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Did some testing myself. Check the combat logs and the str damage modifier still isn’t added. So nothing changed unfortunately…not sure if intended or not n


Thank you good sir


It can’t be intended right? Surely they didn’t make a conscious decision to “balance” druid in honour mode while leaving monks and barbs alone. Druids are excellent imo, but they are not to overpowered, especially compared to those two


Thank you for your tests.. Sadly my level 4 Honour Druid is going to wait even longer now. Glad I started a Durge Duergar Honour Mode run.


I’m still running my moon in honor, honestly owlbear with crushing flight and 2 attacks still feels solid enough. Most likely will switch to land, depending how earth myrm feels at lvl 10


I did a search of the patch notes and they say Tavern Brawler now applies bonus damage to improvised weapons. Can anyone test out if this means wildshape honor mode damage is fixed?


Can't check, but almost certainly not. Improvised weapons are stuff you pick up, like people or chairs. None of the wildshapes should be using one.


Wild shape uses unarmed attacks though, which is why TB is useful. I was not aware of an issue in honor mode, it works fine on my tactician moon druid


The bug occurs only in Honour Mode.


Wild Shape does not apply the extra STR modifier to the damage in Honor Mode for some reason, only to the attack roll. The patch notes mentioned something about TB, hence OP's question, but it's unrelated.


This is terrible news


It’s going back on the shelf with PAM


It really sucks cuz TB is like the only thing moon druid has


As far as i know, Tavern Brawler doesn't add the strength modifier in Honour Mode. it's intended, just like extra attacks don't stacking, i.e., Fighter lvl5 and warlock extra attack.


It can't be cause it works for Monks for example


Another bug to the “is this a bug or intended?” limbo, I just install mods and fix it myself. Druids, thankfully, have amazing mods with great QoL, bugs and poor decisions fixes, etc.


What is the mod?


So Larian murders Spore Druid and can't even do the most basic fixing of Moon Druid in Honour mode that people have been calling out for over a month now? Bruh, between Patch 5 and 6, they single handedly ruined my favorite class. I guess at least Moon Druid is still playable in Honour mode. Spore Druid is just nerfed to the floor in general now.


Spore druid wasn’t murdered lol they just removed an exploit of being able to remove and reequip the sporekeeper armor to refresh your spores. Nothing about that is nerfed to the floor


You did not have to unequipt the armor. Just recasting the spore wildshape was enough, which made it feel a lot more like "once per wildshape", which didn't feel bugged tbh.


Ya. I mean these guys crying about the haste sore Druid armor. I just reset the vendors to get ingredients to make haste spore grenades to make with my transmutation wizard. Haste spores for all… Just don’t use them on the gondians in the ship…those stupid fuckers decided instead of going thru the spores to get haste they decided to light fire to the spores and blow themselves up.


Haven't played since release--how do you reset vendors?


Every long rest, or on character level up. So grab a lvl 1 hireling and buy from vendor then back out level up the hireling and it resets the vendor inventory.


That makes a lot of sense. Thanks!




As of Patch 5, you didn't even need to un-equip and re-equip the Armour, you could just cast Haste Spores literally whenever as many times as you wanted... Even before Patch 5, you could un-equip and re-equip in the middle of combat to restore the Spores letting you use it as many times as you want. Being able to have access to a party wide Haste every single round of combat for nearly the entirely of Act 3 (very easy to bumrush this armour and it isn't locked behind any combat encounters) vs. only using it ONCE per long rest, is literally hundreds, if not upwards of 1000 pts of dmg you will lose out on over the course of a long rest unless you're long resting super frequently.


So what you’re telling me is that they fixed a bug that was added in patch 5 that was clearly not intended and that murdered the subclass for you?


I assumed they fixed it patch 5 and the whole needing to unequip and re-equip the armour in patch 4 was the glitch and that it was intended to be usable every turn. But yeah, making a subclasses signature ability go from every single round of combat to once per long rest is undeniably a huge quality of life and power nerf unless you long rest constantly.


Given that it refreshed on long rest prior to patch 5, its naïve to have thought the working every turn was working as intended imo, especially when you still could use each spore once per long rest without unequipping and reequipping. Is almost as though you get one per short rest, but if you wanted to you could spend them all at once instead, its just not that bad of a nerf unless your build is all summons (which was a pain in the ass to manage anyways, but still fun to mess around with)


It wasn't once per long rest pre-patch 5 either. You could equip and un-equip your Armour to reset the spores, or you could also recast Symbiotic Entity to reset the spores. Honestly, once per Symbiotic Entity seems like a more fair balance and how it should be. I'll admit being able to activate it whenever is overtuned and likely not intended.


Its once per long rest if you didn’t abuse the bug of being able to unequip and reequip the armor. I would agree that once per symbiotic entity would make it more fun, but its definitely not necessary imo either