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Our minds are not meant to mindlessly repeat the exact same shit for 40 or more hours a week. We have a mechanism within us to get us to avoid that called becoming bored and craving to do something else.




It always has been.


I don't understand why people do not simply pick up hobbies while retired. There are a tons of hobbies I would love to pursue daily that I can't because I need to pay bills.


Do they still have routine jobs? Asking for a friend.


more likely people with early stage dementia just tend to gravitate to routine jobs because they’re easier to manage than more cognitively demanding jobs


Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me that you didn’t read the article.


i actually did read the article. i’m disagreeing with some of the conclusions drawn from the study, and instead suggesting that people in the early stages of dementia would be more likely to be working routine jobs bc they have a harder time handling more cognitively stimulating jobs. not that the routine jobs are somehow contributing to the development of dementia


They’re looking at people who took jobs well before cognitively decline. It tracked people starting in their 30’s. I guess what you’re saying is that people that are likely to suffer cognitive decline in their 60’s would 40 years prior choose less education, and therefore choose a less stimulating occupation?


that’s fallacious because it’s incredibly difficult to pinpoint when cognitive decline starts. when dementia is formally diagnosed, it’s usually many years into the process once the brain has significantly deteriorated. i contend that the alzheimer’s or LBD process can 100% start in your 30s and lead to subtle changes in cognition that may influence career choice towards routine jobs that are easier to manage


The study in the article states they were tracking from age 30 so it must’ve been the un-stimulating work that caused the mental decline.


now who didn’t read my comment? the process of dementia can have already started at the age of 30 or below. it can take decades of mental decline before symptoms become noticeable enough for a clinical diagnosis


Wouldn’t you do some sort of baseline analysis on the test subjects to determine the definition of what you are testing for. To make sure mental deficiencies don’t already exist


you’re misunderstanding me. the process of mental decline happens for years before it’s bad enough to be picked up on cognitive testing. yet it still affects cognitive ability in subtle and difficult to notice ways. these difficulties may not be fully understood early on, but can play a significant unconscious role in why someone may choose a routine job


Like when I buy an extended warranty on my 1999 Suzuki Grand Vitara?


I don’t think it’s simply routine jobs; I think if you work a job that doesn’t require any new learning then you don’t get much protection. For example, an elementary school teacher. Those people have a college degree and don’t do menial or repetitive work, but they also rely on what they already know day after day. Their jobs don’t provide mental challenges. Keep learning and challenging your brain!!