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I‘m incredibly socially awkward due to being autistic so I’m terrible with most conversations and especially small talk, I feel bad when I don’t converse like other folks or seem reclusive so I like to make friends with the neighbors by giving away extra eggs and baked goods. We have quite a few pullet eggs so I made some brownies from scratch last night and wanted to share them and some of our eggs with our fantastic neighbor.


!! Love this! hheheahear♥


I started gifting 4 of my neighbours with eggs as I just have too many for myself, allways refusing the offer of cash as the chickens doo all the hard work. Recently a neighbour has started dropping off organic mixed vegetable boxes every few weeks . Another neighbour occasionally gifts me a homemade fruit cake. I have also been gifted a large glass greenhouse, a homemade leather dice pouch some homemade beer and cider and several sacks of chicken feed. I absolutely love the small community of neighbours I have and have mady many new friends as a result of some surplus eggs.


Awe. May I ask where you live?


South wales :)


Ahhh! Makes sense


That’s so dang nice of your neighbors to be repaying your generosity with such incredible gifts, that’s just so wonderful you’re surrounded by such kind people in your community! That’s just fantastic you’ve made so many new friends just by giving away spare eggs, I love that chickens can bring people together so easily, cause really who doesn’t love fresh tasty eggs from happy birds? I hope I’m able to make good friends with my neighbors like you have, its been wild how much kinder our neighbors have been here compared to our last neighborhood, it feels wonderful being able to share eggs with them.


I hear you, i hadn't really spoken to any them for the first year after moving in but now i regularly chat with them every week atleast. It has made me feel very welcome.


It is a very satisfying feeling. For me, it’s the connection it forms but as a nutritionist, I also often feel like “here, PLEASE take some good, nutrient dense, clean protein!”. Their body probably soaks it up. Great job!


It’s just the best, we care for these lovely birds and they gift us delicious and nutrient dense eggs, love that the flock takes care of us in return in a way and it really feels so nice to give such healthy eggs to neighbors and friends. I’ve been trying to be more conscious about my health especially with what I eat, I’ve been more motivated to make food from scratch and learning more about good nutrition since starting our flock. Our birds have seriously improved my mental and physical health in the short time we’ve had them, they’re little feathered saints truly.


I agree. I never used to understand “chicken people”. Now I’m obsessed with mine - they really do help mental and physical health.


I call it “Buying their silence.” I may or may not have a *few* more than legally allowed by the county


Love it 🤣


I'm doing the exact same thing tomorrow. Our only neighbors are getting a carton of eggs and fresh baked caramel coffee cake! They don't knowwww.


It being a surprise is even better though! Oh my gods I’d be elated to be your neighbor, fresh caramel coffee cake sounds amazing! Especially on one of these cool September days, I bet you’re gonna absolutely make their day with that.