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Anyone you meet online that is asking you for money for anything is a scam...unless they specifically say that they are a sex worker and you know exactly what you are paying for.


Every other genuine kink business location in the USA has a website because discretion isn't needed - except by scammers. Which this is.


Think with your head instead of your dick. 🤔 What then becomes BLINDINGLY obvious ?


There are clubs that require members to subscribe for a time, and if it's actually a the ng, I can see a place like them staying unind xed, and they sent a link, which is why I'm asking. Kinda new to any of this. No one seems to have heard of them and apparently that isn't a thing these places do though.


>There are clubs that require members to subscribe for a time Sure. For example, the Crucible in DC requires you to pay for a $40/year membership in order to attend most of their events. But they're an official nonprofit social club, have a website, social media presence, and have a monthly open house. And you pay for your membership by cash or credit card when you're there. If a place 1) doesn't come up on Google, 2) isn't active on Fetlife and other social media sites, and 3) they're asking for bitcoin 4) in advance sight-unseen? Yeah, that's a scam.


Scam. Guaranteed.


I've been in Columbus for about a decade and I'm familiar with Cinncy and Cleveland scenes. I have never heard of this RoarKingdom.


This sounds like a scam. Try and remove the funds from the crypto wallet or just move it to another wallet and wait 24 hours to see if it’s real.


That doesn't seem like a good idea with what this probably is


It’s most definitely a fake wallet so if you move the funds to a different one it will prove if it’s a scam or you will have some crypto.


100% a scam The standard script is this: They ask where you're from. Then they say "Oh! I happen to be part of a dungeon group who has a space in that area. Let's set up a session!" There is no dungeon group. There is no dungeon. You are talking to a guy working in a scam center who sends this script to 50 people a day. Respectable dungeons have websites. They are not illegal in those areas. If someone is using crypto and an unsearchable establishment, it's because they are doing something illegal. This is an example of a professional dungeon website: [https://dynamicscolumbusdungeon.com/](https://dynamicscolumbusdungeon.com/) (Based in Columbus. I've not been there, they were just very google-able)


Yup, and beyond Dynamics, there's kink nights at Ohana's, KIC hosts parties at Club Princeton, and the Church of the Shiny Unicorn also has some events now and then. There's a very healthy kink scene in Columbus. If a group isn't putting themself out there to locals, that's a problem.


Don't spend a penny from that account!!!!