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Must be nice to be busy enough to be picky


Maybe your 20-somethings are running off business. All jokes aside, they're just so rarely a good clientele. I actually remember it being somewhat common when I was in my early 20s. I can recall a few places on Long Island that were 25+. I think most of the strip clubs were all 25+. Obviously if you live in a college town or small market where the young irresponsibles are the only ones out on a Tuesday, you have little choice. But for a large city market, great idea.


> I can recall a few places on Long Island that were 25+ Same in Westchester, specifically White Plains.


In my younger days I remember a few bars that were 25+. Oddly enough, they only enforced it on one gender.


If we didn't have 20 somethings, we would be out of business


It would probably be a poor financial decision, but would it be acceptable to ban boomers? Edit: Why is it acceptable to discuss banning 20 somethings but unacceptable to discuss banning boomers? It seems like obvious hypocrisy?


In my 25 years of bartending, 20 somethings have caused way more problems than boomers... in bars. Of course, way fewer boomers go to the bars I have worked at, and they are much easier to corral if something goes off the rails as they are much older. That being said, I think 21 is a good marker. They seem to be more respectful and moderated in bars than my generation was at that age, and you can always kick assholes out of your bar at any age.


As someone who has "boomer" parents, I can assure you, they don't want to drink with people who don't own a home. Only people who work hard have those.


Would love to ban boomers, from voting, commenting, leaving the house...


🤣🤣🤣 love this


Some cranky boomer actually downvoted this, so I negated that one.


I like how your comment and the two below, supporting comments are all three downvoted at least 5 times each, but with no comment back. It’s a fair question. It’s silly business practice suggestion, obviously, but it’s a fair question within this context.


And that's what I don't understand. It's a fair question, and I don't mind getting downvotes, but at least make a comment about why? Without commentary, I can only contribute it to entitlement among some generations.


Yeah it wouldn’t work for us. We got a large space to fill.


Looking at the place 20 year olds couldn't afford it anyways


Amazed 20 somethings are drinking instead of smoking pot.


What about young service men and women?Â