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You poor thing. I'm so so so sorry this is happening to you and your baby girl. It's so unfair. It's little comfort I know, but please know you and your baby are in my thoughts.


Thank you so much for your thoughts ❤️ it means a lot


Tell her how much you love her while she is still with you. They say babies can hear and recognize their parents' voices inside the womb. The only thing she will know in this world is your love, your warmth, your heartbeat, your voice. I'm so so sorry. I will say a prayer for all of you.


I did. I used to wake up every morning and touch my belly and tell her how much I love her. She used to wake up at breakfast time. Thank you for your prayer ❤️


It's true! My son used to poke his butt out all the time when he was in my belly. I'd pat his butt through my stomach and he'd kick his feet all happy like. Eventually I think it put him to sleep because he'd stop kicking. Now on the outside he'll still stick his butt in the air and look for me to pat it. He happy kicks and then it puts him to sleep. Also, and I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed, but this kid definitely came out of the room recognizing my favorite Taylor Swift songs. OP's little girl can definitely hear and interact with her!


This is really sweet but I’m not sure the best thing for someone who isn’t going to get these moments with their baby on the outside to read.


I’m so terribly sorry.


I'm so sorry for what's happening. I know no words can truly give you comfort at this time, but please know we are all praying and hoping for your miracle.


I am so, so sorry. This is hell on earth. Your baby only knows your warmth and love. Sending you so much love.


I don't have anything but commiseration- I lost my nearly 13 weeker to a hematoma. The ER gave me an ultrasound not five minutes before baby left my body and his heart was still beating so well. It's SO HARD when you know they're such a fighter and they're trying so hard to stay with you. I'm sending hugs and prayers that you can get through these hard times. It's not easy. It never is. Message me if you need to talk ❤️


Oh my God you poor thing. I am so sorry for you and your baby boy. :( it is so damn hard. She has no fault in this and was hanging on for dear life. I really appreciate your message thank you ❤️


Sending you so much love your angels loved you so much they held on for you both


I’m so sorry, I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now.


I’m so so sorry. Praying for comfort for you and your family during this time.


I'm so, so sorry


r/babyloss and r/miscarriage are two great subreddits that were very helpful for me during my previous miscarriages. They really helped me to not feel alone. Not sure if this is right for you at this time, but it’s a great community.


I'm so incredibly sorry this is happening to you. I know it doesn't help, but a very similar situation happened with my first pregnancy, also a little girl. I had bleeding (confirmed placenta abruption, had a hematoma behind the placenta as suspected cause), low fluid, and my cervix shortened so I went into labor early. I also called her my "little fighter" as well, as she was absolutely perfect, just too early. Sending love during this time to you <3


I'm so sorry for you and your little girl. I wonder what the cause for this is and if anything to know how to look out for it in the future. Is it too personal to ask if you had any successful pregnancies after the placental abruption?


Thank you. It is the worst thing that's happened to me, but time does help a lot, and you will move forward and find joy in life again (that was helpful for me to hear in the early days). I was tested for clotting disorders - came back negative. I have no risk factors for abruption, so no known cause. I actually have my little rainbow baby boy at home with me now! He is 3 weeks. I had a mostly normal pregnancy, though I did have a VCI (not related to the abruption, just a random occurrence). I passed all my cervical checks in the second trimester, and carried him full-term. Induced at 39 weeks, uncomplicated L&D. It really was a healing experience, if not very hard to walk through a pregnancy after loss. Wishing you all the best <3


Feel free to reach out personally if you ever want to talk about things. Loss is very isolating, and I found a lot of comfort and support in meeting other women who had experienced loss.


I love to hear your success story. Congratulations on your baby boy. ❤️ Thank you so much, I will do that!


I’m so sorry. Whatever the outcome, you will always be your daughter’s parents, and she will always be your child. I hope it’s okay if I say a prayer for your family. Your daughter sounds like a fighter. 


Thank you for saying that. I do feel like a mom. She made me a mom even if I have no baby to take home and care for. It was a privilege to care for her while she was in my womb. Thank you for your prayers 🙏


Rest in peace to your angel ❤️ you may already be aware of it, but r/babyloss is a community here on Reddit for parents who have lost children. 


This is devastating. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through.


I'm so sorry this is happening. Hoping for a miracle for you. I wonder why they decided to still move forward with the testing if they noticed fluid was low.


I’m so so so sorry 💔


Praying for you.


I’m so so sorry. I hope they can do something to keep her in until she’s viable. Sending love


I’m so sorry, this is awful. I cried for you, your partner, and your daughter while reading this.


Sending so much love to your brave little fighter baby! ❤️


I am so sorry that this is happening to you. Sending love. 💖


i’m so sorry you’re going through this. sending you all the positive vibes


I'm so sorry. Sending all my love to you and your little girl. 🩷


so unfair 💔 I’m so sorry OP.


I can’t even fathom how devastating this experience must be. I am praying for you and your family.


So, so sorry for you and your little girl. 


I had a placental abruption at 20weeks. I'm sorry you're going thru this. Resources like Rachel's Gift, Star Legacy, and Sharewell all helped me thru my loss.


I'm so sorry. I hope you are OK now.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I’m praying for your peace and sending you so much love. 💙


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Sending you a virtual hug.


I'm so sorry ☹❤




I'm so, so sorry


Love to you and your baby


No one can explain the feeling of losing the only human who knows what your heart sounds like from the inside. My heart aches for you. Take it one step at a time. No one understands what you’re going through, everyone’s situation is different. Don’t push yourself and remember everyone grieves differently.


We are all so so lucky and you are so unlucky. You’ve done nothing to deserve this and I’m so so sorry xx


Im so so so sorry


I'm so sorry


I am so incredibly sorry for the loss of your sweet, beautiful girl. All she knew was your warmth and love. My condolences.


I can not even begin to imagine what your going through, praying for your family and your sweet girl 💔 I am so incredibly sorry


I’m so sorry. I cannot imagine.


Fingers crossed your micropremie will keep fighting once she is born. I know it's not many but some babies has survived from 20 weeks. I can't imagine the stress you are in. Your baby is so loved. 🥰


No, they haven't. The record is 21w1d. I'm sure that we're all hoping for OP's little one to make it to viability, but I don't think it's kind to give unfounded hopes.


And surviving 20 or 21 weeks is not necessarily the best thing. A child born at that gestation will be in the hospital for months and have severe complications.


Agreed. I had 22 week baby and even then, they didn’t feel good about it. Let’s not give OP unfounded hopes.


Yeah, many hospitals honestly won't even attempt to save 21 and 22 weekers, but to just make them comfortable and give the parents the opportunity to hold and cuddle them as they pass.


Exactly what they did with me. Sending OP hugs


I hope you guys are at, or get to be, in a place of peace about this. All your baby ever knew of this world was love.


This is cruel. Don't project this on OP.


Unfortunately, this is absolutely not true. Most NICUs will not accept below 22 weeks - and even then, survivability (with or without severe disability) is incredibly low. (I am a NICU nurse at a level 4 facility and deal with the sickest of the sick babies.) To the OP, I am incredibly sorry for your loss. This is so unfair to you and your family.