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Everyone complaining about the white bread has never grabbed a slice, filled it with some brisket or sausage, put some onion and pickles on it and dipped it in some sauce. Straight šŸ”„ donā€™t care how snobby the bbq scene is these days, that combo never misses


I honestly thought the white bread thing was like universal at bbq places until maybe a month ago where i went to a bbq place and asked for some and they looked at me like I was insane. In Alberta, Canada.


I went to a place called ā€œTexas BBQā€ when we moved from Texas to Columbus Ohio. We asked for bread and they just gave us some burger buns. My fault for thinking Columbus had good bbq. Side note: we missed HEB so much it hurt.


Shit at least you got something. This place as just like šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘ no


Was the food good at least? šŸ˜¬


Nope. Wasn't awful but would never go there again. Way over smoked. I went at lunch with a coworker who smokes (cigs not meat) and said he couldn't for the rest of the day cause of the taste it left behind.


Thatā€™s par for the course in Ohio. Thereā€™s a few places starting to pop up that do it the right wayā€¦*cough*


I'm in Ohio looking for bbq to have today. Where is your spot? Edit: looks like you're in Kent. I will drive down today and give your place a try! See you in a few hours. Edit 2: Joe's is amazing.


Go to Mabelā€™s in Cleveland, their Brisket can rival some of the best places in Texas


Iā€™ve been! Iron Chef Michael Symonā€™s place! Been to the sister restaurant next door too. Iā€™m sure we got the briskest but I canā€™t remember how it was but Iā€™m sure it was great. What I do recall was the crispy pig ears. šŸ·


Nice! Yep crispy pigs ears are awesome too! I also love how Mableā€™s gives Rye bread instead of white bread, itā€™s a nice twist plus his mustard based bbq sauce is amazing. Have some in the fridge now


no bluebell ice cream in Ohio either šŸ„ŗ




Ray rays had fantastic ribs. We moved back to Houston after 3 years there. We did our time šŸ˜œ


How could you leave this comment and not include any Columbus bbq recommendations


City Barbecue


Drive to Warren and go to cockeye. It consistently wins best bbq in Ohio for a reason. Edit: I wrote this and then went to Joe's BBQ in Kent for lunch. Eat at Joes.


Where? So I can avoid


It's called jane bond. It was decently reviewed but yeah I was not a fan.


Better believe itā€™s ā€™Berta beef!


They don't do that in va/ carolina bbq either.


I think the fact that white bread is spongy and flavorless is what MAKES it a delicious vehicle for meat juices


Not to mention its basically an edible napkin.


White bread is an essential component of Texas BBQ for sure.


There is nothing on that plate but vegetables to fill the white bread.


White bread being served with Texas BBQ is as old as time. People should chill.


Hipsters and yuppies bro. They fucking ruin everything.


It's for making pulled pork sandwiches with onion, pickles and a little bbq sauce. Damn good too.


Those people complaining are not native Texans and as such their opinion does not count


Some of the best barbecue places Iā€™ve been to have been to give you white bread.


I heard it talked about as edible napkins once. Get all that extra bbq off your fingers from the ribs and fill it up with other stuff


So a sandwich?


More like taco


We call it a foldover


I consider white bread, sliced onions, pickles, and sauce to be the correct accompaniment.


For $65 I better get a full loaf lolol


I know youre joking but at a lot of places, like Coopers, they set loafs out and take as much as you want. We used to swipe a half full one with our leftovers when I was a kid.


White bread is so traditional for Texas bbq anyone complaining about it simply doesnā€™t know what the fuck theyā€™re talking about.


Those folk ainā€™t from the south


I do the white bread thing with anything I eat if I feel like it. White bread with some Mac and cheese in it? Fire


I love bread with my BBQ but I'd be fucking mad if I got more of it than everything else.


The bread is trash, but itā€™s *our* trash


So good!! šŸ¤¤


White bread Bbq taco will forever be elite


If you're complaining about white bread you're basically outing yourself as having never had true Texas BBQ.


Whoā€™s complaining about white bread??! If youā€™re not serving white bread with your Bbq what are you doing serving Bbq at all? šŸ˜‚ I do have a place here in Chicago that doesnā€™t serve white bread and I do love their brisket but I also think to myself every time that I go that I wish I had bread to dip in this sauce.


HEB? Like the grocery store?


Yep. The bigger new ones sometimes have a bbq restaurant inside, this was from the drive thru down the road at the nearest one


I fucking love this country so much.


Yup, people are so bogged down in negativity they forget all the awesome things about the USA


You can travel such different places in the USA you never even need to leave the country Nowhere else in the world has ADAs level of protections and policies to assist disabled people You donā€™t get executed for badmouthing the government One of the most generous people in the world, and giving almost the most to charity The extensive National parks and forest system we have doesnā€™t really exist anywhere else in the world Public libraries Leaders in space exploration We have lots of food and food diversity We have no pirates in our oceans World leader in entertainment Most of the highest rated universities on the planet USPS is virtually unmatched One of the most comfortable places to live in the world even when poor We have every climate in the world We invented HVAC and the BLT We invented and own GPS Free speech Tolerance of other cultures is generally more so than most other nations Elvis


On your first point - the US even has beautiful tropical territories you can visit without a passport.


Iā€™d add: * tech industry- the semi conductor and the internet were invented here. The top AI innovation is happening here. * we struggle with wealth inequality, but we are extremely prosperous. You always see comparisons to poor developing countries- no letā€™s compare against peer countries for a change: income is higher in our poorest states than in the richest cities in Europe * Iā€™d break out the music industry from entertainment, itā€™s its own juggernaut, and is globally influential (especially due to contributions from African Americans who invented 5 major globally-popular genres: Rock and Roll, Hip Hop, Jazz, Blues, R&B) * biotech, baby. We might have super uneven access to healthcare but we do an outsized share of the innovation. And a lot of that is seeded by taxpayer funded grants from the NIH (something like $45b a year!), which go to our top-notch universities who come up with breakthroughs that lead to commercial applications by pharmaceutical companies and new startups ā€” itā€™s a pipeline of nonstop progress.


Not enough upvotes for thisā€¦. Common merica


Nailed it




The country of Texas? Yeah, it's pretty awesome!


You said it!


The country of Texas.


There is one of these I think in Lubbock that people wait in line for cause itā€™s one of the best bbq options.


That Slaughter HEB is the best in the city imo


šŸ’Æ Thatā€™s where I went


A big one recently opened up near me in Katy, will have to look and see if it has one :)


I'm so sad that none of the Houston area ones minus way up north have one. I made a trip out to Seguin once basically to try this bbq (and visit natural bridge caverns, but that was secondary). It was pretty damn good.


The people at Live Oak (the brewery) told me they've used them for catering for company parties, and they're excellent. Apparently really good value for money.


It is. Bbq is whacky expensive in this town, you know that. These prices are totally fair if not great https://images.heb.com/is/content/HEBGrocery/PDF/true-texas-bbq-vertical-menu.pdf


It's a decent BBQ place, too! Not my fav but definitely great for a pre-grocery snack or lunch.


Legit some of the best bbq in town. Unreal.


Yup, I lived on n San Antonio for 4 years and got fresh brisket there many times for lunch. Their BBQ is fantastic!


I know Midlothian and Waxahachie have a bbq joint attached to theirs. Idk which else do


When you're in Texas, the best BBQ is _usually_ whatever's closest. HEB knows what it's doing.


My local HEB has one of these. I have never tried it, but damn, if I go shopping while hungry, the smell is flat out criminal.


Thatā€™s by design haha


Pork ribs tend to be a bit too peppery for me but you gotta give it a whirl, itā€™s seriously really well done- brisket is prime, so are the beef ribs


I've never tried the ribs but everything else is quality and the brisket is legit!


The one at Tech Ridge in Austin, no shit, could be a top-10 BBQ spot in the whole state. The brisket is just melts, it is so moist. Amazing smoked turkey, too. 10/10.


I haven't tried the one here in Austin but I went once in a different city and was pretty underwhelmed. It wasn't bad but the price was on par with much better places. But that is just are opinion and a different pit master would make a huge difference.


Fun fact. HEB has its own emergency response division. They showed up in Houston when it got flooded. I fucking LOVE HEB AND TEXAS!


Iā€™ve done emergency generator work for HEB for almost 18 years. Our company (my family and handful of employees) drive into these disasters and get stores back on power within hours, where most places take days or weeks to get power up. Our motto was always ā€œlast out, first inā€ and Iā€™ve been to almost every store in the system.


Bad ass shit man


Texas Monthly did an article in Aug 2020 about how elaborately planned out HEBā€™s supply chain is. They basically have a ā€œbreak in case of emergencyā€ plan for every plausible natural disaster, except for maybe a godzilla attack.


Offer him brisket. If he refuses, smoke him low and slow. About 45 days should do it.


No store does more šŸ– šŸ’Æ


Except my HEB because we don't have one of these šŸ˜ž


Yeah I love my local one but itā€™s a tiny, old one in Austin. First time I went to one of the huge, newer ones I was blown away.


It never ceases to amaze me how many idiots on this sub don't understand that BBQ usually comes with white bread.


And they show their true colors thinking white bread is somehow a part of the cost. Lifelong Texan and I expect an option of white bread like I expect napkins and silverware...its just there with bbq always.


White bread is napkins and silverware.


Exactly. It just seems right.


I live in central NY and we have a BBQ place that opened up a few years ago. The owners traveled to Texas and the Carolinas to bring back what they learned. Itā€™s delicious BBQ actually. But the first few weeks it was opened and people trying it out were posting pics of the plates with white bread on them. They got RIPPED. To. Shreds. For it. It was painful. No matter how much explaining you did on the reasoning people wouldnā€™t listen. The place eventually just switched to cornbread.


Name names. Is it Ray Brothers?


Man that sucks. I guess you have to play to your crowd. Cornbread I think is more common with BBQ in the north from my experience at least.


You can't educate people who don't want to learn. Pearls before swine and all.


There sure are a lot of people who have never seem to had BBQ before in this BBQ subreddit


Most be those folks who think that well done trash Uncle Pete dries out in their BBQ pit in the backyard is delicious.


Gotta love HEB man


I enjoyed it. Good price point


I used to work at a True Texas BBQ, ask me anything!!


What was your favorite thing there?


I loved the fatty brisket and the jalapeno cornbread with the honey butter on top. My go-to order was the 2 meat plate, which would be 2 servings of fatty brisket, a side of potato salad, a side of coleslaw, and then a separate individual side of the cornbread. That with a glass of the blood and honey beer? Omfg so good


Ohh I also love me some fatty brisket. I did enjoy the brisket last time. But I got that sandwich that had a ton of meat in there. So I would love to try the fatty brisket and burnt ends. Is the potato salad more heavy mayo based or does it also have mustard in it? I'm definitely going to add on the blood and honey beer to try as well, I was in love with how good the tea and lemonade were as well. Also nugget ice!


The potato salad is a pretty mild mix of both mayo and mustard. Neither overwhelms the other, it's definitely a good balance that satisfies even the picky potato salad eaters (which is me). The burnt ends were really good for sure, definitely a solid option. The only problem is that they're tough to keep in stock, that was one of the #1 things we were always running out of first. Shiner Bock is also a solid choice. I tried the Dallas Blonde but it wasn't as good. The lemonade was so super good, and I still crave it to this day. I liked the sweet tea until I accidentally spilled ~about a gallon~ of it on myself cleaning the machine lol


Living outside the state now, I'm so glad they decided to sell Shiner outside of Texas. I buy all the Holliday Cheers at every place every year I can find it.




Why do you think plate armour transitioned from from incorporating a placard and paunch of plate to a low cut breastplate terminating in tassets as the 15th century closed out?


That's a great question. *Looks at note cards.* (There's a crayon scribble saying "i love HEB" and nothing else) Uh next question!


Do you put sauce on your brisket?


The restaurant itself put BBQ sauce in the chopped brisket. I wasn't a huge fan, but it made for good cheap sandwich material. Personally, I'm of the opinion that good BBQ shouldn't need BBQ sauce. If it needs sauce, it's not good.


Whats the process there? Did they figure out a way to make brisket in a slow cooker actually taste like its smoked? Do all HEBs with BBQ have actual pitmasters doing their thing 7 days a week? Or are they just training people well to get good consistency?


All HEBs with the BBQ have an actual full time pitmaster (usually 2 of them). There is a huge smoker with a rotating carousel inside of it, and they use real wood (our location used oak, some used hickory I believe). They were super strict on the smoker, too, it has to be deep cleaned once a week, so they'd have 2 people stay late in the evening, climb in, remove the shelves of the smoker, and clean all the nooks and crannies. If the pitmaster was sick, the other would step in, if they were both out for some reason, the manager would have to take it over. My location prided ourselves on being as friendly as possible, so when someone showed interest in our process, we would offer to let them put a hair net on and give them a little tour of our back of house. Idk if they still do that though, it's been about a year and a half since I left. Couldn't hurt to ask, if you happen to have one near you though, maybe they'd like to give you a tour too.


Iā€™m from Ohio. Iā€™ve only been to Texas twice. The Dallas airport. So I donā€™t give a fuck about Texas lovers or haters. Iā€™ve had BBQ from NY and Ohio down every state to Florida. And Nevada and California out west. I wish Iā€™ve had Texas BBQ. I will one day. Anyway, That is $65 worth of BBQ in whatever state you live in. I swear you folks complaining about prices, and getting all up in arms about plain white bread, have never stepped foot in a commercial kitchen, and have no idea what BBQ entails. Edit: And based on the size of that bun, that rib bone is 12ā€ long like OP said. For the variety of food thatā€™s in this picture, you canā€™t replicate this price at home.


Let me start by saying Iā€™m no expert by any means. But the BBQ here in Texas is so goddamn good. Particularly the brisket (and sausage) Likeā€¦I didnā€™t realize BBQ could be so good till I moved here. Thereā€™s some places out here thatā€™d flat out make you cream your shorts, bud.


Truth. You know it's good when they don't have to hide the meat under tons of rub and sauce.


I hear you. The best BBQ is just plain Jane meat and salt and pepper. You get the full flavor of the smoke and meat that way. A good sauce doesn't hurt though but the best BBQ doesn't need sauce. It's more of a compliment to amazing meat.


The sausage is so damn good here! Had some for dinner last night and it's so spicy and snappy and peppery, it's perfect! (And to eat it with some creamy Mac and cheese and delicious toasted made in house white bread šŸ¤¤)


There are places here charging upwards of $40 a lb. for brisket, which I admit is wild, but after you shed a tear while putting your wallet away and take a bite you forget all about it, at least until it's all gone.


That is easily well over $100 at any of the more trendy/famous BBQ places in Houston and Austin unfortunately


Thatā€™s it, packing it all up and moving to Texas.


See ya!




I love beef ribs, so fucking delicious.


Their ribs are surprisingly good. Not amazing BBQ, but some of the most convenient.


This the one off slaughter?




Moving to Texas just for HEB


Yep my HEB (lubbock) has one as well. God damn i fuckin love HEB


Lmao I don't even live in Lubbock but I was so excited when y'all got one šŸ˜‚


Right! I think we were one of the last bigger cities in texas to get one. They're supposed to build another one.. I wish they'd get on it because the one here is always fucking slammed!


I've crushed more than my fair share of true texas bbq at heb in Midland. Always enjoyed it.


Id eat it.


That is good looking turkey!


The greens and potatoe salad are so good at heb too!


Freaking love the greens!!


Ive never had beef ribs, are they as fantastic as they look?


Yeah theyā€™re the cream of the crop at least to me. Texture of thick corned beef or thick sliced pastrami or short ribs, crust and smoke of brisket. Pretty amazing


Better than you can even imagine, a well executed beef rib is transcendent. Quick aside ā€¦ thereā€™s a restaurant in Austin called Jack Allenā€™s Kitchen that takes a bbqā€™d beef rib and then chicken fries it ā€¦ itā€™s not better than a regular beef rib but itā€™ll just about stop your heart.


Iā€™ve only had them a few times but itā€™s by far my favorite bbq item.


Anyone in Houston that has seen this? My local stores don't have it.


Closest one is Kingwood


Dang, that's opposite of me in Sugarland lol


Bunker hill used to have one but they closed it down about 7 years ago


Do they have any of these in Houston? Never seen them there


why did they remove the chicken and creamed corn tho


I think they still have the creamed corn. No idea about the chicken, was it good? I always love Rudyā€™s chicken, actually- cheap and awesome. https://images.heb.com/is/content/HEBGrocery/PDF/true-texas-bbq-vertical-menu.pdf


yeah rudys chicken is delicious


HEB midland is pretty solid, canā€™t deny


when the bbq place tucks the white bread under the sauced ribs <3333


on one hand, I wish it was a biiiit cheaper. on the other, their brisket beans are fucking 10/10.


I had this same Slaughter True Texas BBQ yesterday. Two meat plate with fatty brisket and burnt ends. I think itā€™s the best bang for buck BBQ in town bedsides maybe Morenoā€™s depending on what they have on special. The fact I can get it in the drive thru on the way home from work or on my way out after getting groceries is the cherry on top


looks fire but good lord big fella


Iā€™d trade all the bread and onions for more meat lol


Thatā€™s a solid looking meal!


Wouldn't surprise me if it was incredible. Everything we visit Austin we binge on the HEB house brand ice cream. It's incredible.


Eat 3+ sangwiches in one sitting?


Look delish but skimpish for 64$


Probably but it fed all of us, I donā€™t know. Around here for the same amount of grub itā€™s usually more, that freaking beef rib would have been $60 at most places


Prices have gone up so much and I been a while since I went to Texas (Iā€™m native north Texan) I really canā€™t say!!! As long as you and your friends/family enjoyed Iā€™m sure it was worth it


Yeah Iā€™m a cheap ass, so thatā€™s why I went there lol. We were deciding on options and if we dordashed Indian it would have been 3 dishes, viet would have been 2 bahn miā€™s and a curry, Chinese would have been 3-4 dishes and an app, etcā€¦. Things are expensive down here- I wasnā€™t joking earlier but an Italian sub from my fav place is $21


Nah thatā€™s almost half what the craft bbq spot down the road would charge for the same plate.




He has a sandwich, a beef rib, smoked turkey and brisket, a sausage link, 3 sides and fixings... seems like a solid 64 bucks to me.


I donā€™t know about that. 2 meat/2 side plate, beef rib, sausage link, chopped sandwich, side of mac & cheese, along with a beerā€¦


Next time, get the cornbread too.


Didnā€™t know they had it! I felt a little rushed with all the trucks behind me- I had gone for the beef rib honestly and the rest was for everyone else


Used to get the half black pepper chicken all the time, tasty cheap protein


God damn it 30 bucks for that beef rib? Back in my day ......


If I hadnā€™t paid like $70 for one at one of the local hyped places, Iā€™d agree itā€™s crazy but šŸ¤· https://images.heb.com/is/content/HEBGrocery/PDF/true-texas-bbq-vertical-menu.pdf


I love beef ribs and nobody else in my family does. I used to cook them all the time. Now they're so high and it's hard to find a good rack in the middle of nowhere where I live


I just can't get into the price. Take that bone out and how much does the meat weigh? Outside of that rib it's all fluff, which is a probably a good time, but I'm not paying meat price per pound for bread and onion. Looks like a good time but I can't pay over 50 for a little BBQ, that's insane.


Most eateries are price gouging and I don't understand why more people haven't stopped eating out. That being said, I don't think he got ripped off if you subtract that beef rib ($30 alone).


Good shit, have multiple of these on north side of Houston.


What heb has that?


jackstacks mogs




This is good value from a grocery store?


Okay how is the beef rib???


Freaking awesome, although I dreamed last night I went back for a second one and for $30 it was half the size šŸ¤· if theyā€™re consistently as big as this one was itā€™s a no brainer though, def worth it


look at that lone wiener, sitting there without any bros to back him up šŸ˜”


I live in Walmart country, so weā€™ll never have an HEB or Trader Joeā€™s, or Costco. Gotta get outta here.


That beef rib I can finish in 2 days maybe šŸ˜‹


Real expensive BBQ


I'm sorry but no HEB does not count as real Texas bbq even if it's tasty


They arenā€™t skimpy on the onions or wonder bread.


I mean it looks good! But they taxed that ass bro! Lol


White bread? We callā€™em knapkins!


Weā€™re going to short him on the meat, but he wonā€™t notice if we really load him up with raw onion. šŸ§…


FYI True Texas BBQ at HEB is the equivalent of replacement level player in baseball.


No pintos for you baby! Nothing but Texas bbq!


Wow 1 rib and 1 sausage and 25 pounds of onions oh and a slice of brisket. Seems a tad more expensive then I'd think it should be


I knew half that bill was for the beef rib alone


If I am paying more than 20$ it better at least be on a God damned plate, this BBQ culture is stupid.


That beef rib was 2.0lb of šŸ¦“


I guess everyone is rich in Texas