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Those undead plants in Act 2 that explode on death.


I somehow never did this fight in my first playthrough, and HOLY FUCK they almost wiped out my entire party this run


And they would get a chain reaction sometimes, and kill one of your party members off in one turn.


My Shadowheart run into them with spirit guardians up and started a chain reaction that completely wiped out her hp. From almost 100 to dead in one turn. Fun times.


That's exactly what happened to me lmao. Whenever I'm struggling in the Shadowlands, Spirit Guardians is always the answer - this time it wasn't.


I am absolutely shocked that the religious fanatic would blow themselves up


Sir they're talking about pokey plants, not Absolute-aligned


I literally was counting the seconds that I’ll see ‘chain reaction’ in comments lol. The way they exploded after one another was gloriously disastrous.


My vote was gonna be magma mephits until I saw your answer. I at least have a strategy for the mephit fight, but fuck me those needle blights have got next level aim.


What's your strategy for the magma mephits? I find those way more annoying than the needle blights, haven't found a way around the mephits!  Needle blights you can target even when they're "invisible" so I typically hide my entire party then have a high initiative character lob something at them or arrows. 


If you are using martial characters, you can just toggle on non-lethal to make sure they don’t explode on death.


How does it feel to use 100% of the brain?


Absolute genius


This needs more upvotes. People need to know.


Nice, thank you for the tip! 


Okay, so I’ll do this soon and then, you know, for Science, pick them up and see if I can throw them as “Magma Mephit grenades” that explode on impact. (After taking that final 1hp of damage).


I will name my child after you. /s


That's my problem right there - two casters plus Astarion with hand crossbows, so only Lae'zel can do decent amounts of melee damage. I have to shoot them from a distance instead.


Well that made me feel really stupid for not thinking of that myself. Thank you


Bring Karlach and/or another Fire-resistant character. Ungroup them and send them ahead while your archer & mage sit on the staircase. They should be far enough that the mephits are forced to dash to target them, but close enough that the height advantage gives them enough range to support your Fire-resistant tank.


just summon flamming sphere(lvl 2 spells) and make it tank those mephit. its elemental summon that immune to fire.


Cold damage makes them to not explode on death.


You can’t sneak up on the magma mephits though; they just appear and start attacking you. On the other hand, the classic ranged+bloodlust potion+cull the weak build probably kills all the needle blights before they get a turn. Even if you’re slower than that, needle blights can make ranged attacks themselves, so they don’t walk themselves next to you like the mephits do. Needle blights any day for me.


If you know where the mephits are gonna be, use find familiar and let it go there first when the party is a bit away. They'll spawn, kill the familiar, and then stay where they're at, allowing you to range the down (also, if you go throwlach like me, you can use one of your attacks to throw them away out of explosion range - bonus if you throw one mephit on another mephit)


Activating non-lethal damage is a fun way to cheese them or any enemy with Death Burst or Fit to Burst.


Holy crap that’s brilliant


I range attack them and have them destroy each other with the chain reaction. Very satisfying actually. [one fireball, 8 down](https://imgur.com/gallery/JRk5uLY)


The Bhaal fucks who pop sanctuary on themselves constantly. I almost took up modding just to get that spell removed. EDIT: Thanks for all the tips on dealing with them! You can all stop telling me about AoE damage now please 😅


Target the ground in front of them with arrow of roaring thunder and launch them into the void (got that tip from someone else on this sub)


Either arrows of roaring thunder or use those void pulp grenades you get from mindflayers or Oomaluyam or what he is called. They are so great to pull them out of their damn sanctuary


I'm learning so much in this thread!!


All of the Bhaal aligned enemies are awful, Unstoppable, Invisibility and Sanctuary are all way too annoying to handle. If someone mods them out or just replaces them with normal rogue type enemies, I’d be eternally grateful


This is why I always let volo take my eye


Do they have simple invisibility? If so I swear my game's bugged, I have see invisibility and still don't see them. Most annoying enemies 100%


The way See Invisibility works in this game is the invisible creature gets to make a Dex Save (guess what assassins are good at) against the watcher's Spell DC (which your melee combatants may not be boosting).


... what the fuck. Huh. Seems like something the game could maybe explain better. Especially coming from tabletop I thought I knew how that would work. I still might be unlucky since my sorcerer Tav has the eye and his spell dc is pretty good.


Call lightning is good for this. It makes them visible and does AoE damage, so if they're close together, you can hit multiple enemies. And if you have someone who can sense invisible enemies, it's even easier because whether or not they save against it, you know where they are.


The enemies get to do Detect Presence, so WHY THE FUCK is the player not given this ability too?


Unstoppable is literally the only reason i'm using magic missile other than fighting ethel lol


They are not immune to AoE damage, fam. Hunger of Hadar, Spike Growth, Evard's Black Tentacles those MFs.


Throw them off a cliff. Almost every eye you care about killing has a nice cliff nearby.


If you're on Tactician or Honour, they're resistant to all damage except Thunder so you can throw them without consequence because they likely won't take damage. Just keep throwing them towards the cliff if they're not close by already.


Resistance and a damage threshold/reduction right?


Yeah, reduces each damage instance by a flat 8 points


Gtk magic missile would be useless


Yup, the most consistent way I've found is either chromatic orb thunder, or toss em down a hole


iirc force damage works as well


Force damage still gets reduced by their passive it's just not listed in the tooltip.


I've lost hours of my life in turn based mode throwing eldritch blasts at these fucks


I'm not sure why you can't just toss a blanket over them.


I wish we could do the Skyrim merchant method of putting a bucket over them.


That's true but I still haven't found the most convenient spot in grymforge to do it. I always get "out of reach" and "path interupted" when trying to throw it in the void. I end up spending way too much time finding the right angle.


If you interact with them they will follow you anywhere. Just take them somewhere private and they'll be gone


You make them sound like gullible stray toddlers at the mall


I mean they kinda are though. I always kill the Grymmforge one by taking it into the room with the smokepowder sacks and it never suspects anything


God damn why didn’t I think of this.


It follows you after interacting. If it gets bored (after 10 seconds?) just attempt sneak and it'll get right back


Next to the man with the Cap of Wrath, there's a nice little ledge you can absolutely launch it off of


Idk why but I always thought you wouldn't be able to throw them T_T... In the other hand my party exists of 4 characters with no strength (gale, astarion,wyll and myself as a bard) so they would all surround it and just watch it resist round after round


The Grymforge one annoys me because most of the cliffs don’t work.


It's a toss up for me between the Githyanki who're "ready to parry" and cast rally on each other all the time, and the Bhaalist assassins who go invisible and seem impossible to bring out of invisibility.


Ready to parry is kinda abusable tho, as it is a reaction and it removes their ability to opportunity attack that turn so you can reposition.


It's far more annoying than it is abusable. Being able to no-sell the first attack you take every turn is overpowered as fuck and shouldn't be in the game imo. There's a reason Lae'zel doesn't get it.


Any githyanki. Those frog legs let them jump way too far.


“Githyanki War Magic” is my villain origin story.


"Ready to Parry" makes me wanna drive a cybertruck through a puppy orphanage


It makes me wanna side with the mind-flayers just so I can wipe out the entirety of githyanki race, then eventually wipe out the mind-flayers as well


What about githzerai? The cooler gith


Reject githyanki. Embrace githzerai. I really wish they implemented the githzerai in BG3, even if it was just a one-off meeting, just to show not all of the gith are psycho murdering xenophobes


You can encounter a Githzerai brain (Waking Mind) in the Mind Flayer Colony under Moonrise Towers. If you put it into the Mind-Archive Interface it will talk to you and, if the conversation goes well, a permanent advantage on Intelligence saves.


I love calling her another type of githyanki and she says “oh for a set of hands to SLAP YOUR FACE”


Oh boy, another neat tidbit I missed. Guess I gotta start a new character again


Yeah it would be awesome to play a githzerai and see the unique interactions. The closest we'll come is through mods and being a githyanki monk.


I do think that's the intended purpose of a cybertruck


They yearn for it.


"psychic rend"


don't forget giths are humanoids, and humanoids' worst nightmare is hold person.


And Gith (well, Lae’zel does anyway)HATES being called “humanoid” since humans are inferior to Gith. So attacking with a spell that works on humanoids is a double-insult to Githyanki.


1d4 emotional damage


Lae’zel sure is quick to jump in the sack with an “inferior species” in that kinky underwear she got on


Hey, whatever sweats her neck.


I casted grease yesterday completely forgetting they lept that far 😭


*cast grease* "Ha-ha! Now you can't get to me without falling and fucking up! Your move, frog ass! Bet you can't overcome this challenge!" Githyanki: *jumps over it like leap frog as a bonus action casually* "FUCK"


Literally me in act 2 when they set up an ambush.


Yeah the one with the troups of the dragon master ( idk his name it’s my first run) where almost every time leave and let you fight in act 1 was way too hard and my party were always wiped in first round without any possibility


Voss, you will see him again. you don't have to fight them.


I had a tentacle ground scroll for that fight and it helped immensly. If it wasnt for it I was about the abonden the figtht.


Githyanki creche are, for me, the hardest fights in the game


I always show up overleveled so I can kill them all out of pure spite


Fuck those Gith. Trip attack, ready to party and arrow of many targets are horrible. They’re such pains in the ass.


Ready to Party? Count me in.


The two death shepherds by the mountain pass. They keep reviving each other with FULL HEALTH! Not to mention the resistance to EVERYTHING but radiant??!! Absolute BS.


Focus 1, put it's corpse in your bag, no reviving


Holy shit this is genius and hilarious.


100% how my siblings and I won in our honor mode run, just straight up stuffed one in my backpack




Hey Mister Death Shepherd, you wanna tell me where I find the 18 feet python? No?


Can you imagine if they could revive corpses in your inventory? Is that a zombie in your pocket?


Yes and we're both happy to see you


I am being WAY too uncreative with this game


I'm just insane person that has every character on the brink of encumbrance, so this wouldn't work as well for me haha. I buy or steal every single potion, elixir, scroll, or arrow I can find, and carry all of them at once, split up across the whole party.


Ohhhh genius. Can grab all the corpses so they dont rez!


I had never seen that solution. Nice.


Undead can't jump, so web/evard's black tentacles has got you.


What do you mean undead cant jump. How did i not know..


Hey I’m with you wtf But also thanks because I’m 30 hours in to my honor run


During one playthrough I used ice sheet and watched the ghouls in the back slip and fall each turn while I smacked on the big guys.


Control Undead. You can take your best friend Shepherd to clean the créche with you like that.


"I'm commanded Shepherd and THIS is my favorite creche in Faerun!"


>commanded Shepherd this is better than it has any right to


Sleet Storm has your back with that fight 😁


Hunger of hadar and a grease bottle.


This has never occurred to me tbh I have to try it out! Thanks for the tip. I normally only do this fight after obtaining the blood of lathander and leveling up.


Put an arrow or spell of darkness down on the corpses. They can’t see them to revive them. 


Fuck Death Shepherds, all my homies hate Death Shepherds


Haha I just spent 4 hours doing that today. Deeply enjoyable to figure it out, its like a complex chess match. The trick was to bring them both down and then kill them at the same time so they cant rez each other


Bhaalists for that constant invisibility smh


Faerie fire is your friend.


Not with their bonus to DEX saving throws it isn't.


I wish we had Mohg's trident from Elden Ring in bg3 so we could NIHIL those invisible Bhaalists


I'd find myself yelling "fucking coward" at them, as though I wouldn't do the same thing if I could.


That's when you equip spirit guardian and then run around the room.


I had Volos eye and fey fire, and those fuckers were still hiding on me, fuck their 20 DEX hiding asses


Those teleporting, garroting motherfuckers in act 2.


Good one, yeah that fight seems to kick my ass more than it should


My first playthrough, they really put the hurt on. Failed the perception check to see them ahead of time so they got a surprise round. Also: they're the added insult of not being able to use rope but wait, these guys can. And only them.


Engage from range from outside the house. Open with a fireball/ice storm if possible, and keep your characters near one another. If you enter the house, they will Garrote your party members and teleport them out of one another’s’ LOS. If a caster gets separated, beeline to them and ignore the others.


Those Githzerai monks you fight to save your "dream visitor" always kick my ass really bad.


not embarrassed to say i changed to Explorer on my first playthrough just for this battle :’)


A high spell save DC and upcast hold person made that fight very satisfying


Inspired me to do a monk run though. That was fun


Same. After getting beat up in that sequence and being like "how many attacks do these guys get?!" I tried monk for my next run and I saw for myself: monks get a *lot* of fucking attacks.


I respecced Lae'zel as a monk after that. It seemed right from a role-playing perspective. Felt wrong once I got that awesome Githyanki silver sword, though.


Anything with radiant retort imo


Especially as a paladin. Nothing like being on the receiving end of your own smite huh? Killed myself soooo many times in that sharran shithole.


I tried popping Divine intervention on the Cambions in the house of hope once...never again. Shadowheart died INSTANTLY


I did that but I used hopes divine intervention to see what would happen. She just exploded


You're thinking in a too complicated manner, just pick them up and throw them off a cliff or into deep water. Easy as! Edit: ahh and my worst enemy is that *fake Tyr paladin* - first time he nuked my whole party, never after that though. Now he gets nuked!


I swear to god he never misses, never runs out of spell slots to use Smite, and gets at least one crit per turn. He double crit my Karlach just yesterday and the only reason she didn't go down from that is because she's a Bear Heart.


Whenever I try to play any other class other than paladin, that dude reminds me why I love paladins. Big swing, big ding, big damage, good feeling juice in brain.


The sharrans who keep casting mf darkness in the temple during Shadowheart’s mission. The gamer rage was real.


I can't WAIT to come back to that fight in my current DJ-Sheart playthrough and go all "the dark never bothered me anyway 😎"


Everyone who can cast control Person in Act 3. So fucking annoying, not because the are hard but because the always waste ol of my spellslots and actions.


I love having one of my characters get “confused” right before their turn so I have no time to unconfuse them and then for their turn to consist of them throwing all of their smoke powder bombs at my party.


The bhaal fuckers who keep going invisible


The worst enemies. Fighting Orin was simple because I spammed Magic Missile 69 times and swung my big sword on her after that, but the Bhaalistic fuckers who kept going invisible nearly made me lose. Thank god for Spirit Guardians and Faerie Fire


The constant urge to restart as a different race/class


Gnolls. That berserk attack wiped me more times than I'd like to admit.


Their multi attack is horrible too. Probably the fight was most nervous about in my HM along with Ethel


Ethel is fine when u find 4 elixirs of poison resistance. They are scattered in act 1 and u can buy them sometimes from the druid trader. Makes u take no DMG from the gas aswell.


You can also group and and share one elixir!


What? You throw it on the ground or som'n?


Yeap they have small aoe but you can generally hit 3-4 people with a bit of practice


600 hours in and there's still new stuff I'm learning. This'll help a lot, thanks!


Calm Emotions memes a lot of hard fights in the first area (Owlbear, Harpies, Gnolls)


Magma mephits. I. Hate. Them.


Have Karlach keep throwing them at each other at a safe distance. That way, when they finally do die and explode, they'll do so out of party range.


The group in Grymforge gave me so much trouble. I resorted to just sending Karlarch in to tank the damage while everyone else attacked from a healthy distance


Haarlep or whatever. Last time I fought him he conveniently mind controlled the ONLY person in my party of 8 that had the Scrolls of hold Monster and proceeded to burn through them, which lead to a literal 20 m8nutes of "I hit him, he goes intangible. We cycle through everyone's now USELESS turns, wait for the *only guy in this fight* to hit me so I can punch him again ONE TIME before he immediately goes intangible.


I don't reload often, but when I do, it's usually because someone in the party got mind controlled and is burning through my good potions, arrows, scrolls, etc. Like, I didn't save up those 12 potions of speed for them to be used against me! Edit: also romancing Lae'zel. >!Babe, can you not use the potion of speed to whack me four times when we're not even trying to kill each other, please? RIP to the camp companion that had Warding Bond on my Bard, even after he died I could still hear his remains being turned into a minced pile of gore.!<


Ethereal escape is a reaction. If he has already spent his reaction he will not be able to use it so just trigger a reaction attack with your highest AC companion before hitting him. Easy peasy.


why not hand the scroll over to another character?


Didn't think of it heat of the moment, really didn't expect the AI to do exactly the one thing it needed to do to foil my plans. I had like three them at the time, the first time Haarlep/Wyll cast it was shock that the AI did that.


The zombie Shepard undead. If I hadn't dedicated shadowheart purely to healing, I might've had an easier time, but as I'm only on my first playthrough they are the only ones that stand out to me.


Use Blood of Lathander. Every undead encounter is a joke with it.


The entirety of the Sharran Cloister made me restart the fight at least 10 times


I loveblackhole for this gather them, haste sorcerer cast one and two and the 3rd quickened fireball


Radiant Retort caused my paladin to one shot himself. Many, many times.


Bhaal fucking cultists spamming invisibility like a bitch


that stupid paladin of tyr. ended my honor runs more times i'd like to admit. now i get at least to level 4 before trying that fight


Oh yeah, that dude is totally doing too much damage for the level I encountered him in. Especially since he's so hard to hit after he casts that spell on himself.


Big ooga booga damage is what paladins do. Use command on him, he is pretty succeptible to it. I commanded him to kneel at my superior paladins feet while I slaughtered his friends, then commanded him to drop his sword, which I then killed him with. 10/10 would smite again.


The Moonrise tower guards, not the tiefling from the prison area but the ones with ring around them and whatnot dressed in navy blue. They summon the celestial guard or whatever that deals so much damage that it isn't even funny, even in explorer difficulty


Good news is that the summon disappears if you kill the summoner. (Twice - they have death ward, at least on tactician.)


Graphically, death ward is the ”ring around them”.


I fiercely dislike anything with the "Unstoppable" buff. It's not even that I found dealing with these enemies particularly hard. I simply don't like the mechanic in principle. Forcing the player to waste a certain number of attacks (typically 3) on these fuckers before even enabling the ability to damage them feels gratuitously irritating.


Honor mode the only way I’ve killed them is throwing them down holes. You’ve really got to zap the living hell out of them to kill them though direct means


I have a hireling dedicated to removing them with Destructive Wrath


"Goddamnit, not another Scrying Eye. Time to call in *the optometrist*."


The Skulls Of Bullshit leading to the artist's loft


Anything that goes invisible, like these bhaalist assassins. It reaches a point that they aren't a real threat. they are incredibly annoying because they make fights way longer than it's necessary.


All enemies involved in that Halsin’s portal fight. I hate that fight more than anything in act 2 and I HATE act 2 lmao


A good way to deal with this encounter is to use the darkness spell. The range units can't shoot at the portal, and if you sit in the darkness spell with a few spirits guardians, the entire encounter finishes itself


I did this and had shadowheart use spirit guardian and stand just in front of the darkness. Every enemy just ran to their deaths, instantly dying from radiant damage. I also used wall of fire for an extra layer of enemies running to their deaths. I was able to, essentially, not fight lmao.


Ethel. I quit the game for six months after getting bodied by her too many times when I was new/low level. Glad I went back to it after watching some guides! 80hrs in now. Honourable mention for the giant spider in Act 1 who also repeatedly handed it to me.


I found the easiest way to alleviate my frustrations about getting bodied is to use the first fight as a learning experience of what works and what doesn’t. It helps a lot when I only get bodied twice. Not so much when I do six or seven times, but that’s only happened two times.


Grym. Super annoying.


My biggest beef with those was - who was watching? By the time you get to Thorm, he definitely doesn't act like you're the person who spent act 1 trying to fuck up his operation both overground and in the temple ruins.


Gortash was. Once you meet the Steel Watch, you get a cutscene where it recognizes you for all the misdeeds the Eyes saw.


Inventory management was my most annoying foe


fiddling with angle and not being close enough to throw them etc etc shatter scrolls are so great when you finally get em


Invisible Bhaalists... like... how many fucking times can you use that invisibility?! It's like: "Haha, here I am, I shoot you, oops I'm gone again, I dare you to find me!" and they repeat that shit like 3 TURNS IN A ROW! LET ME SEE YOU SO I CAN WHOOP YOUR ASSES!!


A lousy answer would be most at any given moment, too many to single out. But I especially hate those immobilisation-obsessed bastards, like the one in Cazador's fight constantly hitting sleep. edit: actually, especially the bastards that paralyse you with a claw hit.


The rolling lava balls in house of hope.


Those fucking death shepherds on the mountain pass…


Bhaalists, especially those ones that constantly turn invisible after attacking.


Gnolls are stupid strong.. And the githyanki are wew. Gith fights are always so difficult


The bhallist assholes with the stunning gaze ability that sanctuary themselves or go invisible at the end of every turn.


The shadows if you don’t have a light source after getting pixie blessing


Honestly any fight where the enemy just spawns in 5-10 more enemies pissed me off