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They are looking for moderators... 🙄 >I’m looking for moderators, who can keep the high quality content flowing in this subreddit. This is a safe-space for feminists to explore their kinks. There’s a lot of spam posts which needs to be filtered out regularly to keep the genuine posts on front. If you are willing to moderate, send me a chat. Bonus points, if you already have some moderation experience. I'm mildly offended he's cooped the word 'safe-space' to mean degridading women when they are promoting corrective rape, like they do for lesbians. It's just more proof to me, that the words lesbian, feminist, man-hater, etc mean the same thing to them and it's just an excuse to terrorize gender non-conforming people. I have listened to a podcast about the "league of extroydinary trolls" about taking over abusive subs from the inside, but it's not my style. I can't imagine pretending for that long. They do have a verification system in place, so this one might be difficult to get banned, but i will keep my fingers crossed.


I mean look at the sub GoonetteHub, how do you stop females from degrading themselves openly?


Some of those are misleadning tho. Often something looks like a selfie, but then if you look through the user's history they are posting similar pictures of many different women. I think they must collect selfies from dating sites or something. I've encountered users on there who are so demanding about sending pictures it's pretty disturbing.


Yeah it's just way too much effort. It is fun though if you can get the head mod suspended and then get full control over the sub. Did that a few times in the past, was glorious. Wouldn't do it now though, I got too lazy.


Ok now you are giving me ideas to do in my free time...