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Without spoiling anything I'll say I'm most of the way through my Durge playthrough and have yet to resist the urge. The main downside to being genocidal is you can lose a fair bit of side stories through killing quest givers. And it can also be difficult to find a vendor at times because they all died. Otherwise would recommend 10/10 quite fun definitely more challenging than my first 'good' run.


I would second this. Personally, I think the chaotic durge run should be left for a second playthrough if you care much about the story or characters.


I did a "genocidal" durge run that was a lot of fun RP wise! They actually started out basically as good as can be, then through a series of unfortunate circumstances grew more and more "evil" over time. At the start they stole the idol in an attempt to save the refugees. The druids murdered everyone, so durge allyed with the goblins to kill the druids so that they couldn't harm more innocents. From there they grew a deep hatred for druids, and their mental state went something like: Actively avoid conflicts, try to make the world better -> Try to make the world better, but don't make any effort to diffuse hostile situations -> Subconsciously seek out hostile situations to do murder -> Deliberately seek out hostile situations -> Deliberately escalate non-hostile situations -> start murdering people for petty reasons (e.g. laff riot making a racist joke about drow) -> murder for fun


There’s no right or wrong way to play, but I do recommend finishing up your resist arc since you naturally get more content on that run. Giving into the urges is definitely a unique and highly entertaining way to play, in my experience! I’m a bit of a softie, so it was an emotional rollercoaster seeing just how the game will let you go - and they let you go pretty far! The downside is that, if you choose to kill a lot, you’ll naturally lose access to content attached to those NPCs. In that sense, I’d recommend doing a “good leaning” run first, since it’ll give you a better baseline to compare the evil run one against.