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We should buy it and turn it into a massive new Quasar


God lord that would be incredible. I would happily relive out my childhood memories (with a little more huffing and puffing due to being incredibly unfit)




Quasar was a laser tag place with an arcade. It used to be almost opposite the job centre.


Anyone remember if there was one in Bristol too? I seem to remember leaving a quasar place which was next to a police station (you'd go up some stairs and see many parked police cars) but unsure if this was Bath, was a long time ago.


There was either a quasar in longwellgreen or a blazer quest... The nearest thing still around is a kids version in Writhlington near Radstock


Part of is it a Better Health sports centre used for classes and bookable court sessions e.g. badminton Part of it is owned by Bath Spa but it is not used for teaching Much of it is available to rent for filming and it has been used multiple times in the last year for this purpose. The other class spaces are also used for community requirements such as COVID top up clinics. Source - I work for Bath Spa and I have done all of the above there. Edit - the sports centre part is dated but always quiet and staff are friendly. For a badminton court you can't get better value in bath and they'll set it up for you. The surface is the same as the sports centre in town and it's cheaper than Bath Uni.


Thank you so much! That’s super interesting and has really relieved my mind a bit - do you know if the pool is being used? Or potentially what’s going on with the schools specifically? I can see activity from St Matthias from three months ago on X but nothing more.


Not sure about now, but it has been in use fairly recently. All the lessons at Keynsham pool were moved to Culverhay while Keynsham leisure centre was being renovated a couple of years ago. It’s a very basic pool (like, a hole in the floor with some water in it yes, but that’s about it) but pleasant enough.


My secondary PGCE lessons were taught there :)


Yes there.was some teaching of PGCEs for a while but they're currently taught at Sion Hill campus.


Hindu temple around the back as well https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-57319051


That’s really interesting! Any idea who to contact for renting? Bath spa, better health, council etc


For filming, I think https://www.bathfilmoffice.co.uk/.


Knock it down, build stupidly expensive houses


Pleased you put this up, I walked past it on rush hill and wondered the same. Feels like such a wasted space. Apparently had/has a swimming pool.


They had actually quite a large compliment of good sports facilities. After what happened to Culverhay (and after, the BCA) it was at least partially owned by / ran as a sports centre some years back. Used to go play badminton there every weekend since I'm within walking distance and the courts were cheap to book.


The swimming pool was also quite large as I remember.


I think the swimming pool got damaged during covid due to poor maintenance (possibly something to do with it being emptied) and hasn't been fixed. I went in there to enquire and this is what I was told on reception, they also said that they don't think Better Leisure (who run it) have any interest in investing in the site so the pool will most likely not reopen. It's a shame because it would be a great facility for this end of town. I imagine it was a tax payer funded leisure centre that was privatised and has been run into the ground.


There was a rumor that it'll be the site for bath rugby


i did some lessons here when studying for my PGCE too- they were through bath spa. this was around 7 years ago though!


Bring back Skinnys the arcade.


[Culverhay/BCA - Rush Hill Site Update](http://twerton-community-news.blogspot.com/2024/05/culverhaybca-rush-hill-site-update.html)