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I don't know if you know this, but if you either help Stonemason Kith (passing all 3 skill checks) or kill him/rob him, you can get an Infernal *Alloy* which can be used three times by Dammon to make the full Flawed Helldusk set while leaving the Infernal *Iron* for Karlach.


Not only that, there is much more infernal iron on the way that you will ever need for both Karlach and armor HOARD EVERYTHING


Can confirm, Karlach was happy and I didn't need the set after doing the Forge quest


it's a good set to give someone who doesnt get blessed with the adamantine gear


I usually give it to Minthara.


There's armor in Act II that lets a paladin restore oath charges. I always give her that.


Oooh where


It's the [Armor of Devotion](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Armour_of_Devotion), which Roah Moonglow sells in Moonrise. It's very expensive, if memory serves. Like 6,000 gold. It's also pretty hard to pickpocket. Worth it, though.


Ah that explains it. She died impeding my access to the barrel storage room, she never made it to act 2 for me.


Barrels are important I see this as a worthy sacrifice


There is a back entrance to that room, btw. You have to pass a perception check to notice a small hole. Have a character use Disguise Self to turn into a Gnome or Halfling, enter the hole, and pop out on the other side. That's how I stole all the barrels in my most recent run.


I go out of my way to make sure vendors survive my rampages.


its free if you take it off her corpse in act 3 after the bank heist


>Worth it, though. Is it? It's just vanilla plate armor (AC 18) with **one** extra Channel Oath per **long rest**. The situations where that matters will be rare. If you're out of combat, just short rest or long rest. If you're in combat, are you really going to waste your Action on that? Not to mention the opportunity cost of foregoing any of the more protective armors available.


That’s assuming she doesn’t get killed immediately after admitting to being a slaver.


Commenting cause I also want to know


Armour of Devotion, one of the sellers in Moonrise towers has it, on the room before Ketheric's throne.


man i need to try a different paladin build. i don't think i used her oath once, just spell slots for smite


I had given mine to Lae'zel at first, but when i got the gear that gets bonuses when a Githyanki is wearing it i equipped her with that and gave the Flawed Helldusk to Minthara.


After you loot her corpse for her armor?


I wear it over the adamantine gear, it looks better and isn't that much worse


Exactly. I made the armor and fixed her engine both times and still had like 3 pieces left over in act 2. There is a lot of it


Didn't you kill/loot any Steel Watchers? I had loads


The meme says in Act 2, but yes there are loads on the steel watchers as well.


Yeah isn’t that unusable as it’s ’tarnished’ infernal iron though?


You can get both Some have the tarnished some have the regular


Isn't is "enriched", not "tarnished"? Or are there three kinds?


i wonder how infernal iron gets tarnished. Like does it accidentally get blessed or something?


Doesn’t everyone know that infernal iron should never be washed with holy water? It is like vinegar on marble! Please take a break from your aimless adventuring and read Sally Jane’s ‘101 Clever Cleaning Recipes For Maintaining Your Arms and Armor’


There is no where to forge infernal iron in Act III. It just becomes worthless metal you can only sell


Pretty sure Dammon can still forge it. But he’ll only do it a limited number of times. No full Helldusk party for you


Only one set, he forges only one of each piece. After forging them and fixing Karlach the spare infernal iron only use is to sell them.


Then you start offing certain enemies and they drop it too


One of my favorite parts of this game is my deep abiding love for hoarding. Edit: added favorite.


I have like 5 and I have yet to get to act 2 on my honour mode


Yeah I've just sold my extra iron to him at this point since I can't do anything with it anymore.


Then in act 3 you get it like candy from the steel watch.


I think it's more for flavor to give you the lore background that they're using iron from Avernus to build these things. Which should be a huge red flag.


Kinda funny how it goes from “hm, this is a strange metal” from the blacksmith in the village to “this stuff is everywhere” in act 3 though. Yea it’s a story device, but still funny.


I didn't even know there's a possibility to use Infernal Iron for armour instead of Karlach engine


Same, I thought the option for the armor only appeared after you'd used it on her.


Wait...WHERE can I go to get armor made? I had TONS of that stuff. Fixed Karlach, but never saw an option to make armor.


In Act 2 once you fix Karlach, Dammon will offer to make you armor from the infernal iron. As far as I am aware, he doesn’t seem to do it in Act 3 despite sometimes having dialogue for it


He does do it in act 3. It’s kinda buggy though. You have to have Karlach ask him about it not any or the party member or Tav. That’s what worked for me anyway. But by act 3 the armor he gives you isn’t very good. At least it wasn’t useful for any of the party members I was running.


there's so much dialogue in act 3 for shit not in the game, is it unfinished or a hint for DLC?


Unfinished. A lot of act 3 content was cut during development. Why would a developer leave dialogue about things that don't work as a hint to dlc?


Dammon will craft it into armor while hes in the last light inn.


My very first run I had to back load a save for this. I find Dammon and think, "yippee! Time to fix her!" and he's lik "Wow! Here's your armor!" And i was just standing there thinking.... I think something was miscommunicated here


***So that's why I can just keep making more armor***. I thought the game was just bugged and not removing the item when it was supposed to.


Same, was close to making a bug report but then just said fuck it and decided to enjoy my free helldusk armor


Yeah, I thought it was a huge bug too. I feel they should've just given you three pieces instead of a differently named thing.


You can get infernal iron from the blighted village, Stone mason kith Dror ragzlin’s hoard Yurgir’s body And the zhent hideout. There’s plenty of infernal iron in act 1 that you can in order to get all of the upgrades as well as the armor.


the watchers have it too


Edit: I’ve got the dumb.


I'm pretty sure Yurgir isn't in Act 1...


Shit. right. My bad.


Can also buy it from him


That's what I did lol. I wonder if OP didn't realize the guy can be traded with or something.


I'm an obsessive completionist, so I think I found every piece in the game. I can understand why others might miss some, because they aren't insane.


I mean, there’s PLENTY of infernal iron/alloy in act 3. Even if you’re not a completionist you’ll be selling them because there’s nothing else to do.


I didn’t understand this part. Homie just forgets how it make stuff from the iron or something?


Wait wait wait. There’s a different item that wasn’t just him calling it alloy interchangeably? Have I seriously missed that differentiation on multiple playthroughs?!


Yeah, it's a different item. You mostly collect infernal irons, but the infernal alloy is a one time item that can be used three times, whereas the infernal irons are only used once.


That alloy saved my ass this run, for some reason the other places you can find infernal iron bugged for me and didn’t spawn/left my inventory and I didn’t notice and I could only get Karlach’s upgrade and the actual armor without the helmet and boots. I didn’t know about the alloy on my first run and simply managed to get 6 pieces through being a completionist. Or I *thought* I was a completionist, I didn’t infiltrate Moonrise because I assumed I would ruin my playthrough if I entered before finding out >!Ketheric’s!< little secret. And I somehow completely missed >!He Who Was!< , just didn’t find that area of the map somehow.


So THAT'S how I could get the armour while keeping the iron, I thought it was a bug!


You can also just buy it from him if you fail the checks


I’m sorry, is this some sort of peasant joke that I’m too rich to understand? There’s so much infernal iron in the game I always end up with several extra even after all of her upgrades and the armor


I didn't even know there was anything to do with it other than fixing Karach. I sold it all because it was clogging my inventory.




Precisely why I kept a pile of them in my stash until the end of the game.


In your STASH!?!? I'm just saying, if Karlach comes to me and says "Hey soldier, my ticker needs 9 more Fel Iron or we can't be together." I have them in my damn backpack, on my hotbar, ready to go. You never know.


Lol. You're right, should've kept them in my backpack.


What about the hot bar? It felt like that was important.


All of Karlach's bars are hot


Karlach not gonna catch you slippin


Mama K deserves no less


I gave her all my infernal iron because 1 it is heavy, but also so she wouldn't be like "can I have more infernal iron to fix my problematic burning death fire machine of a heart" to me, and instead just have it already.


But do you have several chopped-up clown bits in your inventory, only to then forget about bringing him back before starting the end events? I'm not saying this happened to me but


I just let her carry them...


Yeah, Mommy K gets all the infernal iron and every plushie we find. Astarion can have his arrow collection, and Gale has his silly scrolls, so Komrade Karlach gets whatever she wants.


On the upside, they're great for her chuck at gortashs head


…that is so poetic, I love it. Going to have to remember this


I hoped the improved infernal iron from the steel watch at the end could do the job but sadly no…


I think that may have been the plan. Especially since the steel watch mistakes her for a broken member of the steel watch. I think you were supposed to go to the factory and figure out some way to repair her but they decided against it


And I for one am gutted about that. I mean I’d go to hell and back for her, but she does deserve a happy ending.


I felt being able to go to Avernus with her love was a great ending. I still wanted to fix her completely so we didn't have to stay there though


I just gave them directly to her


You give her so much infernal iron she becomes one of the iron watch robots


You may not like it, but this is what peak woman looks like.


Clang, Clang, Clang, Get Better, Get Better, Get Better.




I would have given Damon all the infernal iron in the game if Karlach didn't have to got to Avernus






Tell me more about these containers


Pick up backpacks, pouches, chests, or whatever cool-looking storage you find, send them back to camp, keep them in your stash and use them to organize your stuff. I use one of those black Heavy Chests for barrels, the Elaborate Reliquary for dyes, the Moss-Covered Chest from the Blighted Village for books, et cetera, et cetera.


I'm using a skeleton for my weapons.


I can’t believe I never tried this. Love it


but still you have to organise everything directly in camp, right? Because 'send to camp' only sends it to the chest stash, not stashes inside


Correct, theres a little upfront work for sorting though. I use about several different types of chests, every so often i sort it, shift click drag and drop. IDK about console though, might be more involved.


Console sorting is a nightmare unless I'm making my life hell for no reason which is a definite possibility


I go through the stash and pull everything to myself, open the bag in the chest I want to put it all in, then sort my character for "latest" and drop it all in the bag. I'll also use the camp characters as a pre-sort sometimes and send stuff to them rather than to camp, example: wyll gets sent any metal bars or precious stones.


If you can't spend enough time in Raphael's lair, making your own personal hell is fine too.


For books or scrolls, may i recommend the hollowed out book found near the blighted village? There is just something poetic about hollowing out a book to fill it with more paper


Totally this, I was certain I missed some way to use it, as it felt like it should be a scarce resource.


Also the flawed helldusk set isn't even that good.


Fun fact: put your infernal iron in a backpack before you speak to Dammon. You can then fix her heart and get all 3 pieces of gear with one single piece of iron! I always have the backpack in Karlach's inventory and it never gets consumed.


It's a "Where's the cake? -> face covered with cake" kind of joke.


No I totally did this my last playthrough. Just speeding through the under dark means you miss out on like half the infernal iron by this point. Along the main story there’s only like 2.


Exactly. First playthrough, I beat up all the steel watch one by one instead of saving the Gondians. The entire lower city was a battlefield, and my camp chest was filled with dozens and dozens of infernal iron.


There is SO much infernal iron in the game. I wish you could make more stuff in the forge. Dammon is worthless. In my first playthrough I kept every piece of infernal iron hoping Dammon would suddenly be able to fix Karlach and I was sooooo disappointed and had SO MUCH INFERNAL IRON. I killed a lot of Steelwatchers.


I always find enough. Or the dialogue options say I do


That's apparantly because you collected the infernal alloy which let's you do the dialogue option 3 times


I just collected stuff sometimes


To be fair, there are six pieces of Infernal Iron in Act 1-2 alone(and a bunch in Act3), meaning you can finish the quest and the set without finding any infernal alloy or going to Act3.


There's more than enough infernal iron where you never even need the alloy


You can do both. I always have U need 5 Infernal Iron in total 1 for the Emerald Grove for her Another one to fix her in Act 2 Then 3 extra for the armor, helmet, and gloves


I know there’s one piece each in the basement of the Blighted Village’s Blacksmith (Act 1), another from Stonemason Kith(Act 1), and the Mason’s Workbench (Act 2). I know there’s more, but I cant remember other places. I have done it too where I got both upgrades and all 3 armor pieces.


Act 1: -Blighted Village Blacksmith Basement -Dror Ragzlin's Chest in Goblin Camp -Zhentariam Hideout (behind one of the locked cage doors) -Underdark Grymforge (you get it after talking to the guy studying the collapsed statues/rubble) Act 2: -Mason's Guild -Yurgir's Body in the Sharran Temple (I think) (Loot from him) There is 1 other but I can't remember where. But I named 6 so it's good enough for everything


Also noted that the Grymforge one [whether as a bug, or as a poorly-documented intended feature] in fact counts for THREE pieces of the armor - i.e. all three pieces.


I noticed that one is labeled “Infernal Alloy”, not “Infernal Iron”. Maybe that’s why it’s worth triple.


Yes, that's the one, the Grymforge one.


If you pass Stonemason Kith's history quiz - Dammon will be able to make you the entire set as soon as you get to Act 2. If you don't, there's still enough if you hunt around.


uhhhh... is this some sort of fighter joke i'm too monk to understand?


is this armor that good? because laezel isn't complaining under all that adamantine gear


That's what I was just thinking, adamite splint is better and drwarven splint


Fashion > Stats


That's valid


Yeah honestly unless you like the looks of it there are better and easier to obtain sets that you can use instead.


I'm not sure I'd classify the adamantine set easier given Damon gives you this for free and by the time act 2 roles around I have infernal iron spilling out of my pockets.


virgin fighter: pwease dammon make me good awmow 🥺👉👈 chad druid: owlbear go brrrrr


True chad barbarian: Fights with dick out


Barbarian 🤝 Druid Dicks out in combat


And then there’s Monks using their dicks as improvised weapons


*Laughs in 20+ AC while being butt naked*


Karlach needs infernal iron to fix her heart a bit, three in total. You can also give dammon infernal iron to create the Helldusk armor set. I'm not sure I'd call it the best of act 2 but it's pretty good. There is more than enough infernal iron to do both and still have chunks left over.


You get multiple infernal iron at this point, I've never had a situation where I couldn't just get both outcomes.


Best armor in act 2? I don’t think its even the best heavy armor in act 2. Dwarven Splintmail is better imo and you can get it just as early.


Adamite is better too honestly. And that's act 1.


It depends. I’m starting to learn that some heavy armor is better for offensive builds while adamantine is preferred for defensive builds. Helldusk gloves for example have pretty good mileage for an offensive fighter build.


ya the gloves are awesome but you can wear that with any chest piece


Yuan-Ti Scale Mail too.


Thank you, I was looking for someone to say this. It does look really cool but it’s definitely not the best heavy armor in act 2. If there are multiple people vying for heavy armor in act 3 there is even an argument to still use it.


Yeah, it's not even the best heavy armor in act 1.


My brother in Bhaal you can get enough that it doesn't matter if you fix her engine or not...what do you mean you had to fuck her over for the armor?


I don't know if everyone knows this, but you know those golden masks you find in the Grymforge area? You can also give those to Dammon and he'll make you some bombs with them.


I dod not know that, ty sir.


They felt so special I haven't even thrown them at children in my durge run.


I got iron to fix Karlach’s engine, exhausted all dialogue option armor sets with Damon, and I still have like 5 pieces of infernal iron left. Not sure what choice needs to be made where you don’t have enough for Karlach, I’m not even done act 2 yet


Same but I also have infernal iron, alloy and ceramics... what the shit is all this stuff.


I... don't get this, I have never not had enough iron to both fix karlach and also get the full helldusk set. What are you not doing? Where are you not going?


Actually loot everything and you can get both.


Why not both? Peasant.


Best armour in act 2? How does one aquire it, never got an option to make infernal armour.


It's flawed helldusk armor and it's OK but definitely not the best.


Not exactly the best. Adamantine armor from act 1 is honestly much better. It's decent though, and the gloves are great.


My poor ranger/monk Astarion with cloth robes and giant, shiny, mismatching spiky heavy armor gloves.




I somehow bugged it and made Dammon not consume infernal iron when making armor. First I fixed Karlach engine and then choose the second option for making something from the iron. And he did it without taking it from me.


The community disapproves.


do people ever not have enough? I always have extra


I firmly believe the Dwarven Splint Mail is significantly better. Potential minor retaliatory damage, or 1 extra AC and +2 Con? It’s hardly a choice.


There is enough infernal metal/alloy to get Karlach all available upgrades AND get all the armor made. I know this because I kept going back hoping he could do extra repairs, AND kept some until Act 3 in case he could fix her for good in the last bit of the game.


My friend joined my game, asked if we could kill karlach because he wants to see what happens, i asked him what infernal iron was for and he said oh its just for karlach so its useless just sell it, and never played with me again… i didnt listen and hoarded the infernal iron anyway but for someone that played through the game ten times already he’s either really bad at finding stuff or an asshole


Killing Karlach is very profitable, selling all the iron (after crafting Helldusk Armor) and soul coins.


Karlach all day, every day. I'd run around naked if it meant making Karlach happy.


is Dammon available in Act 3? because I just killed the Steel Watch and there's infernal metal all over


He’s in the lower city, but he didn’t offer to make me anything.


Yea man is in town just tinkering away but no use for the irons in act 3 he doesn't offer the armor anymore iirc.


Karlach, seeing the armor: "And what have you got there?!" Tav: "A smoothie."


I did both you get enough iron


I looted all the infernal iron in act 1 and it got me both upgrades for Karlach and full set of flawed helldusk armor in act 2 Soooo, yeah, no, not relatable


I don’t think he does use infernal iron. I always get the armor and have 3 pieces just sitting in the camp chest


Naw bump that. The Gondians need to use the Enriched Infernal Iron off of the corpses of he Steel watch to fix Karlach.


I don't care HOW good the drip is- I'm going to cool Karlach down so we can have gex!


Best? Yuan-ti Scale Mail sends its regards. You could also have the Dwarven Splintmail and Adamantine Splint by this point.


Karlach, how do you feel about tentacles?


There’s wayyy more infernal iron than what you need for both Karlach AND the armor. There’s no choice involved lol. You can do both.


If you explore there is more than enough infernal alloy/iron to save karlach and have the set


Maybe it's because I grab and save everything but I got the best of both worlds. It can be done.


Can you actually ever fully fix karlach? I’m in act 3 right before the brain fight and Karlach is about to die. I’ve tried convincing her to go to hell but she refuses and would rather die. It’s made me so sad and I just want to fix her


If you can't do both then you missed a *serious* amount of infernal iron lol


The fact that a) I’ve never used that armour even though I get it basically every time with spare Iron and b) I can’t even remember what it does highly suggests that it’s not the best armour in act 2 :) Edit: looked it up; it’s Alloy not Iron, so the question here doesn’t present itself. And it’s really not that good.


Tell me you don’t do and loot everything without telling me you don’t do and loot everything lmao


The " i dont know" gives the same vibes of Withers "No." Just no further elaboration. Just, eh it is what it is.


You get enough infernal iron through act 1 and 1.5 to do both fairly easily.


I always end up with so much extra infernal iron even after fixing her heart and making the armor.


You only need 5 to get all the things, right,???


Is this a joke I’m too dexterous to understand?


Lol what? "Best armor in act II"? That so called "best armor" is worse than the best heavy armor AND medium armor in act I.


The best armor in Act 2 is the Dwarven Splintmail tbf...


How ***DARE*** you?


I ended up killing him because he was Shadow cursed......


Wait, I can make infernal armour?


Save her every time please.


Fun fact. If you avoid all Raphael cut scenes in act 1 the game will be desperate and force him in your camp. Don't talk to him. Knock him out pluck the hell dusk armor he has an enjoy easy mode for the rest of the game.


I don't get it. There are 5 separate instances of the metal before act 3. Karlach needs two, and 3 for the Helldusk. You're doing it wrong if you have to choose


First off...the adamantite armor is better. Second. There is PLENTY of infernal iron AND infernal alloy for both. Either talk successfully tonthe stonemason or pickpocket him