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Is it hot where you are? It looks like she's panting, which they do when they're hot. If that's the case, you could try putting her feet in cool water, or wetting the ground and putting her feet on the wet dirt.


it's been 60s and cloudy all week where I am. I wonder if she is panting because she's injured 😭


Gape worm?


I know people are saying gapeworm because they see gaping but gapeworm is incredibly rare and a million different things can cause gaping. This is general "respiratory distress" panting/labored breathing. What else has been going on, any other signs or symptoms of illness? It's difficult to say based on breathing alone but this can be a sign of something fairly easy to resolve like stress or it can be a sign of something catastrophic and likely untreatable like heart failure. Your best bet is always a vet who has the training and diagnostics available to give you an accurate diagnosis.


I believe now that she is in distress because she is egg bound. Her abdomen is distended. Been trying to treat her but she's panting as of this morning. As you said I also wonder about some kind of internal injury. Thank you for your helpful response!


Have you tried an epsom salt bath?


Do your best to keep her hydrated and if you can, soak her lower half in warm water & Epsom salt periodically. 🤞


Did you check her crop? Is it impacted, squishy or bigger than usual? A blocked crop can cause her to suffocate... Panting like this could mean she can't breath or she maybe has gape worm, I'd definitely consult a vet if one is available in your are😥


I'd say check her mouth closely to see if it's a gapeworm. It could be as panting is a sign and, as far as my memory serves, it's treatable


look like respiratory distress, but I have no experience with that. The best place to try is to post on [backyardchickens.com](http://backyardchickens.com)


UPDATE: I was up all night with Priscilla giving her epsom salt baths and putting mineral oil around her vent. I also tried a calcium pill. Nothing helped. Truthfully I wonder if it was an egg or some kind of internal injury. I inserted my finger in her vent and I couldn't feel an egg, everything just seemed very swollen inside. She was clearly in a lot of pain and absolutely exhausted. She kept almost passing out but then awaking up in extreme distress again. Because of this we made the decision to cull her this afternoon. I hope it was the right decision. 😭 She was a darling sweet little bird who would follow you around the yard and look for worms with you. She was our only chicken who liked to be held. We buried her beside her sister Elvis who was killed by a hawk last year. They were peas in a pod and it makes me feel better to imagine that they are together now. It's always the favorites who go first isn't it. 😔 Thank you everyone for your help and advice. It really means a lot to me. Rest easy prissy. ❤️


I'd say she is hot




seriously? is there a way I can know this for sure?


Id call a vet. I will say I dont work with birds, but i tech for small mammals and this could be pain, too hot, URI, or heart related and very bad. No matter how you slice the probabilities, she looks like shes suffering and healthy things arent lethargic :( so vet time. Or if a vet isnt feasible, draw a line or time frame youll treat or cull imo




Can’t you just go to other communities with that noise? This has been the one bastion of just helpful friendly people, whyyyy do people like you need to be here. And to be one of the few responses OP replied to, you’re garbage dude. I hope you can find out what’s got you so miserable so you can stop spreading it around.