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man if ur putting on close to one pound a day its going to be mostly fat im guessing and sm muscle mass. thats adding a lot more useless weight ur legs have to move. when it cms to sports thrs a sweet spot between strength and remaining agile and manoeuvrable thats gonna be different for everyone but id say rn ur body simply doesnt have enough time to adapt to the rate ur putting on weight. u gotta find the balance.


Yeah that’s just a straight up dirty bulk and you will 100% be less athletic doing that


Hmm it depends, there is definitely a way to train for athleticism but sometimes the load of training and trying to ball to your max athletic ability compromises both the lifting and basketball. You might be carrying the weight well and maybe your vertical might even be better but if you are training to heavy intensity all the time you might not have enough left in the tank to do your best on the court. Maybe take it easy on the lifting i would also recommend looking into more athletic forms of training. Sprints and powercleans come to mind.


If you bulk that fast, it's mostly fat. The recommendations are more like 0.5lb per week while in a bulk phase, and even that recommendation might be reduced soon based on what I've heard some exercise scientists saying lately. How much did your squat increase? 3 weeks is not long at all for your body to adapt to the new training. My suspicion is that you've increased your body weight without improving strength all that much (yet), which will definitely reduce jump height, stamina, and sprinting speed.


1.4 lbs a day? Cap.


I'm being deadass bro, I can tell you my meal plan: Morning: 2 plates of eggs, potatoes, and either sausage or bacon + milk Middle of the day: I go to chic fil a to get a sandwich, fries, and a milkshake Dinner: Pizza, and then 2 plates of some type of meat (usually chicken or pork) some rice or potatoes, and then some veggies + more milk And I've been taking creatine.


Don't take creatine. Just water weight. Not muscle. Not functional. Keep lifting preferably functional exercises (squats and bench). Legs and core strength help a lot for explosion. Keep balling and eating a lot. Don't take creatine.


Yeah, especially if you're hooping, creatine will give you cramps


Yea. It’s just a fact that your vertical decreases with every pound you gain. You might adjust to playing at that weight but probably not. I’m playing at 220 just a few years removed from college playing at 185. I’m a shooter so I can still score, but I’m not slashing, beating guys off the trouble and scoring on fast breaks. Scoring more off post ups and Luka Doncic type drives where I use my weight and lean against defenders until I’m at the rim.


Lol you sound exactly like me. Game went from a pg/sg style to an old school pf that likes to pass out of the post


ur bulking way too hard respectfully. eat less and keep working explosive movements like squats deadlifts cleans etc. maybe some one leg plyometrics for the jumping ability. if u gain strength/explosiveness correctly you’ll become a better athlete. jus pack on like 2-3 lbs a month


You'll adjust and those gains will slow down. You might be tired if you're hitting it hard everyday, legs take a while to heal up and get their bounce back. There is definitely a line that people cross where they become musclebound and less effective, but look how swole Malone was, so don't worry about it if you're not juicing, especially if you started skinny. The key is to get lots of shots up after lifts, because you'll definitely tighten up and have different form. Shoot until you feel loose again on the day of the lift, if you can. If you get too many consecutive lifts in without resetting your shot, it'll take a long time to get it back.


Depends to what extent. If you've gained 20 pounds in 3 weeks, you've likely gained a lot of fat with the muscle. That's going to slow you down until your body gets used to it all. Remember, not all gained weight is good weight.


I added a lot of muscle in my early 30s ( I went from 190 lbs to 235). I didn’t lose any quickness or jumping ability but I was significantly stronger and people couldn’t move me. I pretty much owned the middle. I added yoga into my routine a few years after that and the improvement in body control/flexibility was amazing. The yoga probably had a bigger impact than the lifting. It’s why I’m still playing today.


3 weeks?  U need to rest and eat less for a couple days see if that fixes ur problems. 


Not so much. But it’s easy to optimize your weight again to achieve your desired level of athleticism. Even though more weight leads to less vertical, it becomes less important when you’re building muscle and losing fat. Enough to where, you’re only losing minimal muscle.


I personally started bulking too although it's not going great I gained around 4 to 5 kgs yet my jump became better tbh and it's probably bcz I kept my workout in such a way to train for strength along with explosiveness and also trained various other aspects which help me be a better athelete and honestly I am a way better player rn. Your athletic ability can be trained and you just need to focus on that aspect if you want to be able to be a not just be a strong player who can't move on the court.


There's no way that's muscle. Too much too soon.


It may be a lot of fat tbh I've been eating a bunch of chic fil a and pizza everyday.


10 lbs of solid muscle would be a great year.


Even if you put on pure muscle it will negatively impact your athleticism to some extent, unless you're dramatically underweight. The most athletic people in the world ie. Olympic high jumpers, long jumpers, and hurdlers are almost always extremely lean without a ton of muscle mass. They are strong but not big. If you are worried about pure athleticism, you want to be as light as possible without being dramatically underweight.




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That your lifts need to be purposed for your sport and your play style is a very important concept for your to keep in mind if you are trying to play at a high level (collegiate or beyond). Basketball as a sport requires a tremendous amount of aerobic fitness and if you put on 20 lbs recently you definitely arent used to carrying it period and especially not when hooping. 3 weeks is also really fast for that amount of weight gain which means it’s not as much explosive muscle as you think and more just water / fat / bad weight…but your legs might also just be exhausted from overtraining But going back to my first point - most basketball players aren’t huge guys and if they are built dudes their aerobic fitness is crazy and they train cardio relentlessly.


You can't gain that much weight that fast. It's probably just excess food and water weight. It's not actual muscle or fat. Probably a max of 7 to 10 lbs of actual weight, and that's if you're consuming 2k calories excess every single day with your workouts. That said, you can lose athleticism by gaining weight quickly. Your body needs time to adjust to weight changes. Additionally, doing squats will not make you faster or jump higher. There are some modifications you can do to get stronger, build muscle, AND get more athletic, but they aren't traditional powerlifting moves. You're going to want to look at olympic lifting. If that's too complicated, because it is a very difficult discipline to get started with, you can do box squats, hexbar deadlifts, heavy sled push/pull combos, and things like that.


Short answer: do what works for you. If your game is worse that may be telling you something I am also tall and thin at 6’2” 180ish and I relied on quickness and footwork on the court. Guys would always under-estimate me yet I could guard guys that were 6‘4” and 220 pounds. I never ever feared a bigger player, I feared a faster/better player. I bulked once when I was younger and I felt it helped, but it wasn’t anything like you are doing - maybe 10-12 pounds of muscle. With my body type I just had a limit to what I could gain. Overall I liked some weights but felt that I responded better to core stuff and later I did yoga. if you study NBA players there’s two sides. Michael Jordan famously bulked up in the 90s and he felt it helped his stamina and ability to withstand physical play. He was great of course, but technically his shooting % went down vs Skinny 80s MJ. On the flip side, Byron Scott really bulked up and I thought it affected his game in a bad way. at the end of the day, I can think of any better advice than that of Mr. Miyagi in the Karate Kid: Daniel son, you need balance.


You have to keep active and playing basketball while gaining weight. I’d start doing plyometrics to get the most out of the gained muscle. In my experience, lifting weights has helped significantly. Went from barely dunking, to drop step dunking easily. Also you will have an advantage over any player that doesn’t lift weights.


Cool it on the calories bro. Putting on too much fat will have diminishing returns in the gym and on court.


I just wanted to gain weight quickly, I thought if I was going to the gym and eating a lot it would be muscle.


Dirty bulks used to be really popular back in the day and still are to an extent, but you can only put on so much muscle at a time (noob gains are about 2 lbs a muscle a month or so) and studies have shown that putting too much weight on is counterproductive and can hurt your muscle endurance and recovery which will affect your gains, let alone definitely fuck up your ability to play basketball. If you think about it, you maybe put on a few pounds of muscle, the rest is just fat. It's not doing you any good. Just make sure you're getting your protein (.8 to 1 gram per lb of body weight), creatine if you aren't already, and a slight calorie surplus of maybe 100-200 calories. I've done bulks like you're doing and done it the "right" way as well and it really does make a difference. Plus you'll feel way better lol


Finding the right balance is key to peak performance


Working out makes you tired. Taper off closer to a big tryout or game and watch your bounce come back.


You put on weight way, way too quickly. Like putting that amount of weight on in two MONTHS would still be a bit too fast, though if you started skinny less of a big deal. Take it from me, I was an athlete my whole life, but skinny (mostly soccer), 6' 165-175. In college I dirty bulked. Haven't lost all that weight yet, over a decade later. Especially as a beginner, you don't need to eat that much to build muscle.  Since you said you were skinny I will assume like 150 pounds tops. 15 pounds is a ten percent weight gain. Shouldn't be too surprising that you can't jump as high and move as fast. 


I started 130 (at 5'10") now I'm 148. Here's my diet: Breakfast: 2 plates of eggs, potatoes, bacons/sausage and a few glasses of milk Lunch: Chic fil a sandwich, fries, milkshake Dinner: Few slices of pizza, some meat, usually chicken or pork, rice, veggies, + a few more glasses of milk


Not a nutritionist or anything, but that is a ton of dairy and grease. Not that surprising that your cardio is shit after that. I'd say start going into maintenance mode weight wise and eat whole carbs (rice, potatoes, beans), fresh meats, eggs, peanut butter if you start to lose weight, and cut your dairy intake by a lot. If you're heavy lifting, you'll still bulk up to at least 160 at that height without having to eat like that.