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I don’t think the child would be the avatar until they’re actually born. It showed Roku dying right when Aang was born. So abortion and whatnot wouldn’t change anything. 


I thought that the new avatar is born right when the old one dies, so that wouldn't be a problem


Well, alot of religions, including Judaism, say the soul only enters the body after the first breath post birth. Could be the same for the avatar spirit


Avatar would be chosen from another element if would be avatar dies during birth.


Imagine the amount of people wondering why the avatar cycle skipped an element


This is a flaw with the lore. Realistically, it would be monumental ly difficult to identify the Avatar Cycle as a reliable pattern because of infant and child mortality. Until the modern era, kids died ALL THE TIME. Most children died before the age of 5. If you reached 5 years old, your odds of surviving to adulthood dramatically increased. Most avatars should have died long before they could ever bend even their natrual element, much less the rest. Thatnwoild have the effect of making it look like the Avatar was born randomly somewhere in the world, rather than following a set pattern. The exception to that would be the water tribes, because of healing abilities. It's unclear if healing can help with disease or infections, but it probably can. Even in tLoK, water bender healers would be the best doctors in the world. By far. They would have significantly lower child mortality rates than any other nation because of water bender healers. Consequently, the majority of avatars *should* be water benders.


It's possible that Raava actually strengthens the child's body and allows them to survive into adulthood.


Considering that the Avatar Spirit kept Aang safe from freezing to death/drowning for 100 years in ice when he didn't even know how to water bend, I think some pesky diseases aren't hard to take care of


The avatar is not dying as a child. Also before the avatar is born they are not the avatar. The soul enters at birth. Aang was born when Roku died, not months after. It just depends on the philosophy the show was based on


The avatar isn’t chosen until their birth


You know, this is the reason why Avatar is a kid’s cartoon.


you a kid?


The baby goes into the avatar state before it happens and breaks out




This would be such a cool plot point and could explain false avatars


Depends on a lot. When is the baby an actual living human and how long is the wait period between the last Avatars death and the new ones birth.


I would say that the avatar cycle would go to the same element? That sounds like the most realistic option tbh. I would also go as far to say that raava influences the mother to not kill the baby and would influence the baby by making it much stronger against sicknesses and damage (like the mom fell)


We know that before Korra Roku tells aang that it is an unbroken line so up through Korra they have lived and so rava probably does not enter them until they are born and rava would probably also be able to tell if the infant is healthy or not and considering how few seconds between births the air nomads might be a little less because of much smaller population


I feel like the avatar gets picked by the spirits as they awaken their bending. My guess is somewhere around 4-8 years old. I also think it's a kid who awakens their powers immediately after the previous avatar dies, as of rava exists the body and immediately searches for a new one.


I thought they showed us when Roku died and you could see aang's eyes opening in the temple as a baby. I don't think they gain the Avatar Spirit as a child. It's when they're born