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For spell slots/resources - in the room where you find the elevator to go down to the Myrkul fight there is a restoration pod you can use that acts as a long rest for the whole party. What happens if you try to use bone chill? Does it come up with a message of any sort when you try to use it? Another option is arrows of ilmater if you have some. I highly recommend using summons in this fight - elementals, Us if you found them in the mindflayer colony, literally any kind of summon you have put them on Myrkul’s platform along with your heaviest hitting melee character (Karlach I’m assuming!). You can lure him to attack the summons instead of your party if you attack with them. I personally don’t like to have Ketheric off himself before the fight, it makes it more difficult to get rid of all his minions if you have to fight Myrkul at the same time. Let me know if you’d like my strat for fighting him this way instead!


I already used that pod *before* fighting the zombies at the necrotic lab and Chop cause i took a lot of damage in that Ketheric fight on top of Moonrise Tower. As for Bonechill, i think it was a bug cause when i tried again it worked, although half of them were misses.. Your strats have been decent, i think there *might* be a way of beating him but it depends on luck more than anything at this point. I might sneak myself and Karlach behind the flyer so we can be ready to oneshot him and move on to Myrkul. I’m too stubborn to not let Ketheric off himself lol, i *need* to beat him properly especially when i had a sniff of victory when i had him below 100 Edit - thanks!


You can use the restoration pod as many times as you like as long as you’re not in honour mode! Yeah that’s what I like to do, get one or two people behind the mindflayer so you can get rid of it in turn one.


Well, without knowing exactly what your party and gear setup looks like, the best advice I can give you is that this fight is waaay easier if you use only ranged attacks or find a way to disarm Myrkul and then melee. I’d have Shadowheart down in the pit with Spirit Guardians on running after stray necromites, Gale casting spells from the top, far left platform, your rogue hiding and then sneak attacking from the closer left platform (comparative to the entrance), and Karlach rage throwing anything and everything heavy from your inventory at Myrkul or passing necromites Shadowheart can’t catch. If you don’t have anything to throw, try the intellect devourer corpses. By keeping your party off of Myrkul’s platform, they stay out of his “Bone Chill” range, which keeps them from getting any healing. And, Myrkul can’t target you with his scythe. He can still target you with that fear ray thing, so watch out. As for Aylin, if you can get her to attack Kethric from behind, at the far end of the platform next to the chasm, he’ll catch her with that scythe every round of your party isn’t on the platform, knocking her into the void and out of Bone Chill, so she’ll start getting back up every turn on her own. I always summon Scratch before the fight, invisibility potion him, and send him to let Aylin out with the help action (in turn based mode so the potion doesn’t run out). Us also does some heavy lifting if you have him out. From there, you can savescum the misses or low rolls (if you want to, you should be fine though), and bam, that W is yours. If there’s anything else, lemme know.


Also, hold shift and stand in non-red areas with your rogue for the sneak part with cunning action sneak, then attack.


Interesting strat, i managed to get him under 100 and i think that better positioning *might* be the deciding factor, maybe, hopefully. Thanks :)


Best of luck! Hope it helps


I just did! thanks for all the help!




I don't really know about Myrkul himself, but a good strategy is to not skip Ketheric. He's weaker and doesn't have aoe, so you can kill the minions much more easily. Gale can oneshot the intellect devourers with fireball, Karlach your Tav go for either Ketheric or the mindflayer (1v1 or try to kill the mindflayer first), Shadowheart kills the skeletons with aoe, and summon Scratch to help Aylin up (she's a glass canon so buffing her and protecting her goes a long way,but if she gets stuck in a death loop she won't be dealing any damage). From there everything is much easier since is a 1v5 and in this game action economy is everything Also, what's your team building like? Because it sounds like you have a rogue, and unless you're talking about a shortsword I'm not sure if a dagger is your best weapon, definitely not at that point in the game. You should also be level 9 or 10 for that fight, ideally (Plus, the way Sneak attack works is that you need advantage or an ally next to the enemy you're trying to hit, and it won't trigger if you have disadvantage. This means that if you're trying to use it with your crossbow you should be a bit separated from enemies and either hiding with your bonus action or shooting at people who have a companion right next to them, and if you're using it in melee you'll need someone with you or something that gives advantage like the risky ring, prone, blind, etc.)


This is my first time playing this type of game but man that last paragraph you wrote just makes it sound so stupid. Not saying you or anything you said, but the way they made that work.. i don’t get how having someone close to the enemy makes sense for you to have an advantage over them but ok. I think i’ll take the harder route just cause i can’t accept beating him knowing i took the easier route lol, if i lose like 100 times then yeah i’ll fight Ketheric first lol I upgrade all the characters according to their stats and lore and i guess my characters an assassin/rogue so yeah.. Thanks for the great answers man, and letting me know how stealth advantages work in this game!


I guess firstly: What classes are you and your team and what levels?


Need to check, i’ll update, i think we’re at lvl 10 at this point and i just upgraded the characters according to their base stats and lore, Gale’s a wizard, Shadowheart a healer etc. my character’s i guess a rogue/assassin, fucking shit if you ask me lmao


If you're out of spell slots you might try reloading from the autosave right before you go in his area. Right before the elevator you can click the pod for a long rest unless you used it earlier. The big things on this fight are to kill the Mindflayer right away. Kill the brainkitties and kill the undead on the platform. Do as much of that as you can before freeing Aylin so she can get right to work on Ketheric/Myrkul. It sounds like your Tav is a rogue, so I think you can get advantage for sneak attack from having someone else in melee range with your target. That should help pump your damage. Blinds work really good against Myrkul. Save your bone chill for when the zombies get close.


I already used the pod unfortunately. I attack and try to oneshot the Flyer straight away and i actually ignore the brains cause they don’t do any significant damage and i think that i might just waste turns and spells on them instead of letting Myrkul kill them when doing his spells Idk how advantage works in this game, i’ll google that later. Thanks man!


I had a rough time with it on honor mode until I used 3 summons to spend all their movements focusing on killing those stupid skeletons. If you eliminate all the skeletons, intellect devourers and mind flayer PRIOR to freeing Dame Aylin and attacking Ketheric the fight is easier. ALSO the persuasion check actually makes the fight harder, it is easier to fight phase one first, kill his summons, then do phase 2.


I’m too stubborn to take the easy route, i’ll try freeing Nightsong *after* other enemies died, i just didn’t think about using summons for them. Thanks


i also repeated this fight on tactician a lot. and it's stupid that the tactic that worked for me is just going bursting him down. yes even all the melee members went up on his platform. i even got the achievement too. what i did was 1. kill mindflayer 2. free nightsong (if you free nightsong first mindflayer will dominate her) 3. i just bursted him down with all damaging spells and melee spam maybe if need be turn undead on the summons to interrupt healing? as the other comments say apparently you can disarm him. so maybe unga bunga tactic would work better if he is disarmed PS: i did that out of frustration because of the many repeats. i just went "you know what just yolo his face"


I’ll be pissed if this works


i also was about to be pissed but just glad that im past this level


I beat him using all kinds of different things :)


what did you do?


Used Resistance to Necrotic damage on all of the characters, used my Rogue and Karlach to get behind the flyer, Shadowheart, Gale and Us were in front of the podium where Myrkul is. Snuck the dog to nightsong and released her *just* as Ketheric was about to make his speech. Combined blindness, summons, those red orbs/aarows from Gale and sneak attacks with my crossbow to kill him, was lucky though, Myrkul missed on Nightsong for a lot of turns and had Karlach go in and out of his range to attack him, was pretty easy with that tactic.


Blind him and dedicate at least one guy just to skellies (summons are good for skellies too). Check the resistances for eggs and skellies. Figure out where the circle for his big AOE attack ends so you can attack from the balconies and then escape to the right distance. Disarming strikes to get him to drop scythe (this never worked for me but some people it does). Arrows of ilmater if he's about to eat a skellie.


Disarming hasn’t worked for me as well, i’ll keep trying i guess. Thanks for the tips


Of all of these, blinding him is the most important. Darkness, Fog, the warlock one… they all work


Just beat him :). Used spawns, fogs and Karlach just went in and out of his circle when fighting him. Was a bitch to beat gotta say


Congrats! My first playthrough he was so hard I lowered my difficulty and it still took several more hours. He seems to be considered the most or second most difficult boss in the game (with Raphael and maybe Cazador also in the top 3)


If you have anyone with attacks that can stun him use those. I ran a monk so I was able to stunlock Myrkul most of the fight.


Don’t have anyone :(


Things that have improved the Myrkul fight for me: 1- disarming Myrkul. You CAN get Myrkul to drop his scythe. I think I did it with a Disarming Strike, but command:drop might also work. 2- Stunning Myrkul. If you remove Myrkul’s opportunity attacks, you can attack and than scoot off the platform to avoid the Bone Chill. 3 - Healing on the platform. I —think— there is a small spot at the front of the platform where a single person can stand outside of the bone chill aura. (I could be mistaken, I may have healed while Ketheric was still Ketheric.) 4- Use one party member to clear out the Necrolites. I use a bloodlusted Karlach for this with Unseen Menace to get advantaged attacks that can usually one-hit kill a skeleton blob to keep Myrkul from healing. She also lobs healing pots and do throw/ranged attacks when the adds are clear. 5- Give Myrkul more targets. Us, Zombies, Elementals, etc. should help. 6- Scratch can revive downed characters. Keep him in the ground to help those who drop. Shoves and Void bulbs might be able to get folks off the platform. 7- Attack from two sides? I don’t know if this is a real tactic, but in my last fight my party ended up with two at the front side, Aylin and Us in the rear, Ranged attacks from the floor and Karlach from the upper Left platform. Myrkul seemed to prefer to attack Aylin and so splitting up may have help limit AoE from Myrkul. (We also got very lucky with key misses.)


Thanks for a lot of different tactics i’ll check them out tomorrow and see what i can use, thanks!


If you have illithid powers the one that heals and makes you vulnerable to all damage works on him. Friend was barbarian doing like 80 damage a hit


I thought about that but was worried that he’ll just heal way too much. I guess with Bonechill he can’t maybe?


Restart to a save before you go down to the brain, there is a restoration pod with unlimited uses (except HM) before the elevator so you can get all your spell slots back. I suggest not killing Ketheric through persuasion, kill the mindflayer, release Aylin, kill the cultists then Ketheric in that order. Before the fight have Gale summon every elemental or undead he can. As a rogue I think you should stand on one of the side platforms when Myrkul is summoned and hide to sneak.




Fight is always annoying, just know you not the only one that feels this way


Yeah i figured, finally beat him tho!


A level 10 Evocation Wizard can kill Myrkul on any difficulty in about 2-3 rounds hasted - just by casting Magic Missile - upcasted. It also helps if you have the Spellsparkler and the Psychic Spark necklace. Myrkul has no defense to Force damage - so if you don’t have a level 10 evocation wizard then just throw/shoot him with bombs and explosive arrows that do force damage until he dies. Barcus Root sells them in last light - unless you failed to save him.


Idk man, i have a lvl 10 Gale and j krep using Magic Missiles but they barely do significant damage


Evocation? What is Gales subclass in your game? You want it to be Evocation as that is hands down the strongest and canonically accurate.


Just beat him :)!