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It's just a bear fucking simulator and the game is for furries. I mean it's kinda funny but this person genuinely meant it. Because of a single cutscene few will ever encounter and non will accidentally


If you're not using bg3 as a bear fucking simulator, let me tell you my dude... you're doing it wrong.


Alright, so for my seventh play through I guess I know what I’m doing for the RP. Thanks! 


Another suggestion if I may, play as tavern and make your dream guardian the exact same model as your character but with a giant mustache. It really makes the bear fucking immersion that little bit better.


“BG3 has no story” post from yesterday. Hands down the stupidest take about the game I’ve ever seen.


That’s up there with the “Bg3 is super railroady and doesn’t have enough npcs so it’s basically empty” guy from a few days ago


You can get more NPC action with speak to animals. A lot of work went into the animals. That random squirrel might know something...


the fucker bit me


Haha! I just got my bf into this game. I told him about a very cute, angry squirrel that gives you something if you speak to him. Next thing I know he's yelling "the fucker bit me" and I turn just in time to see it explode into oblivion. When I finally stopped screaming in horror, I couldn't stop laughing.


So did Astarion, and that didn’t put me off him.


He is hot it’s different


I mean Astarion's not bad either...


Ah, that one knew how to bite. The other one has the hidden hat.


I was delighted to discover that >!the eagles on the roof of Rosymorn Monestary!< are Scottish. As a Scot myself that gave me a wee chuckle. The amount of dialogue recorded for Speak with Animals and Speak with Dead, probably 90% of which will not be heard in any given playthrough, kinda blows my mind a little bit.


And then there's the sudden 1940's detective-noir cat.


Or the pigeon Air Force in act 3. The general made me chuckle.


Speak with dead too imo Side bar: are there any dead animals you need both for?


That one was so mind-boggling. Like... yes, this is a narrative-driven game, and it doesn't let you just ignore the plot and do infinite unrelated nonsense all over the map? Yes, there are limits to what and how much you can do, because the game isn't being written by an AI DM on the fly as you play? I really have no idea what that dude was looking for.


Some people really don’t know how to handle games that’s aren’t CoD lol


Probably some guy who walked through the grove, saw horns and started shooting ppl, walked to the goblin area and attacked from range so no conversations happened and then murder hobo'ed their way around. Wtf there are no humans anywhere to talk to just all these evil creatures. lol stupid shit


Nah he was also complaining that there weren't enough animals running around in the wilderness. Apparently he wanted a fully fleshed out hunting mini-game


I would like more animals in the wilderness too but just for more conversation


I’m sorry, what?? 😭


There was some bozo in here yesterday who only long rested 3 times **for the entirety of Act 1** and complained BG3 doesn’t have a story.


💀💀 The amount of people who complain that the game doesn’t make sense and then it’s revealed they’re either skipping cutscenes or just straight up not paying attention is astonishing.


In all fairness, a sense of urgency is created in the very beginning. Anyone who doesn’t know better might think long resting will be detrimental. I had some things spoiled for me, otherwise I probably would have thought so too.


This is pretty much what happened to me. I was expecting a sort of ticking clock scenario driven by ending each day. Also had no idea how plentiful camp resources were. That said it didn't make me think the game was deficient, rather I figured out I was kind of just playing it wrong and got most of the story I had missed in my second playthrough.


This person's problem went way beyond not long resting. They somehow ran all over the Act 1 map without ever cluing in to the fact that there's a cohesive plot going on. It was wild.


Some people just buy the newest game that everyone’s talking about. Thinking about what exists beyond “Hulk smash!” isn’t everyone’s strong suit. Doesn’t sound like someone who plays RPG’s, more like CoD.


My first play through was like that. I've done tabletop 'real' D&D for years - decades - and long-resting in the middle of things isn't really part of the game. Then jumping into BG3 where there are various senses of urgencies makes long resting even less compelling: Get to the Grove. Save Halsin. Get to the Creche. OMG YOU HAVE WORMS IN YOUR BRAIN. I do think it encourage people to avoid long-rests if they don't do any spoiler readings. I think it could be fixed with some character prompts like, "We can't fix our tadpole problem if we die from being exhausted." or something similar. **Edit:** *I realize I was clunky in describing long rests in tabletop D&D*. Whereas in BG3 you can just magically teleport out to a safe place and camp. Nothing bad can happen. You can go shopping. Change equipment. For example, you can be in the middle of doing Shar's Gauntlet, then just decide to magically warp out of there and hit up camp. That type of scenario isn't really as much a thing in tabletop D&D. You don't fast-travel back and forth out of a dungeon to a safe place to camp. So when you do long rest, it is sort of a big deal. Find a safe place, take precautions, set up a watch, fight possible random encounters or other shenanigans. Most DMs would like say, "Well you ***can*** long rest. . ." So that is what I mean by tabletop long resting being fundamentally different in nature.


To be fair…. if you come into the game blind, that’s exactly what the game is telling you you should do. It creates a huge false sense of urgency in Act 1, making it sound like you are going to undergo ceremorphosis in the immediate future if you don’t act immediately and get moving, so long rests are really quite heavily disincentivized at first- and then the pacing immediately drops off the map, and everything suddenly has no urgency whatsoever. BG3 is an absolute masterpiece of a game, but I do think that’s actually a pretty major flaw with the writing.


If anything it has too much of it 😭


and when you actually go to the post it’s like “yeah i didn’t talk to anyone, killed/left all the companions, skipped almost every quest, and finished the game in 8 hours. it’s horrible there’s no story this is a shit game i hate it.”


That BG3 was bad because there were no side quests and nothing to do. When told there were tons of side quests, he just needed to talk to people, his response was "Why should I care about my companions I've only known for 1 sleep, and why would I talk to random people that don't have a quest marker over their heads? Game is bad."


I remember that! They literally said, "So I'm just supposed to go up and talk to random people?" ...Yes? 🤣🤣🤣


You don't understand, I want a giant glowing exclamation mark above anyone that offers content, that way I don't have to use my brain at all!


I need a glowing trail and compass markers too. I need to mindlessly walk from symbol to symbol


Skyrim feels like this sometimes.


>They literally said, "So I'm just supposed to go up and talk to random people?" ...is that not basically like half of what a DnD game is?


"In your quest to track down the diabolical sorcerer you enter the tavern hoping the people that contacted you will be there. As you enter, you quickly glance over the room. The waitress seems very busy, running left and right. You hear laughter on your left and you see a group of young women loudly calling the waitress. On your right an old man is alone at a table, seemingly drunk with half a dozen pints in front of him. Finally, at the back of the room, you notice two mysterious hooded figures. One of them is looking at you, trying to discreetly wave his hand in your direc..." "I go to the drunk man on our right and ask him about his life, what his childhood was like, what his favorite fears are, and if he has a pet"


DM-proceeds to smash face into the table while trying to think of the old man’s story. You catch a murmur from the DM,”what the fuck guys?”


Nah this one's easy: "He tells you to fuck off."


Yes. But these ppl don't want to play DnD, they just bought the game cause it was popular. THey've no idea what they're doing.


Sounds like they need some yellow paint to mark the way


From a different CRPG subreddit: The only reason anyone likes BG3 is because of the animated sex scenes. If it weren’t for those, nobody would play it.


This is funny as shit to me because the sex scenes are like, PG-13 at best. It’s almost all fade to black with partially obscured full frontal. They’re hardly X-rated or anything, and I tend to appreciate them more for what they mean for your character’s relationship to that companion. Only exceptions would be Minthara and Haarlep’s scenes (in terms of graphicness), and even those are fairly brief shots of face-sitting or implied penetration.


I agree for the most part, but lesbian scenes with Karlach are fairly graphic. Tav's vag was on full display and Karlach got all up in there. Certainly not hardcore, but definitely not PG-13.


I actually didn’t know this! I’ve never romanced Karlach but I’ve never heard her scene was so revealing. The more you know I guess ahaha


Her first scene is tame but you get another in act three where she pretty much acts like she has a strap on and going to pound town on you. It showed more than I expected


She fuckin pegged me in Act 3


Karlach scenes are pretty explicit compared to the others. Trying to remember them exactly. I think that if Tav has a dick, it's a really tender missionary scene after the date with her, if no pennies it's a hardcore makeout scene with Karlach on top (maybe implied strap-on?).


That was the first scene I had witnessed and I was pretty surprised. Either fingering or oral was depicted if I remember correctly.


Fingering. It was my first romance scene as well and it really skewed my expectation for the other romance scenes.


Well….i know what im running next


Astarion's ascended scene is not pg13 , karlach has two graphic sex scenes in act 2 and act 3, halsin literally gives a blowjob,  minthara no explanation,  haarlep is actually tame compared to them lol, in act 1 u can see Astarion's flaccid cock if u let him bite u 


I played the game for 330 hours and never had sx


Most of the scenes are so tame! And they're like 1-2 minutes out of a 100 hour playthrough.


I'm sorry, what? XD there's barely any sex in the sex scenes


There's not enough of that imo


It is wayyyy less compared to scenes from Witcher 3. I was honestly hoping for more! Haha


"The game is too long and empty." I mean.. What?


I mean it’s not very short, that’s for sure


If you just beeline the main quest and don't talk to anyone, I think it'll be considerably shorter 😅


"It's just a bestiality simulator" from chronically online types


Must have been those who only found out about the game via the bear scene and didn’t look any further into it (In all serious that scene was hilarious and did wonders for the marketing).


My favorite is the squirrel dropping it's little nut in shock!


I somehow managed to miss the Bear Scene reveal when it first came out. I was horrified when I found out it was in the game and wasn’t a massive inside joke 😭 10/10 Halsin scene but will never choose the bear option


"BG3's wokeness led to its massive failure. "


Meanwhile it's one of the biggest games of the decade.


"Larian added all the woke stuff after they made sure enough people got the early access!"


That's actually funny to imagine. Like the dev team is just sitting in their evil lair wringing their hands chuckling as they watch the EA player count tick up on their big screen TV. And then it suddenly hits the number and they cackle and smash the big red WOKE button.


Bruh the person that said this... I dont even know lmao


I remember commenting on "GoonerGate" which is a bunch of horny nerds upset Stellar Blade isn't as horny as they want it to be and treating it as if the fall of civilization is nigh because the Souls like with an anime waifu didn't get a bunny suit saying BG3 is my counterargument sweeping GOTY awards while being hornier then a jazz band's brass section made of rhinos. You want "Step on me mommy" energy? Lae'zel. You want a sweet woman who will mount you in the amazon position? Karlach. You want someone to blow you? You have two options: Halsin and Minthara. You want to make your party a gang of exhibitionists and still get the armor bonuses? You can do that. Then someone responded either roleplaying a GoonerGater or quoting one saying it "didn't count" because it "catered to the gays, theys, and females". But these are the same people who will call anybody not straight "Groomers" and then defend Dr. Disrespect, so their opinions may not totally matter.


>Then someone responded either roleplaying a GoonerGater or quoting one saying it "didn't count" because it "catered to the gays, theys, and females". *Game allows for all female origin characters (and Minthara) to be romanced by a male character* Explain to me again how this is catering to the "gays, theys, and females". I think it's great that the game caters to everyone, that way no one group feels left out.


Massive failure? What universe is this person living in?


Combat is boring and would be better as real time action combat like god of war or souls games. This post was from months ago, but god it was such a bad take


If I had to fight Myrkul the way I fought Manus in ds1 I would just kill myself to be honest.


It could either be absolutely brutal like Manus, Midir, and Radahn oooorrr it could be a super easy and sometimes gimmicky fight like other super large bosses have been like Ancient Wyvern, Yhorm, the big tree I forget in DS3, and High Lord Wolnir.


I remember a lot of people were bitching and whining about the turn-based combat when it won GOTY.


I think it was because so many people think of things like Pokémon and earlier Final Fantasy games when they think of turn based, which isn’t for everyone. Tbh I’m not a fan of those styles either, ain’t gonna knock anyone or the games for it though, and I was hesitant about BG3 until I thought about it and realized the style is exactly like how D&D actually plays out and then I was excited and hopped right in and was in love with it. Regardless, yeah just some people are just so averse to anything that isn’t action based, shooter, or hack and slash and then they’re gonna be so loud about it too.


oh god Imagine Cazador's fight in real time? He'd ascend and kill Astarion in like 30 seconds


It’s such a terrible take to me personally bc I hate being skilled at button pushing in video games, and one of the reasons I tried bg3 despite not really being a gamer was because its turn based!


That the combat was bad because so much of it was outside the players hand. Gameplay wasn't in anyway skill based it was just a dice roll. I mean, yeah it is literally a dice roll but to say it had "no skill" because of that makes me think they just didn't understand the systems.


Lol.. people not realizing most games have RNG behind the scenes for combat.


You played a dnd video game and got mad it followed dnd rules? Tough.


Another one I saw was that they didn't understand why people place the "found family" trope on the companions because "they aren't written that way." Dude, if you don't think these people grow to care about each other through the course of the game, Idk what to tell you. Like listen to what Wyll says after >!Shadowheart spares the Nightsong!< , or Karlach after >!Astarion's siblings try to kidnap him!< !! Yes these people care about each other!


"Gale is a narcissist" One of the key aspects of narcissism is refusing/being unable to accept blame. Gale has so many lines where he's apologising, speaking badly about himself, feeling responsible for Mystra's cruelty, offering to leave the party, etc etc. He's a little self-absorbed, yeah, but I probably would be too if I was a wizard prodigy who got freaky with a goddess and has since been tasked with saving the world. There seems to be a growing number of people mistaking a little bit of arrogance for full-blown narcissistic personality disorder, and it's weird as hell.


On a similar note, the claims that Wyll is a narcissist also bug me. He can be rather proud at times, but he really isn’t narcissistic


"I always stake Astarion/take Gale's hand/let the tieflings kill Lae'zel/etc. but I *know* their character sucks." To be clear, I don't care what characters a person kills or doesn't kill, or who they like or don't like... but not bothering to play through a companion's story even once before expounding on how much they suck, I just instantly roll my eyes. Sometimes it's very obvious when people are basing opinions on out-of-context Youtube/Tiktok clips.


Waayyyy too many yahoos trying to tell you all about a character when they haven't even played/paid attention to the character's entire story arc.


Yeah or people who just speed through dialogue options without reading them. I'm honestly convinced doing that in the Weave scene is where half of the "Gale's too horny" complaints come from (I know there are legitimately bugs with him, which I'm going to say is the other half).


I figure it's 1/3 bugs, 1/3 not reading, and 1/3 people who don't know the difference between friendly intimacy and trying to get into someone's pants telling on themselves.


Lae’zel, Astarion, and Gale annoyed the shit out of me when I met them the first time. Hell, I even abandoned Gale first run because I thought “boy is he annoying”. They’ve become some of my most beloved characters. Their character stories and potential arcs are just… chef’s kiss.


That's what's so rewarding about the companions in this game! Their development *isn't* presented to you on a silver platter, you have to actually push past some unlikable aspects of the characters if you want to really get somewhere with them. On my first run, I loathed Gale and Shadowheart; on my second I made an effort with them, and was rewarded with two of my favorite journeys in the game.


Have they never heard of character development?


We call them “stakebros” in the onlyfangs communities. I had a crush on this one guy, who instantly managed to make me lose all interest in him by turning out to be a stakebro. When we did a co-op run, I got the bite scene, and he demanded I stake him. When I refused, he just killed Astarion anyways. Never been more turned off so much and so quickly in my entire life.


Ugh, stakebros. My thing is, it's one thing to kill a companion if it makes RP sense or even if you personally just don't care for them. It's the people who are so loud and proud about it at every opportunity that just make me go... Really? Really?


It's especially egregious if it's in threads where people are talking about why they relate to the characters, for very personal reasons. Read the room.


“Too many cutscenes and talking”


The person here who said that the companions all having trauma in their pasts was lazy writing, and for better examples, they pointed to… Dragon Age and Mass Effect.


Tell me you’ve never talked to your crew aboard the SSV Daddy Issues without telling me


Right?? I wasn't going to run down the list, but oops I did 😂 Kaidan - accidentally killed someone with his biotics as a teenager, constant migraines from biotic implant Ashley - father dead, constantly burdened and affected by her grandfather's actions in first contact war Liara - ridiculed in her academic circles for her theories (ME1), lost Shepard, recovered their very very dead body, friend got captured and tortured while helping her (ME2) Tali - mother dead, father emotionally unavailable and also does war crimes Garrus - mother has devastating terminal illness (by ME3, mother died), can't live up to his father's expectations, entire team on Omega slaughtered, almost died himself Wrex - had to kill his father, also the whole genophage thing Miranda - created and controlled by narcissistic abusive father, who just made another her after she escaped Jacob - father disappeared in deep space (later found to have created sex slave colony) Thane - wife murdered, terminal illness, abandoned his son Samara - all her children have terrible genetic condition, one is a serial killer Zaeed - was shot in the fucking head Kasumi - partner murdered Grunt - test tube baby w/identity crisis, head full of propaganda from the tube Jack - just... everything. do I even need to do this one? Legion - entire society having an identity crisis, also creators tried to genocide them Mordin - participated in war crimes Javik - ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD Vega - his failure to save the colonists of Fehl Prime, witnessing the invasion of Earth (and a whole lot more, now that I'm looking at the wiki) EDI - major identity crisis, gaining sentience while being attacked


Thank you for your service 🫡 (Kaidan haters saying “he’s booooring.” HE MURDERED SOMEONE AS A TEENAGER. WITH HIS BRAIN. Okay, it was accidental manslaughter that got swept under the rug, but still!)


In this house we do not slander the good name of Kaidan Alenko! The man's cute, he's honest and conscientious, he stands up for what he believes in, and while he does talk about his trauma, he actually doesn't put the burden on Shepard to "fix" anything. I may have been annoyed at his suspicions and accusations in ME2, but honestly, that was really the most "correct" reaction from anyone when Shep rose from the dead.


The combat is boring and requires no skill 🤡


I do find the combat boring sometimes, but no skill is insane. I can at least acknowledge my issues with it are because I prefer fps or soulslike combat, not because the system is bad. I struggle through on the normal difficulty, while my friends breeze through tactician, it's so clearly a skill based combat that that blows my mind.


"\[Insert character here\] is evil/stupid/deserves to suffer because they don't immediately and completely worship the ground I walk on."


So many people do this with Mayrina and honestly I think it’s just because of her voice or something.


I think Mayrina is hands-down the best example of people hating a character for not being a perfect victim. She literally did nothing wrong: she was manipulated when she was at her most vulnerable and trapped in an abusive situation. But oh no, she doesn't immediately fall to her knees to worship you when she thinks you've taken away her only chance to fix her life, what a fucking bitch, might as well kill her.


I did feel bad for stealing her husband on one run. The game lets you be so cruel sometimes 😭


Also with Derryth and people thinking she deserves an abusive husband


Karlach HAS to be strictly lesbian, while she canonically has fantasies of a threesome with a female halfling and a male Goliath *in game*.


AND she canonically fantasizes about Astarion! Which is awful since he has to be gay! /s


Fuck she even fantasizes about dammon I think in her origin run 


I mean... Do we blame her!? That man is fine. I would like to be in a Dammon/Karlach sandwich. (I'm kidding, not really - but really)


If you romance Astarion you're a pedophile. He was 39 when he was turned which makes him a child in elven culture, and since vampires don't age he's still physically 39 when you meet him and therefor a child. Best take I've ever seen because it also implies that Baldur's Gate decided to let a child become a magistrate.


Oof, yeah, that one. Yes, he wouldn't be considered fully mature \*in elven culture.\* But he doesn't live in \[insert elven city here\], he lives in \*Baldur's Gate.\*


The century rule is more about spiritual maturity than anything else. I'm fairly sure elves get to do everything adult humans do when they mature, even in elven cities.


Yeah pretty much. Elves mature at the same rate as humans (as do dwarves). A 39 year old elf is physically and functionally an adult, and as far as I understand of the lore is typically treated as such.


Worst one I've seen is that *Halsin* is a pedo, because he cares so much about saving Thaniel, and it's apparently reinforced by him being okay with a poly relationship with Astarion. I hate that I've heard this one more than once.


From the same people who think men and women can't be friends I assume? Because what the fuck.


“I should be able to fuck whoever I want with no consequences or input from whoever I have romanced. This is a game about choice don’t lock me into stupid monogamy” is a comment I found that just made me sad for the person


This person might be better off playing one of those waifu dating simulators than a game that revolves around realistic human behaviour lol


One of my friends has restarted probably ten times. Last I checked with him, he had made it to Act three on 4 different characters but would then restart with a new build or class. That part is fine. What’s not fine is that he told me somewhere along the way he started killing Shadowheart every play through. When I asked why, he said “she’s annoying and clerics suck”. To each their own but *every time*??? Seems a bit excessive.


Clearly he doesn't know how to play clerics. Or that Withers could reclass her


“Clerics suck” is a crazy take. Like I respeced my character into cleric because I was really struggling without one.


Larian only did hot races companions because it would be fucked up to fuck a gnome


This is why I play as a Halfling. To punch above my weight class. Currently romancing Halsin and wondering why my Tav's not walking funny.


Halsin's a very experienced healer...


My homeboy (29). A paid DM(heavy on the homebrews) said he doesn’t like the game because he “played it for a bit at a friend’s house and didn’t like the mechanics”. To wit I responded “did you start your own campaign or did you just play his?” And he said “I played his for like 30 minutes and I just don’t like it.” This man is an avid RPG’er and as I mentioned a whole ass Dungeon Master and he based his take off of 30 minutes of fumbling around act 2 with someone else’s character. NGL I respected his opinion a little less after that.


“Karlach is an evil person because she fights in the Blood War. She spent her time killing innocent humans and tieflings.” I’m paraphrasing a bit, but I saw that one Twitter a bit ago. Was the response someone made to a post that was a bad take on Astarion. The guy that made that post didn’t like Astarion cuz he was the wrong type of gay


Wait I'm confused what did they mean the "wrong type of gay". Like they wanted him to be another type of gay?


He was too “stereotypical” because he was catty and rude and spoke with an accent. Like the dude went on this long rant about how he dislikes him and thinks no one else should. He gave off big “other gay men are picking this fictional character instead of me so they’re all bad” vibe like those straight men get offended at women for picking him


> spoke with an accent Someone tell this person that Astarion just sounds like your average upper class Englishman


Fellas is it gay to be British?


"Bo'oh 'o' wo'ah" 🌈


Ah yes, the inherently homophobic 'Astarion is gay-coded actually' discourse. Whoever this person is they'll lose their shit when they find out how wars actually work.


Biphobic takes from people who are upset that Astarion and Minthara are bisexual.


Everyone in dnd is pansexual unless explicitly expressed otherwise. This is the way.


All of the takes that X character is "gay-coded" or Y character is "obviously sapphic" and so forth. No, nitwits; every origin companion is pansexual by default. Bisexuality is a real thing that exists. Get over it. I remember the one who showed up here complaining because they heard that Karlach was super-duper sapphic, but then she made flirty comments about male characters, and it was soooo upsetting. Like, yeah, that's because Karlach is pan. It's not the game's fault that stupid people are stating hot takes on the internet. Similarly, the comments about the companions being "player-sexual" and not having a set sexuality. They have a set sexuality. It's pansexual. Pansexual is a sexuality. The stupid, it burnssss.


I’m very over playersexual being conflated with pansexual. On paper? Yes having unique sexualities for all the characters is cool and inclusive - Dragon Age Inquisition is a good comparison. Unfortunately this means people are often just creating characters the “right” gender for the romance they want, or playing organically and getting a good way through and realizing the character they flirted with isn’t into them. This can end up locking you out of a romance at all. So it’s a cool narrative experience but not as fun to actually play, especially if you play blind. And back to it - rarely are we seeing true playersexual characters in RPGs. This means the character is attracted to the PC’s gender only and typically includes dialogue changes to reflect this. Not the case in BG3. Pansexual or bisexual characters like in BG3 are not unrealistic - in most of these settings (BG and DA at least) there’s not world wide sexism or homophobia or reasons people may not be comfortable being bisexual. Sure there might be cultural issues but they’re often isolated and situational. It often comes down to people thinking stereotypes are super important to characterize say, Astarion.


Someone once said the only reason the game was getting such high praise was essentially the bear sex scene.


Sounds like somebody's projecting.


My blood boils when people say that the combat has to be more "Souls like" or want any other form of action rpg crap built into the game's combat.


“All baldurs gate 3 characters are ugly, especially shadowheart” like these are some of the most ridiculously attractive characters I’ve ever seen lmao


there was that one guy a few days ago that said Karlach would be more compelling as a man. also "Ansur was wrong, he should have just let Empy become illithid without worrying about it" is an insane take that I see way too often


"just let your best friend destroy their own soul" is definitely one of the takes of all time


Astarion is gay and Karlach is non binary and lesbian! Cook up in your head what you want, but pls destinguish between HC and actual Canon. And any personal attack against the writers/ actors or sexualisation of them!


Certain options aren't supposed to be enjoyed and are a moral test for the player.


I hear this all the time as a response to people saying that the consequences to the evil choices are underwhelming 😆.


The classic "turn based combat=bad"


that its woke garbage


It's the game where you have to **** a bear


Not true, the bear asks politely.


Consent is required. It's the bear minimum.


The bear necessities even. 


That Ascended Astarion turns Tav into a vampire bride, so he can't compel them at all since they're a full vampire. Even though he TELLS them that with the tadpole is gone, he's controlling everything about their future from now on.


Fr let the man be toxic and evil.


Remember, they usually also think AA is the GOOD ending for him


Watched a scene with AA on youtube yesterday because I’ve not gone that route yet but was interested in seeing the content anyway. The comments were full of these people. They were claiming that he can’t control Tav, that they can break up with him any time, that he’s not an abuser, etc. It was kind of wild. I sincerely hope these people are just delusional about a fictional character and not in denial because they are stuck in a similar situation.


Some of them are fucked if this ever happens to them IRL because fiction is fiction but "It's not abuse if I agree to anything he says and do everything he wants me to do" is something insane to believe in. The rest is just annoying. I had to carefully pick my fellow BG3 fans who are also Ascended Astarion enjoyers. Just embrace the delicious toxic abusive mess you have been handed.


One of the reasons I dislike the vampire bride theory is because people rarely acknowledge it is just a headcanon and that there is zero reference to the existence of vampire brides in the game. Many people who play BG3 are DnD enthusiasts, but I doubt 99% of them have dusted off their 2e lore books from the 1980s to remember vampire brides exist and how they're created. And they're not a common part of vampire mythos. Which means that, if Larian intended to include vampire brides as a thing in the game, the onus would be on the writers to acknowledge their existence somewhere in the text or dialogue. But they don't. But what the game does acknowledge is that your character is a spawn - in several different places and ways. At best, the way Tav is turned is a nod to the 2e lore.


Typical talking point from some salty Spider-Man 2 fans was that BG3 fans just wanted to fuck bears.


“shadowheart and karlach has no depth to their story and character, they are just there to appeal to the male fantasy of a goth girl and big buff muscle mommy” This coming from a “Feminist” friend of mine who always and i literally mean always romance astorian because she says “I can fix him” and will always have Halsin and Wyll in her party because one she finds Halsin attractive due to being muscular and to some extent same goes for wyll.


Basically \*any\* Astarion take tbh. Great character who should maybe never be discussed ever. Humanity is not equipped.


I could write a book about the takes I have seen but here are some of the winners for “worst takes I have laid eyes upon” award: - “Gale has an emotionally incestuous relationship with Tara.” - “Romancing Astarion is predatory.” - “Wyll is a narcissist.” - “Wyll is only pretending to be good.” - “Astarion is a rapist.” - “Not ascending Astarion is abusive.” - “Gortash selling Karlach to Zariel was a trauma response.” - “Orpheus is just as bad as Vlaakith.” - “Lae’zel has no character development.” - “Astarion has no character development.” - “All of the women in the game are ugly.” - “Wyll is a hypocrite for making the pact with Mizora.” - “Halsin is an incel.” - “Gale is an incel.” - “Gale actually abused Mystra.” - “Making Astarion bite Araj isn’t a morally bad choice in-game.” - “Minsc can’t consent to sex because he is too stupid.” - “Shadowheart is a tradwife.” - “Mizora isn’t actually a villain.” - “Astarion is actually mentally a child.” - “Gale is a narcissist.” - “Astarion was a coward for not refusing Cazador’s orders and should’ve just killed himself instead of listening to him.” - “Minthara isn’t evil, she is just pragmatic.” - “Lae’zel starts off lawful good.” - “Astarion starts off chaotic good.” - “Jaheira is abusive to Durge.” There is definitely more but these are what come to mind at the moment lol. If I think of any more I remember seeing I might go back and add them.


Those are all horrible takes but I am mystified by the Gortash one. Why is anyone doing Gortash apologism? He's the fucking chosen of Bane who puts explosives in teddy bears for orphans! He sucks! That's why we like him! If there are Raphael's apologists no one tell me.


Worst take I heard was BG3 sucks because its based on D&D 5e. Dude turned out to be a Pathfinder player and hated anything dungeons and dragons or wotc related. Like dude you bought the game and somehow missed the fact its a licensed d&d IP.


I saw a similar complaint from someone who wanted it to be based on 3.5e. Dude. Like it or not, 5e is the current D&D ruleset. Of course the game is going to be based on the current D&D ruleset. Any easier edition was never an option.


I'll admit, I *hate* 5e, so it took me a minute to commit to buying a game based on it. Even now, the 5e skeleton is by far my least favorite part of the game. But god DAMN, Larian put some amazing meat on those bones. It's a game that excels despite its underlying rule framework, and that makes it all the more incredible.


I want real time with pause combat. Fuck off.


The "I'm being excluded because I don't like turn-based combat; they should change the game to cater to my tastes" entitled whiners are really something.


I'm gonna go troll on the Cod subreddit that their game should be turn based for me.


Oh my God that's how the combat goes in BG1 and BG2 and let me tell you it was STRESSFUL.Having to micromanage 4 characters in real time was just awful. Fun fact, that's why Minsc says "can we fight already? Boo is not used to this taking of turns" - he's referencing the real time combat in the previous games :P


I think the worst take I've heard was that it's boring because it's just a pure fantasy setting. Like, you knew that coming into it? Why buy it if it wasn't sci-fi enough for you?


"Making astation go on stage with the clown bc you think its funny is just as bad as coercing him into having sex" I think about that often. Hope that person has since touched some grass but I doubt it


Anything where the others try to psychoanalyze you and judge you based on the characters you like or the way you play. Massacring the grove does not mean that you are a mass murderer in real life, shockingly enough. Killing a companion does not mean that you kick puppies in real life. Liking Ascended Astarion does not mean that your actual real life boyfriend is abusive. Enjoying the Emperor does not mean that you are easily manipulated in real life. … Video games are not real life.


This is exactly what a person kicking puppies in real life would say... How convenient


Any blatant misunderstanding/mischaracterization. "Even though I always leave them at camp and never talk to them unless it's quest-related, I just think [insert companion here] is SO BORING." Also, anything that paints Halsin as some kind of predator/sex pest or puts him down for being polyamorous.


Idk I love reading that Gale is a mansplaining asshole who is annoying because he asks for coveted items. It’s my favorite take.


Who would've thought that a dude who was so good at magic he banged it would have a really good understanding of magic items


I posted it in OkbuddyBG3 but it went something like. "Got Baldurs Gate but then got to the obnoxious gay man. Couldnt win and kept dying without the gay, so I uninstalled the game because I will not have this Woke Shit shoved down my throat anymore. If you dont like my opinion FUCK YOU."


The entire No alphabets mod


"There should be a real-time gameplay option for people that don't like strategy games." How are spellcaster classes meant to work?


That Wyll is a narcissist. I think it's just because he's LG and gave himself a moniker.


"Not letting Astarion ascend is abusive."


100% agree on that take about Astarion/Tav being ridiculous - how is encouraging him to make decisions for himself "making choices for him"? But I digress... "This game has no story" - that one was yesterday, I think.


That's just playing the game with all five senses disengaged, both of them.


I am *still* boggling over that one. By the time you've explored the grove: - you've been abducted and tadpoled by mind flayers - you've been saved from falling from the nautiloid by some unseen, mysterious force - you have a party member in possession of an odd object which they're very secretive about - another party member is acting weird about aforementioned odd object - you've realized you're not turning into a mind flayer like you're supposed to - you've had a friendly(?) skeleton man rise out of an old tomb, ask you a bizarre question, and say you'll meet again soon - you've learned that goblins, drow, and others are uniting under the banner of some new god called the "Absolute" and terrorizing the region - you've learned that you're not the first tadpoled people to show up in the area, and the others aren't turning into mind flayers either - you've heard that the Absolute cultists and the tadpoled people seem to be coming from the same place That's just the first few hours of the game! How is it not obvious that there's a mountain of plot being set up here?!


I think the OP must be terribly media-illiterate or something. It's the only explanation I can think of - like they've never played or read anything that didn't spoon-feed them every step of the way.


It's unsettling how many people think that caring about someone means being passive while a loved one destroys themselves. There’s a big difference between being controlling and providing gentle guidance and support. Edit: Also, many of the things Astarion desires are things he *desperately* feels he needs because of his trauma (i.e. power over others to feel safe). Trauma itself can rob you of choice, and cause you to enter very destructive cycles that are hard to escape. For Tav to suggest there is an alternative (one that he can *choose* to take) is just a way to open another path. A path that can lead to healing. And that can feel pretty freeing.


It's like interventions aren't even a thing...


That is someone who clicks through all the dialogue without reading it.


Someone in this sub complained that BG3 had a lot of pointless fights while they were arguing that Wrath of the Righteous is a better game in some respects. To be clear, I do think Wrath is an excellent game, but combat comparisons are not how you're going to convince anyone of that lol


[Insert character] shouldn’t be romanceable by [insert gender] Blatant Bi/pan erasure and no one is stopping you to play that character as whatever sexuality, yes I agree that Minthara is Lesbian coded for example but how does it hinder your enjoyment of the game and character if a dude you don’t even know and will never play with romance her??


"Do exactly as I tell you what to do and you'll have the best BG3 experience" by someone I know. She legit tried to make me chance choices because that's a "better way to play". The point of BG3 is my own adventure


Not really a worst take, but the posts from people who all say a similar thing like "im at the creche and im level 4..." it drives me insane, like how much of act 1 are you skipping lol


“[insert companion character] sucks because they were annoying/mean at the beginning of the game.” like… no? yeah, they have flaws (lae’zel is mean, shadowheart is distrusting, they all keep massively important secrets) but that’s not because they’re just bad characters or poorly written. it’s part of their character development. you’re allowed to find them annoying (personally i don’t love shadowheart) but to act like they’re poorly written or objectively bad, completely ignoring their development, is just goofy.


Some guy on here said he played multiple playthroughs and put in 250 hours, but didn’t see any replayability….the contradictions itself sounded like a troll.


There’s a lot of really bad takes on platforms like TikTok but I think the worst I’ve seen is “Gale is manipulative and abusive” because the person said he reminded them of their ex.