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Lots of people use WATL axes in my venue, however if you don't want to support WATLs ownership (not uncommon) you can get a Reaper axe from Warriors that are designed after the same axe that the butcher is. Note if you switch to WATL you cannot use Warriors axes as the owner of WATL claims that they are forgeries/copies since they were designed after other axes. A great starter axe that is relatively cheap is the cold steel axe gang or competition thrower, but try out some axes in your venue before committing.


This guy knows axes.


I have been around the throwing scene since 2017 so I have tried A LOT of axes as everyone at my venue is more than willing to let you try their axes (some almost force you to try them lol) so I like to try em all! I know cold steel when they first started the competition thrower they had some handle issues, but they seem pretty much perfect and it's my favorite beginner axe because of the thin profile and 4 inch blade works well for the standard rule set (and great for premier bills as well). I've bought a few over the years both Competition and Axe Gang (I prefer the look of the axe gang because of the black head). I also think the IATF hatchet is great for beginners too but the handles are quite thick so it can be a little difficult to throw if you have smaller hands. Axes are fun and the more variety you throw you can use them to tweak your throw as well. 4 or so years ago I found I was under rotating and couldn't stand far enough forward so I used an ace hammer hatchet to help my rotation for a few months and it worked wonders for me.


Yeah, I started throwing watl in 2017, then went natf in 2019. I've been away for a couple of years now though. I actually walked away from watl because of the Butcher/Reaper controversy. I own a few axes myself, and the Reaper is a fine piece of equipment


Ya that controversy was something! They were lucky the backlash didn't end them as it was thing after thing around then if I recall. I'm not part of the Facebook group it all went on in so no idea if there's been more! Warriors actually recently came out with a mini reaper, it's the same axe but the head is smaller to 3 inches vs the 4. They did it was people were modifying their reapers for premier ruleset and just cutting the bottom inch off the blade and IATF passed a rule about overly modified axe heads so they decided to manufacture what people were already doing to make sure they stayed legal. It's a pretty nice axe, it's my daily currently and I enjoy it.


I will say this, as someone who used to throw a reaper and switched to a butcher, they may look similar but they are completely different axes imo. The reaper is a lot lighter and I find I need to keep a longer handle on it to keep it from over rotating. The WATL axes tend to run a bit heavier and rotate a lot slower from experience. I think the closest non WATL axe would be something from infinity axes, but they don’t have anything that closely resembles the butcher as much as the reaper does.


That is valid they definitely are a different weight, I find a heavy handle helps when the head is too light for your throw. I am serial under rotater due to my speed as I was previously a pitcher and bowler so I throw a little harder than most (I have slowed down a lot!)


Warriors axe throwing website seems to be temporarily closed.


What’s the history behind the strife between the different leagues? Or is strife too strong a word?


I have never noticed any issues between league to league and I know a number of throwers who do both, but a lot of people absolutely hate Mario the owner of WATL as he has in the past gone on some power trips and has soured a not small number of throwers thoughts of him. The big one was him banning "knock off axes" and specifically called out Warriors axes (they are a IATF venue as well) who decided to bring out some axes in Canada using inspiration from old axes just like WATL did and they started selling well especially in Canada. There was a bunch of outrage on The Sport of Axe Throwing Facebook group about it as throwers and venues were banned and I remember there was lots of stuff but I honestly forget all the controversy as I left the group and Facebook years ago but remember it being power trip stuff and a lot of flack about the axes and how people thought he was greedy I'm trying to force people to buy his own (I don't recall it ever being that strict but it's Facebook)


From what I’ve been told, the owner of IATF and WATL were friends and business partners. Then, as often happens, they had a falling out and WATL was started.


What’s the issue with WATL’s leadership?


There was a lot of power tripping from Mario (owner of the org) a few years back ( I don't know if there is still drama as I left Facebook so I'm not in the loop anymore) lots of anger about his rules banning certain axes and stuff.


I throw with a Butcher. It’s IATF regulation. Just make sure the handle is cut down to the right length, but it think they sell them with a handle within IATF regulations. The only thing I ever hear is that no wonder I get bulls throwing standard “with that fucking giant axe.” 🤣🤣🤣


And I don’t mind buying from the WATL site. We’re all in this together.


I mean probably half the people at IATC will be throwing Aces so it would be detrimental to disallow WATL axes.


WATL axes are very common in IATF especially for use as a clutch axe. The majority of their axes meet the maximum blade length allowed in IATF. I’d argue they are probably the most commonly used axes in a lot of leagues I’ve participated in.


Thanks. I’m just looking to avoid committing a ~$100 faux pas.


Not at all, the IATF came out with an axe about a year ago, but they aren’t as popular yet. The only thing I’d say about WATL axes is the QC is not great. I have purchased a few over my axe throwing career and have had to return some as the heads can come crooked. Not sure if this has been fixed, but I know as of a few years ago it wasn’t the best.


I'd wait to buy one. Most throwers will let you try their axes, so see if someone has a Butcher that they'll let you throw a few times. Depending on what you're currently throwing, it could spin significantly differently than you're used to. It'd suck you but a $100+ axe and then realize that you hate it. Edit: I missed that you're an over rotator, so the Butcher could definitely help. I'd still recommend trying before you buy, if you can.


Throw the house axes for the first few weeks. Ask as many people in your league as possible to try their axes. Buying something purely based on looks has a high probability of leading to disappointment. If you're really invested in finding the right axe, maybe even travel to different venues or go to a marathon league in a different location. I sell axes and I never recommend people just drop $100+ on an axe without trying it first.


Throwing standard or prem? The massive WATL blades can be a huge hindrance for hitting 5s, although greatly can help with clutches. A flying fox is always my recommendation. It's a solidly weighted axe that has always served me well




IATF doesn’t care about WATL axes that meat their spec. WATL axes are expensive and have had some very questionable quality control issues. I throw a Warriors Reaper in IATF and can definitely recommend it. Also recommend a Flying Fox.