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right there with ya. creeping up on 500 hours and still finding new stuff.


This game is just fucking incredible. I’m honestly flabbergasted at the amount of details. I want to experience it all!


I was just looking at my 550 hours with much shame until I saw this comment and now I feel like I’m not such a freak xD


I’ve nudged past 600 and I got the game for Christmas…. It’s just too beyond fascinating


550 hours here too and just a little ways into Act 3 on my first playthrough.


800 here


Pffft, amateur, I'm creeping up on 1200... ^(please, send help!)




Only 3 playthroughs? The Emperor commands you to continue playing!


Only 2 so far, back to back. Already thinking about my third!


Done your Durge yet?!


Which one? Full evil or redemption? That's at least 2 more playthroughs.


I literally don't have it in me to do full evil. I just cannot be mean to the imaginary pixels on my screen.


Me either. What is wrong with us?


I'm on my fifth playthrough, and haven't even done full evil yet. Maybe #6? 😅


I've done the redemption. It's hard to be evil but I reckon one day I'll commit.


Don’t forget picky choosy evil and poppy doopsy redemption


Not yet. Being mean to fictional characters makes me feel bad!


You can play Durge as a goody. You will have the game force you to kill 1 person but that kinda makes the redemption arc more interesting. It also means in act 3 you get your own arc like Astarion and Shart.


The classic, nuanced opinion of the Emperor.


It’s *really hard* to be a high charisma Illithid.


Me and laezel are having an egg together and I don’t care.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


Damnit Gale!


Be careful with your egg. I thought I left ours at camp but might have left it in Laezel's inventory. At a camp conversation later she told me the egg broke. :(


Well that's fucking devastating, where should it stay?


In your care heathen!!!! We are basically male sea horses.




Leave the lights on?


No idea. I'm was shocked when I learned it broke. I had to Google to see if it was something I did or didn't do. Still have no idea. My intention was for the egg to hatch (I'm not romancing L so I wasn't sure what the actual options were).


I read she gets it in the post game if you do the right things but I have no idea what those things are.


Apparently neither do I.


She never was the motherly type us on the other hand were born to breed.


I never had genuine romantic feelings for a fictional character, but then i've romanced Lae'zel. What a woman she is. <3 The game is considered masterpiece by me just for that alone.


I wanted to romance someone else but her threatening me with a knife had me like 🥰


I have to go through life knowing my ideal woman, Karlach, isn't real and I'll never get to spend time with her


If you're okay with a 50 First Dates situation, you have all the time in the world with her in more playthroughs


Karlach will always be my absolute favorite but I created a Gith with the intention of romancing Lae'zel...>!We watched the sunrise last time I played and she's stealing my heart but by bit!< I get it now. She may end up being my favorite depending on how I accidentally do something to fuck it up.


Lae’zel is an awesome character. I can’t believe I missed her on my first playthrough!


This is one of those things you need to tell someone IRL and reevaluate some stuff. lol




I made a somewhat similar post asking what game has consumed you as much as BG3 has, everyone gave me great feedback because I didn’t think I could move on from BG3😂 Nothing wrong with playing a dozen campaigns of BG3 (because I’m almost damn there) but it gave some great recommendations ! Here’s the post I made if you’re looking for any more games!: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/fGWd6sgz4M


FYI Shadowheart will share you with Mt. Halsin


That is *very* good to know. Thank you!


It's out of character though


No it isn't. She explains that they use to hook up all the time in her cult.


And she's very enthusiastic about hiring drow courtesans in Sharess' Caress on both Selunite and Sharran paths.


She was not. She wanted to have me alone first. What a bust.


Because the first time is special; she still tells you that the idea is very tempting, and has a great time if you return to hire them after.


Yes, hook up. But if you go "hooking up" with other companions, she gets sad. Halsin should not be the exception. He's shoehorned in for horny people.


Shadowheart: “it’s me. I’m horny people.” She’s totally more OK with Halsin because of a combo of two factors: 1, she thinks he’s hot and 2, she knows he doesn’t get attached or possessive.


Halsin doesn't get possessive, Shadowheart does.


She's fine with you hooking up with Mizora too. I assume she doesn't want you to get into a serious relationship with someone else. If people really think this is out of character, then what's to say that her getting mad is part that is out of character?


I mean I can see it that way and make a distinction, but it's just not what her lines say in a vacuum.


Haven’t romanced halsin yet but is he like a relationship? The first few flirting lines I’ve got for him him are pretty directly saying a hook up so I assumed that’s what it was


Yea he's more like a fling. He's a free soul, I guess. And this is what has everyone justifying the decision to mess up characterisation a bit.


It's a fling, you have to convince him in the Elfsong scene if you want him to stay (before one of the patches he would straight up leave you haha).


Well if you hook up with Mizora she’s pretty clear she’s cool with that kind of thing. I’ll just have to try it and see though


And again, that's out of character because it's there to give people the option to fuck a sexy devil without messing up a romance. It's a Schroedinger's cat of characterisation/ lack thereof.


He’s a flake. He says he doesn’t believe in restrictions but he drifts away as quickly as he comes.


But if you take her on the good path, she shouldn't be doing Cult things anyway. Not that there is anything wrong with hook ips on their own, but she makes it very clear she is in a very vulnerable state and that is not what she wants or needs. And anyway, Nocturne very strongly implies there was more than just a hookup, at least for Nocturne. So maybe the woman who has had her mind wiped 27 times like an etch a sketch in an earthquake isn't a reliable Narrator?


She's even fine with you hooking up with Mizora. She's a big girl, she can choose if she gets mad or not. This is her character. If people don't like it, that's on them.


Upvote earned for “Mount Halsin”.


I’m having a tough time beating the game cuz I always want to restart


I was this way but finally beat my original playthrough recently. It's worth it!


I also suffer from chronic Start-over-ititus


Not since my time with the Mass Effect series in high school has a game really gripped me like BG3 has. Those (and Life is Strange lol) are the only games I ever really cared to replay to experience it again. The only reason I haven't started a proper second go of Baldur's Gate 3 (after my 200+ hour first playthrough) is because I want to savor it even more. I've started checking out other CRPGs, currently in the middle of Tyranny, partly so I can get a better appreciation of BG3 and its relation to the genre.


Same. Mass Effect series were the last games that gave me a genuine sense of fulfillment playing.. or really much care whatsoever for the characters. Somehow BG3 managed to top that


I have 7 active playthroughs going right now. I need help


I was gonna say, only 2? I have 7 active and have completed at least 4 😅


I'm just about to enter Act 3 on my third playthrough. It's my first Durge, and as much as I'd like to try evil Durge, I can't bring myself to be mean. Also, I love the romance for redemption Durge and Spawn Astarion. There is definitely a another redemption Durge playthrough on the horizon.


Two playthroughs? I do a play through a week lol


Tbh, apart from my blind honor run. I have never even reached act 3. Have 300 hours and completed first 2 acts 10 times over. I just have restartitis man.


I agree with your whole post. Witcher 3 was once my fave. I probably have more hours in Skyrim since I was a kid when it came out. But my nearly 300 hours and 3 playthroughs of this game have been wild. I’m done now until my homeys decide to buy it


I used to love playing Baldur’s Gate 3 until I took an arrow in the knee…


Lae’zel stole my sweetroll and it’s never been the same…


one of us! one of us! one of us!


You're not alone in this, none of us are.


Only 2 runs… I got the game on Christmas Day and I’m on run 5 or 6… This game is incredible.


I was skeptics when I friend hyped this game up to me. He played on PC and I’m stuck on Xbox. I did a playthrough on the Xbox release and my god I can’t put it down


650hrs+y several Playthroughs and Honour Mode runs


Still haven’t actually finished either. Furthest save is a balanced mode currently (slowly) digging through Lower City. Have an honor mode run probably halfway through Shadowlands that I have to be in a certain mindset to focus on. Started what was another honor mode embrace durge run but I may restart it on tactician for that achievement (and because I *found a hand in my bag* and am too afraid of a big bad without a bomb in honor mode). But… githyanki run! But… origin runs! There. Is. No. Escape.


I love it! So much replayability! I’m on my third solo run and first multiplayer game at the moment. First time, I played my self insert Druid true neutral chick-but I didn’t know about long resting frequently-I thought the ceremorphosis would progress, OR lack of finding/recruiting companions (didn’t find Gale until way late, never found Laezel or Wyll). So I wasn’t able to romance anyone. Second time, played a goody two shoes Bard who talked my way out of or into everything for the most part and romanced Gale, both of us ascended to godhood. Third go around, I’m going evil as a Durge Cleric. Romancing Astarion and Shadowheart-planning to have him Ascend and her become a dark justiciar. Playing a multiplayer as Gale with a friend playing Durge. Goofing. Every play through I’ve found new areas, storylines, options- it’s super fun!


Same here. It’s an unrelenting delight. I have never found such joy in a game before.


Same. I have 640 hours since last August, finished 4 full playthroughs, have several others planned. Have never spent so many hours in a game, not to mention 4 full runs. I typically have a hard time finishing anything and don't play over 100/200 hours.


Well it is full of intellect devourers haahahhaahbabahabahajan


Same here. It made me abandon my NG+ run of Elden Ring (and I have hundreds of hours on dark souls/elden ring games). I bought the copy on steam (pc) and disappointed they don't have current stock for the deluxe physical edition (so I can pay Larian a 2nd time for the game lol)


I think I'm on 2600+ hours now (I leave it on all day sometimes without playing much, so gametime is massively inflated) and I still do more. I always have a game I can play high/with minimal effort. It was WoW for years, then FFXIV. BG3 came out and scratched a D&D itch I didn't know I still had. It's worked out well for WotC as I've bought every 5e source book I encounter since I started playing BG3. Mind you, I am a compulsive collector so if it wasn't this it'd be something else. The fact that, on a single player game, I can find as many different things to do as in a huge MMO is a testament to what makes this game special for me. Also, I'm 46 and have a lot going on--turn-based combat lets me walk away from the game like chess and come back to it. It's just a really specialized experience that scratches all my itches.


I'm currently on my 2nd run, and also playin on different character with my boyfriend and another one with my boyfriend and another friend on tactician mode :D. When we finish we will move on to honour mode - I'm going for all the achievements! I will also need to play as Durge. I fell to hard, lol


I thought I was going to do a druid run, but nope went with a monk build and doing my first durge run.


You could open up three copies of the game - choose three origin characters and have them romance three other origin characters. Or two origins and Halsin or Minthara. Or super challenge one origin and Halsin AND Minthara!


I feel the same way, it's a great game let it ride! Also, much love to Anno and Plague Tale too since you mentioned those. Love those franchises.


2 playthroughs since new years? smh thats nothing. I have beat the game 4 times, one on honor mode, since Jan 15th. Ive had the game like 2 months and I already have 600 hours


Is this your first BG game? Have you played older games like this, as Icewind Dale, Divinity, Pillars of Eternity 2, Wasteland etc.? Not that they're better, not that BG3 isn't great, but it seems to me you'd be less mesmerized.


BG1 was great for setting the scene, but BG2 and Throne of Bhaal were sublime… I also maintain that Neverwinter Nights 2’s expansion Mask Of The Betrayer was a stupendous story.


I don't have a good memory like you: all these games, from temple of elemental evil to tyranny and pathfinder etc., they all became blurry in my memory. I couldn't recall their DLCs. For some reason nwn 2 and icewind dale 2 won't ever come to steam 🫤 I'd play them again if they were on steam


I've like 200 hours and still in act 1


3 playthroughs (started on 4 with a friend co-op), 400+ hours Im playing ff7 rebirth and I feel......... ehh


Same, except now multiplayer experiences for other games don't feel as good because I appreciate the casual pacing of turn based combat, and single player BG3 doesn't feel so good because I miss the co-op with the wildcard element to it and controlling the whole party feels a bit tedious.


Glad for you, this is a good game. Community tho, after full release, in here or other social - not so much, don't succumb to it. Otherwsise, glad for you again, game is up there with the greats


It’s an odd community, isn’t it? It seems to be either people who absolutely adore it and think it’s the absolute (geddit) best thing since sliced bread, or can’t stop complaining about things yet can’t bring themselves to do anything else but boot it up each day (I am definitely in the latter, ha ha ha)…


I know the feeling. Be prepared for the eventual disappointment that comes when you finally exhaust BG3 and try to return to other games. I can only imagine it's like using the purest Colombian cocaine for months straight, then having to use 2% pure crap cut with dog worming pills and flour.


Ha ha ha ha, spoken like someone who really hasn’t that much experience of chemicals (not that that is anything to be ashamed of or need to change). ☺️


I've certainly had my fun, but you're completely correct I've never played in the snow. Mainly because it's abhorrently expensive where I live. The "cheap" "hard" drug in NZ is meth and noooo thank you, I'm British my teeth are bad enough as it is!


Not even the Witcher 3? Do you include the expansions in that as well? Crumbs… I really like BG3, but on balance it still sits behind RDR2 (2nd) and Witcher 3 (top spot) as my favourite story-driven leisure activities. ☺️ But I’m glad for you that you’re enjoying this game so much. 😀


I have over 300 hours in the Witcher 3 with both expansions, and about 200 in BG3. As much as I love Witcher 3 (planning to play it again sometime this year!)! I’m finding BG3 more replayable because of all the little differences between playthroughs.


Agree. Having FOMO as RL needs attending to so I'm 110 hours into playthrough 1, and that's since December (xbox) I'm only into Act 2 in the last 20 hours too, just staggered at the detail, especially all the differing character interactions. Have it in my list to do a 2nd playthrough (as a durge I guess) and I rarely do 2nd runs on anything (although I did just pick up DOS2 in sale, so we'll see 🤣). BG3 feels more a game of the decade than year tbh. Love it.


>I plan to romance Shadowheart (though Daddy Halsin is very tempting). Por que no los dos? They're really open-minded. Apparently shadowheart has thoughts about halsin. Ol papa bear is a service top, too. She says she wants details and I'm sad you don't get to tell her about it later. Seal the deal with him(with her happy approval) before you visit the drow twins and have them both along, you will not regret it.


I don’t understand why everyone gets so excited about (barely seen) sex with these pretend characters? Is this the current day version of the ‘wouldn’t you love to f*ck Jessica Rabbit’ that my generation went through? It was pretty weird then… ☺️


Kinda sounds like you don't really do humor so much


I’m gonna be real after my second play through is done I don’t think there’s another reason to play, unless you wanna do origin character story for small cutscenes nothing really changes much


Played 1 to like 85% Played 3 solo starts to act 2 Can't motivate myself to ever touch it again and haven't even made it through completely. Oo And I love the likes of games like BG3.


Where exactly did you stop?


Around meeting gortash (?) in Baldurs Gate. Mainly what threw me off was the stranger turning out to be squidward. Some day I'll have to at least meet orin again .. she was phenomenal. One of the greatest characters and villains I've encountered


I don't feel anything special about this game, but I just can't stop playing? Choices does not matter at all, there are only 3 endings. But why, can't I stop playing? There must be a magic somewhere