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Tbh you look like one who never had to play competitive ball as part of a team or against actual defense. Not to shit on you, there's some underlying skill and ability, but none of that would work in organized ball. Your handle, while well-ish controlled, doesn't actually do anything to create space (this was all relatively to very lazy defense) from the defender, it was also pretty vulnerable to anyone with active hands. You shot is also fairly low (but consistent which is good) and pretty far in front of you. Again, fine for casual pickup, but it'd be easily defended in organized ball. Also, quit the 5 crossovers in a row that don't do anything. Any dribble move that isn't getting you to the basket or creating space for an outside shot is a waste of energy and time -- or getting into a pass to a teammate. It's especially egregious when you do that for 15 seconds without passing. Lastly, you move like you've never made a girl orgasm and never will.


I definitely should have showcased more competitive games but from just watching this I would have said the same thing - also as far as being stiff I know 🥲


Julian Newman?


That was probably the worst insult you could give me that one hurt 😂😂


Selfish? 8 highlights and not a single pass


It’s 2v2 wouldn’t be very exciting to see kick out passes to corner but I get you


Lol, looks like you can dribble decently well but you’re not actually moving your defender. Your release point is pretty low and too forward. You look like you’re in really good shape!


It does look super stiff there and i always had a low set point lets me shoot so much farther i tried raising it but feels unnatural unless its a middi


Offseason Ben Simmons


Bro I saw him the other day while I was walking I almost said curry in the offseason


my 7-10yr olds would take that away on the second dribble.






A player who likes to get his shit packed. Release way too low with not enough separation to create a good shot


Surprisingly for having a painfully low set point don’t really get blocked that much I can get enough space with a hesi to get it off or just way beyond the 3 point line all these clips are from a really chill 2 on 2 session so defense was optional 😂😂


Ball hog type of player.


I pass I promise 🥲


Yes but all that ineffective dribbling is very common sign of being a ball hog. I'm not saying you are one, but that's the player type your style reminds me of.


In these clips I totally see your point in 2v2s it’s more just messing around and having fun than actual basketball


I don't have anything else than these clips to judge from. I'm not sure I'm getting the point. You wanted opinions what type of basketball player you are and now you say that you don't really play like the clips show. Post clips where you actually play basketball and you might get more accurate player comparisons.


I’m saying your right 😂😂 it was my fault for only posting this


dribble too much for no reason lol


Absolutely in these clips no one wanted to play defense so I was just dribbling the air out the ball


feel it. good time to do it. always fun to freestyle In this.. D'Russ 2015-2017 vibes with the left and iso emphasis.


It was cool everyone had fun


A kid who wants to be an influence ball player. You over dribble you angles of attack aren’t hard enough. You competition seems like they came over to chill and you forced them to play ball in your backyard.


Defense was definitely optional that day 😂😂


Are you trying to play at any level or just curious if you got natural raw talent?


The shot form looks like it’s painful but you splashin so whatever works haha


Thank you 😂😂


The way you play looks like an old head that only knows fundamentals but is trying hard to look like he has elite handles.


It’s because I have the flexibility of a geriatric 87 year old man


Critique: You perform a lot of unnecessary dribbles. You do a ton with your hands but your feet don’t really move and you never really explode. On the first highlight you break your defender down multiple times and then pull it out. Did he punch your grandma or steal your lunch because you broke him 12 times before making a move. Your goal while breaking a guy down should be to get to your spot using the fewest dribbles. A sign that you’ve broken a defender down is when their hips turn and they are start to run. You want to explode once the defender’s stance is broken as the rules give the offensive player an advantage if contact is made. You have a funky shot but it goes in so I’m not going to hate. NBA DRAFT PLAYER COMPARISON: Julian Newman if he were tall, white, and joined a boy band.


That was helpful and made me laugh… gold star ⭐️ and yea I have a tendency to always pull it back if it’s a competitive game I’m attacking the first opening I see


Basketball player


I see some Austin Reaves in your game. Especially with the footwork in the paint .


Post work is always fun! I had a couple more clips but I didn’t want to make a super long video


You’re the type of player I would smoke. You’re really nice for a civilian though 😜


One that wastes alot of dribbles. Every shot you took could have been done in 4 dribbles or less. You're doing too many moves to even notice easy opportunities to score or pass.


I am more concerned with the defense those guys play!


Wait there were people playing defense?


You saw someone play defense in the clip?


It was a Sunday 2 on 2 session there was no defense haha


Dude u need to loosen up


I know I’m stretching a lot more now


>may you all splash with the proficiency of Steph curry your next game You're either not a really good shooter or you stood there and did nothing with your dribble for so long that people just didn't bother trying to contest your shot. Considering how much time that appears to pass (going from light to dark) and you only have a few long range highlights, I'm going to assume it's the former.


I had to cut the video I had like 5 min worth of shots but all uncontested so would be very boring to watch me make catch and shoot or open 3s I just picked the most exciting shots even though none where particularly exciting because no defense was played


dribble toooo much


The kind who had enough money to build a private court in the backyard and never left? Your style is pretty similar to everyone you come across who only practices by themselves but never played organized ball. That’s how you end up with the stiff handle / slow and low release combo, because nobody is taking the ball away every possession.