abandon whole water tribe for Suki, Horny > Honorable


And that’s why you aren’t in the tribe to begin with


No i think the fact hes not a character in avatar is a more major reason.


A minor setback


Where is this implied???


The fact that Suki was never mentioned in LoK is usually brought up, but Sokka himself was barely ever mentioned


Date for a while and then move to different cities, it happens


Nothing happened, they just didn't mention Suki or her and Sokka's relationship in Korra, which is weird because you'd think if they had kids we would have seen them in the show


They were 16, life couldve happened


Well, congratulations that’s a very not Canon all the canon stuff, we know about Sokka post the comics as far as I can tell is that he -Had the title of Chief -Was the Judge for Yakone’s trial -Fought alongside Tenzin & Zuko against the red lotus - Died before the events of episode one anything else i’m pretty sure is pure speculation as far as I’m concerned, his wife and kids are living a comfortable life either at the south pole, or at Kyoshi Island


I wish we could have old Sokka in Korra. Would've been great.


I try to not throw around superlatives like best, but I gotta say out of the Gaang to show up in Korra, "Nice to see you again, Twinkletoes" made me ugly cry


Tbh I always viewed Sokka as the fun uncle type so I’m not too upset that he doesn’t have kids, but that may just be me.


Yeah, why does everyone need to live the standard family life?


Yeah, Sokka and Suki never seemed like the type of couple who would create a family to me, but it’s just a matter of perspective.


Honestly, I wish we got to see old Sokka, or at least found out what he did between the two series's and how he died. We met Katara, Zuko, and Toph. Aang, of course, had to die before Korra was born? But where's Sokka? He's the only core member of the Gaang who never showed!


Sokka and Suki not being married with kids, specifically.


Aang dying at 62


Granted. Now he dies at 63. Average bloons td 6 experience.




Better than dying at 4


Haven’t played in years and this still gave me chills




Wait this exists??




So you want to see a 90 years old Aang at the harmonic convergence or a 5 year old Korra?😅


But the Harmonic convergence would have done nothing without Korra opening the spirit portal. Or am I missing something?


So no more airbenders


Right...because no one stopped amon and he deleted airbending


I want the harmonic convergence plot to have never existed lol. That shit was such a step down in interesting and believable writing from the rest of ATLA and S1 K


Technically, wasn’t he 162?




Although it’s sad, it is the only feasible way for us to get TLA cameos in TLOK. That said, I don’t like what it does to the world building. I have a hard time imagining the world industrialized that fast. EDIT: real life technological advancement proved me wrong.


It's... actually pretty realistic to how much the world developed in the equivalent time period irl.


Fr? I need to review my knowledge of history then.


History teacher here. Industrialization always causes massive expansion and innovation that literally will keep compounding. FOR EXAMPLE: -Wright brothers invented the airplane in 1903 -We landed on the fucking moon in 1969. That's only a 66 year difference. Let's not gloss over the fact that nuclear power/weapons were created in the middle of that. Let's's not gloss over that Penicilin (possibly the greatest drug ever) was discovered during that. I could go on about human rights, philosophy, art, music, and of course technology (we got cell phones now). When you look at our world and how fast we did everything once the calendar hit 1900. It's very believable in my opinion that Korra happened a similair way.


When you look at where we are now from just over a hundred years ago we have advanced very fucking far. As you said, we went from wooden planes to moon landing in 66 years, that is an amazing leap forward. Plus that whole splitting the atom thing was a heavy leap too


I am a military nerd and I have two examples that are always on my mind when I think about fast technological advancement. First of all aircraft. From slow double decker prop planes we went to super fast turbo charged prop planes within about 25 years. BUT THEN we went from prop planes as a whole to super sonic jets with guided missiles in just 10 YEARS! 1945 most nations still had prop planes. Nazi germany had used some jets at the end of the war and the brits and US had their jets ready too but didn't deploy them but just 10 years after the war, the world saw super sonic fighter jets like the F-104 or Saab 35 Draken that were armed with guided missiles to take out enemy aircraft. The second example is tanks. WW1 tanks started out as boxes on tracks with some weapons in sponsons for example. The Tank Mark I of the british was the first one. France had the Renault FT by 1917, a small more mobile tank with a turret that could turn 360° and the engine in the back and not just set in the crew compartement. After the war, tanks became a bit more armed and armored and a lot more mobile, most having turrets now but still quite rudimentary at times. Germany started WW2 with mostly having small Pz. Is (armed with two machine guns), Pz. IIs (having a 2cm auto cannon) and a few bigger Pz. IIIs and IVs (III started with a 3,7cm gun, IV with a short 7,5cm gun). At the end of the war, tanks had grown into massive steel behemoths with totally new tech built into them. The M4 Sherman had a stabilized gun, germany had their massive (and impractical) Tiger I and IIs. They also had the Panther on which they tested night vision devices. And I could go on and on about how tanks advanced after WW2 to the massive but fast beasts they are today.


Yeah if korra is circa 1920s then aang being 1840s/1850s makes sense on an industrial scale, obviously noguns but thats because of bending.


There were still some cowboys in 1911. Ww1 started in 1914 and was the first major conflict with planes.


In addition to what everyone else is saying, you have to consider the fact that the fire nation did industrialize quite a bit. It's one of the big reasons that one tiny island nation was able to pick a war with basically the entire world and not immediately get their asses handed to them.


> It's one of the big reasons that one tiny island nation was able to pick a war with basically the entire world Huh, that's an interesting parallel.


yeah plus, random children in the fire nation are capable of smelting ore with their hands


Sokka is dead in Korra


i'd uncanon Raava and Vaatu. i would've liked it a lot more if the Avatar's source of power stayed unknown and clouded in mystery, or if they just let Wan have all 4 elements without the whole "the human body can't handle it" thing. i also don't like that Vaatu is just automatically portrayed as "evil" when really he just embodies chaos (which can be good), and Raava is "good" when really she just embodies order (which can be bad). If we were to keep the duo, I think it would've been more interesting if both or neither inhabited the Avatar, and said Avatar had to keep the balance between the two, rather than helping Raava overpower Vaatu. It just feels like the stereotypical good vs. evil cliche in it's current state, rather than an actual fight for balance between order and chaos.


THANK YOU, I WAS JUST ABOUT TO SAY I WANTED RAAVA TO BE THE ORDER SPIRIT AND VAATU THE CHAOS SPIRIT!! On top of that, I really disliked what TLoK did to the spirits in general. The spirit world is mysterious, and supernatural, its a weird and wonderful concept, my problem is that they explained too much, I prefer the mystery. Also for the love of god giant spirit kaiju battles with death lazers was the dumbest shit ever and did not feel like the avatar I know and love. Yes, I know hei bai also had death lazers but it was more of a roar of channeled energy. Rant over.


imo it's not that they explained too much. it's that the story they came up with just isn't that good. there are satisfying reveals in other stories.


Spirit bending and “dark spirits” was so dumb. Koh is a great example of how to do a good spirit. Even if you take away his threat and imposing aura, it’s in the way he acts. He wants to do X, but only will under the specific arbitrary conditions of Y. Otherwise, yeah sure he’ll help you out, why not? Human morality is irrelevant to ATLA spirits, they have their own morality that’s entirely their own.


They really went full Naruto on season two. A shame. Thank goodness clearly someone wanted to do an actual great show for season 3. Best LoKr book.


>If we were to keep the duo, I think it would've been more interesting if both or neither inhabited the Avatar, and said Avatar had to keep the balance between the two, rather than helping Raava overpower Vaatu. It just feels like the stereotypical good vs. evil cliche in it's current state, rather than an actual fight for balance between order and chaos. ✨YESSSSSSSS✨ and it makes way more sense with the actions of the avatar and the crises she faces. like instead of seeking order by closing all the spirit world portals, Korra leaves one open because *chaos is not evil*. and then we see through Kuvira that *order is not good*. also I think it would have been sick for the avatar to embody BOTH Raava and Vaatu. similar origin story of them battling for years because that's how the world exists but then something throws everything into chaos (maybe when humans start keeping bending?). the avatar must then absorb both their energy alongside the four elements in order to keep them in balance. Unalaq could instead trick Korra into visiting the spirit tree where he performs a ritual to separate her from Vaatu and Raava, trap her/Raava there while he fuses with Vaatu. and Vaatu is chaos so is willing but Raava as a spirit of order would refuse. we could still have giant Korra. I love giant Korra.


This is how you make giant korra work. This is essentially how they made koizilla aang work


I really like it being explained and even like the spirit holding the elements and being one with the avatar. But I definitely agree on hating that raava and vaatu were made so black and white with being good and evil. Definitely would have been way better if it was order and chaos or something like that, and that Korra figured out that the best way to have balance was to combine them both within her.


Wow, I wasn’t expecting to see Raava/Vaatu be so high up the list and it NOT be related to Korra losing connection with the other avatars


Honestly i’m surprised it wasn’t higher since i came here to make the exact same point. But yes, losing the connection to past avatars was also stupid.


I adore Wan's story, with the exception of "Raava good, Vaatu bad". The whole narrative theme for The Avatar is "to maintain balance". There *is* justification that "balance" is a state of order, and so Raava would be preferential. But they just didn't put in the work to justify it. And there's also all the overt and explicit yin-yang symbolism they steep the whole universe in due to its eastern philosophical influences--Wan's story especially. They tried to have it both ways (balance is a state of Order *and* balance requires both Order and Chaos) and the easy way out of that hole is to pin it to Good and Bad. I would have been plenty happy with Wan simply being the first to make the absurd journey around the early, uncharted world collecting the different elements. He'd need some kind of justification to convince the spirit turtles, but I think there's a better story there than just everyone (spirit turtles included) siding with Raava.


Kinda awkward when mortal Kombat has a better grasp on order vs chaos than you (korra, not you)


EXTREMELY valid. If you go back to ATLA the fire nation IS order. Its a fucking terrible order, its incredibly tyrannical genocidal and awful, but it is ORDER raava being pro order should actually theoretically be on the fire nations side imo. Because while its not the old order of elemental balance, it is more overal orderly where as Vaatu should theoretically be on the chaotic, impulsive and disruptive Aangs side, because even though Aangs end goal was to bring back the old order with all four elements in balence, that structure is alot more prone to collapse and chaos. Atleast thats my take but yea i hate equating chaos with evil and order with good.


There's also the rock that pierced Aang's back which basically gave him full control of the Avatar State. Like what was that? One thing TLOK did well was how Korra handled her trauma from her mercury poisoning. Aang had a chi block and it shouldn't have been some chiropractic rock that fixed him. Instead we could have got Aang learning from each bending's spiritual/physiological disciplines to eventually reconnect with the Avatar State. I'm talking about Airbending spirituality, Waterbending healing/bloodbending, Earthbending seismic sense, and Firebending chi detection. That could have been a good full episode to encapsulate the spiritual side of bending elements and possibly give him a hint to how to defeat Ozai instead of the lion turtle just spoon feeding him the solution.


Yes! The rock! The finale gave us a lucky fall onto a pointy rock instead of juicy character development to restore Aang's access to the avatar state! That's my only real gripe about AtLA. The finale could've been epic, but it ended up just being kind of empty and flashy.


Well he did achieve full control at the end is season 2. But then he got zapped. Still would have preferred character development, but internal logic checks out to me


> possibly give him a hint to how to defeat Ozai Aang working to heal his own injury to his bending and discovering energy bending along the way would be a great way to remove the Lion Turtle Ex Machina. Using two plot flaws to annihilate eachother is such a clever idea. Im sure you could do it in a way that fits thematically too. Aang’s and Zuko’s stories are about learning to both respect both your wants and responsibilities. Aang starts respecting his wants (being a goofy kid and having fun) and learns to also respect his responsibilities (of being the avatar). Zuko the opposite. So if healing the Avatar state was something he didn’t want to do for some reason (the responsibility factor is already there) this could make a great thematic climax


The awful romances in Korra


Yeah they're really, really...*Really* bad.


this is the only right answer


I would erase the weird stalker princess. That was a fun gag at first but then just got in the way of proper character development and motivation.


Yeah season 2 just ruined bolin for me and he was the only character I liked in the first season Edit: not only character I meant just team avatr


I thought Mako and Korra had a good buildup but they threw it away in the end of season 2, all the other romances weren’t that good or were just boring


Iroh being creepy with June.


This is one of the good changes with Natla. It fits both characters better for June to be the flirty one with Iroh and Iroh being the uninterested one.


Oh I forgot about this. One of my favorite choices they made


This is the only answer for me. I already try to forget it and pretend it doesn't exist; it sullies his character for no reason. 


It can also do the opposite. It shows that even the best of us are flawed, no?


Nah, it's way out of character for him. It's like the writer watched some anime with a creepy horny grandpa and decided to copy paste that on Iroh. That episode was that writer's first time writing for Avatar, and it looks like he literally never wrote for any tv show ever again. He just got the characters wrong.


Wait....what happened?


During season 1, Zuko hired June, the girl with the giant ant eater pet. The ant eater can paralyze anything it touches with it's tongue and, by the end of the episode, Zuko and June get paralyzed and the Gaang flees. June was laying on top of Iroh, and Iroh was standing still. Zuko remarked that Iroh didn't get hit, and Iroh gave one of those pervy smiles, probably with a wink, and still didn't move.


Oh lol that's pretty anime of them l


He's the pervy sage


It feels like Iroh was in character there. He's just used to hiding his horn dog side around his nephew.


I took that as iroh didn't actually want to capture the avatar so he pretended to be paralyzed then when zuko called him out he pretended to be pervy so that zuko didn't question Iroh's lack of desire to complete their quest.


Exactly! It's like so in character for him to play the part of being a dopey pervy old man so people underestimate how powerful he really is.


yep 100% this, it was such a strange joke for them to make, I try to write it off as just cartoon shenanigans, like how aang could run at the speed of sound in that one scene and never does it again even when it could save his life


I'd like to make the vibe a little less 1920s and a little more 1860s. Trains are a bigger deal, cars really aren't unless their powered by a firebender like the Great War tanks, radio telegraph etc isn't a thing. More during the industrial revolution then into if that makes sense


I never really got this perspective, 1920’s seems like a natural progression to me. Many people seem to think AtLA was medieval or something, but it basically is way more like the mid-1800’s already, that era of the Hundred Year War *is* the Industrial Revolution, there just happens to not be guns and most of the story takes place in the countryside. So by our historical standards of progress the next lifetime is definitely the early 1900’s.


That and every time they were in a big city they had the beginnings of major recognizable infrastructure.


Yes! Given the actual timeframe, there was too much technological progress too fast, so it felt too far removed from the time period of AtLA. Edit: Even though the technological advancement is apparently realistic, it still felt like too far of a tonal departure from the world of AtLA. I honestly would've liked a short follow-up season or a really good post-AtLA movie, where our favorite characters were grown up, and times were changing but weren't full on 1920s steampunk yet. The jump was jarring.


That's just wrong. You can dislike the technological progress, but given the actual time line it's extremely realistic with real life. Atla already had mechanical tanks, blimps, that huge drill, and jetskis. It honestly is probably slower than how fast progress was made in real life.


Well... alright, I just don't like it.


Aang never finding any survivors from the air benders Or Aang not being the one to cause airbenders to fully return


I mean, Aang was responsible for the airbenders to return, just in another life.


I wanna see what would happen if Aang was never frozen, and was raised by the monks properly


Like fire nation never invaded? Cuz he would have been either killed or taken prisoner if he had stayed. And would have probably just been another unnamed avatar if the fire nation never became shitters.


You know what, F*CK the Fandom, I'm taking away the quenchiest thing we know, Cactus juice in uncanon


Found Ozai’s account


Nah bro even Ozai had standards. This is Boiling Rock's Warden.




I hope that spirit takes your face smh




Not my cactus juice😭 https://i.redd.it/i6a05h6bx39d1.gif


The previous avatars are not severed off of korra.


This is a good one.


Change Iroh from "high ranking member of the white lotus" to "recent addition to the white lotus" and his backstory now makes sense.


I like to think that he is a very recent addition to the white lotus, but because of his iroh-ness he climbed their ranks quickly :)


all the spirit stuff retcon in Korra, from how the spirit world feels and operates, through the lore about the flying carpet of goodness, to those polar portals


This for me. The vibe of the spirits and the spirit world in ATLA was one of my favorite things and Korra just felt so wrong in that regard. I’ve always had a hard time articulating the reasons why, but the polar portals stuff felt very… scooby doo? And nothing wrong with scooby doo, it’s just not the vibe


“Oh yeah, the spirit world is a plane of existence one reaches through practice and aptitude for meditation, only those most in tune with their spirituality ever go there… actually scratch that, there’s also a door to that place too, two in fact, and they allow for fast travel between the poles”


Everything with Avatar Won and Raava. I hate that they removed the mystery from the Avatar world. I hate that his name is a pun. I hate that they did "good spirit vs evil trapped ancient sprit" trope. Part of the fun of Avatar was the mystery. What is bending, really? How does the spirit world actually work? Pulling back that veil was a mistake IMO, especially because it was uninspired.


I can fix her… uncanons crazy Azula.


Blood bending without a full moon. It was interesting for that one season, but i don't like how it relates the to the rest of the shows, it screws with the skill system. Will there be more blood benders like that?


Basically the entire deus ex machina that was Aang vs Ozai. Let me explain. The way they handled the lion turtle was clearly deus ex machina. Up until then, ATLA had a good magic system with predefined rules and characters using them and even pushing the boundaries of these rules with bending techniques (Toph discovering metal bending, introduction of bloodbending). And then out of the blue, they asspull energy bending with only a picture of a lion turtle in book 2 as setup. Aang was also faced with a moral dilemma with his vow to not kill (which he already violated several times before with animals) and found an easy way out by incapacitating Ozai with some magic solution that doesn't kill him. And then we learn later on in Korra that Amon could use bloodbending to take away a person's bending similar to energy bending but those worked within the rules of the 4 elements. Let's say Aang was taught bloodbending by Katara as a forbidden technique and he masters it like seismic sense. He could have used that to sever Ozai's bending as well. He already had knowledge of chi from Guru Pathik and besides, energy bending takes away a person's free will to bend. So why not just bloodbend it out of him? That would have been ground breaking. Instead we got flashing lights and screaming faces.


Honestly so much this


Interesting perspective. Never thought about it like that but can’t say I disagree.


I agree there was a deus ex machina, but a different one. I'm fine with the lion turtle bit, even Aang's new ability to take away someone's bending. The world was full of mystical spirits that came and went as needed for the story. So, although I wish there was actual foreshadowing for the pivotal lion turtle, it didn't feel too out of left field to me. I consider the real deus ex machina to be the absurdly lucky poke to the back by that rock, which unleashed Aang's chakras. Like... holy fuck, a rock? What if he'd fallen one foot to the left and missed the rock? Would he have just lost the fight? Maybe! Probably, because he hadn't worked out how to access the avatar state through character development! It felt like we were cheated out of character growth at the moment when he should have overcome an internal struggle that could've made his battle-of-the-wills with Ozai feel like it actually meant something. The final fight was cool, but it felt strangely hollow, kind of meaningless. Mostly because it was made possible by a rock. And yes, Aang did break his vow to not take life, but those weren't premeditated murder like it would be with Ozai; they were emotional outbursts. On principal, he wouldn't kill if there was another way and if he were of sound mind. Yes, he found an easy way out, but we all knew he wasn't gonna kill Ozai, so it became a question of how he was going to win without taking his life. I thought the energy bending could've had some foreshadowing as well, and I think it could've worked if they'd built it up and given more context to what was actually going through their heads during the energy battle. Lastly, I do not consider LoK canon, because there are too many damn retcons (plus it just sucks too much to be part of the same universe). So, in my opinion, anything that happened in LoK shouldn't retroactively affect or inform the AtLA lore or magic system.


Loved your comment and I'd like to add that Aang never grows as a charachter, the whole "I chose love instead of power" doesn't work because it wasn't "power" Aang was dangerous in avatar state and often was a threat to everyone's lifes, it hurts Katara who has to calm him down, it hurts any person around(enemies or not) and consequentially hurts his air nomad principles. Also, "leaving earthly attachments" is an air nomad philosophy along side as celibacy but it was a total schock for our monk prodigy in the show. Aang is a very lovable character (at least I like him a lot) that is never given the oportunity to choose what he "need" insted of what he "wants", making his character seem one-dimensional in comparisson to the rest of the gaang.


Deleting the fact that Korra killed all of the past avatars.


She didn't. Assuming you're referring to the connection to them being severed, that was Unalaq and Vaatu. Korra was not even remotely responsible for that.


You guys are so defensive of her. He's probably just referring to the show Korra, and how the writers had the Avatar connections be lost for no reason


To be fair, they’re still technically “alive” in the sense that they literally are Korra. It’s just their memories that are gone. That’s not to say that I liked how they removed Korra’s connection to her past lives however, and I’d love if either Korra or a future Avatar could figure out a way to undo that.


Toph being chief of police, girl ran a whole gambling scheme there is no way she’d even be with the police


… have you never heard of corrupt police?


Who better to police than someone who broken every law?


Exactly, she knows her tricks so she uses that to make the police better. I feel like it was a natural progression. Toph- "I get to beat up bad guys and be paid for it? Sign me up!" Aang- "that's not technically -" Toph- "I get a statue too right? But mine will be so much cooler than yours- you got that twinkle toes?" Aang- "maybe..." Smh.


Mines would be making Amon some random person and not a blood bender. He’s just a guy with actual conviction the benders need to go down.


But his entire character arc is about escaping the thing about him he hates most, because it reminds him of his abusive father who was hellbent on perfecting the most important part of his kids - their bending. Without him being a bender, he’s some idealist who is angry that benders are powerful, and therefore, influential. Giving him bending made his character arc dynamic, gave it a plot twist, and tugged on the heartstrings for a character who was actively an antagonist.


While I don’t disagree that being a bender is interesting for him, I hate the way it’s handled in the show. Instead of it further proving his point that bending is used to oppress people, the show treats it as if his entire argument has been unraveled by revealing he’s a bender. It hasn’t. Amon is literally just right about everything beginning to end. Also the fact that bloodbending can take someone else’s bending is so incredibly stupid.


I believe his actions to be in line with someone who was abused and reluctantly uses the things that remind him of that abuse. - Only attention he got from his father was with blood bending , and abuse on top of it - Fathers downfall was from bloodbending - Actively witnessed benders abuse nonbenders, so he acts according to that belief and tries to rally nonbenders together, because he hates the parts of him that remind him of his father Yakone. - He used his own bending to prove the oppresssive nature of it like you said. He actively used it to oppress even very strong benders. Yes, he hid it, because he was ashamed of his past and would lose all credibility in the movement if found out (which ends up being the case). It’s not that his argument falls short, but the movement itself. How does a collection of nonbenders fighting for rights for themselves react when it’s learned that their leader was in fact part of the demographic that oppresses them in the first place? Ultimately, I think it’s a great view into thought process of someone having to actively utilize things that remind him of his abusive past. I won’t disagree that bloodbending was depicted as borderline overpowered in this part of the story, but for how rushed the show was I think they excelled at creating a compelling and unique villain


I don’t disagree. I just don’t like that the show treats the reveal that he’s a bender as though it makes him wrong about everything he’s been saying up until this point. If anything it makes him more right.


Korra being separated from Vaatu, or even just being separated but not losing her connection to the past avatars when they ‘fused’ again. I just want korra and the future avatars to be connected to the past avatars, dammit!


You mean Raava, Vaatu is the dark spirit


Gonna sound harsh but Zuko and Mai’s relationship just really wasn’t doing it for me y’all


https://preview.redd.it/vt4ay4bjx29d1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be16b5ecb2790a28fea5978fe72577cd5c1bbac3 Zuko should have ended with jin, their relationship was just so cute and sweet, they had a lot of chemistry


Yes, I have a very strong suspicion that Jin knew he was ex fire nation too and didn't care. She saw past the label of nation and wanted to get to know him for him.


which would all add too the idea that she would like/love him for him and not because of what he does, what he has or what she has too gain.


I like the relationship between them, with it's flaws. But I also prefer the idea that they eventually break up and don't come back together.


I like that. And they seem like the types to stay lifelong friends after the eventual final breakup.


That whole Raavaa vs Vatuu thing.


I think earthbenders are too strong so I'll nerf them. The ground is now uncanon.


Avatar is now a space opera


that time Iroh creeped on June, VERY jarring considering how beloved and great his characterization is. i'm suspecting that was when the writers were figuring out Iroh's personality


The erasure of Suki in the adult Gaang….what happens to suki!?!


Korra losing her connection to her past lives. That really upset me


I'd like to un-canon Aang and Toph growing up to be shitty parents. In the comic about Empire City's founding, Aang taught air nation fan girls about his culture and accepted them as air nation because they kept relics and whatever else they could even though it'd mean their death if they were found. This same Aang then went on to neglect and not teach his two non air bender kids about his culture? Toph hated her overbearing, restrictive parents so much she over corrected and became a neglectful, barely involved parent who did nothing even when one daughter turned to a life of crime and almost could've blinded her other daughter who tried to stop her. Also, she never answered who the father is until Bolin, who she's known for like a day, asked her, wtf? To top it off, they try and mimic Zuko's internal strife fever dream to resolve this conflict after like one conversation. It came off as a lazy call back to an impactful scene when, this time around, we barely have the history/context, and then it's all solved.


love the wan story, hate the simplification to good and evil


korra losing the connection to the past lives. it should of PURELY been a mental block that she worked through tbh ​ that or the wind sword and make it into a shield/dome instead


Give Katara some statues and some more respect


The big robot at the end of TLOK. It was just goofy af. The regular robots were a little iffy but alright but this big one was just so lame. I would have prefered a proper army on army fight or the Earth Empire having a mix out of small robots and regular tanks that we see in the army camp attack Republic City.


Every fart joke. They're all bad.


Aang being a subpar dad to Bumi and Kya. Maybe the show runners in Korra wanted to make it seem like Aang wasn't infallible, but it always felt like a betrayal of Aang's character to me; yes, Aang would have had a vested interest in having Air Nomads culture come back after the genocide, but that strikes me as him leaning a bit too hard towards him being too invested in being the Avatar which he always has reservations about. Plus, Aang's friends all had issues with their parents; I refuse to believe that Zuko, Sokka, Toph, and Mai would stand idly by watching their close friend make similar mistakes that their parents had made without pulling Aang aside to talk to him about how he was raising Bumi and Kya, *especially* Sokka.


Woof. So many bad-awful takes down here. I'd remove the notion that Yangchen was in the wrong for favouring humans over invader spirits. Spirits terrorised humans for millennia, and were politely asked to leave before the portals closed. Then some came back and decided to be harassers. Screw them.


For real, they're not from the material world to begin with, and some of them got really comfortable. Imagine someone defending the right for a group of humans to rule over a portion of the spirit world and dictate terms to the spirits, sometime mass killing them for petty reasons in a temper tantrum. The mere presence of someone in the spirit world is often treated as an intrusion. At best, they're considered guests and should behave themselves. The only exception was Iroh after he died. Admittedly, the two worlds became intertwined over time, so a few cases of spirit stuff in the material world have to be considered legitimate, but I call double standard.


Aang being a bad father and Katara not stepping in to do something. (It's fine in lok Canon but I won't let it in my atla headcanon)


I wish Korra didn't have the jump in technology and bending abilities. We're at high level mech suits and cars and planes and stuff, with the way bending accelerates technology the next Avatar is going to be in the future fighting gundams. They made lightning way too accessible, it was high level masters in atla but in Korra it was random dudes getting jobs in the power plant. Blood bending went from extremely rare and hard to do and only during a full moon to psychic level bending without a full moon and no one can even tell you're bending. I didn't have a problem with the expansion of metal bending, it was a new technique and was now able to be taught because toph is op. But then they were just like well here's platinum whenever we still want something to be like metal for the plot.


And why platinum? That was a stupid pull too, a metal that isn’t metaly. They shouldve made it plastic, that makes so much more sense (and where tf did Kuviera get THAT MUCH platinum? Did she mine an asteroid?) and it’s thematic for the world - technology starting to outpace bending


i want "hi zuko here" to be more awkward


Sokka losing his Space Sword and boomerang


Toph becoming a cop


Stupid robot bullshit in Korra.


Factory workers casually lightning bending into generators. Lightning bending was ment to be a very special thing that required yourself to be spiritually and emotionally in synch with yourself. Now John Deere can just do that while the firelord himself can't.


Raava and Vaatus existence and Raava being the avatar spirit.


The Lion Turtles giving people the elements in the Avatar Wan part of Korra, which completely contradicts how every nation learned how to bend the elements in AtlA


If I can present a counterpoint. Bending is the art of control over the power they had. Wan was the first to turn the power of the elements into a martial art. Everyone else was basically treating it like a flamethrower or a travel tool. So, the lion turtles gave them the power, and each nation learned how to control it by copying the elements behaving in nature. Which I think was the idea from the beginning, since not everyone has the ability to bend, and you can’t just acquire the ability, gotta be born with it first (lion turtle gift or descendent of a recipient), then learn how to control it via bending


this was about how i interpreted it. the lion turtles bestowed the innate *ability,* but never taught anyone how to use it. for that, they had to look to nature; dragons, badgermoles, the moon, and the sky bison.


Legend of Korra Book 2 doesn’t exist


Toph becoming a cop 🤮


The fact that Kuruk never got to see his wife again. Hit the uncanon button. He was now able to bring back or at least see his wife


Aang hiding the letter from Katara and Sakka’s father. I would get rid of that because it was a major dick move on Aang’s part.


Korra season 2.


Everything that happened after the final episode of the legend of Aang.


The deaths of all the past lives of the avatars in Korra. along with Spirit-bending


The non existent movie


Hot fucking take inbound, warning. Korra, the entire show. I just don't think it landed well and ATLA stumbled for a while because of it. People are clearly invested in the Gaang and moving away from their story so soon was a mistake, imo. The should've continued making stories with the OG cast, like the are doing now. They could've told dozens of stories with the Gaang and then once that felt stale, then they move on to the next generation. The MCU Infinity Saga shows us how it should be done. We spend so much time with the orignal Avengers before their big finale and the next generation comes up.


TLOK season 2


Kuvira’s big mech in Korra season 4. Just make it a really big bomb or something simpler


That Korra‘s world is so advanced and has that noire 50s vibe. Destroyed the whole magical world feeling that the ATLA series created for me.


Making Toph a cop


Korra loosing her past lives. It's such a core part of the Avatar and what makes them special.


The entirety that is the Legend of Korra. So much retconning and complete disregard for the set lore. Just get rid of it in it's entirety. The Avatar world wouldn't feel any less full. And granted, it would look a little brighter too.


Love Potion #8. If you know, you know 👀


Season 2


The past avatar connections come back to Korra


Legend of Korra as a whole. Not because it was bad but because I want he avatar folks to do it again knowing how many seasons they are going to get instead of thinking it's just one at the start. Imagine Legend of Korra where they could plan it all out from the start. For those that love it it gets better and for those not a fan it'd also likely get better.


the wan story line in legend of korra. It is contradictory to the descriptions of how the elements were discovered in the first series and frankly I hated the art design too


Zuko's scar is still on the wrong side... Let's change that