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Yeah let’s ruin our only remaining positive memories of the franchise by seeing them remake (fuck up) the old games too!


Well I can't think of a remake they fucked up tbh, NFS hot pursuit and dead space were both really good so I trust them.


Those were remastered before live service brain rot


Dead space remaster came out at like peak live service popularity, I'm not sure what you're considering


You're right. Tbh both games are titles where you can't really implement the live service initiative. FPS on the other hand.....


See DS3 for live service


NFS Hot Pursuit was a remaster, it was alright nothing special fantastic for switch users though as they got PROPER Hot pursuit instead of a cutback version Dead Space Remake was fantastic but it lost a bit of its charm for some, ruined the point of some horror sections.


A remake doesn’t ruin the positive memory of the original game, u can still play the original


Exactly so why do we need remakes?


Better quality? They could polish them beyond what they were capable of doing when they were originally released.


They’ll also add microtransactions so u can buy crazy neon unicorn skins because it’s EA and then the image of a rainbow pony emoting on caspian border will be burned into your retinas forever


I hope not. That would definitely ruin it for me. lol


Don’t get me wrong I’d love to see old battlefield games with modern graphics and more polished engines but I just don’t trust them to do it right


Lol. There was a YouTube comparison between BF 2042 Caspian Border and BF3 Caspian Border, BF3 looked waaaay better in every regard except for texture resolution, the art direction trumps newer graphics every time, they made the map look so sterile, generic, bland and completely devoid of a nice atmosphere.


> art direction trumps newer graphics every time That art director left DICE during the BFV fiasco, him and a lot of others who couldn't stand how DICE was being run under its new upper management.


Yeah. They've disappointed us all too many times. *deep sigh*


For next gen graphics and to fill servers with people.


I can imagine EA shutting down the original BF servers to get players to play the live service remake.


they already shutdown BC1, BC2, and 1943


I miss 1943 :( best dogfighting ive had 


It was truly a special game! You should join the Reddit group for the game, the community is working on a recreation that’ll be available on consoles :)


*insert Warcraft 3 Reforged*


u/ramonvdm I agree with that statement the fact you getting downvoted is surprising to me.


It might be because it's not entirely correct. _Battlefield 1943_ and the original _Bad Company_ for example can't be played anymore.


They tend to shut down servers for older Battlefield titles, though. See BF:MC, BC, BC2, BF1943. BF:MC was thankfully brought back by the community — but it took almost 10 years after the initial shutdown, and only the PS2 version could be brought back (as of now). BC2 can be played on PC via Project Rome I think, but the original Bad Company and BF1943 remain inaccesible. And DICE/EA just announced the same fate for PS3/XB360 versions of BF3, BF4 and Hardline. So you can't always "still play the original" I'm afraid.


It's a real shame that BFBC and BF1943 never made it to PC. For preservation, but also because of how underrated they are. BF1943 was so chill to play. And regarding Bad Company, I really believe that the class system (of 5 classes) was vastly superior to the 4 classes of BFBC2. If the game was on PC, more people in the fandom would "debate" over it.


They didn’t fuck up Mass Effect besides Kelly Chambers. Which is passable


A remake isn’t the same as a remaster


Thats likely also the case, because they would somehow manage to ruin them.


RIGHT? But the trickiest part would be not fucking up them as you said…so much greediness is what been having destroying all franchises, shit, if we they would understand what made 2000/2010 games so great.


with a gaming community mentality like this WHY would they do it.. yall'd just complain about spending 100$ and beg for something else


The negative community mentality comes from them letting us down and ignoring us multiple times lol


If you say so


And we will probably still go online and say that we still play the originals because they're better.


I swear this sub is just sad at times. Many of you, especially those who ask for remasters, are not wanting them to make a successful Battlefield game, you just want them to make or remake something that fulfills a nostalgia fueled fantasy. Like god damn I grew up playing these games but I don't understand the obsession with wanting to rebuy and replay them. In being afraid of something new that may or may not kill the franchise, you ask them to be lazy and make remasters to kill the franchise. Unless EA gets a studio to be on permanent rotation to do ports and Remasters, all this would do is get the studio who does it shut down because it ends up not selling well.


But Muh childhood game, Muh good gaming, Muh nostalgia. Never minding portal. Would you trust dice to make a remaster? Because I sure don’t.


Portal isn’t a remaster it is a bad remake that was rushed and had 3 different eras. All Bf3/4 needs is Higher textures and maybe some LoD improvements. Of course they will probably fuck up the performance with that.


120/128 tick servers. That’s all I want with a texture res bump lol.


If only they made Portal back in BFV. The gameplay was way more fun than 2042.


DICE could do a remaster, its just why would they waste their time with that? They are the most familiar people with the franchise, so its not like it would be out of their element. They could and should be spending their time making a new game. Typically the issues coming from remastering a game are having some random studio do it who don't really know the game. Worst is that typically most publishers try to go as cheap and low effort as possible when it comes to remasters because that's the point, its a remaster, its supposed to be a low effort low cost nostalgia bait cash grab. That's why none of these remaster requests, for a multiplayer game, don't make sense. You are asking them to go a low effort route and to fall for the nostalgia bait.


I'd rather get a remake if the only "new" stuff we get is garbage like BFV and 2042. Otherwise we might as well lay the franchise to rest IMO.


Nostalgic? They are shutting down bf3 on consoles on November. I want to keep playing the game on console. If I wanted them to go a low effort route, I'd ask for more 2042 content instead.


Not to mention that most of the people begging for these remasters/remakes are failing to see the bigger picture and not realizing that these games would almost assuredly *not* be perfect remasters/remakes that could live up to their own nostalgic visions of the originals, even without considering any potential changes DICE would potentially implement. We would *NEVER* hear the end of it from this sub if the purported remakes/remasters came out and weren't clean-cut absolute perfection in their eyes.




And do BF3 and 4 need a remaster? They still look and play great. What's there to change except to add additional predatory MTX? Yeah this sub is fucked.


I dunno if you heard Andrew Wilson speak on the next Battlefield but he said it was “a great live service game”. Because 2042 was so great, why wouldn’t we want something new? If you wanna put your faith in the Dice, be my guest. But count me out


I can’t totally relate as I started playing around end of 4/start of 1, but I understand why people have this sentiment. Dice does a 1 step forward, 2 step back kind of thing lately. BF1 had operations, 5 had a worse version, and now it’s gone. 5 had the whole build mechanic thing that people liked (i forgot it existed), gone in 2042. 2042 removed destructible environments for some reason. People want remasters of the old games because for the most part it had most of the mechanics and features that they like.


Well current DICE is too incompetent to make a battlefield game from scratch and besides making this remaster will restore faith in franchise and give current devs some much needed experience without trying to reinvent the wheel. The franchise is on the decline because most of the experienced devs left after BFV.


They make a lot of money regardless, that’s why they keep making these games


Good lord, move on. Yes, these games were good for their time but they're beyond old at this point.


Good game design doesn't get old.


I didn't say it does. Nobody would be asking for this stuff if the newer games were up to snuff. They're also busy making the new game, they're not gonna spend time remastering old games.


And you want more new games from the same people that made V and 2042? Why? 


Cause they have brain rot plain and simple. The comments in this sub are insane so many not wanting a remaster. People want a remaster of those good games because we want the games to be brought up to modern day gaming like 4k assets for BF3 AND 4 would be glorious. But noooo don't do that don't remaster them. Dice knows if they remastered those games the newer ones won't succeed cause I for sure will never play another battlefield again if 3 or 4 was remastered.


Because they’re a business and their only priority is making money, it ain’t happening man. They know they could make way more money making a new shitty game with a live service model and $50 skins like Overwatch 2. It’s time to move on and pray one of these newer studios can hopefully pickup where Battlefield died and carry the legacy.


it kinda does, specially if other good stuff has come later, i loved bf3 and 4 but i wouldnt like going back to that gameplay, ive tasted better, and i want better new stuff, i get that most new stuff is Bad, but acepting defeat and begging for the old stuff repackaged is not the way to push things forward.


It is if they actually did what Portal was supposed to do by bringing these games, expanding on gameplay elements, and actually making the game worthwhile with a formula that has been perfected with each innovation unlike the post BFV era of Live-Service, Lazily integrated mechanics that have shown how trying to reinvent the wheel is just not going to work. At this rate I'd rather a remaster of an old game even if it is lazy, because then itll give the game they choose a broadwr audience for both fans and newcomers and hopefully shows shareholders of EA that the IP is still worth something, because BF will die after the next game releases. There is just no recovering from the bullshit EA/Dice have pulled


i dont think switching the formula has lead them to wider audiences, the wide audiences dont care for battlefield, the fans who do like battlefield want the formula of the game, so the demand is for a game under that formula, 2042 had the battlefield name but not the formula and it showed, plus the game was kind of a flop.


Thats what I mean, they made a game for the Blueberries addictes to Live-Service shitfests, not for the fans who want a true Battlefield title. Portal was supposed to be a good innovation for the players but instead it was neglected due to how terrible 2042 was handled. Truthfully I'd rather get a BF game with BF BC1-BF4 as a game with each being seperate unlike Portal, but also being in the same," Game," where you can transfer mechanics or weapons to different server sets or a better way to integrate the communities together without overhauling all of the mechanics that are outdated/what make the games unique


Genuine question - what game 'tasted better' gameplaywise than BF3/4?


Better than BF3/4? 


better gunplay and movement mechanics ? certainly, both in bfv, always hated the spread in bf4.


The maps sure, but you'd have to be an idiot to not be aware of the qol improvements and innovations made to the fps genre over the past decade that these games lack.


What QOL improvements that aren’t making the game babyshit easy?


My man, you're too old to be making comments like that.


Okay regard.


So what? CS 2 (and GO before it) is essentially a remaster of CS 1.5/1.6 from decades ago and yet it's immensely popular. LoL and DotA are absolutely ancient and they still top charts. Hell, Battlefield itself had basically the same core formula for all of their entries up until V. BF4 was really not that different from 2, gameplay wise. Every new BF entry was basically a remaster with a new setting (sometimes even the setting was the same). It was only when they started adding "new" "fresh" things with V that the franchise started its current decline. 


Bro no one wants to play Battlefield 2042 I’d rather be playing the old games. New doesn’t mean better idk why ppl say that stupid shit


Agreed, I lived to see the peak of BF3 but they are old news now. There are much better games to enjoy and experience especially today.


I've got a better idea, how about they just make new games that aren't shit?


Thats hard for EA. Like seriously All they need to do is Update BF3 to modern hardware. Improve anticheat, Have in game server browser + crossplay Only reason why they aren’t doing this is because they would kill their future games


EA never have proper anticheat,


I don't trust them to do a good job. They would find a way to fuck it up


DICE can't be trusted to make any good videogames anymore period. Not after 2042 and doubling down with a F2P BF sequel.


Personally, I'd rather have them get the MCC treatment with access to a server browser.




Lots of games with long history of releases needs this!!!


Genuinely asking, whats the difference between what they did with MCC and remastering a game?


MCC isn't a remaster. It just takes all the original titles and places them onto the same exe so you can play a match of say BF3 Metro 4000 ticket Conquest, then with the same lobby, your next match is BF Bad Company Rush.


I dont understand the video game players who actively bitch about problems in current gaming, then loudly ask for remakes and remasters. This gives game companies reasons to be assholes and just half-finish games.


Another remaster post 🥱


Current DICE doesn't have the talent to remaster the classic titles. They would just tarnish the memories.


Doesn’t need to be dice doing the remaster


How will they monetize them and throw everything in the store for you to buy? How will the executives please shareholders and keep bringing in money recurring nonstop? You are the problem, you want people to have fun and reminisce the good ol days of a good quality made game. EA needs money, they don’t need a little. They need a lot! The whales and wallet gamers are their bread and butter YOU DO NOT FUCK WITH!


Because Battlefield 2 deserves a remaster more than any of these


That's the best game to re-master, it was awesome and most kids weren't even born at its peak. But people really need to stop pre-ordering too.


I don't trust them anymore. most of the devs for these games are gone.


I want battlefield vietnam remake with period accurate load outs. No customization


remake (or simply port) the Refractor engine battlefields and codename eagle instead. none are available digitally


If they would just replace the mechanics of 2042 with 3 and 4 and get rid of the specialists 2042 would be 5x better. Hell, 2042 would be 5x better with just destruction back.


There is no way they can ruin a remaster, it’s just a copy and paste with a new engine! Unless that’s too much work for them to deliver.


As much as I’d like to play those games with 100k+ players again in the servers. EA would surely F it up if they made the game again. Just look at ModernWarfare Remastered from 2016


I loved BF3 and BC2, but I'm absolutely not buying their remasters. I want good new games, now games I've got bored of a decade ago.


I don’t want to play the same games from 2007-2013 for the rest of eternity


Multiplayer servers gonna have problems


Don't you remember what happened when Activision remastered cod4 mw


Yes, because we play Battlefield games for the campaigns


>we play Battlefield games for the campaigns I would kinda disagree. Yes, most people buy BF just to play an offline game mode, but the majority play for the MP. BF4 had terrible ai, and the story was kinda mid compared to BF3, but I did enjoy it since I can't play MP due to shitty wifi and Xbox live gold. Bf1, on the other hand, was more enjoyable since it's the first campaign I've ever played.


I was being sarcastic. Half of the games are multiplayer only


Ah, sorry my mistake


Fuse BF3/BF4 and remaster. Easy money.


If they remastered them we’d get a battlepass, a bunch of skins, and micro transactions.


I don’t trust modern DICE or EA to do it right. It’s why I don’t want them to make Bad Company 3.


Only if the community does them


"the old games" proceeds to post the frostbite era games lol


I'm good, I don't trust the current dice to remaster them.


Bf4 is amazing right now, still low online only problem.


Wasn’t EA lost their original BF team after BFV already?


Remake of Pinball Fantasies when? :) I’d be up for it.


Knowing EA they would ruin it somehow


Microtransations this, DICE that. Bunch of drones who can't think for themselves. People, EA has release 4 remasters without and mtx, yes they're single player, no it doesn't matter. As for DICE, they don't need to do anything, besides oversee it. EA can hire freelance developers that largely focus on remasters.


How about they take these games, learn what made them great, and make a new good bf game....


To be honest, I don’t want them to remaster these games. I have been playing a lot BF4 and BF1 over the years and they are to this day playable. I don’t know about BF3 and BC2 but if they were making a remaster it would be the same game again. And even though BC2 is loved by millions, It is a game that has not enough content for a game in this time period. I still have much negative critic for BF2042 but I have to say that I liked the overall direction that the game was headed to. My main critic points to this game are the operators (just make them gadgets), the lack of serverbrowser, the fact that you can’t see the available Vehicles without opening a menu (that is really a biggie) and the lack of content. But yet again I liked the fact that the gameplay felt a little different then the other games.


Probably not at much as this sub thinks it would


Where is Battlefield 2142?


Specifically BF3 and Bad Company 2


They could just re-release them for download, and I'd be happy


Nope, this is a terrible idea. You saw what happened to Battlefront. Dont give EA advice on how to make a quick buck, they already know how to do that.


Not true. They just should do Bad Company 3. The story was good, the characters were great and multi was quick, simple and amazing. Just like that. Without any very weird additional gimmick


Companies are allergic to making money.


Stop waiting in hope and just go play The Finals. 😎🤙


Not all old games succeeded when being remastered, take a look at GTA Definitive Edition for example




No. I love these. Hell I cannot gush about enough about these. But can we stop asking for any battlefield title before 1942 gets remade/remastered


Resident Evil:![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


DO NOT PRE-ORDER. DON'T BE STUPID AND DO NOT PRE-ORDER. make them deliver finished games, not like 2042 which is still garbage.


They could but how do they inject a shop and force feed us DEI then?


I just want Bad Company 3….


I love those games dearly. I look at my Bad Company 2 Gamestop poster every day. I don't want remasters. Take what the community loves about those games and do that in a new one. And knock it off with the MTX and specialists. While "refreshing" I'd rather not. Oh and bring back Battlefield Heroes but on mobile.


We do not need a damn remake. They are fine just the way they are.


Surely a battlefield hardline 2, the first game was awesome and people didn't really give it the chance it deserved


Some of y'all don't play Portal and it shows.


Because they are dumb.


last thing this franchise needs is a remaster. Especially if it was for BF3 / BF4. Yeah they were good but they're outdated at this point, and by remastering those titles, EA would basically be saying "we peaked a decade ago and have no idea how to recreate that success"


Nuh, they would fuck it up and remasters only work for Consoles. It might sell well on console but on PC there is like 0% Reason to remaster something that is already available as a Masterpiece.


And after EA releases the remaster they'll shutdown the old games or release an update that breaks them, forcing players to buy the remaster


You missed it they remastered bf3 and bc2 theyre baked into 2042. Go enjoy them!


They'd fuck it up without a shadow of a doubt.


Nope, EA being EA they will probably fuck it up in combination with ways of grabbing our cash with low effort. I know in your head this sounds great but EA is just a shell of the company it once was.


You know 100% they would take the game one step forward and two steps back by adding features that kill the experience.


But under no circumstances should they make a remaster of Battlefield 2 because we want to keep fond memories of the best Battlefield of all time!


Oh yeah, cause it worked so well for Battlefront


Literally take everything from 3, put it into 4, update graphics, etc change NOTHING ELSE. Do not rebalance ANYTHING. Launch they will crush their sales history in a month. BF:BC2, remaster graphics only, CHANGE NOTHING ELSE. Theyd never need to work again.


Because it would make to much sense, A word that never crosses the minds at EA


All I ask is for a BC2 remaster, that’s it


Now imagine that they remake each of them and add the soldiers? Operators or whatever we have now with the same cringey shit and everything.


Battlefield BC Collection, combining the gameplay that BC2 did and bringing the maps from BC1 into BC2 would be awesome. Campaigns left alone, just updating the graphics and FOV.


I think it's time to have a proper EA Warfare Collection for Battlefield; and I'd add Medal of Honor and Army of Two. Put all the classic games in one matchmaking system. Start with the oldest titles, then add with time. Then add remastered and remade titles, for variety. Maybe stick in there an anthology title that's like a mobile title; to be used for cosmetics sales, weird classes or "heroes". Mix maps from different games. But keep the skins to that title, so the BF Vietnam or BF3 remakes don't have out of place skins. My two cents.


And then they're gonna fuck it up somehow


I'd only be ok with this if they literally got the old code and scaled up the textures to 1440/4k and let you scale the fov. I don't fucking trust ea/dice for one second to not shove a bunch of trash in and break all the mechanics if they tried remaking them.


Battle fronts classic collection didnt come out too long ago, everyone bitched, things got better, and the people that bitched dont play.


Just make a bad company 1.5. Make a new story of the wacky adventures between the games and amp up the levloution and you’d make a hit.


Isn't that kind of what the portal is? If they spent more time on the Portal 2042 would be way better.


It would probably cost almost as much to do this as it would to make new games. EA pulled the plug on BFV before it was released when they realized it was going to sell half as well as originally forecast. They won't spend umpteen millions remastering old games unless they are overwhelmingly convinced the demand will be high enough to make them highly profitable. They're also going to do skins for sale and all the rest of that crap into those games.


payment theory hungry clumsy elderly impossible support rain exultant dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1. Some are still popular online as is. 2. They are old now. There is a bit of nostalgia there of course but modern types of these games have big improvements that wont come through a remaster. None of these have critical features like micro transactions that companies do need these days to turn a profit. 3. You would need to fire up or have new servers or the games running under your new server infrastructure properly and it is not cost effective.


The people who made those games aren't at DICE anymore


I'd rather just have more players than remakes, they still look and play great, I don't need them to run at 45 fps on my 2080ti for minor graphic updates and worst netcode.


If they want remastered these 2 games they will do like the gta remasters, that is, they will remove some parts of the game from the original. So for me a remastering of these games It could be avoided


Give it up already


Why remaster BF4 and not BF1?


Bro just add bots and i would rebuy them


Nah they'd find a way to ruin the previous games with loot boxes battle passes and ridiculous player skins


3 and 4 remaster would go extremely hard. (Justice for the MK3A1 from bf3)


They would never do that, that's something people actually *want*


If they can make a bad company 2 remaster that's basically the exact same game just updated graphics I'd throw my money at them.


Quite honestly, I don’t want this. It’s a very good memory for me (specifically BF3) but I went back and played it and 4 a while ago and I can’t go back to that clunky feeling. It feels extremely dated for me personally and I just can’t have fun with it. I’d rather they made a new BF game that had the grit and visuals of BF1 with modern combat/weapons. BF2042 movement and gunplay is fun to me. It’s just literally everything else is terrible. BF2042 movement/gunplay with the passion of BF1 in a modern setting is what I truly want!


I know it would be ruined by something but I honestly just want them to remake all the maps in a updated BF4 multiplayer setting. Would be solid concept.


Only if they did a new engine and bug fixes and left it at that


I miss Hardline


If they released an updated version of bf4/bf3, even less people would buy their new releases so it won't happen