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She attempted to execute an alleged shoplifter?


Have you seen the price of bread lately?


no, cuz I stole it


please report to the firing line for immediate execution


How do you plea?


bargain I plea bargain


Because Roblaws price fixed bread for years..


Geez, even 24601 got treated better.


It looks like she was just incompetent about when to pull a gun and how to hold it thereafter. Zero trigger discipline; waving the gun around, finger on the trigger.. I don't believe she was *trying* to execute anyone, but it's a blessing that her negligence didn't get someone killed.


She thinks she’s Chris Kyle smh my head




"After a complete, fair, and transparent investigation, she feared for her life and acted within the standards of her training and the law." Too soon? Should we wait a few days?


Oh they will wait months before announcing the results of them investigating themselves and finding nothing wrong.  Of course, if the video spreads to far, the cop will have to resign and join the police force one town over.


It’s 2024. They’ll “let her resign” and rehire her once she changed her social media handles.


Slight wrinkle as this case involves a female cop. They’re never in the circle of trust anyway, so they’re much more likely to be sacrificed for bad behavior. The PD gets to “take responsibility” for once and it get filed under ‘women shouldn’t be cops anyway.’


They're charging the driver with assault on a law enforcement officer because she said "you're trying to run me over" before she pulled the trigger so they're def trying to frame it as a legit discharge




problem is that cars don't drive sideways and well, she didn't think about it enough to get in front of the car. I mean some officers will even jump on the hood while firing their gun, It looks cool and well come on you get to fire your gun. It looks like she is fairly new though so I wouldn't expect her to know the expert moves just yet. [https://www.foxnews.com/us/arkansas-police-officer-fires-at-least-15-times-into-car-while-on-hood-in-deadly-shooting-caught-on-video](https://www.foxnews.com/us/arkansas-police-officer-fires-at-least-15-times-into-car-while-on-hood-in-deadly-shooting-caught-on-video)


At least let the officer enjoy a little vacation (paid leave) first!


Could you imagine paid leave? Especially after a mistake? I might be in the wrong profession


Not remotely!


And the police who investigated the police according to police standards and reviewed by a police board found that the police acted in accordance with police policy. Nothing to see here, move along!


As they drove away, she felt threatened.


They are saying that her foot was run over. I've watched it several times and I don't see that. Even if her foot was run over how is that a reasonable circumstance to use lethal force and put every citizen in the area in danger of being hit by a careless shot?


she had no issue jogging after the car, then running back to her police car. Seems that would be mighty tough to do if 2000 + lbs had run over a foot.


Pretty sure they already said the driver tried to run her over and even said that the driver ran over her foot or something


If it involves guns, it is always too soon.


As the car drives away, she feared for her life.


She said he was trying to run her over. Apparently cops have been trained that vehicles are capable of driving laterally, just like they’ve been trained that you can overdose on fentanyl simply by being in close proximity to it.


People like her should not be cops or in any position of authority.


> People should not be cops*






We need to start guiding society and evolution towards no human being above another human. Pure equality and individuality.




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The fuck is wrong with your police. Why are they firing at a fucking shoplifter?


They are taught that everyone wants to kill them, that you can be stabbed 21ft away, and that the most important thing is that *they* get to go home at night. They would rather 40 people die for every policeman killed.


Holy fucking shit, that’s a real statistic. The police kill 40 people for every cop that *dies in the line of duty*. For the police that includes COVID deaths, OD’s, and suicides. What in the actual fuck.


IIRC, the majority of police deaths are traffic related


Yup, lot's of single vehicle drunk driving crashes.


The second most common cause of death of police on the job is their own poor diets and lack of exercise. Heart attacks from their shitty lifestyles kill about just as many cops as their own shitty driving and parking does.


Reminds me of that scene from SWAT where a cop they're interviewing decides to order a vegan dog and a seltzer water. Samuel Jackson and Colin Ferrell look down on him of course because he didn't eat a regular hot dog.


The #1 cause of death for everyone is heart disease.


And most of the rest are suicides. And most of the rest are health-related (fatass cops having heart attacks). It's not unheard of for there to be fewer than 20 actual violent fatalities among cops, nationwide, for an entire year.


Must mean on duty police deaths.


They also kill 10,000 dogs a year as well


HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHAT!? That’s two mind boggling statistics I’ve read, had to look up to verify, then been sick. The source is straight from the Department of Justice. The DOJ estimates that law enforcement kills in excess of 10,000 dogs per year. I’m curious how many dogs you’ve killed? Personally that number is zero for me and I’ve been attacked twice.


Well when you think about it lots of people are exposed to dogs in the line of duty e.g mail carriers and delivery drivers and yet somehow manage to do their jobs unarmed without killing any animals. Very strange


You see, some people said defund them and so they decided to do from bare minimum to no police work. They find some shade and just chill. An hour or two before their shift ends they start pulling people over so that they can get that OT. You know, paperwork is everything.


It's almost as if cowards are encouraged to join the police. 


*Queue the “I’ll Make A Man Out of You” Mulan music.* Police in the background practice beating a man lying facedown on the ground. 🎵“TO BE A MAAAAN, YOU MUST BE SWIFT AS A….” 🎶


It's true, they have it constantly drilled into them that they are the front line soldiers in a war, and that everyone is a potential enemy combatant. They're also told that their #1 priority is the preservation of their own life. The problem is that both of those things can't really be true at the same time.


That’s as many as four times ten! And that’s a lot.


[They're trained to be afraid of the sun, so they should definitely be allowed to shoot anyone](https://youtu.be/WsNfJhKmJmU?si=XZKIy6MbPNA9EMQQ)


This is AWESOME!


I'm glad you like it. :)


That’s hilarious thank you!


Aye, it's the American way


what you expect? one started firing from a falling acorn


Hey......It was an assault acorn.


God save us if the trees get high capacity walnuts


That‘s called freedom!


Well, pretty much everything; from wildly inadequate standards of training to being given far too much power to a near total lack of accountability. American police are the Blueshirt Fascist authoritarian enforcers of our totalitarian State. The deeper you look, the more you'll agree. ACAB


I wonder if a stray bullet hit a child, what would the police say. ACAB


They would charge the person they were firing at, with murder of the child. Even if they were a SUSPECTED shoplifter who was driving AWAY from the police.


I can remember two occasions that happened. 1. cops shoot into a crowd and kill a kid. Nothing happened to the cops. 2. Cops shoot someone swinging a bicycle chain in some store with an assault rifle, miss and kill a kid in a changing cabin. Nothing happened to the cops.


Don't forget the cop that tried to play animal control and decided a bullet was the best way to take care of a snake in a tree. He of course missed, and bullet stopped in the skull of a 6 year old a few hundred yards away. Felony conviction, but no jail time, and he immediately had it expunged so he was free to become a cop again. Or the cops that blind fired into an occupied house, killing a 7 year old girl. There was a camera crew right behind them, and they still peddled bullshit about what happened. And let's not forget about the infamous flash bang in a crib. The cops actually claimed the family (which was visiting and did not live there) were using their baby as a human shield.


Asking for police reform that includes real accountability is too far for some who even reads this.


The child had a gun and they feared for their life?


There was a story where the police were driving after a guy for "fleeing from the police", the cops performed a PIT maneuver, and killed his 12 year old kid. The cop was let off scott free. The dad of the child, who committed no crime except fleeing from the police after they broke his window for asking a question, was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Look up the case of "Chase Moore PIT maneuver". Cops will do everything but take responsibility no matter who gets hurt.


Felony murder rule. The person the police were shooting at would face murder charges


Before he even started driving she said "you're trying to run me over!"


She was planning a murder


That looks like a Negligent Discharge to me. She did not intend to discharge the firearm, but they will use every excuse they can to cover it up and say it was an justified shot.


A Negligent Discharge in the military gets you into a huge heap of trouble.


Saw a dude shoot the ground about 10 ft in front of him at the Stone bay range, in all my years in the Marine Corps I had never seen someone yoked up and disarmed so fast with so many people SCREAMING at him. I thought they bussed up some DI trainees and let em loose on the range or something. He got NJPd.


What's NJP?


Non Judicial Punishment. Go do KP or clean the latrines or some shit.


Take half your pay for 30 days, restricted to the base/boat. As an aviation guy, ship's company, I worked security sometimes while in home port. It's pretty sad to watch guys lose half their pay, family has to visit them on the boat during prescribed times while sitting at a picnic table in a hanger bay


Ah thanks.


Non-judicial punishment. The second lowest of the 5 disciplinary actions that stay on your record. Lowest being an entry on page 11 in your service record book (commonly called a Page 11), then an NJP or Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), then the 3 courts martial above that. It’s a legal way to punish someone from breaking one of the UCMJ articles without them having to go to court basically. They can take rank, dock pay, confine to barracks/ship, if on ship get sent to the brig and be on bread and water rations.


Courts martial


Yea I forget the plural is weird just like Sergeants Major. Good catch bud.


Is this it? :) https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/123no4y/cadet_didnt_clear_the_chamber_and_fires_a_live/


No that wasn’t the incident, that looks like a table 2 or 3 regime. I saw it happen during regular old table 1 annual rifle qual range week. It looked really similar to what that guy did but there was a lot more immediate action and screaming.


Absolutely. CSB: When I was with 20FW, we rotated to Afghanistan twice. Required checklist component, requalify with the M16A2. Mind you, back in 2004 Air Force rifle qualifications for non Security Forces or Special Operations was effectively "safely discharge your weapon downrange and see if you can't scare the target a little." We had a squadron commander, a lieutenant colonel, ND on the range. Dude was a pilot, he'd never be in a position where his weapons handling, let alone marksmanship, would ever be a factor. He ended up catching a letter of reprimand. This guy would never be promoted again, and was lucky to keep his command. Other stupid shit I saw included a captain getting kicked in the face for muzzle sweeping a RSO and a guy who, despite being prone and firing on a reduced silhouette at 25 yards, score a 0/40. /CSB, and agreed, military agrees firearm safety is important


Yup, we had someone on watch while deployed that ND. He got fucked, sent home an NJP. Surprised he did not get court marshaled.


100% that was an ND. She wasn't even aiming at the driver or the car when it went off.


Is this the new excuse cops use? Despite aiming their firearm at someone and have their finger on the trigger, it is a negligent discharge. Don’t give them ideas.


This is why Glock introduced the NY1 and NY2 triggers. Makes the Glock trigger 11lbs in the NY2 version


Yeah. When Glock was working with NYPD on issuing Glock service weapons to replace revolvers, the powers that be wanted the trigger pull to be more 'dual action revolver' like. Hence the extremely heavy pull NY1 and NY2 triggers of 8-12lbs I think a standard Glock is 5.5lb pull except for the competition Glock34/35 that have 2.5-3lb 'performance' triggers factory.


What are you? A police board that's already stamped it "innocent"?


A Negligent Diacharge is a BAD thing. If it was found to be a ND, she would (should) absolutely be severely disciplined. I think they are going to try to say it was an intentional discharge because she felt in danger of the moving vehicle to avoid the ND punishments and reckless endangerment charges.


I want to see the dash cam video from her cruiser … will they ever release it, or will they claim the dashcam wasn’t operating ? Unlessshe threw her foot under the rear tire, she didn’t get run over, nor did she ever complain about foot pain while going back to her cruiser, nor did I see the car bounce while passing her. Corrupt police support her firing a weapon down range of innocent targets. How many cars were down range ?




the STATE gave Karen a gun and a badge


She definitely didn’t intend to fire, that was a negligent discharge. Either way, she’s clearly unfit for duty and should never be handed a firearm again. Irresponsible pig almost cost that man his life over suspected shoplifting.


That's weird. Cars hardly ever shoplift.


Dumb bitch. Seems like she fat fingered the trigger. The shot was at a wild angle and could have hit any one of the other cars and pedestrians around.


or her own leg.


That was 100% a negligent discharge. Better than attempted intentional murder, but still inexcusable. If we are trusting you to carry lethal tools, you don’t get any “whoopsies”.


"Shoplift $4.99 wother of good? NOT ON MY WATCH!"


zero trigger discipline. ...in fact, zero discipline overall.




This is massively fucked up in every way. That officer needs to be fired because she put everyone around her in danger when no one was threatening her. You don't shoot people in the back and you don't shoot at fleeing vehicles. ACAB


A cop pulls out a gun on me that fast I would've probably booked it too. It took her 9 seconds to pull out the gun.


another thing about this that makes me so mad, i know so many working men that have had tools stolen out of their work trucks, thousands of dollars plus your biz goes down until you replace the tools, call the cops and they dont give a sh!t, they wont even come out to make a report, they tell you go to police station, make report, you never hear from them again. but if you steal a dollar of gas from a gas company or a soda pop from a food company, they are loading up the swat truck. total BS! and this crazy lady is a psychotic lunatic.


So she accidentally shot her gun and now has to chase the guy down and kill him so she can claim her life was in danger. That about right?


She forgot she wasn’t in Iraq where you shoot the whole family first and then ask questions. Nothing a refresher won’t fix.


Ironically the military has more restraint on the trigger than US cops.


Seriously, ROE was super strict. Even if you were taking fire, can't even return fire unless you clearly identified who/where it's coming from.


It's not irony, it's a crime against We the People.


I know some families in Falluja who disagree .


How well the rules were actually adhered to is certainly up for grabs, but the fact is that US soldiers absolutely do have more restrictive rules for shooting people in war zones than US cops walking down a city street.


See wiki leaks and the helicopter assassins


I'm aware. But still, the difference between the publicly stated "This is what you are supposed to do" is a mile wide, and not in our favor.


Judge Dredd energy




On other places besides Reddit, people will demand the officer should be charged and imprisoned for recklessly discharging her firearm for a nonviolent crime. However if the suspect were a person of different pigmentation? I’m sure a good 80% of the comments would be justifying her actions because they’re tired of all the theft at businesses.