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my mother is the "oh wowwww!!!......what is it?" type. she reminds me that i need to get better at complimenting other people before I have kids of my own lmao


"Ooooh! I love it! Tell me all about it!" and then pray they give enough context 😅


My kid shows me a picture of nonsense. "Whoaaa! That's really cool! What's happening in the picture?"


"Wow! That's great! I can tell you worked really hard on that!"


used this on my nephew once and he was like "no i didn't" lmao told him that was okay, i still loved it






“It’s so good and clever, please explain this in your vision first!”


Yep! Also, complimenting what you see is great, too. "Oh I love the red you used here!" "Oh I love these way lines." "Oh you colored in this whole shape!" Turns out you don't need to identify what the drawing depicts to throw some love and support about their process


100000%, even kinder teachers use this if they are good. "Oh wow you stayed in the lines so good, you're doing so great! Oh I love this color combination! Wow I love these dark lines! " the kids will excitedly tell you what it all is as you do that. That color combo was x,y, and z colors, the dark lines are wind, the blob in the corner unmentioned is a bird flying away.  You can compliment to get answers


I would do this with a preschool kid I used to nanny and always thought it was so sweet how his face would light up while I acknowledged his work/efforts. It got to the point though where he would straight up ask ME “what do you love about it?” Lol 😆


What if she was like “ooooooooohhhhh… who lives in a pineapple under the sea?”


You respond, “SpongeBob SquarePants”


Right? I read the title and thought "no ops mother, the answer is 'thank you, darling, you know I love pineapple, this is so thoughtful'"


My kids are still little, but I find a simple “I love it!” Usually avoids additional questions.


“I love it!l is my default now hahaha “I’m So proud of You!” None of those are lies 😂


I was always told to be happy/excited about my Christmas gifts, even if I didn’t really like it to not hurt the relative’s feelings. I opened a gift once when I was young and the box picture looked like this heating coil thing you hook inside a coffee mug to warm up water. So I oooh’d and awww’d about how I can make hot water for tea or hot cocoa or whatever… and my Mom is over there doing a facepalm, telling me to open the box. Because the box was reused and actually contained dolls/toys.


Lol, I did the same thing as a kid. One year I got a basketball wrapped inside a vaporizer box. I was like, "Oooh, I can use this when I'm sick."


This is so heartwarming 🥹


Haha tell her she’s gonna be getting little Debbie snack cakes next year if she doesn’t shape up lol


Small Deborah’s for the Debbie Downer


*Petit* Deborah! 😉


Small Deborahs!! 😂


yeah for real lol what a stupid response from the mom. what kind of weirdo makes a face at being gifted a cute cake


Go full Costsnza. Ring Dings and Pepsi


Well next birthday grocery store cake it is!


no cake at all


a card filled with coupons for canned pineapple slices


Lol yeah that’s an option too


Actually, OP should give her a cake decorated as *upside down* pineapple next year and see what she has to say!


I think this is the basis for her true disappointment 


Under the right circumstances, VONS cake slaps.


I was just scrolling through old photos and was reminded of this from four years ago. IDK where she even got the chutzpah to say something like this looked easy to make. I bake all the time and even so, if *we* had tried making it, it wouldn't have looked even a quarter this good, I'll tell you that!😆 Edit: to clarify, I did not make this cake. I paid a local baker to make it. And to everyone saying I’m a sucker for paying so much - take many steps back. This was in April 2020. She had basically lost her entire business in the space of a month when the world shut down and people started canceling orders left and right. If she needed to charge a little extra in order to get by, then I was happy to pay it. (And unfortunately, she still ended up having to close her storefront just a few months later. She still takes some commissions and bakes from home, but the business she had before never recovered.)


The Dunning-Kruger effect. The less you know, the more capable you think you are. You have to try and fail enough times to really understand the difficulties of making something crisp and clean.


I can’t even do regular icing decoration on a cupcake worth a shit. I’m a good baker but if it needs to *look* good too I’m paying someone


Same! My piping game is so mediocre, but using minimalist styles helps a lot lol.


You can practice piping without a cake. When the bag is empty, scoop up the icing and refill it. If it gets too soft to work, put it in the fridge for a while and pick it up later.


Oh yes, I do that with leftover icing too.


Mine too. My grandfather was a pastry chef and I did not inherit his decorating talent.


What a bummer! I honestly have my husband decorate my stuff half the time because he is just naturally more artistic


That’s so sweet, though! It’s a group project and everyone gets cake! 🍰💗


It is and I love his willingness to participate! ❤️


Part of my problem is I’m impatient and I just want to eat the cake so I can’t be bothered to let them cool enough. But even when I do it looks like a 2 year old was just given total creative control on them.


to make something look simple, takes practice.


I’ve barely tried my hands at decorating and already given up on it. People love my stuff because it tastes good anyway, if I’m feeling fancy I’ll put some nuts or berries on top and that’s it. One time I had a nice grid of salted caramel drizzled on my blondies, best they’ve ever been and since then I’ve never gotten the consistency of the caramel right again and the bits themselves also don’t hit the same fluffy but firm texture. Still taste amazing but I’m always kind of upset I can’t seem to repeat the first batch


I’ve failed decorating cakes enough to know that the photo looks great.


>The Dunning-Kruger effect. The less you know, the more capable you think you are. There's a lot of that going around in US politics


My hand is cramping just looking at it. It’s very cute and they obviously spent a lot of time on the piping.


My dad was like that. When my band pressed our first professionally recorded single onto vinyl and I proudly played it for him, he said he couldn’t really hear the vocals, that “music is all so loud nowadays.” I was the friggin’ drummer. All he had to say was “sounds great, honey!” Boom. No critical analysis about how you, WHO HAD NEVER PLAYED MUSIC IN YOUR LIFE would have done it better.


I’m so musically inept I’m in awe of anyone that can do the thing. And you made a damn record???? That’s so cool!


Is your dad my mom?


Your mom and my mom should get together and go bowling


Home baker here…that’s a standard price for a two tier cake. The people making those comments are the ones who expect a cake that size to be $40.


I feel like that's a pretty good deal for $120. That's, what, 6 layers, and a lot of piping work and it all looks clean. How was it?


My immediate response is, “YOU look simple!!!”


Holy shit I love that. As a person that genuinely enjoys getting baked goods for my bday my kids have surprised me with pricey stuff like that before and it’s a treasured memory. Sorry you got that reaction.


The internet has just made me scared of anything pineapple related.


Cakes are really expensive! I don’t think $120 is that out there for a cake like this. It looks fine to me!


In my area this cake would easily cost $250. I was thinking $120 was a great deal


It's so hard sometimes. We bend over backward to try to make our Moms happy and then they put a nail in our balloon and deflate us.


OP, there are dozens of people in this thread (including me) that would be 🤩🤩🤩 if you gave us this cake for our birthdays. It’s a beautiful cake, you’re an awesome daughter / son / spawn 😁 and we appreciate that you got your mom this lovely amazing cake. I hope you can enjoy this lovely cake with your friends.. Because I for one am curious if it tastes like pineapple.


Bundt cake it is for mom’s next bday. 


Store bought sheet cake for eternity


Hey, we work really hard on those! Just because we’re in grocery stores doesn’t mean we aren't cake decorators. 


Aww, don’t take that comment to heart. I think it’s more about the effort and expense of ordering a custom cake vs just picking up a tremendously cheaper one at the grocery store last minute. If the person isn’t going to appreciate it, why bother?


Unless you get the “how have you not been fired yet?” Person, I find those in grocery stores to be quite talented pipers. 


Oh god I hope yalls turn out better than my friends sheet cake from walmart. It was such horrible illegible writing and i swear it looked like a preschooler wrote it. It was so bad that when it got returned the manager even said “holy shit”. LOL


Cake wrecks nominee, I suppose!


Some of my most beautiful and delicious cakes have come from the grocery store. One year I bought my son a cake that looked like a cheeseburger because he loves burgers so much. It was so good and Publix has the best buttercream frosting on earth!


Publix bakery is fantastic.


Too fancy for ingrates. Their gift is a box of store-brand cake mix and a can of frosting. There you go, mummy dearest. Happy freakin' Birthday!


Twinkie with a candle.


Hey getting those out of the pan is hard lol


No even that’s too nice lol


Nice- what kind of flavor is the cake? Pineapple?




Simple? Nah man! That cake has some height to it, and that's tricky on its own. Then it's got superb piping skills all the way around. I'd be stoked if someone got that cake for me, it's beautiful.


My mom said I looked tired on my wedding day. I feel you.


(hugs) My mom dumped my sister dress train into a muddy slush puddle, because she was "distracted".


That is a beautiful cake either way! I hope it was tasty. I’m sorry for the annoying memories, remember the sweet cake :)


Ungrateful people are absolutely unreal


i can’t imagine acting that way. even if you aren’t a huge fan of the cake (or whatever gift) you should keep that opinion to yourself and instead choose to be outwardly grateful that someone did something for you! i was seething last year - my parents aren’t very well to do so they don’t go out to eat a lot. my husband and i got them a big gift card for their favorite restaurant that they never treat themselves to. i asked my mom how it was and she went on about how disappointing their meal was and she never wants to go there again, blah blah blah “oh but thanks for the gift card it was sweet of you!” we will never again spend that kind of money on a gift! in a way, it’s good to know that the restaurant went downhill so i don’t buy another gift card but she picked the tackiest way to convey that


These are people who do not know how to act towards others, people who think they’re the main character, and/or people who think that every thought in their brain needs to be spoken out loud because their opinions are vital and significant and they must be heard. All three are issues and the last two signal some serious ass narcissistic qualities.


my mom proudly boasts that she “has no filter” and it drives me nuts! there’s a difference between being honest and genuine, and being tacky, crass, rude, hurtful, etc. the “no filter” people always fit into the latter category if you ask me!


That’s not a brag, Ma, that’s just rude and obnoxious. There’s a way to be honest and direct without being rude. I know because that is how my family and I am. We are always direct and honest with people but we go about it in very respectful ways (unless we are disrespected first, then you just get what you give). But dang man, the whole “respect has to be earned” thing is so exhausting. Unless someone is rude to you first, then respect should be the DEFAULT. There’s plenty to go around.


If one of my kids gave me, also a pineapple obsessed person, this cake, I’d lose my mind and possibly cry from the thoughtfulness. I’m sorry your mom didn’t appreciate it!


For the next cake, just print out an image of a pineapple and lay it on top of a pound cake.


I would have said ok, and taken it back home and enjoyed it myself. Don't put yourself out there for family who don't appreciate you or your efforts.


I would be stoked to get that cake.


Me too! It’s beautiful and quite detailed, actually. Their mother sounds like an unappreciative cow


Oh she can make her own cake next year then?


Bitch ! There I said it for you. You’re welcome 😉


Next cake is an actual frosted pineapple with two outstretched arms giving the finger. 👍💁😂


Brilliant 😂


It was a VERY nice gesture even if your mom does not appreciate it.


I feel like this is probably not the first time she’s shat on you.


This was my first thought. :(


I’m surprised at people saying $120 is too much, isn’t this a 2 tiered cake? 2 tiers for $120 is a steal.


Well, I think it looks amazing. Is it also pineapple flavored? That would be cool. Pineapple right side up cake?


Cake looks awesome! I actually greatly appreciate that it is a “simpler” design yet flawlessly executed. I’m so tired of over the top cakes with shitty fondant. I’m also surprised anyone would actually criticize you for spending $120. Some of these redditors clearly have no idea how much a *good* cake costs and how much work goes into it! That’s a very fair price. It may have been a few years ago but the baker/decorator deserves another shoutout


Are we sisters? Next year, send her a parenting book instead of a cake.


Ditto. She sounds like my mom.


It’s adorable! I’m obsessed with cherries and if someone gave me a cherry shaped/ cake I think I’d cry


At least she can act surprised dam lol


Next year just get her an actual pineapple and tell her to go to hell


If someone knew my favorite fruit and they cared enough to have a cake shaped like that fruit made for me I would be so happy


I’ll be your mother. 🙋🏻‍♀️ thanks for the beautiful cake my lovely child.


She’s upset because it’s not upside down. Your mother isn’t obsessed with pineapples. She’s a swinger.


I know I’ve been on Reddit too long because that was my first thought too


I knew others had to be thinking this. Lol


LOL sounds like my mom, that’s why I stopped doing nice celebratory things 🥲


it's a great cake and a very sweet gesture. Hopefully she will realize the effort and thought you put in. Maybe she's having a hard time with this birthday? It's disappointing when people don't react like we expect, but there could be something deeper going on.


Simple? No, simply gorgeous!


A few years back, I made a West Highland Terrier cake for my mom for her birthday. She never owned one, but she’s super jealous of my mother-in-law who owns a Westie. She was harking on me to make her one for years. So I made it for her. I thought it turned out perfect! I brought my cake in, and everyone is oohing and ahhing. My mother says, “I don’t like how it’s decorated.” My sister said, “What did that senile old bat say!?” I have now refused to make her a cake for her birthday. She now gets a Sara Lee pound cake from her local grocery store. Sounds like that’s what your mom needs to get from now on.


How did it taste?


Do we have the same mom? Are we siblings. ?!?


Your mom sounds...difficult


Show her what “simple” is next year then 😆


How ungrateful! I like it. I would be flattered if someone made me that.


Sonit only took 120 bucks to find out what kind of person she is that's not too bad


I mean…why it that considered an insult? It IS simple looking, but that doesn’t make it less beautiful, elegant, or desirable.


She should have pretended and lied that she likes it more to not hurt your feelings, you spent money after all. Good thing you put it here so we, strangers, can badmouth your mom now.


While she’s not wrong, she could have shown a bit more humility and grace and appreciated the thought more.


She should get a grocery store cake for the rest of her life now. It was a gift, she should at least pretend to appreciate it.


I would love someone to gift me a cake. And that one is gorgeous and special. Your mother is super rude and weird. Why can't she be nice at least?


I’m sorry, it sounds like my mom. I think it’s awesome. Does it taste like pineapple?


Your mother shouldn't have criticized the cake. It was kind of you to order it for her birthday. However, I'm not your mother, and I need to know why the adorable pineapple is sitting on a light purple bridal shower cake.


how unappreciative. that stinks


She’ll enjoy “simple” food when she gets to the nursing home 😀🤷🎂


Lesson learned. Next year she gets grocery store sheet cake


Shoulda told her that she looked simple too but you don't say it out loud


I’d get her a white Walmart sheet cake with “pineapple” written in yellow in the middle next year.


$120 is a huge amount for any cake to be honest but that’s looks fun at least


It's really not that much for a 2-tier shaped and decorated cake.


This is super cute.


It's a lovely cake, but yeah, it doesn't look like you got your money's worth. Even so, the proper response is, "It's wonderful, thank you!" not "It lookes simple". Next time, just throw together a quick pineapple upside-down cake with a cheap box mix. At least you won't be out as much money.


That’s hilarious because I was thinking wow! $120 for that is a steal! I recently paid $60 for a 6 inch basque cheesecake. Certainly depends on the cost-of-living in your area.


Where and who is cranking out carved custom cakes with overall piped butter cream at $50? Cousin Tina, who does Texas sheet cakes for communions and baptisms, working out of her SO basement doesn't count. I live in the cow shit kicking midwest and custom cakes start at $100 here. That's a double layer, common flavored cake with buttercream, and simple piping.


Oh man I am basque and couldn't imagine paying that much for a cheesecake, not even in La ViĂąa!


The cake is really cute and gives Sponge Bob vibes. It was very thoughtful of you to go out of your way like that…also prob difficult to transport without ruining the frosting. I’m sorry she did not recognize your efforts. 💛 It’s Pineapple upside down cake for her if there is even a next time.


Wow. How rude. Even if it's simple, it's the thought that counts. Guess you know not to bother spending any real money on her since she won't even appreciate it. I'm no pro baker, but let me tell you, cake decorating is a FUCKING ART! Like with a lot of things, when it looks simple, it's actually not. When it looks simple, it's that much more unforgiving with any imperfections. Cake decorating is so time consuming and this is where costs can really climb. I used to scoff at cake pricing, but oh man, I got a A HUGE wake up call when I decided to make a real effort with my first cake. The baking was the easy part. 👀 if you wanna make a cake and have it look actually decent, and you're not used to making cakes, the struggle is seriously real. I absolutely appreciate people that do this on a regular basis.


Looks great to me — you did a good job getting this for her. :)


I’m sure she meant “elegant.” 🤣


That’s an amazing cake !!!


Wow! Not at all simple to make. Its excellent 👍


I hope this was something out of the blue and she appreciates all the other nice gestures you've made. I'd say get her a plain pound cake next year but that's my favorite cake. 💕


I'd been tempted to shove her face in it 🤣


Omg i love it


I know the cake artist worked hard on it. Maybe your mom is soured about getting another year up in age and is feeling grinchy.


I love it!! So cute!!


I think this is a tasteful way to incorporate her obsession with pineapples and give her a lovely birthday cake. It’s super cute and pretty well done. Sorry your mom was so dismissive of your efforts to give her something culture and thoughtful.


from now on mom gets a box of store brand cake mix, in whatever flavor she likes least, and a toothpaste tube of store brand cake decorating paste and a disposable aluminum 9x9 cake tin. let her make her own damn cake. that thing is beautiful.


Next year give her a real pineapple, it is quite detailed.


AND you had to transport it in your car, on top of the insult. Mom gets a stale cupcake after that!


Aw you’re so thoughtful. I hope she doesn’t usually suck. It looks great. All that piping to make it look like a real pineapple must have taken you forever! What type/flavor of cake is it?


Tell your mom that she looks simple, then. What a pretty cake!


Why bother? Your self esteem doesn’t need this negativity. Get her a pineapple card next time and when she complains it won’t deflate your bank account. If she wishes to be miserable that’s her choice. You keep your head up! You are truthfully wonderful.


That’s when the cake gets accidentally dumped into the sink and then you have an important appointment you forgot about.




Looks amazing


I saw it. Instantly knew pineapple. Absolutely adore it! But then again, maybe I’m simple.


Send it my way. I'll happily take it off your hands. Ask her if she could easily recreate it. If the answer is no, it's not simple.


Why are they always obsessed with either pineapples or flamingoes? 😂 Also, I think this cake looks dope and for people saying you overpaid, I’ve paid way more for truly awful cakes 🥲


If I had received such a glorious cake !! Wow, it's great, is it pineapple?!


I love pineapples and I would be thrilled with this cake!! Some ppl expect a lot. Cake decorating is haard, this looks amazing


Next year, it’s a single cup cake. I think it looks amazing!


‘Simple’ ….. sounds like a narcissistic mother ….. oy


I would have taken it home and bought her a cup cake


I'm a huge believer in not doing nice things for people who don't appreciate it lol


"Then you're SIMPLY not getting any!" Would have been my petty response, to that. In my mind.


Your mom's an asshole. Happy Birthday! See You Next Tuesday!


That’s because it’s very cleanly done. The decoration *is* simple but also very skillfully done and well-worth $120. People that have no artistic or craftsman skills are sometimes like this and they’re frustrating.


Your mother is the AH


At least it wasn’t a pineapple, upside down, cake. 😐


Why did you spend 120$ on a cake for a person who is a jerk? Next time get her a Walmart sheet cake and call it a day.


Lol simple until she has to make it - wth is wrong with people


I mean like she is not wrong..


Is your pineapple obsessed mother into upside down pineapples by chance


Awww are moms the best. Anytime I cooked for mine she would take the opportunity to tell me how great of a cook my sister was. Guess who stopped getting anything from me.


It is very simple, but it is pretty.


I think it's lovely and have a mother just like yours. Spare yourself time and effort next time and don't go the extra mile for her. She won't appreciate it.


TBF, the repetitive star tip isn't that difficult in and of itself. (As a talent, my carpal tunnel would say otherwise). The leaves are impressive to stand up so tall. (Fondant probably). Not shaped very accurately. Better than I could probably do. .


Wow—I love pineapple and I think it looks awesome. Maybe next year mom should get a grocery store cake that says “Happy Birthday \[insert name here\]”


The bottom tier cake edge looks crisp!! They knew what they were doing. The pineapple is cute! I love it


You simpletons and your cakes! I wanted a REAL pineapple! And we would invite all my aristocratic friends to look at it!


Throw it in her face and ask her if it still looks simple then.


Who tf is obsessed with pineapples?


What does she mean simple? It’s a cake made to look like a pineapple, it’s really cool


Rude. It's really cute. Next time make her a boxed cake mix and frost it and dump a can of pineapple on top


Happy birthday to the ground!!!


And now you never have to buy her another cake.


Guess who’s getting a simple sheet cake next year…?


It's cute I'm a pastry chef it do look simple the bottom teir the fact they piped a whole pineapple I don't blame then not want ro ad more to the bottom to be honest you didn't get your money with design wise


Oh, sorry....Well, the Cake looks amazing! 👍 The thought you put into getting her a cake b/c of her favorite flavor deserves extra points. You are wonderful! 🙌 Just saying..


Seems expensive tbh


Everytime I think I’m shitty to my kids someone reminds me I’m not that terrible.


Don’t let it get you down. I had a mother who was never pleased.