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Yeah, can't say I regret the 15$ spent, only wish it could have been managed better.


My thoughts exactly. Match start monke horde was peak, died over time as the fun types moved to greener pastures and the few left optimized the entertainment out of their play.  Had more than my share of fun but as one of the 5 support mains, would have loved the M60 they promised…. well over a year ago. O7


Agreed. This was easily the best $15 purchase I've made last year. I have no regrets either participating in or being on the receiving end of late-night shenanigans.


As long as there is at least 1 full lobby going, I’ll keep playing. But I can’t see myself being super active anymore as the future of this this game looks pretty shite. There are ROBLOX shooters that have a more consistent update schedule and more players than BB… This game had insane potential, really fucking sucks to see things end up this way.


There wasn't a full lobby in North America this morning.


frontline and domi was full


Could be different hours, but there were 5 servers for NA and none were full.


Only community servers


Most of the community servers are as good if not better than the public ones. You can't tell the difference most of the time.


Exactly, 99% of the time i play in those servers, usually its even more interesting and the private staff is a plus (if some cheater joins they get banned in a few minutes)


I used to sing from the rooftops about roblox shooters as an ex roblox tryhard, but roblox can't keep a lid on their networking issues. Used to be you could change servers to fix them, but now I'm finding on some days *every* server is suffering regardless of ping. Teleporting players, rubber banding etc. It's a shame, because there are some gems on roblox


See you in a couple months!


I say give it a week


It's been a week


I clearly don't regret the price I paid, had a lot of fun. But there's no more reason for me to play right now. Hope the game can comeback but at this point I doubt it will...


Helldivers has been fun


Consistent updates and good communication makes a good game


Heh. Welp


I don't pick good games


Apparently :(


I remember when BF1942 had zero DLC, 5% of the gun selection, and less of just about everything in BattleBit. Yet somehow it was the most fun and addicting game to play. We didn't need a fake grind to entice us to play with unlocks, everything was there from the getgo. The unlock was getting better at the game and having fun. Its sad these days that so many can't just enjoy the gameplay they have, they have to have this endless carrot on a stick to get them to "enjoy" playing. I guess I'm old, and don't need that new content IV drip to enjoy playing a fun game.


I think some of the annoyance with a lack of updates, is less that there have been no updates, and more that the devs keeps saying that an update is coming soon^tm, and then keep delaying it. Why even delay an update from the middle of april to the end of april, if it's still only around 50% done (not sure how they expected to finished 50% of an update in a week or two)


I agree with everything you said completely, but just to play devils advocate, that was in a time where your online fps selection was far more limited. Unfortunately there are soooooo many games to choose from now the only way to keep players “addicted” is new content.


Players have been conditioned to always want something to look forward to. I cannot remember the last time I played a game that was considered "complete" on release day.


This is true with a big caveat: those old games all had mod support to give you that extra content for free. I bought Half Life just to play Half Life mods with my friends.


The only real problem is, this is a 256 player game. And right now, there are only 3.5k players. So if the player base drops too low, this game just stops working. It’s not like other random multiplayer player games that have 8 or 16 people in a match. So unfortunately, it doesn’t really matter that you’re happy, you need a healthy player base. Also, I think people are upset because the dev announced the update for April. That was on them. Now it’s, we have no idea. It’s fine if they need more time, but the optics are bad.


I just come back every 4 months or so and have a blast.


I'm going back to Dirty Bomb, see yas!


Christmas update! Less go!


I'm on the same boat mate , I have tried everything this game as to offer and got my 15 bucks worth for all the hours i put in But it's time to move on i guess the player base is dropping the updates aren't coming and I have other game to play


Try 32v32. Didn't played 127 since


For me the crazy voice communication was what made this game fun. The chaos. All gone nowadays. Many people just respawn instead of investing into medic... It feels like the player base isn't as nice as it was :(.


Cya next week :⁠-⁠D


This game was a blast, I've been playing it extensively since day one but I left months ago, the player base now is just too small and I'm very very sad to see this game literally die this early Huge props to the devs though, on release there was like 80K players fonnexted at once at every time of the day and I have never had any issues with servers (meanwhile huge AAA studio Dice never managed to get a single game release right, all their battlefield release were total catastrophes with huge server issues and crashes and bugs)