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"almost everything"... No? But it's a factor, along with skill, athletic ability, and mentality. It also depends on what level you're trying to play at. Under 6ft in the modern nba is pretty much impossible, though I'm sure there will be anomalies still. Under 6ft at D1 colleges will be tough, but not impossible. D2 or D3 far more doable but still tough. High school and rec leagues.... Yea.. If you put in the work Pickup games at the local gym... Not an issue. There's actually a strongly held belief in the minds of some nba scouts that wingspan is far more interesting than overall height because it's easier to move your hands and arms rather than your feet. Long story short.... Don't worry about your height, worry about growing your skills, your athletic abilities, and your mind... Then in about 5 years you can revaluate where you want to go with basketball.


yeah you re right..hope to hit 6'0,still with my genes 5'8 and 5'2,bcs i am doing everything to maximize my height


remember to eat lots and sleep plenty


Dont lift heavy, do hill sprints 2x a week, massive amounts of food water and sleep. Calisthenics and sprints. At the very least youll get athletic. Understand that shorter people move dummy fast and learn to use that to your advantage. Mugz bones was 5’4 in the nba but it wont happen again but u can become elite if u work at ut


ok so in your opinion i can hit 6'0 if i respect what you have write?


Science class has failed this new generation 🤣


I’m gonna be completely honest with man, if you grow taller than like 5’10 you should be grateful. 6’8 isn’t a reasonable expectation, don’t think that’s going to happen because you’ll end up pretty disappointed.


6'0 soryy


6’0 is definitely realistic, my parents are 5’4 and 5’9 and I’m 6’1 without doing what any of that guy said lmao


Yeah bro. If you follow everything he said exactly without even a single deviation + eat one spoonful of cinnamon per day you’ll forsure be 6’8. That’s how I hit 6’6!


6'0 my bad


Sadly, it is. Or at least it's the single most critical factor. You can't really make yourself grow more. If you're really concerned you can talk to a doctor, who can predict your height and do something to help grow to a normal height. But chances are, at 5'3 already they're not going to take that action. What you need to do is learn other skills. Everyone can enjoy the game. But you're going to have to be faster, more skilled and learn to be a pest. Not in a Draymond Green way, but a Gary Payton way. Learn how to anticipate how people will dribble, watch for tics in their action so you can get steals. Steals aren't as fun as blocks and don't get the same response, but they're more valuable. 2 steals a game is better than 3 blocks a game. As a shorter guy, you'll have to use timing and understand space better. Floaters might be your friend, and use your speed and agility advantage. Watch the way Steph Curry manages to get himself open when he doesn't have the ball especially. And big guys are dumb. They'll bite on fakes all the time. Even if it's a bad one. Learn how to pass well too. Passing is about far more than just a decision, there's also timing and accuracy. You want to get the ball to where your team mate can use it immediately without having to adjust. If you're passing for them to shoot it, put it to where they'll gather the ball for a shot. As you learn their various habits, that spot will get more obvious to you. Or put it to the side they need it, give it some air etc. Whatever means they can move into the next thing. You almost want to learn how to tell them what to do next based on that pass. It takes some time to learn how to read where people are going, but you'll get there. And work with your team mates. Find out where they like to be, and figure out a way to get them there, open and with the ball. As a shorter guy you have the benefit of being able to maintain control of the ball better being lower and hopefully faster than the defenders. And learn to get really good at layups using the whole backboard. Because you'll get your shot blocked a lot, you need to learn to go over or around a potential block.


Thank you for the reply and your words.. i didn't understand this part: "But chances are,at 5'3 already they're not going to take that action". Is good or bad? like you mean that i have chances because of my actual height or i don't have,again,of my actual height?


Generally doctors will only medically intervene to increase someone's height if they project your adult height to be so short as to cause you difficulty in life. I suspect that given your current height and age that you'll grow to be above that level so they won't intervene.


i don't want to have a medically intervene,JUST based on genetics i will be 5'7 so there you think i can hit 6'0?


I would be surprised if you become taller than 5’10.


of course with a healthy diet,sleeeping,supplements and exercise


Genetics play 90% of the role in determining your height. Diet 8% (Overeating made me about 3 inches taller than what I was projected, but I got pretty overweight for a while), Sleeping 2%. Supplements won't really do anything if you're eating a well balanced diet anyway unless you're talking about growth hormones. There is no scientific evidence exercise has any effect on your height (But if you left heavy weights and injure yourself you can damage your growth plates and be shorter in fact)


ok so my situation is a bit different because i started like 5 months ago to lose weight,then i had 73,5,now i have 61. Overeating won t make you fat?? i mean i don t want to gain weight again..


It makes you fat, but what my doctor said is due to me eating too much my body had excess nutrients so I grew more than projected. Not the healthiest way to go about it so I don't recommend it.


bro i m so mad i swear


Chances are you get to around 5'7. Guys can keep growing all the way until 21. Maybe you're a late bloomer. I wouldn't stress too much. Take a look at how tall the other guys in your family are on both your mom and dad's side and you can get a better picture of how tall you'll be.


He can probably do it cosmetically but it'll cost like 100k or something.


I certainly don't know the modern capabilities of it being done like that, but I do know there was a method where legs would be broken repeatedly and stretched to have the effect of making someone talled. From what I gather, it was a painful procedure and I'd question whether if someone was intending to be athletic at all the process might end up causing more harm than good.


Nah I mean taking HGH. They won't do the leg breaking thing until he's done growing and by then it's too late.


Height is something, but hardly everything. You just need to find your own way to contribute I was under 5' until halfway through high school. Even saw growth specialists and was told I had a bone age 5 years younger than my chronological age. Never did growth hormone injection, bc I was going to grow, just later I worked extremely hard at defense and would average 6+ steals a game. I was able to lockdown defend much better players and became a good point guard, setting up plays. As I grew, I worked on my jumpshot and layups became able to score from pretty much anywhere. Focusing on being a team player, specialize in one or two areas and hustle ur ass off - thats how u get better and contribute. Coaches also love players who are willing to do the dirty work, so if ur looking to get more playing time thats how u do it. Im 38 now, 5'8 and I put on some additional weight in my 30s, so now I usually rebound a ton and play enough bully ball that I get paired up with guys over 6' and 40-50 lbs heavier than me. My shot isnt what it used to be, it mainly just works when I don't overthink it, but I am able to put up points when I get to that space. But I still have that lockdown defense and often get paired up against one of the top scorers just to harass him and be in his face every shot and exhaust him that way.


yep i also think height is not everything but to be drafted and play in d1/d2/d3 i think there you should be at least 6'0 so..and this is the height i want to reach,and if you can tell me if it s possible,based on what your doctor told you,bcs i wan t to any doctor yet..


With your parent's height being what you said, it is unlikely that you will break 6' Id suggest you see a growth specialist to determine what your protected height will be and if there are any ways to raise that up. Even with shots, usually they only get another inch or so and most docs won't do shots unless the person will be extremely short (under 5'5") So 6' is not very likely for you my friend...blame genetics


sooo,shortly,i am not going to reach 6'0


Tbh man. I’m 5’7 at 26 years old, and while height certainly does matter, it doesn’t mean anything for your own personal development. One thing I wish I realized growing up is that if you’re really serious about playing the game you need to focus on the things you can control either the height will come or it won’t, but there are plenty of pros out there who aren’t 6 foot believe it or not.


thank you!!


No problem! You also hear all the time about players who were originally point guards becoming forwards once that height comes in. They may be too tall to still play the position but they still have those guard skills which just make them that much more of a threat on the court.


Not really. Being confident in your skills is the most important.




Making the NBA unlikely (but also unlikely for everyone) but a quick 5'8 can still destroy people in pick up. My buddy in college destroyed me quite a bit and I had 5 inches on him. He played high school ball at a smaller high school.


Assuming you’re a boy and your father is 5-8 and mom is 5-2. You’ll probably be anywhere between 5-8 to 6-0. Do you have any uncles? How tall are they. Are they on mom or dad’s side. How about your grandparents? My mom is 5-0. My dad is 5-7. I’m 5-11 and my brother is 6-0. We had much better nutrition than my parents. As for bball, you should be working on things that you can change rather than focusing on trying to get taller. Increase your vertical. Work on quickness and explosiveness. Develop dribbling skills. Become a deadeye shooter.


My uncle from mom s side is around 5'8. My grandparents are like this: grandpa from dad s side is 5'8,and the one from mom s side i don t know bcs he died when i was born.. now for granmas they are like 5'2 both


Honestly, odds are your not going be much taller than 5-10ish regardless of sleep, diet, or exercise. Maybe 6 foot since you say you have a wingspan longer than your height. Do you have long legs or a long torso? If your legs are long, that leads to tallness. Regardless, you height is pretty much set and there’s not much you can do. Keep eating healthy, sleeping, and exercising. You’ll need that regardless of how tall you are


i don t have really long legs


i m also having a good nutrition,sleep,taking supplements,and having an active life


Unless someone is absolutely huge height is meaningless without skill. And if you have enough skill you can beat anybody. Use your biggest muscle 🧠. Be decisive and play to your strengths. Smaller size can come with a big increase in quickness and agility and your power can be very effective as it can take people by surprise. Sleep enough, eat enough and healthy, be active. But don't go crazy trying to change your body's natural height and or doing something sketchy like taking a bunch of supplements. Just keep trying and above all have fun, it's supposed to be fun and at least for me I play better when I'm having fun


thanks! i m taking just d3


It sounds like you want to play in the NBA, which would be an amazing career and one that I aspired to in my youth. I am 5’11” with above average athleticism and I played college ball at a really good junior college that was known for transferring players to D1 or D2 schools. If you are going to get recruited to even just a low level D2 or 3 college, you will have to be very athletic and skilled. Making it to the NBA is incredibly, incredibly hard even for players that are over 6’6” inches. You basically have to be an Olympic level athlete and have elite level skills, which will take you 5 hours of practice everyday for the next 7 years and beyond to develop. It’s a commitment beyond your wildest imagination, and at 6ft or below it’s just not realistic. I’m sorry to be a downer and not offer more hope, but the game is also moving away from small, explosive point guards too. I would continue with your desire to be an athlete and train at multiple sports including baseball and soccer. Height is less important and playing other sports will help you become a well rounded athlete. Are your parents athletic? Because It’s not just height we inherent from our parents. Good luck to you, and don’t let anyone tell you you can’t make it, including myself! I just want to give it to you straight ya know?


ohh thanks a lot. No,my parents aren't atlethic.Yes,i was thinking to switch to soccer,but basketball has a place in my heart. I don't wanna make it to the nba,just to play professionally in europe but if there are not chances,i will focus on soccer more. also your parents height will help me..


Wingspan, hand size and athleticism are also crucial factors. I’m 6’0” with normal arms and and average athleticism. To think that me Chris Paul or even Isiah Thomas(the short one) have had the same genetic potential is absurd. It’s a multitude of other factors. Unfortunately those factors are also outside of your control ftmp It is harder to steal from little guys though


thanks! what s your parents height btw?


6’3” and 5’3” 😔


I’m sorry but saying your age is 13.3 is hilarious


? .3= 3 months what's so hilarious


Youll probably get it when you’re 16.7


?? do you want to talk to someone?


Translation: When you’re older you’ll understand you’re overthinking this


you can tell me now 😆😆


Your only hope is if you have a tall relative


all my male relatives are like 5'8,and do i have a chance to hit 6'0? i mean that will be a good height for me..


If you exercise, have a good diet, a good sleep schedule and stretch everyday you maybe got a chance but its hard to know. You can check your growth patterns at the doctor too.


That will be a stupid question,but what doctor is specialist on this?


i think a general doctor do your reasearch tho cuz im not sure


Bro general doctors are specialists in nothing If you have a concern about something don’t go to a general doctor there as helpful as google.com Do some more research and go to a doctor that specializes in what you have a concern for


yeah but general doctors send you most of the time to specialists


So I’m righht? Cut out the middleman =save money


not a basketballer, but most importantly u should train your vert, even if u dont end up at the height u desire, at least a good vert can sort of make up for it. and also agility. anyw whats a tall guy with no vert right? haha


frr thx for response


Height yes, but less talked about is wingspan. Even relatively short successful players have a + ape index.


my wingspan is 5'6,and my height is 5'3. is that good? and it means that i will grow more?


Most people have a 1:1 ratio, but it does vary based on your genetics/race. You’ve got a positive ratio that’s good but I don’t know anything past that lol. You are still very young and will be growing for another 5 years possibly so your wingspan would theoretically grow with that. Good luck!


I’m 6’2 and was often the smallest player on the court at a high level. When I go to the park I’m on the biggest. You’re young enough to change sports to something you can truly compete in if competition is what you seek. If that’s your parent’s height, you’re going to be undersized and heart over height is bs. I’d advise switching to the beautiful game of soccer, I wish I had when I was your age. If you have true competitive fire, this is the way.


ok so basically i am not going to reach 6'0,also if i am doing everything like diet,sleeping,supplements,etc and if i want to have a profesional sport career,basketball it couldn t be bcs of height conditions and i can change to soccer(i was thinking about that,bcs i was playing at a club)


No. You have very little chance to grow 9 more inches in the next 4/5 years. And that’s okay. Still work hard. Be good at handles. Work on your finishing and shot. BE GOOD AT DEFENSE! Your chances of playing college is not very high. Your chances of playing college is dramatically better if you can guard. Work on quickness. Learn good techniques. Be cerebral. Whatever happens, just enjoy this game. Take care of yourself and you can enjoy this game for a very long time. Outside of a few parties, having a family, falling in love, graduations, basketball will provide you with some of your fondest memories of your life. I still remember a few summers when’s I called 3-5x a week. 2+hrs/day. Best summers of my life tbh.


thank you!


I wouldn’t say that. I was 5’4 in the 10th grade and had two years of a lot of growth between 17-19 ( grew 2-3 inches first year of college ) . I slept with a pile of books at my feet to create an incline because I’d read that it could help you grow, controlled my diet, drank a ton of milk. I also grew up in a way where basketball was my best friend, and at times my only friend. As an adult, I’ve learned to love soccer, and know I would have as a younger guy had I given it a chance. Keep loving basketball, but if you have serious aspirations in the sport DO EVERYTHING possible to chase it and don’t listen to what people have to say. Me suggesting soccer isn’t to say don’t play basketball, it’s to introduce the FACT that there is an incredible alternative, one where your size actually becomes an advantage. Not to mention, some of the best non hoopers I’ve played basketball with were soccer players. It’s a shame that we don’t more widely recognize what is genuinely the WORLDS game Edit: I played division 1 ball, and I said I was often the smallest on the court. Not always ! Chase your dreams kid and feel free to reach out if you need drills, tips, workouts. When I say heart over height is bs, it’s because you can’t just want it. HARD WORK over height is better. You have to outwork everyone around you. Get started today bro, I believe in you !!


thank you..your words gave me hope


No. Height is just one part of the game for players. Not the most important by any means.


I’m 6’2 and my parents are 5’10 and 5’3 so it’s possible but at 13 I was already 5’9 so idk


If you want to see a sport where height is everything try playing volleyball. It’d be like if you can only shoot layups in basketball


Bro you're just 13. There's plenty of time left for you. Streching and doing other height increasing exercises will boost your growth. It's so good that you're doing all this in such a very young age.


soo basically i ve got a chance to hit 6'0/1?


Yes you have Stretch everyday do all the things which you're doing now consistently and you're good. Beat your genetics dude ,good luck.


thank you!


Maximize your potential to grow while you still can. Obviously genetics play a part. But my parents are 5’9 and 5’1 and all my big brothers are over 6’5. I’m still growing, will probably cap at 6’5 tho according to the doc. Stretch, diet, sleep well, swim, a do a lot of dead hangs. You’ll build strength while stretching.


ok,so i have any chance to hit 6'0/6'1 with a healthy diet,streching,supplements,etc?


You’re still very young so yeah. Your growth plates still aren’t closed


Height is an advantage. If you don't have height, you have to make up for it in other ways. Work to make your other advantages an asset. I love how smaller players are so quick and seem to find a way to slip through little spaces between the bigger guys. Play pesky, aggressive defense. Get down around the knees of those bigger guys. They hate that. Get quicker than the big guys. Become a great shooter. A great 3 & D player is an asset. Not having height may limit how far you can go but you can still work to find a way to play basketball at the highest level possible for YOU.


Thank you!


I'm 5'7 at almost 16 and yes it is everything I can't fucking score coz people tower over me


I’m 6’5’’ and considered myself not tall enough for pro bball. Obviously wrong there and while below 6’ means you need to be a freak to succeed, you can. Enjoy the game and don’t care about your size. It’s about being quicker than anyone taller and stringer than anyone quicker.


thank you!


Bro just go play soccer 😭😭


broo you can go first i don t know how to shoot 😭😭😭


Im 5’7 and just eventually learned to embrace it. 9 times out of 10 im the shortest guy on the floor so I have to value finesse rather than dominance, but in my opinion it just makes it 10x more badass when I have a really good game lol you’ll be fine brother, just keep grinding and working on your game and finding ways to score on the tall fellas. Watch Isaiah Thomas highlights haha


As others have said, yes and no. You aren’t going to make it to the NBA… because that’s a tiny percentage of a tiny percentage of the athletic male population in developed countries. Even plenty of very tall good athletes are not cut out for the pros. Taking that as a given, you will not always be playing against giants. A 4 inch difference is tough but not impossible to overcome, especially if you are quick and crafty. What you should practice is playing against these taller opponents and figuring out how to work around them, out hustle them, and beat them in ways that are not length. Pass the ball and be a good teammate. Box out and get rebounds. And you will be an asset no matter what.


thanks! also 6'0 will be good for me but now idk if i can reach it


I beat people taller than me all the time. Heights an advantage and a useful one in basketball but so is speed, strength, skill. There are a lot of ways to win. Get your jump shot down cold, then when a big man steps out speed past him. Those lanky legs usually don't change direction very well. On defense, get good a slapping the ball away anytime they put it near the floor and when they take a shot get in their jersey. Just because you can't block it doesn't mean you can't make the shot harder to hit. Make the bigs uncomfortable.


Height is important at the upper levels, but worry about things you can control. If you love basketball, keep playing. Check out Jacob Gilyard he is 5'8 in shoes and plays in the NBA.


Just learn how to shoot until you can’t miss. No height requirements or restrictions when it comes to that. A lot of yall will say height is an advantage but as a 6’5 guard myself, I’ve seen 5’8-6’ guards be absolute scoring monsters because they can shoot the ball n create space for themselves. Don’t listen to anyone saying height matters because it doesn’t. You need to understand what you can and can’t do too. Some may argue defense limitations. Well if I was 5’8 im not going to be a shot blocker but you can bet your a** im getting on ball steals n intercepting passing lanes. One may argue finishing as well. Learn how to deal n accept contact. Play bigger than you are. The giants become minimized if you jump into their chest n use high floaters. Worry about your game more than anything. Set yourself apart from everyone else. I promise a coach will drool over you


thank you..a lot


Yes but… The shorter you are the more skilled, and athletic you have to be. If you are 5’3 you gotta have an insane handle, lightning quickness, super hops and a deadly outside shot.


yeahh now but to be drafted to d1/d2/d3 they won t accept just the handling.. i mean if i can hit 6'0 i can but idk


I didn’t say just handles. I have a friend who’s son is 5’7, he’ll be a high D2 low D1 prospect. He has a 45 inch vertical, lightning quick and will break your ankles. Basically the shorter you are the more special you have to be.


that s good


But… if you have fun, just play,


Muggsy Bogues and Earl Boykins made it to the NBA for a reason, and it wasn’t cause they were tall. That said, it’s a pretty big factor lol


yeahh but chances are very small. i don t want to make it do the nba(btw i m from europe) but i want to play at a team from my country (romania)


Gonna be real, I know next to nothing about comp levels outside of America but shoot your shot. Never know where it could lead ya. Just have realistic expectations attached to what you can and can’t do. At that height you’re obviously not gonna be Romanian lebron or anything lol


yeahh of course i don t wanna be a star :))


Height and wingspan will always be an advantage, but don’t get it wrong skill is also just as important.


Muggsy Bogues was 5'3. If you wanna hoop, you have to work a little harder than everyone else to make up for that. You probably wont be able to play at the highest levels but you can still be an effective player in pickup and eventually leagues. You have to do leg presses, squats and box jumps constantly to get your jumping muscles up. Find a regimen on youtube. You have to work on 3 main basketball offensive skills, 3 pt shot/midrange, floater and dribbling. Basically what Steph works on. If you are an effective 3 shooter you can stay on the floor. Dribble drills and shoot more than anyone else. At least 200 - 1000 shots a day if you are serious. Shooting can compensate for almost anything, look at Steph Curry. People get so afraid of your shot then you fake and go in for the layup. For defensive skills just work on boxing out and getting your butt into blocking your man when the rebound comes. You can do a lot of effective defense just getting in the way of someone. Just don't focus on trying to block or steal as much as you want to put your body in the place he's trying to get. Get in front of him and take his spot away from him. Then just work on your basketball IQ and reading the game by watching clips and using some visualization practices. You have to be a decent passer to stay on the floor. Look at Chris Paul and study his game.


It’s not everything but it is one of the most beneficial advantages you can have in the sport of basketball. With height comes increased length and wingspans which just makes the sport so much more easier when it comes to defending and scoring in general. Just continue to get good rest and good nutrition. My mom is 5’7 and my Dad is 5’9 and I was 6’1 at 13. I’m 6’5 now at 15. And also if worst happens and you don’t grow how you want, always remember shorter players can adapt. By building speed and developing a shot and handle you can have the ability to hold your own.


oh damn 6'1 at 13 is crazy so yep i m not going to reach 6'0


It does matter. But Height is not everything in basketball. In high school I had a point guard who was 5 feet tall. But he was nasty. He played varsity as a freshman and averaged like 15 points a game. He was very quick and could dribble and cross people. He had a lights out jump shot. Look at prime Chris Paul. Dude is 5’11 destroying giants. Height isn’t everything but it does matter.


I'm 5'5 and play with people on average about 5'10 6 foot or a little taller, I'm not a shooter but I'm the best defender by far in the group, usually about 30 or so people will play at this gym in rotations. Height is a factor but it hasn't stopped me from having good games offensively and never defensively, I've never had a player just be able to bully me because of my size so no but you have to work harder than others. Mugsy literally made it to the NBA and he was actually good


Just play because you like to play and don’t expect anything more than that, and that’s enough.


Nate Robinson blocked Yao Ming once, so no, it isn’t


it sounds like you have the motivation and willing to put in the work based on your responses . if you grow to 6 ft i’m pretty sure you will make the nba or at least g league or euro league as long as you put the work in


Eat a lot of meat and protein. Believe it or not meat and protein can add an inch or two during puberty. Look up what happened to South Koreans vs North Koreans after the war. South Korean men are an average of 5’8 now while North Korean men are an average of 5’5-5’6 due to a lack of nutrition


thank you!


Definitely not, someone that small can still be very valuable in pickups or in leagues if you're a great playmaker, or a crackhead on-ball defender or something like that. You probably won't be the leading scorer but you can definitely be a great energy guy and a great leader.


Check out Muggsy Bogues - absolutely an outlier, but was an outstanding player and had a great career. Not saying that means you'll have the same trajectory but he's def someone to look up to. Also, Allen Iverson was most likely under 6', and yet he was a scoring machine. Can't control height, but you can control your skills and work ethic.


It does


5 8 n u got a chance to


Both my parents are like 5’4 and I’m 6’2. So you could grow taller. But not likely. My brother is under 6 foot I think




Speed kills, I think more so than height.


I have a coach. A lot of freshmen in high school, and not one of them were above 5’10. The coach was like this: “Wow, why are you all so small? Have any of you guys tried playing soccer? You’re all so short and quick it’d be better if you play something else. “ It was brutal but brutally honest.


ohh damn


You have to become an elite ball handler, be able to defend, and develop a reliable three point shot. That’s your only hope man


Unless you’re exceptionally skilled, switch to a different sport. I had to make that decision around your age. You might hit 6’0 if you’re very lucky.


I don’t think so. It helps, but I’ve played with smaller guys who are absolute terrors on defense and I am 6’6”. Many’s the time I’ve paid the price for bringing a rebound too low or for dribbling too much when in the post. Height is down to luck and genetics, imho. Work on your game as you grow into it. Sounds like you’re young. Work on your speed, handles, passing, etc. Another comment mentioned mentality. Be a beast, dude. Believe it.


Sprinting, jumping and eating healthy will boost growth hormone.


If you’re younger than 25M or 21F you have until then to grow bc your growth plates are still open. You can press the issue by taking HGH with a doctor, also taking naps/getting a lot of sleep bc that’s the time when your body goes through growth spurts. With that being said the number one determining factor for height is genetics sadly, so if you’re parents are that height you can expect to be as tall as your tallest parent or short as your shortest parent or somewhere in the middle/average height of both parents typically. However, there are genetic outliers or you can hit the genetic lottery if there is height in your family tree and ancestry and be a height above your parents significantly and it can also go the other way too. Best example of this is Michael Jordan think his parents were under 5’6” and MJ was 6’6”, extremes would be like Shaq, Yao Ming, Boban, or even Zach Edey. You never know so keep balln, eating right, and sleeping.


Yeah,i'm sleeping enough,good diet,taking supplemets and active life.I mean the calculator showed me that i will be like 5'9,but idk if there is a chance to hit 6'0,doing everything i wrote there


Also,i was thinking to change the sport,to another where the height doesn't matter(football),but i like basketball to much so switch,and i m also pretty good at it


Height is like 95% of the game. Its for this reason I feel its not one of the hardest sports to play


I disagree with it being 95%, though.


Considering that there are 550 NBA players right now and about 4 billion men on the planet. Lets just multiply that by 10 to include former NBA players that are still alive and some pros in other leagues. Lets now compare that to the 0.17% of the population of men that are above 6'5" which is approximately 6,868,000. I'd say theres SOME correlation.