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Selune is just Shar with a bad blonde wig. She doesn't really exist so her parents can't really worship her.


Ah-HAH! I found the Hold-out from the Dark Moon Conspiracy!


There are at least two of us!


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


No there's not. It's just one person. You just think you are two people. ;) (I kid, in fact my Durge uses the DMC in her back story.)


I feel like everyone's rolling 20s on deception rn and it's working šŸ˜­


They actually aren't lying, funny enough. Sounds like who wrote what you read definitely was though, lol


Shadowheart doesn't remember her parents. Them being Selunites is a popular theory but you'll have to decide for yourself from the dialogue and books you unlock.


^^^ there are a couple of Easter eggs that point towards them being selunites, but it hasnā€™t been confirmed by anyone.


It could also be argued that those "Easter eggs" are just false leads that Shar uses to test the faith of her followers. Shadowheart's entire story revolves around her faith being tested so it's not out of the question. At least that's how I saw it


There really isn't too much lore that is in Easter eggs in the game. It's pretty much all right in front of your face if you are actually looking so that really makes sense.


The red dragon is actually a polymorphed lower class Githyanki warrior Also shadow heart got her name cause she was the kindest person in her village. It was a joke for everyone, like how little John in Robin hood is actually really big.


It's a good thing we mixed some true statements in here with the false ones so they really can't tell.


Donā€™t know what you mean. Youā€™re clearly delusional.


Wait- letā€™s pick one of these rumors and trace it back to its source. I need to knowā€¦ am I gay?


You are now. Welcome to the crew, matey.


Isn't Jim a J Crew model


Thatā€™s true, I heard that too.


A lot of good people on both sides. On both sides.


She just has moonstone in a flashback. Selunites don't own that. It's people reading too much into a childhood bauble


Did you? Sounds like some slanderous Moonie propaganda.


Pray to Shar! Maybe she'll take that memory from you, if your faith is strong.


There are people that take vague dialogue and random notes as concrete evidence and something set in stone. I would recommend you playthrough and make your own decision on the story. Also, be careful with comments because people seem to be all or nothing with their opinions and if you don't have the whole picture it can ruin your perception and create a less authentic experience by setting expectations.


Her name Is shadow heart not lightheart and she is so mean she couldnā€™t possibly be a Selunite


Shar would never take in someone with Selunite heritage - itā€™s impossible. It would be a disgrace to her own followers


Wait until you find out her real name.


I still can't believe Shadowheart was actually >!Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way!< all along :O


Eboby! Ebony!


Couldnā€™t believe it, I never wouldā€™ve guessed her nickname was longer than her real name. But to be fair, who names their kid Shart?


one of her parent was an elf to be fair. Damned knife-ears




Unexpected konosuba


Itā€™s quite obviously the name ā€œDarknessā€ implies she is a Sharran


Do you think the Shar temple would be honest with her about her parentage? Can you think of a reason it might behoove them to make her believe that "Selunite" parents abandoned her? Ponder this and come to your own conclusions.


Stay off Reddit until you finish your playthrough


Shadowheart is actually terrified of wolves because she read Twilight once and is worried about being imprinted on by Jacob Black.


The Karsite Revolution and itā€™s consequences, by Gale Dekarios. The Karsite Revolution and itā€™s consequences have been a disaster for the faerun peopleā€¦


It's kind of like the question of "what color were Astarion's eyes before he turned?" It's never clearly defined in game and the devs leave it up to people to make their own head canons. Some people like the idea of her family being selunite because it's interesting


Oh no, definitely a Selunite. Have you seen their bangs? There's a pretty popular theory that she is actually her avatar and the whole Shar thing is an excuse for Selƻne to infiltrate her cult to destroy it from the inside. It really starts to become obvious in act two with the whole >!being immune to the shadow curse thing, since she permanently shines and can't ever be in true shadow!<


The only thing her parents worship is >!deez nuts lmao gottem!<


Selune is kinda the default god people worship, so it's just a guess because they are mentioned to worship a god like most people do in dnd


You have to remember that you canā€™t always trust everything you hear. Unreliable narrators and what not.


If it makes you feel any better (it probably won't though), I got spoiled TWO different Dark Urge reveals in TWO SEPARATE YouTube videos because YouTubers can't tag their shit either. I had finished a Tav run and started a Durge run and was actively avoiding anything with Durge in it but would watch/read about Tav, companions, different story branches etc. Then, there was a video that was supposed to be about something completely Durge unrelated but literally in its first seconds had a Durge reveal in narrator's dialogue. I'm not usually one to get mad at spoilers but that shit was not fun. Shit like this is probably the reason I'm overzealous with "SPOILERS BELOW"s on YouTube and spoiler tags on Reddit and Discord.


I was spoiled for a major Durge plot point by a piece of artwork while scrolling through my Pinterest feed. ā˜¹ļø


I got spoiled for a bit of durge lore when posting my cute durge in a thread, someone was mad I made her cute and explained why it doesn't fit the storyline (in their opinion)... Real ...nice.. of them. :(


Or are they?


Shadowheart absolutely doesn't sound like something Selunites would name their kids.


That only really scratches the surface. I wouldn't think too hard on it. Besides, people have differences of belief, all the time. From a new player perspective, it could be nothing. Shadowheart's story goes a lot more in-depth, that such a detail would become smaller than anything else you might learn about her. It'll be fine.


Go to the actual sub rather than this one. It's moderated better.


r/okbuddybaldur ?


r/BaldursGate it's in this subs description


i was trying to engage in a bit of silliness


I feel like there's lots of (funny) jokes here, but humour aside there's no hard evidence that they are, but a lot of people believe they are. I recommend reading the books littered around the place and ensuring you carry out Shadowhearts questline. As someone with over 1k hours in the game, I don't think they're Selunites, but I don't think they're fans of Shar either.


Shart favorite animal are wolfs.


Selenites arenā€™t real. They canā€™t hurt you.


Probably should not browse game subs if you are worried about spoilers


its merely referencing an in-joke from her in act 3 about farting on a selunite


It doesn't really matter tbh, Shadowheart can't even talk to them before they get eaten by the mind flayer


Shadowheart is afraid of furries because of an unfortunate encounter with a druid and honey.


If her parents were Selunites, then her becoming a Shar worshipper is very strange. Those goddesses are mortal enemies. It only makes sense if something crazy happened.


Sadly the whole game is Shadowheart dreaming and in the end she wakes from coma in the real universe. I don't think we have any Selune worshippers here.


Iā€™ve read that theory a few times but there are too many contradictions in my opinion. As soon as you find her twin step-sister the game doesnā€™t focus as much on her past as their reunion


You have to fight Literally The Sun at the end


I've never understood people getting offended or upset at getting spoiled on a sub dedicated to a game/movie. During the first few weeks/months? Sure, I understand it. The game has been out for almost a year, though, not including Early Access. If you don't want to be spoiled, stay out of these types of subs.


Agree to disagree. A spoiler tag is quick to add. Not everyone has the funds or time to buy/play a game straight away. Also these subs can show up on your timeline even if you're not following them


I dont think spoilers should be in titles, but complaining about spoilers in comments/post bodies almost a year after release is a little entitled imo.


Again, I don't agree. If your post may include spoilers just spoiler tag the post. It's not difficult. If there's no spoilers in the title how will someone know the post may include spoilers


Should you spoiler tag it? Yes. Should people complain about things not being spoiler tagged? No.


New to the game and found the combat hard, there are good explanations on reddit and spoilers warnings are common courtesy especially since the posts were old.