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Grass fed by definition has the least fat possible. Not great for smoking (or anything in my opinion but definitely not smoking). 


That’s not the definition of grass fed. It’s pretty reliably the outcome but that’s not what grass fed means.


Yeah man doesn’t grass fed mean…. The animal ate grass…. Or something


Yep and more specifically it means fed grass exclusively up until it was sent to the feedlot. Grass finished means that it was fed grass at the feedlot before sent to slaughter. Interestingly the food it’s fed during finishing is much more impactful on overall flavour and marbling yet most companies only market the grass vs corn fed portion of the equation.


The more you know! Thanks man


This was also my fear!


This looks like the bottom of the brisket; is there not a fat cap on top? You’re looking at the flat part of the brisket, which doesn’t have a lot of inter-muscular fat.


There is a fat cap on the other side.


Ya man anything that isn’t legit Wagyu brisket isn’t really known for having a ton of inter-muscular fat in the flat, even prime. The fat is really in the point, which is why that comes out juicier on that side of the brisket. That brisket should cook up fine, just follow a YouTuber’s directions based on your smoker (pellet, offset, Weber kettle) and how they trim it. Good luck!


Thank you!


1000 ways to skin a cat, so don’t listen to his BS. You can make amazing brisket even if you separate the flat from the point and cook them separately. It’s like cooking turkey breast at the same time as pork butt. You watch them as different cuts but can rest them together and they’ll be fine at presentation.


Wtf are you talking about? What BS am I saying?


You don’t need to buy Wagyu or Prime to make good brisket flats. The flat he bought is just going to cook differently but can still have an amazing result. Your comment wasn’t helpful to what he has on hand


Try reading and comprehending before commenting. I was answering his question about this brisket being lean, confirming most briskets look like this, and the brisket he has is in fact normal, which is why I said “that brisket should cook up fine”. You saw me mention prime and Wagyu and wrote me off, choosing to say my most basic of advice is BS, instead of comprehending what I was saying.


Whoa whoa - who said anything about cooking cats???


Foil boat it and you should be fine.


Don't trim any fat, cook at 250 at least. Probably gonna have to crutch it in foil and tallow for it to be moister.


I wouldn’t smoke it myself. There are other methods that can still produce a great outcome