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I cut his food up into bite size pieces and handed him only one piece at a time. Did it a couple of days, then bumped up to two pieces, then a few days later up to three, etc. He’s much better about it now, but he’s also 14 months now. Your little one might just have to go through the stuffing of the cheeks to decide that it’s uncomfortable before being able to move on from it. I know it’s scary, but they do have to go through some gagging to learn that that’s not pleasant.


Yep…same with us. The amount of times we said “chew chew chew” and “too much” and having mini-heart attacks…and then the hand in front of the mouth going “bleah” to get her to spit it out. Good times. She is a little better at 23mos but now likes to bounce in her chair or throw her head back with her mouth full. At about 14 months she discovered how to make a kind of horrifying gremlin sound by inhaling over her vocal cords with her mouth full. That was fun.


Thanks! My instinct was to do the same - slowly add more pieces of food to her tray day by day I know gagging is normal …. I’m okay with it, she did it a lot when we started solids, but the gagging lately with a mouth stuffed full of food is extra scary to me!


It’s so terrifying! I watched him like a hawk, I totally understand. Hopefully slowly increasing will work for y’all like it did for us.


Not sure if this is actually helpful, but when I notice my baby isn't swallowing I offer her some water. It's only ever a small amount of food in her mouth though.


Offer less at a time, see if that works, if not - offer more so it doesn’t seem scarce