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convince shadowheart to abandon her religion and set Aylin free approach Aylin in camp, tell her the Wizard Lorrokoan has a bounty on her, and we should deal with him together Go to the Wizard’s tower, and agree to sell Aylin to him Then go to the House of Grief and let the Sharrans take Shadowheart. lol


Holy fuck dude


When I did my solo pure evil Durge run I meta-gamed a bit to try to get most evil outcome possible for everyone. In addition to doing the same as the above poster I also: Took Wyll to the Booal cult and sacrificed him. Encouraged Shadowheart to kill Lae'zel. (I couldn't think of anything worse for her so I settled for the proud githyanki warrior being pinned down and killed by a "weak" half elf). Took Karlach to meet Minthara, told her where the grove was and then assured her I "had a plan" only to open the gates for the goblins and thunder wave Karlach off the top of the gate. Cut off Gale's hand and left him in the portal to die. Befriended Astarion and kept him around all the way to act 3, took him to the encounter with Cazador telling him I'd help him Ascend then threw a dagger at Cazador and killed him just before the ritual finished. Astarion was not pleased. Went to the Moonrise dungeon and tortured/killed Minthara. Freed Wulbren and the other gnomes beneath moonrise and watched then walk into the shadow curse and die. Waited for everyone to leave Last Light then went back and murdered Isobel before fighting Ketheric. Recruited Jahiera, helped her save Minsc then took them both to the murder tribunal and sacrificed them to Sarevok. I'm sure there's other stuff I'm forgetting, but that's some of the most chaotic evil shit I did on that run.


Yup, you missed the most evil thing for Jaheira and Minsc. You can keep them with you until your confrontation with Orin. Once you've accepted your legacy, they'll try to stop you. Then, you can command Minsc via tadpole to kill Jaheira. After he realizes what he did, you kill him.


Eh, that one's a solid evil choice too, but they have history with Sarevok so I thought that one more fitting.


If you're looking for a worse end for Lae'zel, keep her loyal to Vlaakith and enjoy the post credits scene.


Dear god. Officers, this is the person! Take them away! Holy fuck


I think this is too evil for me. LOL But to make it even more evil, just for funsies... gotta make sure to romance Shadowheart and make her fall in love with you first.


I did this and then dumped her for Gale, then made Gale sit at camp while I had sex with the drow twins and Astarion, in front of Shadowheart


wait how did you manage that, don't you get locked into a romance path? or was this all in act 1/2


Before Act 3 yeah, I was undecided who to romance this go around and was doing a resist urge run and thought Shadowheart would be a good match, but I wanted to sleep with as many companions as I could since I only did Astarion previously (I want all the cut scenes lol).. and Gale just happened to get to me first, and then I had to tell Shadowheart we were just friends and girl was HEARTBROKEN. For the twins I was going to just save scum it in case Gale got mad from camp (he did not), and Astarion was in the group so he piped up about missing his opportunity and getting a shot at Tav, so why not 😅


So if you are in a relationship with him, Astarion doesnt want to party with the twins but if you are in a relationship with someone else he does want... he really is broken.


It’s sad, because you get the same cutscene with the narrator saying how >!you look into his eyes but he’s 1000 yards away!< but bro suggested joining lol it made me feel kinda gross Edit to add; I also did this AFTER Cazador so I felt REALLY bad but I thought he wanted it!


I think he did want it. Healing is not a straightforward process. There are moments where you feel ready to try something, excited even, then run into an emotional hurtle or get caught by a trigger. I feel like the right answer is to take Astarion at his word and trust him to decide for himself. He definitely looked excited to try it. It’s just that I also think he misjudged himself: he’s on an emotional high after defeating Cazador and getting control of his life back, and having a foursome with the Drow is kind of like jumping in the deep end with both feet. But I felt like that was a mistake he had to make for himself. It feels wrong to make that decision for him, when he hasn’t had the freedom to make decisions for himself for a very long time. Making mistakes (and being responsible for them) is part of what it means to have freedom. Then again, you could also argue, “Tav, why are you talking to the Drow twins when you’re in a relationship with Astarion in the first place?” And I think that’s a fair crit, because Tav ultimately puts Astarion in the position of having to decide whether or not he wants to join a foursome in the first place— and perhaps that wasn’t fair to him. It really put Astarion on the spot there, though previously, if you go prior to killing Cazador, Astarion is clear that he’s not ready for that— so it’s not as if he doesn’t know how to advocate for himself to his partner. Nevertheless, I think a lot of good discussion could be generated from that angle. But I am definitely a firm believer that letting the former slave and recovering SA victim have the freedom to push their own boundaries and the agency to make mistakes is the right call.


That’s a really nice perspective, I like this :)


If you kill Cazador and he remains a spawn, he will enthusiastically agree to participate with the Drow twins after he has his graveyard scene where he says he’s ready to resume having a sexual relationship. He’ll have a moment of dissociation during the act nonetheless. But he consents with enthusiasm and even promises to leave if he feels uncomfortable at any time. I took it as a sign that he was ready to try and start enjoying sex on his own terms again, but that it’s kind of like getting back on the metaphorical horse— the prospect of getting back on looked a lot less daunting from the ground.


Not going to lie, I couldn't resist and then laughed hysterically at the dialogue option that lets you dump her the second you get warped out of the gauntlet after freeing Aylin. I saw the exclamation point above her head, she unloaded her soul to me about how her whole life was a lie but at least she has me, and I was like "Nope. See ya!" Next playthrough I'll have to resist the urge to troll her at her lowest emotional point in favor of handing her over in Act III after she's rebuilt herself.


I hope Raphael keeps you as his immortal sex slave


This one right here Kelemvor


He'll be judged as faithful if he's a Dark Urge. No eternity pinned to the wall, sadly. He'll be enjoying all his "god" has to "offer" when he gets to whatever Bhaal's realm is. Not really sure what a realm of a God of the Dead who has also been killed twice now would look like, but he has his temple so he has his followers so logically, he should have a space in Elysium again/still...right?


There's actually a diary belonging to Sarevok in that side chamber where Valeria is. He writes about being in the realm of Bhaal in his afterlife before his sibling brought him back to be a judge in the Tribunal. All I remember is that everything is red, lol.


I love this for you. I'm glad somebody's doing it just to see!


don’t forget to let isobel come with you so you can kill her infront of her girlfriend


You're my kind of durge, dude. I knew it was about time to consume Alfira, so I sneak murdered Lakrissa, smashed Alfira's lute on the ground, told her to grow a pair. Used Mirkon as a harpy meat shield. Caught Silfy stealing, threatened her, then sneak murdered her. Dropped Karlach's body at Wylls feet, sadness, nothing happened. Edit to add: Got Arabella killed by encouraging her to run. Then taunted her parents.


I got Arabella killed in my second playthrough. I didn't feel bad.


That’s a pragmatic level of evil. The type of evil that succeeds at its goals. Gold star


who hurt you


But did you also kill Isobel before Aylin’s eyes?


What happens to Aylin when Lorroakan gets her? Can you visit? Does Lorroakan help in the final fight?


Lorraokan does help in the final fight yes! In the form of one large upcasted fireball, if i remember correctly.




Shit... I went the route of telling Balthazar to go fuck himself in front of Aylin because this was an affront to the weave, then encouraged Shart to run her through anyway. But I don't even think I'm close to this kind of evil. I need to up my game... Time to go looking for Mayrina in act 3...


Phase 5: $$PROFIT$$


You did it with literally no upside. I like it


I respect you.


Did the same thing. I played it as if my character was disappointed in Shadowheart for sparing Nightsong (didn’t intervene with the decision) & decided to get rid of her since her soft attitude was becoming a liability. And as a bonus exchange her for more useful allies in the final battle.


I've done that, although it was because I let Shadowheart decide what to do with Aylin on my evil playthru, not knowing she would have a change of heart. Bitch ruined my plans and she needed to be taught a lesson


Jesus Christ....


I debate as to whether this is more evil than DJ Shart.


I was going to add something to this thread but holy fuck is this evil lol


I reclassed Shadowheart as Druid and then made her Wild Shape: Wolf.


One of the first things I did in this playthrough as a Druid after recruiting Shadowheart was use Wild Shape: Wolf just to see if she reacted to it at all. To my disappointment, she did not. LOL


Yeah, I was disappointed that she didn't complain. But she was a pretty good wolf.


Fantasy exposure therapy


I did something similar with reclassing her as a Beastmaster ranger


How dare you!


The most evil thing is probably taking over the world through the EB and the crown. But nothing makes me feel dead inside like killing Karlach and decapitating her. I simply can't proceed through a run after that.


I’m on this run now: going to take over the EB for my dad. On the way we’re going to kill Aylin and all the rest. The whole nine yards. Karlach won’t be holidaying with Wyll this time. After all that is done I’ll be going from the beginning once again but being super lovely and wonderful to everyone. Just to wash the bad vibes away.


I felt similarly about killing Scratch.


Probably not the most evil thing I've done in my evil Durge run in the whole scheme of things, but in Act 3 I hid on top of a roof with Darkness and threw a grenade at the cantrip-spamming wizards performing in front of Sorcerous Sundries. No one found out. Ahhh... Sweet peace and quiet...


I stole all the runepowder from the iron hands and talked them into setting me up with a the bomb. That plus all the dozens of barrels of fire wine, smoke powder etc that I plundered scattered all over the square and down into other areas, and one barrel set in front of where the illusion cat gets zapped with fire bolt. The blasts were so expensive half the city died, it seemed. The party was on top of a building over a hundred feet away and gale and halsin got knocked off the roof to their death by the shockwave. It was very loud and then... Silence.


That's actually amazing, wish there was video of it lol


I'd like to imagine that people totally knew you did it, but decided to turn a blind eye since you did a heroic deed for everyone within listening distance.


Killed Isobel which led to the Last Light fallout. Fought alongside Jaheira against her now cursed friends & allies. Denied responsibility then comforted her and convinced her to accompany us to Baldur's Gate. Later confessed to killing Isobel and subsequently cursing her friends & allies. Agreed to help her find her oldest friend Minsc. Killed Minsc in the sewers right in front of her. Had she not left the party then I would've topped it off with offering her as a sacrifice to her old pal Sarevok. ​ Nothing personal as I love Jaheira, I was just doing a full embrace run at the time.


Wow. Never considered that path at all. What is her reaction when you tell her you killed Isobel?


I forgot how it goes exactly, but if I recall she basically says she figured it was you after all when she learned of your 'heritage.' She's understandably less hostile than when you confess to her at the inn right after the killing.


I still think making Minsc kill Jaheira is just the best way to close the book for Jaheira, she spent a century trying to deal with Bhaalspawns like Sarevok from BG1 and now you get killed by yet another Bhaalspawn, this time, much smarter than before


A little optimisation would be here to get minsc with jaheira and then take them both to sarovak and sacrifice them.


I once killed the dog.


Game should autoban people who hurt Scratch. I'm doing full Durge run where I obey all the murderous whims but I still got Scratch and pet him as often as possible.


My wife would be very upset if I let anything bad happen to Scratch, and if I hurt him myself I think she might legitimately divorce me lol. Same goes for the owlbear cub.


I've always had Scratch in every single run. This new run, I'm a druid and talked to him. It was HM so I failed some roll or something. He went aggro on me. I did activate non-lethal but I've lost hope he's ever going to rock up at my camp. :(


On the other hand, there have been many times Scratch bugged and aggroed or ruined my stealth when trying to get my money back from Withers that I stopped recruiting him.


That sounds like a personal issue. I have never stolen my money back from Withers. As I read this, its clear to me tone is very hard to convey through text, I sound way more harsh and judgemental than is my intention, you do you.


Withers is the one character who it doesn’t matter if you pickpocket though. He specifically doesn’t ever react to it.


I gave him back to his owners. But that run I also just ignored cazador so astarion was a whimpering little bitch at the end. Curb-stomped the owl Bear cub, tossed an exploding teddy bear into the iron hand lair and ran for it after repositioning some of the explosives they had, and a few other things. I wasn't even a durge origin that time. Current durge run is "evil isn't doing edgy shocking things for giggles, it's using everything and everyone around you purely for your own gain"


It's so funny, my durge run is the only playthrough where I've managed to adopt both Scratch and the Owlbear! I guess she's an animal person and not a people person.


You do mean Squire, right? Right?!


And then you loaded a previous save right? Right...?


I'm still on my first playthrough I tried to recruit scratch but was apparently an asshole he aggro'd me so i had to put him down, I hated every minute of it but said I'll get him my 2nd playthrough, but for my durge run scratch and the owl bear cub might just die.


Scratch dying isn't the bad ending for him. Give him back to his owners. THAT is the evil choice.


Do we get to see what happens


Goddamn, straight to Avernus


Had Minsc kill Jaheira. Then killed Minsc. (sad boo noises) Allowed Asty to ascend then took over the absolute and at the time of this run he became my thrall.


Um, let’s just say I finished a playthrough where Wyll didn’t have horns…


I gave K to the paladins, took the reward, then killed them anyway. Felt evil. Infernal Robe was neat though & is the best-looking mage robe to me.


I... don't think I did anything evil in my (first) playthrough. Which is a real pickle now that I think about it, since I played as my first-ever dnd character, who was somewhat more neutral and practical, versus my H-Orc Sorc who had real aspirations of being a Paragon. Darn, I guess I'll have to space those two out somehow.


I can relate, kind of. My first several playthroughs leaned toward good, and I didn't want to do any of the evil things for the first two acts. Then, for some reason, I suddenly became a serial killer or something in Act 3 in my first playthrough. That playthrough was kind of insane. LOL My first finished Dark Urge playthrough was actually chaotic good, the only evil thing she did was >!kill Alfira!<, which is a story beat that can't be avoided. I think it was my most good-aligned playthrough from start to end, and it's actually my favorite playthrough so far.


Yeah, I guess I either bite the bullet on a second goody run or Durge it up. Only problem with Durging it up is that I wanna play a Storm Sorc Durge (didn't know that was the canon class, so that's neat), so then it would be two Sorc runs in a row. I can't escape lmao


Honestly, I don't see any problem with that, if it's a class you enjoy playing. I think I'm on my 12th playthrough right now, 3 of them have been Cleric of Selune just because I can't get over that dynamic with Shadowheart, 2 of them were Tempest clerics, 1 happened to be that chaotic good Durge I mentioned in the previous comment.


That's insane. One run took me 185 hours, I don't even wanna know how much time you've logged lol


I've got over 500 hours for sure, but I'm not sure of the exact time. I've only completed 2 playthroughs, though. I usually start a new playthrough about halfway through Act 3. LOL


That kid with the dead parents in the alley in front of the fireworks shop. Turning the parents' corpses into zombies. The kid didn't even react, but the flaming fist put me, and my zombies, in jail for it lol


I stopped my fight at the fireworks factory to go out there and murder that kid because his crying and sniffling audio lines kept on bleeding into the ambient fight music when I was close to that exterior wall.


Kill Mayrina with the Connor Summon


Late to the thread, lots of these replies had me shaking my head but this one was the first to make me cringe (in a good way). That is evil as hell.


i did one evil playthrough & commited 😂 My evil durge name was OwO


Dumped Gale for Astarion after having sex with him. He was so pissed at me for the rest of the playthrough.


Reminds me of my second playthrough, I decided to be as slutty as I possibly could be, but with the intention to have my endgame be Shadowheart. I slept with Karlach in Act 3 after fixing her engine, then broke up with her the next morning because Shadowheart made me choose. Karlach was, uh... not very happy with me, to say the least. It made me feel like a dick. LOL


Probably was the squirrel field goal


I only did that because I read that Astarion will approve. I expected a hard nudge of a kick. Not a neck breaking punt and subsequent splat :(


Some things I did were already mentioned, but here’s one of my favourites: Stole Thulla’s shoes when she was sick & helpless, then persuaded her to let me end her misery and kill her. But instead of killing her I cured her. Then asked for a reward, but she noted I already took her shoes (fair enough). She asked me to help save the rest of the gnomes at Grymforge. I agreed. But then sided with Nere & had him kill them all. When I came back to Thulla I told her the rest of the gnomes were dead. She freaked out. To finish it off I told her their death was her fault because she abandoned them. She agreed. The end. Felt like a real POS.


Wow. Bravo.


honestly, it's not super evil and I will do it every time bc she sucks, but killing Valeria always feels a little bad


It's the sad little trumpet that does me in Then I put on my Bhaalist Armor and everything is okay again


My current Durge run has been embracing it as a Drow Bard, and it's been crazy. Here's a rundown of how things have gone: - He gave Gale a "helping hand" - Got Arabella killed - Outed the shadow druids to legally kill Kauga - Goaded Wyll into killing Karlach, stole his new armor from Mizora to give to Astarion, then sacrificed Wyll to the fish people - Gave Alfira hope and inspiration before murdering her - Brought the goblins to slaughter the grove to impress Minthara (it worked) - Brutally killed some Harpers to maintain his cover as a True Soul - Convinced Lae'zel to keep following Vlaakith and murder Kith'rak Voss - Gaslit three boss enemies into killing themselves - Saved Isobel from Marcus only to kill her himself the next day, then gaslit Jaheira into joining his party Playing an evil bard really sells just how terrifying someone with high Charisma really is. He doesn't even need to cause chaos himself sometimes, he just needs to nudge people in the right direction.


I think it's that my Durge lied to Lae'zel that she was turning and she let him slit her throat. He could've easily talked her into giving it a minute, but he just didn't. Oh, and he's romancing Sheart specifically with plans to kill her once she fully trusts him. He'll either convince her to go Dark Justiciar or kill her so Balthazar can have Aylin, I haven't decided yet. After reading the other answers, I think I'm going to go with Balthazar and then sell Aylin to Lorroakan. Just for fun. Maybe. Ugh even thinking of it makes me feel gross damnit.


My evil playthrough I gave Shadowheart to the sharrans. I also killed Karlach for the robes and then sacrificed Wyll to BOOOAL before destroying the grove...


Killed karlach, kept her head, used her head as a throwing weapon during the grove raid.


Taken all of Kethric's army for a walk to the house of healing, killed them all there, slowly wipe out his tower this way until it was just him and his little dog. Taken Ansur on a walk, and picked fights in lower rivington. ( To be fair, dragons have no walk mechanic, making it harder. ) Stole the steel watch and attacked random people. Threw the refugee kid out the door that they're trying to squat in with the house that has the toy donations in the basement. For free. The kid that whines his feet hurt all the time, gets nuked every play. Same thing with the kid that yells "bigger, bigger, make it bigger!" And the classic, push the wrong button and teach Barcus to fly... Plus probably a lot of other things I can't recall. I can't help it. There is something in my head, telling me to do dark awful unspeakable things. My butler is cool though.


How do you take someone for a walk? 😮


I play on PC. I run an older patch of the game because I wanted to keep this mod specifically. I pull the NPC into my party with the recruit any NPC mod. Also no party limit mod. If they are hostile in party it is a bit of a chore, but otherwise they follow like normal. Ungroup them when get to destination, sometimes the NPC will wander back to their area, so have to kill them fast. Same concept with Ansur, but the dragons in the game have no walk mechanic. >!He's also trapped in his underground area. !< For this one it is a lot of lining up and tricky clicking, then can fast travel him if none of your players are near to trigger him to be hostile. He'll only go to rivington or the wyrmscrossing. Not in the city sadly. He's slow and clunky with his spell casting. But still really cool just to see a dragon in the town. [https://i.ibb.co/yhVMH94/Ansur-Rivington4.png](https://i.ibb.co/yhVMH94/Ansur-Rivington4.png) You can see on the map in the corner the symbol of the steel watch I had in the party at the time too.


I bit off Gale’s hand and then kept it in my bags forever


y'all are sick bastards on this thread and I respect you deeply for that


Massacre at last light inn.


Serial killer run in which this seemingly friendly durge backstabs everyone.


I killed the mother owlbear then her cub then killed Scratch.


What? Good lord.


Yeah. If you're going evil, might as well go full evil.


Blimey. The sheer cold blooded nature of your evilness staggers me.


Put the Selune idol in Shadowhearts inventory.


I didn't do anything technically evil, but damn did I feel evil when I turned on the emperor and freed Orpheus considering I only cared enough to do it because I didn't want Lae'zel to leave.


Evil playthrough: Let Shart kill Nightsong Turned the Sharrans against Viconia, and let Shart be the new leader Convinced her to save her parents, thus turning her away from Shar and killed the Sharrans Killed her parents at camp, and then killed Shart when she aggroed


You can pick up arabellas corpse and drop it in front of her parents


Killed all the Tieflings when freeing Lazel. One of my buddies aggroed them accidentally, and we were playing a "no save scum, live with your rolls" run. TBF, they were being jerks and picked a fight with the wrong party.


Kill the entire Emerald growe


Went against the grove like you did, went into where the kids hide, stole their dead bodies since the goblins killed him. Let lae’zel side with vlakith, killed voss. Those are really it, just got to the under dark as my evil durge, oh I also pick up every dead important NPC and store in the chest, companion too if they try to fight me, wyll and Halsin so far


Killed scratch and blew up the body, sorry my drow was kinda a bitch


Killing Hope for that +4 shield after she gives you the soul catching gloves. The ability to do this appears to have been patched out sadly.


Tell Karlach I'd help her. Go take down the paladins, let her blow off steam, take her back to camp and help Wyll kill her.


I think this is more jackass than evil, but I often struggle to not pick the dialogue options where you trash talk your companions for their decision to defy their god/family after you openly encouraged them to do so. My favorite is with Shadowheart after freeing Aylin, where one of your responses to her is something like "Wow, I can't believe you actually defied Shar like that, maybe if you repent right now she'll still take you back". There's also a similar one with Laezel after you goad her into telling Vlaakith to stuff it, and you can respond with something similar to "It must feel pretty foolish to throw everything away you've ever believed in for some other heretic you don't know". The most personal has to be Wyll though, where you can tell him to let his father die in favor of leaving his pact with Mizora, then you can call him a selfish afterwards. This is double jackass behavior because Wyll has minimal agency in this decision and 100% defers to whatever you recommend.


Never told Arabella about her parents after finding their corpses. There is something particularly cruel and evil about lying to a child over something this important to them.


I recruited Jaheira, rescued Minsc, then stripped them of all armor, clothing, and weapons and sacrificed them both to my father Bhaal in front of their old enemy Sarevok. They died to the unholy fire of oathbreakers Durge and Minthara's Divine Smites.


All of the smoke powder barrels I find, I lay out right in front of the magic show outside Sorcerous Sundries. I fly up to a nearby roof and wait for one of them to cast firebolt. Shit goes boom.


Kill Karlach.


Here I thought killing Wyll with Karlach's head was spicy


I murdered the fuck out of those two goblin kids running for help while rescuing halsin this round. Tactical decision. I didn’t want a long fight, they had to go. I also locked Astarion in the cage with 2 worgs. There wasn’t enough time for him to get out 😬 take one for the team, buddy! He was fine though. 😏


I have never NOT killed them. Throwing rocks at a bear? Damn straight they're getting done in.


Sharper stones can cut through the fur🫠


Told Arabella to stop sniveling about her parents


I finallybgot around to romancing Karlach but Shadowheart is opening up and having dialogues I've nor seen before and I justbwant to protect God's favourite princess. I know I'm going to have to break Karlach's heart.


Been there, done that... breaking up with Karlach for Shadowheart the morning after having sex with her still haunts me at times. That might actually be the most evil thing I've ever done in the grand scheme of things... making someone who is so deprived of touch fall head over heels for me, help her fix the thing that makes her untouchable, take her to bed and give her a taste of true intimacy for the first time in 10+ years, then break up with her the following morning because my hot goth girlfriend got jealous.


Sacrificing Mayrina and her child for the +1 Hag’s Hair. And I’ll do it every time 😔


My first play through, I had no idea you could adopt the Owlbear Cub. I smote that lil guy.


I'll give you one I haven't seen anyone mention. Turn karlach into an illithid then betray her at the last second. She basically sacrifices her life for the greater good only for you to take it from her at the last second. I did a save scum after I beat the game the first time and decided to go back and try the betrayal option. After hearing karlach pleading and seeing the look on shadowheart's face afterwards, I had regrets even for being curious! See for yourself... You've been warned https://youtu.be/J_RdySShZIk?si=0TboSzk_EdTmhjS4


Holy shit. This isn't a contest, but if it was, you'd win. That breaks my Karlach-loving heart.


It broke mine too! Like I said I regretted even being curious! 😳


My wife and I are playing an evil ay through. We're used to being good and we had just rescued everyone from moonrise, except Wulbren, we killed him.... Everyone got back to the last Light in and were reunited with their loved ones.  Then we went to the shar trials and did away with nightsong and realized we just maximized our kill count at the last Light inn.


Accidentally hit the wrong lever and watched the goblin go flying, then laughed way harder than I should. I did reload my game though


Stealing Connor from Mayrina was pretty evil. Smashing the bard woman’s dead teacher’s lute near the druids enclave was also awful. Tricking the tiefling child into getting killed by the snake was also pretty awful. Now I feel bad.


I accidentally folded a kobold like an accordion and shoved it in a fresh grave.


Killed the entire goblin town in act 1.


I have one evil dark urge murderer playthough where I literally kill everyone and everything with good intentions and I leave everyone with bad intentions alive lol. Also I gaslight, use and lie to every companion that hasn't left or I haven't killed yet (Shadowheart, Lae'Zel and Astarion). I kill important characters and then use my Necromancer Durge to make Zombies out of them that follow me. It's cool that you can do all that but it's not a feel-good playthough lmao


NGL, I've been tempted to do something similar. I feel like it would just be full of chaos. LOL


I slaughtered the grove along with wyll for defending them. Cheated on Lae’zel with Minthara and lived happily ever after.


In Act 3 I got in trouble after forcing my way into the refugee barn, so I killed all the fists there. Then, the refugees wouldn’t let me loot the fists’ bodies, so I killed all of them too. The whole barn area became so quiet after that, with bodies just littering the ground.


Astarion origin run. Let Arabella die and took the body, causing the druids to turn on the tieflinge. While they're killing refugees, I steal the idol of Silvanus, then ran off to tell Minthara about the grove to kill the druids. The grove was raided and I didn't have to kill a single person. Kagha was the first to draw blood. Saved Barcus only to kill him myself, along with every Duergar & Gnome in there, convinced Nere we were true souls, then killed him for the boots on his feet. There are often times where I have Astarion sneak around to steal and murder hobo and have the person controlling tav & shadowheart come back to carnage. There isn't a single trader still alive on the first map. In fact I don't think I left anyone alive there. I fully intend on doing that throughout Act 3 if it runs like shit. Him and Gale can go kill everyone before they both ascend to toxic lovers together.


>There are often times where I have Astarion sneak around to steal and murder hobo and have the person controlling tav & shadowheart come back to carnage. There isn't a single trader still alive on the first map. In fact I don't think I left anyone alive there. You basically described Act 3 of my first playthrough. LOL In Acts 1 & 2, I think I was true or chaotic neutral as I was learning the game mechanics... I did a couple evil things as a means to an end, but was overall good. In Act 3, I just started killing everybody I thought might have good loot, including all the traders. It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out how to pickpocket and that I could just knock people out instead of outright murdering them. I honestly don't even know what that playthrough devolved into, LOL


LMAAAO that's so funny. I'll pickpocket stuff I sold to traders and resell until they catch Astarion XD game runs great when you kill everyone !!


On one durge run i literally killed every single person i saw in game. It was so hard killing dammon and alfira




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Didn't pet scratch after he brought me a bone. "I just thought of you when I saw it" Lying dickhead just wanted me to throw it for him


I killed karlach


Well in my very evil playthrough (not the Dark Urge one, origin Dark Justiciar Shadowheart actually), I killed Karlach, gave her head to Anders, killed Anders, got the nice robe for Wyll then gave the robe to Gale, then went to the Underdark, sacrificed Wyll to BOOAL and then went to raid the Grove with my drow gf. The reaction on Zevlor's face was priceless. I still feel bad so now in my new run, I'll get Karlzch again lol


In my first run, probably letting Astarion ascend. I saw it as a mercy killing for those 7,000 spawn while giving Astarion a chance at a normal life again. I just didn’t think letting 7,000 feral spawn roam about was a good idea, and for whatever reason I thought Astarion could’ve used the catharsis of taking away that which Cazador craved most along with the added insult to injury of making Cazador that sacrificial lamb. I wasn’t proud of it and am still unsure if I made the right call.


One time I threw a coin to a begger and didn't kick him or spit on him or anything. My poor butler almost fainted from shock.


ITT: some stuff that's WAY more evil than I imagined possible in this game. 😳


I slaughtered the grove omce to see what it was like. I haven't done it again.


Doing solo honor run durge because I hate myself. The scene where you remove Karlach's head is so grusome especially with my history with her in past playthroughs. Then giving it to the "Tyr" Paladins made me cringe. I died on the spider queen. I didnt notice her ability to hit twice. I dont know if I can stomach removing Karlach's head again so I will be doing something else.


I let Orin Kill Halsin cause I didn't think she would do it and that I still had another chance to save him later (lol). Jaheira was mad but didnt leave party. Then I didn't reject Bhaal so she left the party. As I am leaving the temple she and the rest of the Harpers are waiting for me so I had to kill her too. I kinda felt bad.


You just nearly perfectly described a series of events that happened in the playthrough I did just before my current one. Just switch Halsin out for Gale. LOL I hated that version of events so much that I started my current playthrough to be a similar run where I don't fuck that decision up. That was a playthrough where I went into it with the intention to be as evil as I could possibly be while still have a tight bond with companions who care to stick around through my atrocities, but then it kind of started getting a life of its own after my Durge started getting closer to Jaheira.


Burn the Village, raped the horses, rode off on the women, plundered and finally pruned the hedges


I killed scratch and the owl bear cub. On my evil play through


Shadowheart (NPC) did that on my last Honor playthrough just to marginally harm a Deva. Taught me to not dispel the curse in camp again.


I planned an evil durge play through where I slowly manipulated Laezel into using the parasite powers, evolving, etc. My thought process was to have a corrupted party, and I thought of no better way to corrupt Laezel than to turn her into the monsters she swore to fight.