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Hammer them with ranged attacks before they reach the line. Put a tank out to confront them 1 on 1 to avoid their aoe attacks if they reach you. You want to kill them or rout them before they cause too much damage or even reach the line


>Pretty new to the game, my past two saves have ended fighting orcs with the last remaining orc being a berserker which ended up wiping my squad. Have no clue how to deal with them as they deal insane damage and have extremely high health. Any tactics that work against them or should i just git gud? Kill them first, you have plenty of time. They have next to no defenses against arrows and love to flank without cover. Don't let them get a kill under any circumstances. Accordingly, do not use dogs, they're just free buffs for the berserkers.


What happens if they get a kill?


>What happens if they get a kill? They have [Rage and Berserk](https://battlebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Orc_Berserker), meaning that attacking gives them bonus MDEF, RES, DMG and INI (very bad) and that a kill immediately refunds them 4 action points (very **very** bad)


Morale of your brother's is plumetting, and they got a boost


Oh I thought somethin special happened


Early game use throwers and ranged, or reach attacks. Trash brothers with shield expert to isolate them, carry backup shields. Don't let zerkers with flails or man splitters engage a fixed line with multiple brothers in range of the AOE.


Disarm (whip 2nd ability) works really well too in any situation where an enemy is capable of a high amount of damage, but isn't always a great option early when your guys don't have a lot of MATK. These Berserkers (at least the ones you really need to worry about) don't have shields though... you don't need a ton of MATK to disarm them pretty reliably.


Hit them before they stack rage stacks. The knock back X-bow/gunners with fearsome and throwers… your goal is to rout them early on


Try to reduce their HP with range bros. Then it will depends on the situations, sometimes you prefer to surround them so they use the AEO attack and has less chance of hit but sometimes you prefer not to trigger that. It really will depends on the situation. I guess you can try traps and see if that also works. Try to kill them first if theres only 1 or 2 in the orc fight


Kill berserkers first in all orc fights. They have a decent amount of HP, but not inordinate and barely any armor. They are also very dangerous. Man splitters and orc chains go first. An orc chain with a head shot can one shot many/most bros.


the optimal way to deal with them is Fearsome - they have no/low armour so they get wrecked by Fearsome and resolve damage if you're fighting them early, ranged weapon and Nets to slow them down and chip away till their resolve breaks (and prioritize 2H over 1Hs and remember that 1H Zerker can Charge and swing but 2Hs cannot) they are pretty feast and famine enemies, they aren't too scary but if they land a mansplitter 1 shot on a bro and get stacks of Enrage and Confident - that Zerker might kill your whole squad lol


You are fighting them too early for sure. if you know what you are doing and have good weapons you can fight them early but its risky before nimble if you get unlucky. They don't have that good of attack oddly enough but when they hit they hit hard. Kill them before you kill anything else as they can get pretty tough with rage going. 2h hammer stagger and throwers make quick work of them. 9 lives fodder bros are also good for tanking them as they will at least survive the first hit.


You can fight small numbers of these pretty early on if you can kite them successfully - they love to end their turn 1 away from you so they can attack you the next turn, but if you keep stepping back they may never get to you.


True, but i wouldn't give that advice to a new player as without practice a small mistake can end in a wipe if you get unlucky.


> and have extremely high health. Well, not really. They have 250 hp which is respectable, but they have no armor - making them vulnerable to arrows and cleavers. Wound them with bows before they approach then end the job with a Decapitate.


The most important factor is positioning - you can waste their entire turn by simply keeping the correct distance away from them, allowing them to waste their ap moving into you. This is especially true for berserkers with 2 handers. In the ideal case scenario, you want to set up a situation where the orc berserker runs into your formation and has no ability to attack, after which you dog pile him, either killing him or breaking his morale (they’re not particularly brave), or landing a daze / stagger on him, allowing you to basically double turn and Jill him next turn. In fights where there are many orc types mixed in, berserkers are the top kill priority, because you can control and sometimes even tank the other orc types, but the only reliable answer to berserkers is to kill them asap. Unironically a secondary weapon bow or crossbow is very good at sniping them early, or at least dropping their ho low enough to where a melee hit will finish them off.  In situations when there are many orks mixed in, the berserker ai will be determined to flank your formation to a fault. You can exploit this by forcing them to waste turns running around, moving only a couple tiles at some critical moment. More over, they can be further kited with spearwall, at which point they try to flank even harder, or under specific circumstances when you kill a orc young in contact with your frontline in a position where the berserker can reach, he may pivot to hit your centre instead, once again wasting moves. In the case of berserker caves, where you fight 5-8 berserkers and no other enemies, having a good tank is almost required. Otherwise you have to pray for good terrain and choke points. The key principle of hitting them hard early remains the same; you want to fill their numbers by at least 1/2 on the approach, while also having enough frontline damage to be able to finish off quickly the ones that make contact. Not letting them just run headfirst onto your formation turn 2 is also important. Overall, I. My experience you need a tank that can survive being attacked by 2-3 berserkers that you would deem the hardest to kill early, in order to guarantee safety of your bois. No brother except a tank should spend a full round in contact with a berserker.


Wait until you see the warriors. Here is a clue: " Stop. HAMMER TIME"


U can use 2h mace on them to lessen their damage


Bop them on the head. And axe to face.


You need a whip take berserker's weapon and send your strongest bro or if you have a good archer bro, or a thrower bro just shoot the orc until he stop moving.


Ranged hurts and kills them easily enough. They tend to do funny flanking manoeuvres rather than engage in the frontline, giving you plenty of chances to wittle them away. Also they tend to be almost naked.


Don't lead berserkers into fights with other factions, and don't let them fight things like dogs and such either. Berserkers have this thing called Rage, that boosts them in combat. They get two stacks for hitting an enemy, and an additional five for killing an enemy. If you send two dogs at a berserker, and it swings its chains' AOE, hitting and killing one dog, while injuring the other, it'll have eight stacks of rage the next turn, since one stack decays per turn. (Unarmored dogs always die in one hit, but let's assume that one of them had armor.) Those eight stacks give the berserker: - Damage reduction from 0% to 16%, reducing both hp and armor damage taken. - Resolve increased from 90 to 98, going from a base 10% chance to fail resolve checks to 2%. - +8 damage dealt, which since they're also getting a base 120% damage boost, brings their average Chain Pound damage up from 114 to 124. - +8 initiative, going from base 125 to 133. If they were going after you in turn order, now they're probably going before you. They have the Battle Flow ability that restores 15% of accumulated fatigue on a kill, to boot. This is just a small example what'll happen if you give these guys an inch. If they get into your ranks undamaged, especially if they have armor, you're in for a bad time. They're immune to the effects of injuries, even if you manage to inflict them, too. Also they cannot be stunned. Nets are good against them.


I like to build my companies for green skins, they're my mortal enemy. A couple skilled fearsome archers should be able to at least get them wavering and injured before they hit.


First, is there one Berserker or multiple? If there's one, that's easy. Focus ranged attacks and pepper them with arrows/bolts/throwables. They usually have no armor or very light armor so the ranged attacks do lots of damage and sometimes deal fortunate injuries that decrease damage or hit chance. If there are multiple, what weapons do they have? If any have a Manspiltter (giant 2h axe) they are your top priority. Giant chain flails are scary too, but Mansplitters got their name for a reason. Use ranged attacks like previously stated, use whips with disarm, and also cleavers to bleed them so they die faster and hemorrhage hp. Now if there are multiple Mansplitters and Chain Flails you're fucked. Sorry, better hope the RNG God's are kind to you brother.


Let them reach to you waiting turn, after the wait you got a free turn to kill hem


Yeah. We're a bunch of lovers. It's awkward, but what can we do?