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So I made someone cry via a very slow build up and extremely long sensual massage with little to no direct erroneous zone stimulation till the very end. Then it was slow deep stimulation while talking and praising. They came so hard and long they were hyperventilating, crying, moaning. It was erotic as hell. Caught me by surprise but I kept going till they eventually couldn’t handle it anymore and called their safe word. It stands out as a special moment in my sexual past.


That’s similar for me. When the physical and emotional intensity overwhelms me and I am just lost in love and joy and connection then the tears flow and the body shakes.


Wdym by "deep stimulation"? I'm asking cuz this kind of non erroneous stimulation play is a big kink for me


So I had watched some videos on “Yoni Massages” and got some good tips and methods. I call it deep stimulation because after a long full body massage slowly drawing forward the Yoni (vagina) it transitioned into indirect exterior massage around the vagina then after a while slowly moving inside the vagina with same massaging movements being sure to avoid direct clitoral or G-spot stimulation. Slow, deep strong massage in and around the vaginal open and deeper. This was after a day of teasing with vibrators and fingers on a long drive. And the full massage was over an hour and half. But the orgasm was worth every second. It was an incredible experience.


I should add that as she built toward orgasm I began to include some light clitoral and g-spot stimulation over time. But not direct or focused until the peak of orgasm. That’s when the crying began. The full orgasm was roughly 3-5 minutes long. The aftercare was probably an hour of water and wrapped in blankets on the massage table.


this sounds amazing tbh


That sounds amazing TBH. I’ve only ever cried a handful of times & it’s always been because of constant stimulation & praise.


I usually start crying by the 5th or 6th orgasm. Body is overloaded and everything is too intense and tears are the result.


This for me too. The more intense and the more orgasms, the higher likelihood that I will cry


Yep. Intense, repetitive orgasms in a short period of time causes me to cry/hyperventilate. Super fun to explain to new partners. But my god I’m so relaxed after from the physical and emotional release.


By being really good. It’s really dictated the sub. You find out what their triggers are, what pushes them mentally, you slowly & repeatedly push that line and those buttons. The route that works best is to find what they have been deprived of and how they feel they have been neglected in the past and how that impacted them. Then you use the neglect to deliver what they have been deprived of in the past in an impactful way. It’s the total mind F, but you can make it passionate, loving or downright despicable.


Agree this works every time!


For me, I think it would just be really intense physical sensations, whether that's pleasure or pain. My partner and I are switches and we like to beat each other up, but I've also had really intense orgasms that have left me in tears too.


Forced orgasms isn't the only way, but it's definitely my preferred way. But I'm a tears of joy over tears of pain kinda dom in general.


For me, physical pain doesn't make me cry... it makes me want to endure at best, or get really angry with my dom at worst, which then makes me defiant... which is something he really doesn't like, so the punishment gets worse. I do cry after really intense orgasms, all the more when there has been a long and focused buildup towards it. I usually cry after a good fisting, I think that's somehow a way for my body to release the intensity of that sensation, and I have absolutely zero control over it. My body just breaks out in sobbing, shaking tears and there is nothing I can do about it, but feel him cradle me in his arms and hold me until it subsides again. And, of course, there are sometimes tears when we have sex without BDSM context... when we make love, as it were, and I feel this overwhelming emotional connection with him... when we just melt into each other, and I feel nothing but the LOVE I have for this man. These love-orgasms are earth-shattering, and sometimes the emotions get so overwhelming that I can't help but cry. :)


By the 4th or 5th slap and him telling me to be good and to listen and to just take it I’m a mess and it feels SO GOOD


I cry when I'm overwhelmed by feelings of intimacy and vulnerability. So it's more likely when we're like making love. Which I mean we never really do the slow gentle sex. But sometimes even when I'm talking dirty to him and he's telling me what a good whore I am, his tone changes and he tells me "eyes on me" and he won't let me look away and it's like yes he's still Domming me and using his toy but he's also showing me how much he loves me and cherishes me.


Mood music. Seriously. As a solo player, I rely a lot on music to help set emotion (and rhythm, for that matter), and the right playlist can be a total mindfuck. Upside: Covers vibrator noise. Downside: Neighbors may find out you have screaming orgasms in conjunction with Will Wood and the Tapeworms and correctly view you as a sad, strange little man.


Joke's on them. I am a sad, strange little man. 💅


Hell yeah




fucking my throat relentlessly having me beg for his forgiveness.


Edging orgasms usually works. Also just deep emotional connection. Coming off of subspace and dropping very fast.


Rough face fuck with slaps as intervals


Like same here 💖


This, one time sir hit one of my fresh cartilage piercings on accident and it sent me there, but it would up being enhancing 🔥🔥🔥


I have found this method to be 100% effective regardless of partner. Face slapping. Here's how I do it. I'll tie up my bottom or have them hold position, whichever is right for the situation. Then I slap their face, just hard enough to get the movement and reaction. Then I manually reset their face, and I do it again. And again. Etcetera. They've broken every single time. Of course, the strength of slaps vary with the person. Crying scenes need to be negotiated. It almost feels like it's an involuntary reaction to cry, though I know it isn't. It starts off as an adorable lip quiver and then a sniffle and then full-blown tears. In most cases, I stop there as the desired reaction has been achieved. There have been times we have gone past it, but again, negotiation and consent. As a fan of constant enthusiastic consent, I've used this to enforce safewords with great success. I make the bottom give a safeword (usually green/ yellow/ red) after each slap, knowing that they would be hit for anything other than red. I got a video of a bottom I played with doing this, and it is fantastic. I took it down at her request after we stopped playing, but it's a great demonstration. Maybe will recreate it with another partner.


Now, this is what I'd love my partner to put into practice. It sounds like it might work for me.


Nothing an open conversation can't resolve.


I would love to see it 😃


Consent matters. As I said in my original response, the bottom withdrew consent for it to be shared. Never violate consent.


Thanks for asking this


Giving praise while giving pain


All these answers are so interesting. I never cried during sex with a partner but solo, there are times when, even to my surprise, I have a sort of sobbing fit, except there aren’t actual tears. Honestly, I don’t even know if I get tears or not, never been aware of it. So I don’t know if that’s considered crying but it’s usually after getting off the third time. I don’t know, the more orgasms, the more intense & it feels so damn good. That’s not all though. It’s also motivated by praise, assurance & things like count downs or permission or allowance or encouragement to cum. Again, this happens when I’m solo while talking to my Daddy(ldr) or listening to audio. I can’t even imagine what it would be like in person 🥵😩I’ll be a mess!! 😭


Bite them REALLY hard. With consent of course hehe. I prefer the inner thigh. Bonus: Have them press on their bruise and think of you the next time they cum.


Have you tried incorporating onions? J/k good luck!


Release of emotional trauma can be manifested in many ways but mainly safety and containment will be the foundational aspect.


super curious abt this


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's the knowledge that everything is in a controlled state, that what is happening is inevitable, and that there isn't anything to be done about it. This allows for vulnerability, which is the key word here. Total vulnerability. That's when the wall on being "allowed" to cry (or cum) breaks. It's the end of struggling. Not that I'd know I'm sure


I love how you just randomly explained enlightenment


.........so I did,,, I'm laughing fuck, thank you for this


For me it's either brutal edging and denial or a really intense orgasm. I'm not into pain.


Emotional connection and passionate sex. Anal. Also choking on his dick.


I make my sub watch the ending of Field of Dreams. He tears up every time like a charm!


Usually the third slap to the cheek. I always check in after the second (and the first, but more so on the second) to see if we're going to continue that direction or not.




Gagging, edging orgasm


For me when it happened it was always spontaneous, almost like some uncontrollable physical response while in sub space…maybe??? Very hard to describe. Maybe just a level of intensity that caused it 🤷‍♀️ If it’s a kink for you I would talk to your partner about it first. If it’s a kink for her try asking her for her own intuitions or potential triggers. If it doesn’t happen right away please have patience, communicate and practice. That could be the fun part….lots and lots of practice, exploring what works. You might learn other things along the way.


After the 5th forced orgasm I was given the vitamin water I hate. He was a sadist. It worked.


You make the sex so good they feel overwhelmed. My gf and I have such incredible sex that sometimes I get overwhelmed. My body doesn't know what to do, cumming seems anticlimactic and I convulse and cry because the emotions and connection are so intense I don't know how to react.




can relate. Cried a few times afterwards but never in the scene because I'm ... focused, maybe? I don't know but it annoys me that I am like that.


Isn’t there a product that actors use that makes you cry for a while? Would that work for y’all y’all? Or just onions lol.


I just have to turn the light on. /s


I have trauma so I cry whenever I'm overwhelmed. A lot of people cry when they're overwhelmed. Try maybe building up and then suddenly stopping? I forgot the word for edging just now 😂


For me it's tough, but I love if I get to that place. Intense verbal and physical degradation will do it, but only if it way crosses the line of what we usually do. We try to keep it to special occasions, or I'll start to get desensitized.




A very long session with 5+ orgasms will do it


Same here. Or, by the third very intense orgasm, I’m starting to feel tears fall. I do also tear with deep throating, but I feel like that’s more of a physical reaction to what I’m doing versus an emotional, feeling cry.


I cried for two reasons in the same sessions: forced orgasms and it was over stim and we talked about my past SA experiences before and I think that’s what made me cry and the second time I was on top and I asked for my nipple clamps to be taken off or I told them it hurt and he yanked them off of me lol. I usually hold it in from physical pain but he told me to let go and that it’s okay to cry and not to hold it in. I never thought I would be able to cry but I did and it was great




I get over stimulated (in a good way) and I end up sobbing my after I have no idea why, and it’s just a soft sob tbh. I’m not sad or anything. It just happens. It lasts a few mins then stops


I haven't seen degredation mentioned. I have a high pain tolerance- verbal degredation was the only thing that ever made me cry. Whatever method you use- pain, Pleasure, both- just be prepared to give amazing aftercare


I cry pretty easily during more intense stuff because my emotions get really heightened, plus like adrenaline if it’s like a new person or whatever. Uhh one time I got choked a little too hard and I had to tap out (and by tap out i mean start slapping his arm until he realized and let go) and I had a brief moment of panic, he immediately started to check in and comfort me but at that like peak-stress moment i started crying. it was okay and just a mistake with knowing his own force but the shock/sudden stress had me burst into tears.


It's definitely Aquarius energy tho, make me FEEL it lol. Edited for spelling


Personally, I can only cry and continue sex if I’m in a loud environment (i.e we’re playing loud music or he is being super verbal and loud) otherwise I’ll feel too awkward or weird for crying.


Have you tried plucking a nose hair? I know that sounds a bit silly, but it will give you the physical response. Maybe pair it with other play and you can use the momentum of it.


I wouldn't recommend plucking a nose hair because if it works you're gonna end up with internal balding, but I like how you think! You can get a similar response by squeezing the uh...thingy between nostrils, or the lip.


Yes, very true... I agree there is likely a safer, simpler way to do it


Hmmm, have you tried blindfolds and stunguns? That always works on me.


Forced Orgasms definitely do it for me. It’s kinda the best feeling I’ve ever felt, the one time that stands out to me is when I was laying in the bed and he just kept going and I feel like i literally just felt my soul leave my body. like that one scene in Doctor Strange.


depends if you want tears from pain, overstimulation, or happiness


With humiliation. Depending on the degree of Humiliation, I suppose the humiliated one cries.


Having pent up emotional things unrelated to sex or my partner. Being edged and then finally getting to cum. The orgasm usually just makes me cry all that energy out


Write on a piece of paper first, "im screaming my exes name to humiliate you" and tell her i have a secret 4 u after sex on the table. Scream out your exe's name over & over while having ur orgasm saying how great she is! If she doesn't get angry, she sure as hell will feel hurt & possibly cry. Then tell her 2 read the note.


I cry if I get over stimulated which generally happens from getting spit on in the face added with slapping and hair pulling. Usually I can handle all 3 but every once in a while it overstimulates me and I cry. But I love it 😈


Wear a mask of my face.


I cry from painal 🥰


Just punch your partner in the nose. I know its not really crying but it's close. I look like I'm crying when i get smacked in the nose by something lol (I'm joking please no one get mad at me this is what popped into my head when I read the title)


This is a very interesting post. So much variety in responses. There are so many ways to cry.


I've heard that calling your SO by someone else's name would make them cry 😢 but it just made my Wife to hit me, hard, over and over...🤕