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Advice from a shooter…use your legs for power. That’s where the range comes from. If your shot is short then you need more legs. If your shot is long then your follow through was bad. If your shot is off line then your follow through was also bad. A lot of shooting power also comes from the triceps. You should be snapping your wrist at the top of your shot. You should be snapping your wrist to release the ball at the apex of your jump. It should be a fluid motion and there shouldn’t be any pause between the apex of your jump and release. The ball should ideally complete two revolutions before it hits anything. I hope I helped.


It’s a jump shot and you’re getting very little elevation on your shot. Need to jump and shoot towards the top of the jump which should generate enough power to shoot from distance.


One thing I would try is putting your feet a little closer together. It looks like you're losing some of your power coming from your legs because they're too far apart and they snap slightly closer together when you shoot.


It’s weird because I feel like I get a little more power with a wider base but watching back I can see how I’m snapping them closer. So I’ll try that out and be aware of losing power from unnecessary leg movements. Thanks!


Use your off hand for help. You’re letting go of the ball with your left hand too soon, making it too much of a one-handed shot. Your follow through should end with both arms up.


Watch Steph Curry shoot, specifically watch his off hand.


More legs for power. You're still on tiptoes on the ground.


my tip would be get some black socks and ditch the shades while hoopin


Haha I thought the kids were doing white crew socks these days


He wasn’t asking for appearance tips.