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Can't say anything about these particular examples, but Patch 3 definitely broke something with the dialogue animations. Some angles are completely off with camera that is either completely blocked or clips through a model, sometimes necks are twisted and models are posed kinda wrong, camera that weirdly locks onto Tav when it's clearly supposed to switch angle. I've finished BG3 before the Patch 3 and while I won't say that prior to that it was perfect, but I most certainly never met as much issues as I am right now.


Lmao yeah, Astarion and my Tav having a whole conversation back to back was definitely the highlight of this patch for me : [https://imgur.com/a/I76bdTV](https://imgur.com/a/I76bdTV) Edit: Okay actually I went through my screenshots and they were kind of side by side, but it's still not something that happened in my first playthrough : [https://imgur.com/a/lDqdqL8](https://imgur.com/a/lDqdqL8)


This looks like a scene out of a shonen anime.


Jojo Part 10 sneak peak


Does anyone else's Laezel keep sharpening an invisible blade when she leaves camp too?


She's just practicing the movement for when she actually needs to sharpen her blade. Over sharpening isn't economic xD


Mine did i just restarted


Was gonna say looks like that scene out of Fast and Furious uhhhh 6 I think? Where Vin Diesel and the Rock talk but don't look at each other because I guess that's gay or something lol


I mean fast and furious is a hardcore gay porn until the damn studio interferes.


First thing that crossed my mind as well. Hilarious.


I was going to say if they lose the shirts, you've got something out of a Yakuza game


NGL if the camera angle was a **BIT** different and Astarion turned his head more... With some of Astarion's darker conversations this could 100% work!


That would be so sick!


I assumed that was the intended vibe when it happened to me


Not a bug, an unknown feature, there should be an achievement for that


Oh my gosh i thought it was only me… I was like… but wait why do I kinda like it? Its giving anime protagonist.


Didn't stare at their upraised hand; not anime enough


Yeah, I had that happen with Astarion while in conversation after this thing involving Raphael. Astarion and I were right next to each other, only for the conversation to basically put us on opposite sides of the camp, talking over our shoulders. It was kind of hilarious honestly.


I could play Checkers on your beard.


That's what happens on low settings :') Like someone took out a sharpie and just went to town on his face


YUP so glad someone else got to experience this bc omg


Ooh the drama


I had the back to back convo today, and it made it very hard to polr Asterion seriously lol. I couldn't stop laughing at how dramatic it all looked.


Dont worry they have your back!


They singing r&b to the same woman in Karlach, but they're unaware of each other. Because Tav leads and has a hook, Astarion has the 2nd verse with a hook, and it ends with all 3 on the hook.


A Ghandi moment for a new feature? Hahaha


Hey, we had this exact same conversation backwards too.


Oh. That wasn't how it was supposed to be?


OK i thought i was crazy!! that wasn't how it was supposed to look ??


It happened to me altho I still like lmaoo


omfg this happened to me and it was even funnier that back to back, it made sense LOL


This happened to me too! I was dying laughing.


ngl it would be sick if we had some dynamic posing for certain dialogue scenes in the game


The second one looks like they're talking while taking a piss together


Back to back conversation happened to me before the patch lol


I had this happen, after Raphael came to talk. To my knowledge, that’s the only time I’ve seen this bug.


That happened to me too. I thought i was in a jojo scene


Is that your tail or are you just happy to see me?


Omg me too though, it looked super soap opera dramatic lmao


I *KNEW* I wasn't crazy!


Had this happen on my multiplayer game when we were talking to Auntie Ethel in the Grove. Tbh it just makes her seem even shiftier lol


My Astarion had his ear (just his ear) detach from his head and then telescope in and out of his head.


I just had that *incident* in camp with *that person* on my Durge run yesterday. When *that person* talked they were clipping through Karlachs tent, and the next day the *floor artwork* went right over the top of Karlachs tent too, along with the bedrolls and campfire. Plus while Durge was panicking, Wyll was just chilling in the background having a drink. *I think he knows*


"That boy ain't right" - Wyll


I had an issue with that “artwork” where Scratch was standing over it and the textures clashed or something so the poor dog was red. I was so confused at first until I realized where he was standing


I noticed that, too! Like, why did my Durge bother climbing onto her tent to smear that gunk when she could have moved, like, two feet to the right??


>Some angles are completely off with camera That's a mild way to put it, lol. Here's my patch3 dialogue... [experience](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16ud4cz/could_larian_please_stop_breaking_gales_content/).


Yeah man, it's rough. Kinda glad that I've finished the game before the Patch 3.


I havent seen a ton of this on PS5 as of yet, however my first Tav would get cannon elbows in dialog scenes. Seemed to be triggered specifically by that armor texture. It was fantastic- they ~bwooooop!~ ed in and out during convos. https://imgur.com/a/q7XmD5s


Yeah the Yuan-Ti armour was doing that for me on the ps5. I was in Last Light Inn for the first time when it started happening and it was hilarious at first. But I was talking to so many people and it was happening so much and I was so fucking tired cos I’d stayed up so late playing, it actually started to make me feel nauseous. I sent Larian some lovely pictures of my character looking very serious with 2ft long elbows.


thats hilarious.


Mol playing chess with an empty chair for me


I only have one bug with dialogue animations and it is hilarious. The NPCs sometimes switch between all their facial animations they need for the next dialogue part and then do the whole thing properly with their intended lines. It always looks like they have a stroke or something. It's hilarious ;D


It was hilarious for me when >!Raphael!< did that, in one of the serious dialogues. It went on for a full 2 minutes before he spoke or I got a dialogue option. I watched as he cycled through all the emotes multiple times. I had saved right before, and reloaded to see if it was just lag. Nope. Did it every time in the exact same spot! lol


It happened to me too the other day, lol. What a great moment of unintentional comedy.


I had that happen yesterday. It got to the point where I actually said, out loud, *ummmm, you ok there buddy?* and the the scene finally continued. It was amazing. Intense close up the whole time.


YEAH, that was the dialogue I noticed it the first time. Me and my buddy died laughing. Looked like he had a stroke mid talking.


I've been running around in Act 3 for some time before Patch 3 and I don't recall this ever happening. It could be a coincidence.


Since the first patch I’ve had issues with the camera pointing right at my shoulder instead of at an NPCs face during dramatic conversations. Still hasn’t been fixed. The game isn’t ready for the big character model.


Reminds me of when Astarion would crane his neck to tell the other teammates to back off when he has you at knife point on the ground at the beginning of the game


This seems especially fucked when the speaking or focal party member is a displacer beast lol


Its cutscene glitches . I guess they need another patch soon to fix this .. they added something in game maybe it broke something in cutscenes


Yeah I've had several interactions where the dialogue text is up but there's either no audio, or the characters are making expressions but not moving their mouths while speaking.


The last dialog before the final boss, 2 of my characters were upside down


Yeah, sometimes I try to talk to someone and end up seeing only the ground. Weird glitch I haven't seen since Skyrim.


Glad I finished the game before that and moved on, then. It had plenty of bugs before the patch imo


Gale got so excited about that book that he turned into an eldritch horror ;-;


Sorcerous Sundries!!!! \*howls\* ╰། ᵒ̌ д ᵒ̌ །╯


I guess this could be working as intended. Gale got dumped by his gf, quarantined himself for like a year, had to go on a horrible quest to not blow up and turn into a nuke, and then go on ANOTHER horrible quest to not turn into a squid, and never got to go to a library or a bookstore that whole time. Maybe he's just going feral. Those suppressed wizard nerd instincts are turning him into an eldritch form with extra eyes (to read faster) and extra limbs (to hold more books at once).


Biblically accurate Gale


okay I'm sorry but this made me laugh way more than it should've


Ahh yes *this* is the bg3 I fell in love with in EA. Character models twisting into uncanny horrors- like the spaghettified rats in the grove that once haunted my dreams..




I think they meant early access


All of the downvotes are a little unwarranted for a misunderstanding tho bc it really does feel like an EA-level downgrade compared to Patch 2 in many ways lol




Well, if it helps, I have 357 hours in BG3 and I think your comparison was apt. Obviously the whole game, overall, is still great, but they fucked up a lot this patch - at least in terms of aesthetics, and some parts in terms of enjoyable gameplay on a small scale. Hopefully they will have fixed soon, though, like they quickly fixed His Majesty!


Praise the Absolute!


Oh my god, so other people are getting this too? I was nearing a panic attack, thinking my GPU is dying


same, I ran a dxdiag and triple checked my temps and settings. Everything is normal Dx


The release version of BG3 was probably the smoothest most bug free version we've seen in a new game, any genre, in over a decade. Hope they wrangle whatever's missing in their QA passes for patches...we're ok waiting a little while between patches. (But also hoping they fix doors...really gets annoying having to pan around to enter different rooms)


act 1 was bug free because its been in early access for years, act 2 and especially 3 were and still are a buggy mess. i dont know what other games you have been playing but most AAA games launch way way way cleaner then bg3. anything nintendo releases is polished af for example, same with capcom, formsoft, square enix, most japaneese companies actually now that i think of it


Yea BG3 is probably my favorite game since Witcher 3 (at 100 hours in BG3; W3 I had at least 400, and I can see myself getting there with BG3 easy). But the only major downside has been the bugs. I don't mind the occasional visual hiccup as long as it's not persistent. But when I'm straight up stuck on a quest and have to look online for solutions, download CE or move files around etc to fix it, that's a pretty broken state. Not the worst I've seen; Bethesda games and especially Cyberpunk come to mind. But it does suck. Still the game itself is a masterpiece and it's pretty nice how quickly they release patches, but they seem to introduce new bugs too.


Speak for yourself with this "we" nonsense. I have not played a game with as many bugs as BG3 since I played cyberpunk 2077 (not hyperbole, it's the only game I can think of that had a similar volume and severity of bugs as I experienced in act 3 of BG3, which is almost half the game). Literally every game I have played in the last decade has run smoother than BG3. Especially in act 3.


At release though? The trend in the past decade has been “release then patch” in order to get it out the door. (And yea not including Bethesda as they’ve been struggling with this for far longer). What’s an example of a game that you had in mind that wasn’t buggy at release?


God of war (both new ones) Horizon forbidden west Horizon zero dawn Last of us pt 2 Every puzzle game I've played Hollow knight Journey Kena bridge of spirits Spiderman Spiderman miles Morales Prey Titanfall 2 Ghost runner Ghosts of tsushima Hellblade senua's sacrifice Hogwarts legacy (minor visual bugs but that's it) Doom eternal Doom 2016 Control That's just from my own personal library.


>God of war (both new ones) Agreed on this one. Incredibly smooth at launch throughout the whole game. I stand corrected there, definitely takes the top. >Horizon forbidden west This one had a similar launch as BG3, solid first half, but had bugs at launch in the latter half that got ironed out later. >Horizon zero dawn This one was very buggy if we're talking PC launches. It did not port over well and had VRAM leaks. I think it was around 1.11.2 that got fixed. >Last of us pt 2 Part 1 was fairly buggy at launch on PC, as well as the remastered version. Part 2 was better at launch...some frustrating bugs still though, like where characters would fall through the ground and glitch out game triggers/progression. >Every puzzle game I've played I should have specified AAA (I was inferring it, but I can see how that was not picked up on). >Hollow knight Much simpler game, but a good one...good taste! >Journey Also a simpler game, but a fantastic one. This one had some pretty bad bugs at launch for the PC, including some that rendered it simply unplayable. Kind of the same theme as some of the above though where these are console-first games being ported over to PC. Whereas BG3 is not a console-first game, but multi-platform right out of the gate. >Kena bridge of spirits I'm really digging your selection here. This one had some startup issues on PC mostly related to graphic card driver compatibility. But other than that, very nicely polished game...very few launch day bugs on PC from what I recall. The team that put it together did a great job. >Spiderman Lots of launch day bugs on this one for PC. Stutters, lag, etc in the City. Game launch issues. Black screens. Missions not progressing like they should. Video memory crashes. Save file issues. Loss of sound. etc. Another one of those console-first challenges. >Spiderman miles Morales This one had lots of bugs even on PS4 launch. Much more than the 2018 Spiderman game that came before it. Weird animation bugs, floating heads, triggers not firing off for mission completion, game freezes, etc. Anyway I could finish the list but you get the idea. I might revise my comment above as I can see how it was interpreted a little more literal than I was intending it to be. But to be more specific: AAA games launched on the PC in their early months. Very few have perfect launches, and the ones that do well, still have bugs to iron out. The worst tend to be console ports as the developers who do the migrations do not always have the facilities to test on the massive range of PC configurations that are out there in the wild. (eg. some bugs in the above list I referenced were due to things like...monitor refresh rate...yes having the wrong hz would break some ports. Crazy!) And when we're talking about "bugs" there are also various categories too, like gameplay bugs, graphic bugs, memory bugs, etc. Some are just bugs related to gameplay logic/data. Some are more critical and cause the game to completely crash to desktop (hasn't happened in BG3 with me yet, but I have seen some logic bugs, missing voicelines, etc...very tiny percentage of overall gameplay though)


I play on console. Every single one of those games ran smoothly out of the box for me, though I won't discount those that had bugs with them. Sorry if it wasn't the same for PC, but BG3 is buggy as hell for both console and PC and still to date the buggiest game I've ever played, next to cyberpunk 2077. Also, as you said, the type of bugs matter. Minor visual or audio bugs I can deal with and are generally fixed by restarting the game, no game is perfect. The bugs I've had in BG3 have been literally game changing, they fundamentally changed how I interacted with the game, often ruining whatever story I was creating. They forced me to cheese, circumvent, or bypass important sections of the game just so I could progress. Act 3 alone changed my rating of this game from an 8/10, to 4 or 5/10. I'm glad you didn't have as many bugs, truly. At least some people got the most out of this game, but I, and many, others, paid the same 80 dollars to play a beautiful act 1, an okay act 2, only to be slapped in the face in act 3. And then watch people hype this game up like it's the game of the decade and praise Larian for not falling into the same trap many developers do, releasing buggy games... except they did, and are still getting praise for it. Bottom line is Larian released this game before it was done for financial reasons to beat out the big game releases later in the fall, and people like me paid the price for it (literally). Edit: also, quick note. Please understand none of my frustrations are directed at you and apologies if my comments come off that way. Also, thanks for your praise of my game selections! That was very kind!


Be sure to restart your game in a while, especially with high quality graphics, there's a memory leak somewhere (probably more than one though)


A lot more broke with the latest patch and the one before. Not only these glitches also blackscreens are haunting me


Yea just had this happen to Astarion in the final cutscene of the game. Both hilarious and disturbing.


Serious question. Did this game get MORE buggy after patches? I barely ran into a single glitch in my 150hours at launch but I keep seeing glitch memes all over the sub


Are you on console or PC? I’m sure hardware differences can create glitches on PC that aren’t there on console.


Hey cool, they added Horrible Wilting into the spell roster.


oh no he just looks like that when he's really excited about books /s


This happened so randomly I didn't even realize it was a glitch. Caught a stray (uncensored) titty outta nowhere followed by eyes not in their sockets. Suprised was an understatement.


I’ve had a recurring issue on the last few playthroughs where when the devil you know comes home, the camera man seems to be, uh, on their knees? So all of the dialog is filmed from like 2ft above the floor.


Tav: "Gale wtf is that?", Gale: "magic!"




It's like he absorbed his twin....


memories of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.


Tf am I looking at!? 😆


At the end of the game when I was about to fight the netherbrain. All audio cut off during conversations. So no sound at all no voices. It was awkward af. Like we are building up to this final fight and I have no music!!!


Had all of Lae’zel’s gear wrap around her face and distort her torso in a dialog … it was a tad disturbing


His power is beyond your comprehension


The tadpole has been super-powered by the consumed magic items.


This is not a glitch, it is intended.


Omg so it's not just me!!! I was so worried my GPU was borked I ran a shit ton of tests and everything came back fine. I switched back to Direct X and it hasn't done it since. It's really fkn scary when it happens Dx


Patch 3 broke my entire game.. I’ve cleared the cache which lets me play on older save files but I get the corrupted warning each time and it crashes basically any other load screen… not a single mod downloaded. Pretty bummed


lol I recently talked to Minsc at camp and that constipated worm connection animation persisted in my main the entire time we were talking. And I’ve noticed the odd positioning and strained neck animations since the previous patch, not enough to be awful but still awkward. And occasionally, a character that dies after I’m talking to them goes all super floppy rag doll flailing to die and that cracks me up. It seems like they’re focusing on adding new dialogue or parts to quests but it’s breaking some of the simple mechanics. I really wish they’d test these patches. I have multiple characters and each of them seem to have some sort of persistent broken quest issue, where they don’t anticipate the order quests get done. I broke Will preventing him from getting the devil horns and sometimes mentions killing Karlach when she’s standing right there. Also has the ! Bubble constantly when there’s nothing new to say but I also don’t get prompted that he does prior to long rest. So I do get annoying issues, nothing that makes it unplayable. It’s necessary to save all the time because I can’t anticipate the 2-3 times it crashes in an 8 hour time frame. Keeping in mind Skyrim was seriously broken for a lot of people, that game ironed out in the first year. But this is the first time I’ve played a game that gets better and worse with each patch. I consider all of these characters my practice bitches and try to avoid breaking each character differently but I seem to have a knack for never doing things in the same order, which often causes the latest fuckery. I can’t not break a game if you don’t throw on some training wheels. I don’t mind chaos and not being directed for every quest, but it’s a bummer to invest hours into a side quest, just to realize you tied it in a knot and set it on fire. There should always be failsafes in dialogue that register when steps were skipped or lost. These choice and consequences games I get are a nightmare of massive code and hard to foresee everything, but this is where improvement patches need to happen. I haven’t seen dialogue changes or additions worth the glitchy bullshit or crashes. Piling new content on an unstable frame is going to make it more glaringly obvious.


It's pretty hilarious. But I don't think I had this problem before the patch. Is there a fix?


Sit and wait? I've reported my episode of camera issue, and the reply said that they're aware about it, and they're looking for the ways to fix it. I never had anything like that on patch1\\2.


I just finished the game today and this happened in one of the final cut scenes with Karlach and I was so annoyed, luckily it only happened for a few seconds.


Poor Gale can’t catch a break


First time seeing a Squidbug?


That's fuckin cursed 😆 Holy shit!


I've played over 200 hrs. I've never seen anything like close to that. Just some mild stretching of the limbs. XD


Yes, Having teeth for eyes is pretty mild. lol


I turned my Internet off for my PS5 after patch 2 and plan to finish the game before enabling it again. Been reading a lot of complaints about patch 3 and beyond so I'll wait before downloading anymore patches. Killed a level 12 Raphael nice and easy, not interested in trying to fight a level 16 one 😂


What glitch?


Wow Gale… you look different here 😭🤧


Ive been getting SO many animation glitches. Its funny tho cause sometimes the character will just be simply turned away from the camera, refusing to acknowledge the conversation yet still participating it lol. Its like they were put in time out. Other times it is scary


Ive had conversations where the person would stop talking mid sentence and just end the interaction. XD


Thats happened to me so many times too!


They're his eye teeth.


Lol is this the stretching that Hotfix 8 fixed?


For me it’s not so much the character models during dialogue, the dialogue itself that we follow along with on screen is in different orders from what’s being said? Mine so far has just been two or three interactions out of about 10




My only personal weird warping thing is the shouldpad on my dragonborn paladins heavy plate armor kept randomly stretching out extra long and straight lol. But my partner had an interaction with scratch where he had elephantitus or something, his leg was ALL fucked up 😂


Wtf brow, you don't like deteriorating Gale?




I've been having this happen to me a lot, ill just be running around and suddenly I'm being ripped apart and my body is being stretched 7 ways to Sunday


Nah that's just Gale letting his Netherese Mask spell slip for a second.


Yeah I think every patch just brings more problems


Haven't experienced it myself but I have a quest glitch that makes me unable to finish the quest.


Mage neck?


What a beautiful glitch


The scariest of all is seeing halsin in his bear form from the inside of his head with the eyes bugging out. Nightmare fuel


Maybe you should have Volo look at that.... yikes.


Gale has issues this patch I mean, everyone has serious issues this patch — last “good storyline” cutscene with Astarion is majorly borked for the first 20 seconds or so But Gale REALLY struggles with Patch 3 and his repeated dialogue and his weird animations and his inexplicable hatred of Tav even when he’s at max approval I started a Durge trying to be not Durge run now that I know that’s an option and I’m kind of glad I >!bit Gale’s hand off!< even if that’s the Durge-being-Durge thing to do


Nah he's just doing magic


is the glitch from hotfix #9?


I think hotfix 9 fixed the issue. I haven't tested it out yet though. >"Fixed a geometry stretching bug introduced in Hotfix 8 on Vulkan."


Oh ok that's great, at least it was fixed fast


I had some worrying bug in a dialogue, talking like a major event hadn't happened yet, not sure if because of the patch


Well i have mismatch files and echo sound in npc dialog.....so no wonder


Hello Mr. Anderson.


The weaves hitting different after this patch


nah, Gale always looks like that.




everything seems to be in order




In my opinion, yes. Granted, I’m playing a gnome so the cutscenes have always been a little quirky at times, but after this patch things have gotten so much worse. My character at times will have her eyes closed the entire time, the lighting on whoever I’m talking to will make them totally washed out, or they will be avoiding eye contact each other like a couple who just got in a huge fight. 😂