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You can't give orders like protect left flank but you can click F6 and ,,sergeants will take command" 😅


Tried that, they just suicide their troops into the enemy


Assign commanders with high tactics levels


you need to assign commanders with high tactis and leadership


Wait until late game dealing with the “diplomacy”, being constantly at war with 3 factions at a time is thrilling… just becomes stale and it’s onto a NEW PLAYTHROUGH just to do it all again. I have 1500 hours and love the game, but it needs some work, or a lot, either way.


I gotta say I like your hot take. I feel the same although I played about 300 hrs. I mostly like the freedom to kinda do whatever I want. I beat their story once (1.7.2). After that I made my own. I did a Norse head hunter play through were I mad my guy really good at swinging an axe and having a large party to well, chop every head off i could find. I wish I could own just a castle and create like mercenary guild/ fortress, and still function as a mercenary. Just started using mods. My first 3 were "realistic battle AI module", " scatter around expanded" and "bandit nations" on 1.8 and it made a world of change for me. Unfortunately for 1.8 crashes often especially anything to do with a siege. Mods are what really excite me for this game, the creative minds out there are creating truly amazing things. If I'm being honest I wouldn't mind if the devs just gave out the game saying here's a blue print and all the tools make whatever anyone wants. I still like vanilla but like people have said it's been 2 years and it's progressing at a snails pace. Now I'm not an expert on how difficult it is to make a game so I can't fault them on that.


I think stability could just be your PC perhaps? I have other 300 hours on Bannerlord and haven't crashed a single time


The game is shallow and empty sadly. We gotta wait or use mods to fix it. Devs are focusing on improving optimization and it works. I am geting a lot more fps than early access/release. Stability: Over 160 hours on 1.7.2 I experienced only 1 crash. Gameplay: Loop is lacking, but they improving it. What we really need rn is tweak perks/skills to make them actually fun and boost lvling of companions by 100-500% or give some way to lvl them. The game mainly suffers from late game being dead ass boring empty. Early/mid game is fun tho. The world: Vlandians aren't really op. All factions are imbalanced rn, but who cares since they are tweaking armor and need to fix AI badly. So units should be tweaked last if they gonna work with basics. Combat orders: Yes we lack a lot of them. Worst is unit AI and facgt it scales with unit skill. So 150 skill unit uses only half of the AI real power. Hope they buff the AI a little bit more, because I don't want a single legionare to be overpowered by 2 looters simply by quantity. Compared to warband armor/power strike/proficiency difference between T1-T5 units was HUGE. In bannerlord not so much and it hurts to see. 1. I think it's, because bandits are dumb. Also as I said AI needs some tweaking (for tactics too). You skipped questing tho? 2. Yes, there's too limited amount of quests. I guess they are too lazy to make new ones (even tho it takes only few minutes to write new quests...). 3. True, they should make battles/wars/campaings longer. Devs went for "quick/fun" game, but in the result we got something worse and boring. 4. You didn't mention income :D. Yes, you can also babysit your village to increase food/prosperity of your castle, but yeah. Half of the castle buildings are useless and it takes ages to build em. Also bonuses are pretty minimal. They also took away village upgrades. **Fell free to quit or try out mods really. Game is bad/shallow/empty.** The core game is fun. RPG elements are fun, however they are all lacking in native version. They fixed and improved a lot of features in 1.8 so I expect even better/bigger changes in next patches.


Careful, all criticism of the game will be downvoted and devs aren't working on optimization, but are working on another game, hence the updates being soooo lackluster.


Excuse me? You got any source for that? Like if they wanted to work on another game in all due respect, but it would be in their best interest to just finish it in lackluster form and fully focus on other game. Almost everyone on reddit/forum sh\*\*\* on the game, but community accepts it and understands it since it's EA. No one really gets banned for it (just check my posts, almost all are shi\*\*\* on the game empty gameplay. True updates are lack luster, but you can see as a modder that there's plenty of code changes regarding some basic/core functions. That's why mods keep breaking.


There rly isn't anything official. Right now its officially a rumour, but they were hiring for a sci fi game, but quickly removed those from their website bc, well... the outcry on the forums. I also saw a vid with some other game on their yt channel were they talked about using the same engine for other games ( even made a mini game) and this info is at least 1 year old. Personally this is the only way i can explain the very slow progress of the game. And yes i agree, it should be in their best interest to first finish Bannerlord (or to not make it shit) and then start another game. I know that they are mainly focusing on the code aspect (it did get better), but its not that their whole team is only coding, whats with the rest: art, quests,world building, more diplomacy options etc and if they are working so much on the code, why is it always so little. There must be smth else going on, such as another game. Yes i know its EA, but its been 2 years, the SP still feels like release (for me Personally) and the MP is dead with broken servers.


Well a rumour it is. Slow progression can be also explained by a new engine (however it's been 12 years and that's **a lot of time** even for an engine). Rest of the team like art/world building is taking care of towns (heh), which one one visits/explores. Thing is (atleast that's how i explain it to myself) when they are ignoring for example weak workshops. It's because they are going to change something that the workshop depends on. For example latest economy overhaul/change. They also fixed caravans and other behaviour. This might break some of their changes if they were making em. Another example is what would happen if they spent any time on balancing units and just last patch changed armor values by a huge margin. Making all the time they would spend on unit balancing go to waste (however it's very simple and shouldn't take a lot of time). Anyway I agree their changes are minimal/take a lot of time/ don't bring up any/much to the game. I hope that 1.8 was first of the good patches.


yea 1.8 looks promising, but sadly thats it. after 2 years only having 1 good update is...well...not very good


There were more updates regarding otpimization. My game went from barely 15-30 fps on release with 1k army up to 60-90 somewhat stable. That's insane/inredible performance gain. Just no one talks or mentions it in patch notes.


If you are patient, you may get to the faction leader phase, its the most fun in my opinion.


It may just be me talking nonsense, but I recall the companions in warband being more fleshed out and memorable than in banner Lord. After I recruit a guy in banner Lord I literally never talk to them ever again.


Yes they did occasionally start conversations with you for various reasons