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This might be the first time I’ve heard of a cop actually hiding the body after murdering someone. This is next level psycho cop shit. The closest I can think of a case like this is when a teenaged girl disappeared in the Netherlands and it turned out that a cop who lived on the same street had killed her and buried her in his backyard.


There was a case in Mississippi where cops buried about 215 bodies behind a jailhouse in Jackson.


I don’t think those were cops that did that. I think it was just when bodies turned up and nobody claimed them, they just buried them in a pauper’s grave or potter’s field that happened to be behind a police station.


There was a person buried there that died because a cop hit him with his car. The mother of the victim had filed a missing persons report but they did not reach out even given the fact that he had his wallet with his ID with that home address and insurance card in his front pocket and the cops already knew her due to her filing a lawsuit after they killed her brother 3 years prior.


I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted about this. I’m right. This wasn’t a trench filled with bodies or something. The graves were numbered. Obviously sometjing nefarious happened with the guy you mentioned, but they had done an autopsy on the guy. You give the impression that the cops killed 200 people and buried them but it’s just this one case, from what I can tell, that has raised any suspicions. https://www.npr.org/2024/01/12/1224449631/mississippi-jail-graves-investigation#:~:text=Screenshot%20by%20NPR-,Hundreds%20of%20people%20are%20buried%20in%20numbered%20graves%20in%20a,were%20buried%20there%20without%20notice.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted but even if they didn’t kill every single person in that graveyard it’s still shady to be burying them in unnamed graves without notifying anyone. These are peoples loved ones, family members, and above all else individuals deserving of more. They wrote them off as unclaimed, homeless, inmates etc but that still is crazy. Many families reported those buried as missing only to get closure months later in the form of “They passed months ago and were buried here. Pay us to pick up the body”. Some of the people buried were homicide victims with families left questioning what happened to them. It isn’t right nor is it excusable.


Look up Cpl. Steven Calkins of Naples, Florida.


Damn. That’s crazy. Twice he’s the last person seen with someone who is then never seen again. Sounds like a serial killer.


Yeah, I have a feeling there's a chance of more victims that just dropped off the radar and haven't been reported missing.


That has always been so common among serial killers. They target people who often won't be missed, at least not for some time. Prostitutes, migrants, hitchhikers, runaways, homeless people. I think there was a guy in Colombia or elsewhere in South America who killed hundreds of street children before anybody even realized something was going on.


Yeah, and here in Florida being a transient state, it's a hotbed for victims.


Reminds me of Hurricane Andrew. My family lived down in the area (I had just left 2 years before). They tried to say 42 people died in the hurricane, but they had freezer trucks lined up just full of migrants who had died. Living out in those huts they gave them, so many just got blown away. But since they were transients, they never officially counted them.


I definitely believe that. When Hurricane Andrew hit, a guy I worked with was in the National Guard and he was sent to down to Homestead to help. He said it was so sad seeing all the displaced people looking for food and water. Told me he was even offered sexual favors for water. Seeing the mess after Hurricane Ian in Ft. Myers, Florida still hasn't gotten their shit together in regards to hurricanes.


Not in the US, but there's the case of Sarah Everard who got kidnapped, raped and murdered by a Met Police constable. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Sarah\_Everard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sarah_Everard)


Sargent Cole declined to comment on the allegations. Clearly he has nothing to hide after 2 months of delays and lies about what he did with Erik Foote. Clearly! /S


That makes me wonder if he had anything to do with the dissapearance, otherwise why come up with such a transperent lie?


"a FeW bAd ApPleS!!"