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https://preview.redd.it/b4270auo586d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e15deefefb9cef3f08e3f41027a05c5bde0f07b7 The op has owned a lab before hopefully she realizes the difference and doesn’t allow the comments to convince her this is “normal”.


Nah the loudest and stupidest voices will win unfortunately. She going to learn the hard way :/


Right? The guy talking about turning his back on the pitbull. No way in hell I'd ever turn my back on one of those things unless I was trying to run away from it as fast as possible 🤦🏾‍♀️


I was thinking the same thing, like what the hell kind of idiot turns their back on a pitbull showing aggression???


Lmao just like the tiktok posted recently of a pitbull pulling it's owner down by her hair. Not a good idea.


Yup, saw that!


Death by weeping angel is a better fate


The shame of "giving up" on a dog will stop her from rehoming it. She'll blame herself, and not the dog. [If you want a look at the future, just look at this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/1d95r18/today_i_made_the_heart_wrenching_decision_to/) This person isolated themselves in a cabin away from all other animals and people, and that dog still tried to kill her. The poster was very honest and clear about her mindset and what led her down this path. I encourage everyone to read the post and their replies on it, a lot of the times it's easy to think pit bull nuts are just stupid and evil for lack of a better word, but a lot of the time it's just pit bull culture preying on the empathy people have for animals. >Would it have helped if the decision was taken out of your hands when she bit your ex ? >*Yes it absolutely would have helped. I was not in my right mind and it's very hard to make the decision once the dog is part of the family for a long time, coupled with the dog rescue culture that had been ingrained in me that she was my child and I should never give up on her. This dog was my only form of companionship the last three years because I couldn't be around anyone else.* 


That’s why I shared this. I honestly feel really bad for the op. There’s so much shame and misinformation in the dog community especially when it comes to pits. I at the very least hope she reaches out to a veterinarian behaviorist.


Well that was a big mistake. Why get a pit after owning a lab ?


Honestly probably because of the adopt don’t shop movement and the push to make pits “family dogs”. I can’t hate on this woman, I mostly just feel bad for her. People say to do your own research but there is soooo much misinformation out there. Pits often show up in lists like “best family dogs”, “best dogs with children”, “least aggressive breeds”, ect. On top of that you have commenters telling her this is normal puppy behavior.


They show up for “best breeds with cats” a lot. There’s also a *lot* of work put into making them seem like perfect family dogs. When my family first moved to colorado my mother was so excited that pits were banned in our area. Now, she’s trying to get me to adopt from a shelter that’s 90% pit and saying shit like she’s more afraid of a chihuahua in a mix than a pit. This lobby is insidious and intense.


Poor woman. I hope she doesn’t allow herself to get really hurt before she gets rid of it.


Yeah I really hope she’s not convinced a dog making you bleed repeatedly is normal.


Puppies do mouth. But not growl when they do. I hate these dogs so much. People are lied to. I’m glad I woke up even if I’m a bit paranoid now.


Better to be paranoid than to end up in a situation like this, where you have an aggressive dog and people are telling you that’s normal. God, I hope nothing bad happens to this person.


These people make me absolutely sick with their "aLl DoGs BiTe 🤪🤪" bs narrative. Stop fucking lying in an ass backwards attempt to normalize that shit


Normal puppies stop when you show pain. You may get bitten hard a few times as it learns how fragile human skin is related to another dog's, but it should get less and less frequent with time. No special training is needed for that, showing pain and stopping the play is sufficient. Pitbulls have had that instinct bred out of them though and they frequently kill each other, even as puppies, because they don't respond to normal signs of appeasement. Being continually bitten to bruises with skin broken, and getting *more* obvious signs of excitement when showing pain is very abnormal. You won't be able to train that out no matter what you do, because hurting things *is the reward for them*.


My puppy mouthed me for a little while around that time but just to play, never bruised me or broke my skin ever and certainly never growled, they don’t show aggression the way they show play. The fact that pitbutters can’t distinguish between those two things makes me sad for them.


Puppies also don't tend to leave bleeding bite wounds and major bruises all over. I've had dogs all my life, herding breed dogs, and not a single one has left me bleeding and bruised all the time as puppies. Not a single one had me even remotely thinking "is this puppy not normal?" People confuse biting with mouthing too often. Yes, puppies mouth before they learn bite inhibition (which does not take long), but because its a form of play, they aren't trying to hurt. Some people even emulate a pain response to teach puppies bite inhibition. Because they *don't want to hurt their playmate*. People get this ridculous idea that puppies can't possibly show signs of aggression. Aggression is either genetic, or caused by a mental instability, which means yes they can. Its often very rare to see it in a dog under a year old, but when you do, its a very bad sign. And I rolled my eyes so hard at that one person's comment about how his working breed dogs remained "mouthy brats" until 2-3 years old. Not a flex, my guy, not at all. It just shows your shit at training dogs. My working breed dogs all had bite inhibition down flat within their first week home and never used their mouth on a person ever. Of your training and stimulating your working breed dog properly, they won't be mouthy brats past maybe 5 months. Bad dog owners giving bad dog advice.


TBF I've known a few dogs who do growl during play, but it's like a goofy-sounding fake growl (usually playing tug or roughhousing is what makes them do it), and if there's any mouthing it should never break skin unless *you* are the one being too rough, like you moved your hand too fast and whacked it into the dog's teeth lol. Truly good-tempered dogs learn quickly to hold back when playing


Yeah this hurts… bruised and bleeding.. when she probably just wants a companion.


Only people who've never owned a normal dog would think "all puppies do this" Every dog I've ever own/raised knew not to put their mouth on me in about two weeks time. Including my heelers!


We got our heeler when he was a teenage terrorist that nobody really taught any manners to, and he still didn't take very long to learn no teeth allowed. He chomped down hard on my thigh once going for a basketball we were playing with. Bruised the crap out of me but no blood. I just quit playing that game with him and getting him so hyped up in general and it never happened again. These people are crazy.


My jack russell kept play biting for a couple of months but then again just a minor inconvenience, never broke skin once. A piece of stale bread also did the trick to get him to chew on something to ease the teeth growing pain


This whole thing is off. Puppies don't BITE, or at least they shouldn't, to the point of being covered in marks and bruises. The fact that the puppy drew blood is scary. If it were a normal breed I would think the dog was taken away from mother too young and never learned bite inhibition. But the sad truth is it doesn't matter. Pits are gonna pit. 


Yes most puppies do nibble and can be “mouthy” but they don’t break skin and draw blood repeatedly.


A lot of animals can be "mouthy", there's a very common behavior called mouthing affection where an animal puts its mouth on you as if to bite, but puts absolutely no to very very little pressure. It is not mouthing affection if they are hurting you and a domestic animal, sometimes animals like bears and hyenas can accidentally hurt when mouthing but even wildcats rarely ever even put any pressure if they are mouthing and not biting. Pit owners seem to not know the difference


Pit owners don't want to know the difference. They want excuses for their hellbeasts and to normalize their bad behavior.


My yorkie bites my hand when she's happy and tries to catch my attention, she puts zero pressure though Puppies bitting you until you bleed is not normal!


My last golden (and to a lesser extent, my current one) loved to "hold hands" with people. He would gently grab your hand in his mouth and just look at you and wag his tail. Sometimes he would try to lead you somewhere (like where his treats are) but he would never leave any marks. You'd end up with a wet hand but that's it, not even depression marks from his teeth. I miss that guy.


Even when my French mastiff was a little bitch (literally and figuratively lol) she managed to tear holes in my sleeve without her teeth even touching my skin. And even then she learnt a lot quicker to stop jumping at me than the... Thing we also have now.


Exactly, I had a 200 lb Neopolitan Mastiff from 6 wks old at the age of 21, first dog of my own. Never NOT once, did he break or bruise skin in his mouthy stage. And looking back at it now, I had NO business owning such a dog at such a young age with no experience but he didn’t hurt me or anyone else. Even with the little I knew of raising a pup.


Yeah my puppy tried to mouth but was quickly redirected and learned to not do that behavior. He is a mix of a mouthy breed as well (golden retriever).


Same, one of my beagles was mouthy but learned not to do that because we would leave him alone and not play with him when he would get bitey. Worked quickly because he wanted to be around the rest of us. It's funny though, 3 years later, he hasn't bit again but I STILL don't trust him to be unsupervised around my kids or anyone elses. 


Whole lotta Facebook experts doing their best to get OOP killed in a year or two. At which point the dog will promptly become Notapitbull because pit bulls don’t exist!


Orrrrr they will say “see she was asking these questions she clearly wasn’t a good dog owner!!!”


Oh they will 100% cry abuse/bad owner ùù!when that dog inevitability mauls or outright kills


If I have to spend all that energy training my dog not to bite me I don’t want the dog lol


Puppy teething? Yeah sure. Puppy full on biting and growling? Absolutely the fuck not


Thats the thing too, puppies don't bite when they're teething. They *chew*. Teething behavior is meant to help ease the soreness in the gums. Dogs do this by *chewing* things. *Not* by biting. And teething has an easy remedy. Cold chews. Ice cubes work great. Or a puppy teething toy, designed with the ridges and grooves to help ease the ache.


Lotta arm chair vets in there.


Looks like the average shelter pit… did she “rescue” it? Look at those walls…. Jesus


Just noticed that. Poor woman is trying to patch the walls. She’s doomed


lmao i was too busy laughing at the hotdog outfit. These people are insane


And the door.


I didn’t even notice the wall at first. Just adds another red flag. 😬


Notice the holes in the wall and the door That dog is a ticking bomb, I pray god she gets rids of it before a tragedy happens


Pitbulls *are* just different. My neighbor had one (that he eventually had to drop at the shelter due to her attacking a small dog) Before I was aware of how dangerous pits really were, I felt bad and would try to play with her. She was so overstimulated all of the time because he didn’t provide her with any enrichment inside or take her on walks because it was too difficult. “Playing” with her was honestly scary. She would grab your hands hard with her mouth and I remember being scratched and bleeding. I had fallen asleep over there a few times, I would always wake up to MJ (the pit) snoring on top of me. I can see how they could trick people into thinking they are normal dogs for a while. Scary


Holy shit it’s like an abusive relationship and they’re all the husbands family. No one is acknowledging that she is bleeding and injured by this dog repeatedly!


I thought the same thing when Iread the comments. Unfortunately, there are people that recognize the bleeding and downplay it. It's likely that if they are gaslighting her as well as themselves. The entire pitstooge culture is rife with manipulation and toxicity.


I’ve been nipped by many puppies, sure it hurts, but it never breaks skin or bruises because that’s not their intention. This dog obviously intends to do this woman harm and I hope she gets rid of it before she ends up having a trip to the ER


i have a bernie puppy and she’s a straight up brat. but never once has she broken skin on me. I would find a hard time justifying multiple instances of biting with force and drawing blood as “puppy behavior”. Pit behavior? Yes. Puppies do not act like this. These people pull whatever sounds right for the situation out of their ass to try and defend their choice of having this breed. Deep down they know that this is not normal. At least I hope so


My little dog learned immediately when he first nipped hard once, and I yelped and pulled away. He's never done it since (that was two years ago). That's how dogs play. Yes, they're mouthy, but they pick up on cues and know not to bite too hard. This lady's dog bites as hard as it can? I'm sure she's yelling too, but for a pitbull, it won't matter. It'll just INCREASE the aggression. It'll realize it has you where it wants you. As for "demonic phase"... WTH is that? 😈


> As for "demonic phase"... WTH is that? The whole lifetime of a pit.


Are there helpful comments as well as these stupid ones?


Most comments look like these with a few at least telling her she’s need to see a behaviorist.


The one that pitbulls can’t be reprimanded🥴 oh and name Karma will surely come back to literally bite her! “I just ignore her!”


The fact they are saying that the dog biting and breaking the skin is normal not to mention all the bruises. This is not normal as we all know. Isn't it mad how they suggest neglecting the dog ti get it to behave. Seriously 🙄 That dog already looks very disturbed and angry. No amount of hotdog costumes and toxic advice is going to help this dog. It's already broken skin and has tasted blood. Now it's going to see that when you bite a human it will taste good. This breed loves blood, especially eating the fat and tissue from a human. I really hope the dog gets BE'd it's not even worth the hassle "trying" to train it. It's just denial at this stage. This dog is extremely dangerous. The fact it's doing this much of damage as a pup speaks volumes.


Good God, those people are delusional. This is how pitbull owners wind up dead


>why is my dog so aggressive She says while posting a pic of a reactive dog with some stupid shit strapped onto it that’s clearly making it uncomfortable


So confidently WRONG: "ALL puppies \[constantly bite hard enough to break skin and cause bleeding, and bark and growl at you\]. I've had maybe 5 dogs over my life raised from puppies ( as a child and as an adult). NONE of them did this. The most they did was a little nibble w/ needley puppy teeth on occasion - never broke skin, never growled at me. A little play bark or a bark to get my attention, that's it. They did all chew things like any shoe they could get, pieces of wood, etc. Not human flesh.


This is pretty common for pit bull puppies. Not all, but enough for it to seem "normal" to the lunatics in the comments. It's not a good sign of future temperament.


The "pitbulls are not naturally aggressive" crowd are getting stupider, or just plain lying, at a disturbing rate


Stupider… hmm, maybe rock bottom does have a basement. Lying… yeah, they open their mouth and lies spill out. It seems to come naturally to them.


Put it down before it eats your face.


It is like Cult or something


Uhg and the pit community will shame her :( I hope she has some other friends who can knock some sense into her before this dog severely disfigures her or kills her


“Demonic phase” ahahahahahahaha 


20 hours of sleep seems fucking wild.


A little high but not too crazy. Dogs actually need quite a bit more sleep than humans.


20 hours seems like an exaggerated amount for what they said was 4 months. Unless pitbulls require 20 hours for a longer period. I get that the comment said "up to", but it's framed almost like if the dog isn't getting those 20 hours, it's the owner's fault they're getting attacked.


Jesus, the advice. My advice is simple, get rid of the dog before the dog gets rid of you.


I find it amazing that these people can actually give some good advice but then tell the most stupid thing right after. They actually have the brain cells to know that puppy need training and sleep and give some good advice on the training (like redirecting to a toy or pointing out that they need 20 hours of sleep), and yet find it normal they bite until you bleed. For once, I almost had hope, but they always need to gaslight and blame the victims. Also, why is that dog wearing a hot dog? 😂


Just because you put it in a hotdog outfit doesn’t mean it’s not gonna rip your shit apart lol


I hadn't even noticed initially![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I feel bad for her. Those people pretending that is normal behaviour have blood on their hands.


There's a difference between a puppy teething or testing bites with their mouth and full on sending their canines into your arm to break skin and hurt you. Dogs are smart enough to limit their biting, even pits believe it or not. When a dog growls and bites you hard enough that it's painful and they do it to get you away, that's not "being just a puppy".


telling someone to hold food in their hand but not give it to a pitbull to "calm it down" has got to be one of the WORST FUCKING IDEAS i've ever heard. that's LITERALLY SO DANGEROUS. it won't calm the demon down. it'll make it aggressive and attack in order to obtain the food. wtf.


Yeah I predict it learns if it bites hard enough the hand will drop the food.


I mean it is a phase all pups go through but all of my pups have grazed me using teeth maybe a couple of times over a few weeks while I was getting the message across that we don't play like that, to hurt. It is supposed to be fun for us both and every dog I have ever had understood that. I've had terriers, spaniels, labs, vislas, weimeramars that will roll around and play fight without even making indents in my skin let alone braking it. These things are not pets to me. They are mentally unsafe more like cougars, they have no place living among us.


'Thats how kids play, they stab each other with rusty knives.' Thing is trying to fucking eat her, holy shit. Most dogs dont seem to really bite. If they do its super gentle. (Unless the owner has no idea how to handle their dog).


I hate when my puppies enter a "demonic phase" when they're tired.


Lay off the mustard first of all. And redirect it to door.....um, so it can finish the job. Wait, so 3 people didn't get that was a joke about the hot dog outfit, and the hole in the door ?


My dog was a very mouthy and wild puppy, my arms, unusable clothes and chairs know what I'm talking about. But he never broke skin. Edit: Ny dog growls when he's playing, at first I was scared that it was something bad, but soon I learnt that dogs have sometjing called "play growl" and that's what mine does. It sounds extremley different from the regular growl everyone thinks about.


Hmm, dress up an aggressive and anxious looking dog in a daft costume, great idea. I haven't much to say to this all to common problem with pits, except if you have an animal which is prone to bite, maybe avoid pissing it off further by putting it into a hotdog suit (or pyjamas, flower crown and tutu etc)...


"All puppies bite and growl, it's how they play." No, all *pitbull* puppies do this. Normal puppies - i.e., puppies of literally every other breed - stop biting when the thing they are biting shows pain. I swear to god, pitnutters are so uneducated and delusional about what constitutes normal dog behavior.


Op can you reach out to the author of the post? Give her some constructive information instead of lies by the pitbull propaganda team? It’s better for her to rehome now than wait until it matures and can really hurt them. Maybe give here the link to our page/ an info page she can look into about breed info. I feel like we should be sharing with people like this. If we see posts on fb, we should reach out ( I don’t use fb or I would ask if I could).


The poor owner! I hope they get a dog better suited to them. Meaning a dog that doesn't want to attack. Honestly this post reminded me of my partner's puppy. She's part Pitt and as I haven't been around dogs since I was a child I thought I had just forgotten how bad the "mouthy" stage was. The puppy is 6 mo ths old now and when she gets playful all she wants to do is nip at me which I try to stop and she will still nip and bite my boyfriend. She seems unable to learn to not. And reading these comments I thought maybe it was normal behavior. He's had the dog since March and she still has not unlearned the behavior. She also wants to chase down my cat and seems to get frustrated when I reprimand her over it. Gosh I hate his dog so much.


A *hot dog BUN COAT*-? That's for dachshund-tormenting purposes ! Why would you put anything except a wiener dog in a bun coat ; makes no sense...


Madness Also she's going to get seriously injured by her dog while its dressed like a hotdog.


This is insane. My current shepherd now and the one before were incredibly mouthy. The current one was a pup when I got her so yes she went through puppy teething phase. Never broke skin once. The one before was a year old when I got her, completely full of herself and no training. She liked to chomp on my arm when she waa frustrated with me for not letting her get away with her nonsense. I got that trained out of her quickly. No bruises no blood.  She came from herding stock too. Liked to nip at my legs while walking but never made contact. Got that trained out of her too with lots of walks. And she was completely not treat motivated. High energy. Never destroyed my house, no wall chewing. She dug a few holes but that's dogs. She never got aggressive. Not once. So no that pit is not just "being a puppy."


This looks like the one that attacked my dog when he was a puppy and left him with trauma, just younger and less stocky.


Bro I remember one time I adopted a black mutt puppy with scabies, she was SO DESTRUCTIVE and energetic, ran around like a torpedo around the house, chew on everything nearby, destroyed so many shoes, yet she absolutely never ever hurt me or my other dog. This is nefarious, I really hope the owner realizes it's not normal, seeing as she had a lab before.


Yeah, it is normal behavior for pits. That’s exactly why they shouldn’t be owned by anyone 🙄


“Pitbulls are not like other dogs” and also “there is no such thing as a pitbull” and you can’t “define a pitbull”but they aren’t like the other dogs. Also they are just like other dogs it’s just how you raise them. Pitbulls are different but also they are not.


My demon dog is trying to kill me. any tips?


I know thse people are god awful pigs but seeing them turn against each other and ouroboros out is funny.


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Puppies do growl and bark and jump up but they do NOT bite your hand as hard as they can. My muttley dog came from Romania- off the streets- at 11 months old. He’s definitely a chewer but now he’s 2+ years old he’s settled down a lot. He’s great with my cats, is wonderfully calm around other dogs and small children - he mostly ignores them - and has a “soft” mouth. He was house trained in just over a week, learned *sit*, *down*, *flat*, *wait*, and *stay* within a couple of weeks. We’re still working on the recall; he knows what’s expected but sometimes he just looks like he’s giving you the finger! Walks beautifully on and off the leash. He’s a sighthound of some sort and the only dog I’ve ever seen outrun him was a Whippet. So it’s not ALL dogs that are aggressive and untrainable, it’s just Pit Monsters.


That person is gonna get eaten by a dog dressed up like a hot dog and that is just hilarious for everyone involved, except for the crime scene cleanup crew I suppose.


Idk a family dog that I know was the same way at 4 months. She literally bit my arm and wouldn't let go. I was bruised up pretty good. It was all play with loose body language, but she really didn't have much bite inhibition. It took a lot of squealing and withdrawing when she would bite too hard, but now she's an Angel at 5 years old. I don't think this is super uncommon.


Oh she bites you on the hand? Just get some FOOD and feed it to her by hand and that will fix it. She definitely won’t maul your hand to get to the food 🤔


this is a very ugly dog i hate pitbull so much why do people in love with them so much. to me i told myself it seem like saviour complex to me. go volenteering at pet store or senior house dont adopt gross pitbull who hurt innocent children and adults and small animals