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Not only did they show it once…they showed it TWICE


THEY SHOWED IT TWICE?!?!? larian you absolute mad lads


Yeah during the trailer for BG3 they ran during the award show lol.


I can't believe they're using tentacle sex to sell the game. That is not mainstream enough for the common folk.




Oh god you're right. It's slowly *slipping* into popularity. Who knows, in a few years we may be wrapped in those tentacles. Before we know it ~~it'll~~ we'll be in too deep.


That's because there are a bunch of adults whose first porn was hentai, and all the weird shit that they get on with that.


Just like what GoT did for incest.


The Dream of The Fisherman's Wife was painted by the same artist, Katsushika Hokusai, is who painted the most famous Japanese art The Great Wave off Kanagawa. Life is weird.


1, I'm just learning about this painting, 2, WHAT, 3, IN 1814?!? 4, WHAAAAT 17. The Great Wave is so iconic, HOW DID I NOT FIND OUT ABOUT THIS IN ANY OF MY ART HISTORY CLASSES?!?


17 (Subsection B). The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife is so iconic, HOW DID YOU NOT FIND OUT ABOUT THIS IS ANY OF YOUR ART HISTORY CLASSES?!?


Honestly, I want to email all my professors right now and ask. Gross oversight in my education tbh.


Thanks, japanese censorship laws, for making artists more "creative" to bypass them. Which is a common consequence of censorship.


Bear sex catapulted this game into the main stream. The unwashed masses want more and Larian is here to deliver.


They already sold it to the mainstream with the bear sex now sell it to japanese with tentacale sex.


First it was bear sex, now it’s tentacle sex. What will they do next?


"Where did you put all those corpses?"


I mean, Sceleritas Fel literally talks about adding necrophilia back to Durge's schedule, so...


You leave astarion out of this.


Necrofilia is already heavily mentioned if ure playing durge


It will turn out there are other ways of exploding a squirrel, than kicking one


I also can....bearly....believe it myself.


It is way more mainstream than original dnd tho…ubernerds didn’t want/care about sex in their campaigns, just glory


And they had the tentacles grabbing Astarion during his clip that rolled before the best performance award. 😆


They know what makes the people cheer


Everybody calm and cool until that Cthulhussy gets involved :3


I was screaming at the tv ahahaha


They do a lil bit a trollin


I think people would lose their minds if they added the bear scene.


Wow 3k. Love you illithids!


Be glad it's not the bear sex scene lmfao, the world is not ready for Daddy Halsin


my familys all asleep rn and id def scream enough to wake them up if that had happened


Dave Jones (Halsin's VA) already had a tweet on standby, I stg lmao


He’s a professional shitposter at this point


This mf 😭😭 https://twitter.com/DaveJonesActor/status/1732977948494327998?t=AEtc8hhvB1rEYRyqzqgUNQ&s=19


Sent me straight to my grave. 🪦💀


I love how he handles all of this. Not shying away from all the weirdness but actively steering into it. Absolute mad lad


All I can think about is the squirrel that drops their acorn. I laugh every time.


Not only is the world ready for it, I am fairly sure that the release of that scene as a teaser trailer was a significant part of what catapulted the game's launch into the stratosphere. "You can fuck the bear" generated an intense amount of buzz.


Came here to say this lol It wasn't that I WANTED to sleep with the bear, it was the fact that I could and the squirrel just sealed the deal.


Preach, that scene sold me, and then the whole game was so good i bought copies for my friends and they are hooked


The funniest thing is just like everything on the internet, I completely forgot about it until my partner asked if I had heard anything about this "new D&D game" coming out and I got to share that I did AND show him that footage to his shock lol we pre-ordered that night and I'm now on my 4th run. He hasn't finished one lol


Right? I have 6 characters across pc and ps5 still not beaten the game though 😅


That is literally the first thing I had heard about the game at all. Like I didn't know it was in production/early access/released. Nothing. And now it's all I can think about


And the shocked squirrel.


The world deserves Papa Bear.


Is it bad that it's somehow perceived as the "worse" scene lmao


My Tav was ready for Daddy Halsin.


I’ve seen Halsins name so much on the sub. I just finished my first play through and realized I accidentally killed him in the Goblin den or whatever. I didn’t even know he was a companion! I can’t wait to see what he’s like next play through




They recently released some stats about the game and a majority of players had sex with bear Halsin


I think it was the opposite. 66% chose non-bear


Honestly the preview of the bear sex scene with Astarion is what put this game on my radar lol


Yes they did, and you know you liked it. ;)


and i liked it. this is why its goty.


A well deserved win!


As a band kid I would've never outed myself like this


I think as band kids we all did lol secret freaks behind a music stand


But on the screen behind us in fromt of that many people. To be fair I did the drums and play set for any Christmas or jazz concert. Played snare in marching but like in our set I wouldn't of had the courage to stand with a whole.class for this I would've been so embarrassed. Not embarrassed enough to not play but I would've been quiet during all voting and meetings proceeding


Lol ya I liked band so much I became a director and trust me We all freaks lol I was a percussionist too! :) we out here


I know we're freaks but I'm too introverted to share it with the world. My first playthrough I got the mind blown achievement and I was playing almost 12 hours a day lmao. So I got it so early I didn't get spoiled on reddit and try on purpose. I was fucking anything. Also why I romanced laezel. The first charecter I met in game


I am WAY less offended by that than a lot of things I saw tonight


the disrespect for the game devs especially the indie ones was astounsing. i get that the game awards are meant to be a glorified showcase and its probably a result of the 8 min speech from last year but its still ultimately the game awards and they should have allocated more time to the acceotance speechs


This is the first year I've really watched the game awards and I was confounded how it was more ads and showcases than actual...you know, awarding of games? Obviously time limits are necessary but like, I'm sure fans who have waited for their fave studios/games to win would like to enjoy a *small* speech from them, and would like the developers/winners to savor the moment. I'd much rather that than more commercials.


there tend to be a lot of ads because it is kinda a game showcase disguised as an award show but this year was more so than previous years. they also pushed the disability award to the preshow which rubs me the wrong way. its funny because christopher judge literally broke a record for longest award show acceptance speech last year(he even mentioned it when he announced the award for best performance) but ig they wanted to make room for samsung or smth.


YIKES I wasn’t on the stream the whole time so didn’t realize the disability award was pushed to the preshow. What a slap in the face to people who are developing accessibility-first games. I want to find a way to contact the organizers about that because that is a horrible message to send about the industry. Accessibility sells more titles, there’s no reason not to recognize it alongside game art, music, story, and other attributes that attract people to games.


At least the Accessibility award winners were able to give a speech still, even if it was the pre-show Unlike some od the other really big awards like Best RPG and Best Multiplayer which were just rapid-fire off-stage


It doesn’t bother me too much, I’m sure larian is laughing all the way to the bank. They’ve already taken in far more revenue than most of the other games there. And it just dropped on Xbox last night, so they’re getting ready for another new wave of income (not to mention the added marketing publicity from winning so many awards and GOTY last night). Unlike the Oscars or the Emmy’s, there’s not much institutional money in the video game industry yet. This event only happens at all because of promotion. Yes, as fans we would have appreciated more time for speeches but larian can record their own long-form message for us and we will eat it up. I think everyone who was up there onstage knows that the industry as a whole needs to make money to make good games. Larian won the award but they’ve also earned a lot of money already, so there wasn’t any reason for them to take airtime away from the corporate orgs who are paying the event’s bills. Larian knows they can celebrate their accomplishments with us on their own time. I’m very proud of them for winning the community event and it was well-deserved. You can feel it here how much we admire the studio’s work, and want them to have all the accolades and recognition, and that’s very different from most other video game communities these days.


Geoff really comes across as a hypocrite talking about all his respect for indie devs then shunting them off to the side so that they can get another 3 fortnite ads on the show


Yaahhhh... I doubt that it's the host who chose to allocate all of the airtime to advertisements but gods that was awful.. I love how they speed ran half of the awards without even calling people up so that they could cram in more ads. It's like the exact opposite of the stance that Larian has taken towards intrusive & predatory monetization.


Geoff Keighley is more than the host, it's his show and he does organise it.


He owns the awards show


Indie devs don't pay enough to sponsor the whole event though. I mean, he can put indie devs in front of fortnite ads, but then you'll see the stream from the basement instead of a big event.


Or just make the show longer so you can give awards more due reverence


I feel like I am on frog pills like the bursar here but there were like 30 minutes of game ads as actual content, then they announced 5 awards in a row in a minute. Am I crazy, did that happen? Also, the way they did the original score. Like ok, I am a homer here, I think BG3 was unreal, but there are a lot of people who loved ff as well. Ok. But that it led with ads, then the orchestra, then, surprise, the game we just talked about for 20 minutes won, shocked pikachu, it won! Again, I am biased, I am 46 and "Lives... Immoral lives... expire...?" I still get chills so I am ok with my bias. Not one FF defender can point to one scene that was OMFG its all just, well it was better than the last one. I am way too invested in this but whatever, sometimes when you are old with kids you need it.


This was the first game awards I ever bothered watching (because of BG3) and the amount of ads was unreal. I was "lucky" to miss the livestream so I got to skip everything when I did get free time for it.


I haven’t played FFXVI, but the composer (Masayoshi Soken) also composes the music for FFXIV, which has some of the most moving and impactful music I’ve ever heard in a game. So if the XVI soundtrack is on that level, I’m okay with him winning this one, even though I do love the BG3 soundtrack, and ‘Raphael’s Final Act’ fucking owns.


Chat is this real


i would never lie to you dangolboi


Yes. Watched it tonight. It was a brief moment though, not the scene.


Oh thank god


You can probably search it out on YouTube already. If you can't find it under game of the year medley, just look up the whole video and go towards the end.


Watching rn. Did not know it was an orchestra at the game of the year awards. That makes so much more sense. Would def play that scene. Watching know will respond with review when done


Yeah they also premiered music from the upcoming final fantasy 7 remake sequel. Had a singer as well as the orchestra


The one wind instrument player is fantastic. He's so hyped the whole time and it's because he changes instruments every 30 seconds. They also chose such great scenes from bg3 to play. Feel like they showed the screen the most during bg3 part and the wind instrument player had the least during that part but the parts they hose to use were very good


The flutist went hard for sure


He was going thru a handful of instruments. The brass section was powerful. Same with percussionist and piano. But having a solo wind instrument for almost ever portion of the video playing in the back was wild I love it


I'm also lit so like take that into context


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who caught that.


def had to rewatch that part i thought i was going crazy


cool but the best song of the game is Raphael's boss music, *Which he sings himself in game* by far the best boss fight of act 3.


Yeah but half of what makes that song so good is how completely unexpected it is. You can’t just spoil that moment for everyone who hasn’t played the game!


[*ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED*](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/167xpeu/when_you_do_that_one_romance_out_of_curiosity/)


Lock it back up, please.




Please do not the squid




Filthy ghaik


Lae'zel dissaproves But i dont


Appendages kink goes hard


The voice. Does things


Try and stop me


I like to think that people sat in office somewhere and said “it’s this or the bear scene.”




The Emperor put that mind flayer rizz in full display at the game awards boys. Illithid and proud!


I just came off a thread where a guy said he wants to see the Emperor beg for mercy as he kills him, so this feels very validating. Reminder that Larian ain't about that rabid Emperor hate.


you cannot imagine the fear in my face when I read "I just came off"


Nahhhhh I think they’re more just cackling about how funny it is that there’s a scene where you can bone the emperor


I literally laughed when I saw it! Great catch.


Emperor fans are everywhere


Gods, you saved the grove, unblighted the land, stood up against the dark gods, prevented Baldur's Gate from destruction, turned a bunch of dorky mischiefs into legendary heroic adventures, saved hundreds of thousands of souls, **yet the only thing that everybody remembers is when you got a tentacle mustache ride from a squid man!**


You broker peace in one grove, nobody calls you grove peacekeeper. You liberate a land of shadows, no one calls you saver of the shadowlands. But you fuck one mindflayer-


Out of all the sex scenes they used this... But it was **perfect**.


The flute dude was JAMMING.


They did & it was the perfect time to finally show my husband what the illithid sex scene looked like. :p I remember laughing so hard during it I ripped a stitch in my hysterectomy incision then my mom (my caretaker during all 16 of my surgeries & vice versa with her 60 or so) came in to take care of my wound & I re-played the scene for her & she was really digging it. :p


I screamed when I saw this. The wins just keep rolling in.


Consentacles is high art, confirmed.


What them tentacles do, squid daddy?


win goty ig


Larian knows the squid lovers just want to enjoy fanarts and fanfics of him without having to read yet another debate about him and how he sucks every day and threw us a sign that he is just as loved by them


I’m indifferent to the Emperor and even I’m tired of the people who spend way too much time “debating” his morality.


Yeah like, I don't mind people disliking him I get he's not for everyone, but every day there's a different thread hating on him somewhere. Or whenever someone posts something positive about him someone goes on the comments to "AChthually! DEBATE!" or influence a first-timer's opinion of the character while they're still having their first run of the game Imagine if on every Astarion post out there people came out of nowhere to say how much they loved driving a stake through his heart or something like that


And there’s always someone on the daily on every positive post that has to say “ya but dId yOu kNoW you can call him out and he drops his mask!?” Acting like they have cracked the code on Emps and coming at us with a “gotcha” to shut down conversation. As if us Emperor enjoyers aren’t aware of all of his dialogue lol. In a game full of complex characters with messy pasts, Emps seems to be the only character that gets zero empathy and so much unhinged hate. Or as of late, multiple comments reducing his character to “he is what he eats.” So ya, it was refreshing to see him get some love at the game awards at least.


> And there’s always someone on the daily on every positive post that has to say “ya but dId yOu kNoW you can call him out and he drops his mask!?” Acting like they have cracked the code on Emps and coming at us with a “gotcha” to shut down conversation. As if us Emperor enjoyers aren’t aware of all of his dialogue lol. I kinda like that he's morally ambiguous. He's primarily concerned with his survival, and he's willing to do just about anything to survive. I bet the same people who hate him would be similar if their life was at stake. > In a game full of complex characters with messy pasts, Emps seems to be the only character that gets zero empathy and so much unhinged hate. I also think some of the guys who hate the Emperor are just pissed off that the Guardian they made all sexy and were hoping to bang turned out to be a "male" mind flayer. He also hits on Tav/Durge in a later scene that probably further enrages these guys. > So ya, it was refreshing to see him get some love at the game awards at least. I don't think that Larian is above having a little fun and trolling insecure players.


Sometimes these debaters can be truly insane... I once commented that the Emperor is a "known devil," and I was subjected to lengthy dissertations from some Emperor haters, questioning my integrity and accusing me of lacking a moral and healthy personality! It's the first time in a game where you can play characters with various moralities that I've been questioned about my real-life personality... And I didn't even say the Emperor is a good person...


Cheeky bastids


That’s my bf


Yes they did. Our favourite squid deserves all the spotlight!


A moment primed for epic flute guy.


My favorite part of the game!!! I don’t care what ppl on here say about emps at least I know larian loves him too


Was It the kiss or the suckling on the emperors tentacles while he moans extended version?


it was pretty much just this part. it was only om screen for a couple seconds then switched to another clip


I laughed so hard when he started hitting on me during my first playthrough. "GODDAMMIT EVEN THE KMART CTHULHU WANTS TO FUCK ME" was what I imagined was racing through Tavs mind the entire conversation.


This game is great for teaching people what the world is like for average-to-attractive women. The moment that scene started where he was casually lounging on the floor with his shirt off I just knew. And you can try all you want with the dialogue options to politely keep the conversation on neutral topics, but he inevitably reveals that he’s trying to get in your pants. It just does such a great job of organically showing players what that experience is like when someone you thought was a friend is actually after something else. Even if they know damn well that you already *have* a bosom companion! It’s such a familiar scene to women, and their execution was spot-on.


flute guy was the star of that performance, i hadn't even noticed this. lol


Tentacle prn.. but make it classy 🧐


Mind blown 🤯


Mind flaying


Omg this is identical to my first Tav. Same hair, same colour, same skin tone, same outfit. I feel attacked


OK so I got the trophy but I just wanted to see what it looked like if you said "go back to your other form" and I loaded the game right after, so it didn't happen. Tentacle kiss = squick to me, but hey everybody's got their fetishes.


What if they used the bear?


I almost believe they had that there and it got axed.


You may be loosing your mind but their minds are blown


because it was one of the most culturally important events in 2023 to people with a tentacle fetish lol


Fuck yes, us squidsexuals are finally getting some recognition !


yall have had recognition since spongbob came out 🙄


Oh so they really are endorsing monster fucking,slay I guess?


Well played.


All i care about is that you have a chance to ask them to turn into their human form while doing it. No tentacles for me.


Bruh I was watching it with 6 of my friends, none of them noticed it cuz they haven't been in act 3 yet. I screamed when I saw this and everyone was like "wtf?!"


They knew what they were doing.


lol I’ve recorded a movie track before. They have to play along to each scene 😂


I don’t see the problem


I mean, they did show The Bear Scene before launch. So should we be surprised?


when did that happened?! also link


Game awards


oh it's not too bad. but yeah tentacle sex




Isn't the overhyped flute player Pedro Eustache who worked with Hans Zimmer for the winds parts in Dune's original soundtrack ?


>Pedro Eustache [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedro\_Eustache](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedro_Eustache) He worked with Hans Zimmer on the woodwinds music for the film Dune in 2021.\[7\]\[8\] Not sure what's "overhyped" about him, but yes that's him.


Not a native english speaker so the word might not be the right one but his attitude on stage is quite intense for someone who plays flute. He's a true rockstar.


I guess that would be overexcited or something like that. Overhyped would mean other people hyping him up too much.


My bad


This got a good laugh out of me






Oh yeah


they showed astarion/bear halsin sex to an entire audience, this is small potatoes


I just reached that point the other day and ngl, I puked a little when he came onto me. Like dude, YOU FUCKING CATFISHED ME! But one day, one day I will create a slut character that's not simping for SH and go for everything that I can.


The variety of degenerates you can bang in this is sublime.


OMG THIS AMAZING hahahahahaha


For the memes.


I was watching with my sister and her kids. And I almost turned it off because I didn't want my sister to punch me haha. xD


They played the trailer that Larian made for them, which includes that scene. So this is really Larian. That being said, the BG3 part of the music was only a few moments, so they definitely had to choose which parts of the trailer to show, and happened to include that scene.


Lorne Balfe working his entire conductussy


I was crying LMAOOOO


Now all of steam knows I'm a whore


Larian best game Studio.


larian does what nintendon't(put squid sex on the screen for millions to see)


it's canon


Another W for emperor enjoyers 🙏 ty larian 💗💗💗


Hehehe smash


To be fair, I think that was a brilliant decision. It's sure to catch the attention of anyone (especially those who haven't played the game yet). It's mysterious, alien, almost gives "shape of the water" vibes.


_Kiss the tentacle, hoping that it's an erogenous appendage._


What do you mean? They clearly did. You even posted a photo of it. /s


Speaking of which did anyone notice that they showed Karlachs Avernus ending multiple times.




[here 58 seconds in](https://youtu.be/Cty_fb3dBXU?si=kpJo5-TKGo5AP3zO)


Wait thats real bro wtf




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