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WTF, stay safe everyone who are visiting today's game


Never understood why people would attend those crowded places...


You don't understand why people would go to an event like a match, because it's crowded...? So same idea with airports? City centers? Train stations? Malls? Restaurants?


There is a difference between soccer and train stations. Also, there are a lot of people who are afraid of social contacts / crowds / people and have a legit reason to avoid such places. You don't need to undrstand that concept, just accept theres people that are as described above.


but, but.. he is not the one who said he does not understand people that do something, it is the other guy who said he does not understand people that go on such crowded places ?!


Ur dumb lol


You're blocked lol.


halt die fresse npc


Ahhh I see. You’re the type of bloke to simply block everyone who disagrees with you. Enjoy your self manufactured echo chamber for the rest of your life mates. The rest of us will be out here, diversifying our thoughts and enjoying life.


Asexualität ist Gift


The one is needed, the other one is pure NPC activity. Usually terrorist attacks happen exactly at those crowded places.


If you make your every waking decision based on where terrorist attacks happen then you’ve let the terrorists win


Buddy you do realise that me driving there in my car (or literally anywhere else) puts me at a higher risk of dying than attending a Bayern Munich match, does that mean I should also not drive a car because I might die/get hurt, or is it just bad to die to an incredibly unlikely terrorist attack? In what kinda fear induced world do you live?


Driving a car at least has some use, yk. There are good and bad risks


Not really, dying is dying and I can always take a bus/train, which would heavily decrease the risk. A car is luxury, just like going to a football game in your free time.


Uuhh super individiual super cool dude is too cool for Football - get a life dude


Lol, all those peons paying thousands of bucks to see other people chasing a ball are the same ones crying about unequal distribution of wealth, while literally spending their money on the most useless bs imaginable. I am not "cool" for having some meaning in my life that I don't faint when Taylor Swift exhales in the mic, I am just sane 😬


Tickets for a bayern match cost less than 50 buck, you complete moron😂


I hate football, and you are still an idiot.


No just stupid


Let other people enjoy things they like and don’t be a prick


What are you on about?


Not going to popular events for fear of terrorism is pretty unreasonable imo


Not because of that only (chances of dying due to terrorism are lower than being hit by a lightning strike in Germany), but accidents, mass panic and a lot of other things usually happen at those crowded places. Also I don't understand how people can enjoy that


Scary. The bottom text translates to “Kidnap them when he comes out”, whatever that’s supposed to mean


As someone who speaks Arabic I believe It means to kill the "kuffars".


The Arabic is so weirdly written, and the statement does not make any sense, I highly doubt it was written by a native speaker


Yeah if you translate/take it literally it's kind of odd and meaningless. It's more of a symbolic statement. For example if you say تخطف روحه it means "steal his soul" which basically means to kill him. Arabic is full of this kind of sentences and expressions.


Bro, i never in my 27yo I've seen someone implying the word killing with kidnapping. You literally added a while word to the kidnapping and ofc it will mean something else. I can also say kidnap his wealth. Like wtf is this reasoning.


That day an interviewer said that (paraphrased) Om Kalthoum put an end to اللغة اللقيطة which in English is translated to bastard language. And it was something I never heard of before and it absolutely makes sense. Arabic is full of weird expressions like this.


It’s propaganda written using google translate by non Arabic speakers




Pretty sure a false flag action


As someone who speaks Arabic. There's no kill and there's no "kuffar". The sentence is weirdly written, however if u ignore the weird grammar it translates to "kidnap them when they go out"


It translates to Kidnap them when THEY come out


how can people be like that, this is sickening. Hope nothing happens


Brainwashing and smooth brains overall.


Lmao they even added a scoreboard. Clowns.


Fucking insane hateful people blinded by their absurd beliefs in wizardry and magic.


just want to tell you they don’t represent the actual islamic community, they are just bunch of barbarians extremists with no goal except destruction


Are they even Muslims at the first place?


No, they don’t care one bit. They are a shit group who make up “Islamic” excuses and use them to harm innocents. We defeated them in my country Iraq but they are still killing innocents to feel “powerful”


no, and they are not one bit muslims, and if anyone disagree i dare you to find me one verse in the quran where it says terrorize and kill everyone


Is the Islamic community calling them out?


But did they condemn Hamas ?


You dare call Hamas terrorists you will be labeled an islamophobic and be booked for hate speech


of course even taliban is condemning them


I mean the Quran is: “Whoever slays a human being not convicted of murder is considered the slayer of all mankind. Whoever saves the life of a single human being is considered to have saved the life of all mankind!" (Quran, 5:32


Many of them are


In all the years of islamic terror World wide I didnt see muslims protecting once to Show they dont support it. I saw millions entering the street the Minute Israel bombed gaza .


Did you not see us literally DYING to kill them in my country Iraq when we were being massacred by them? This is beyond protests! You don’t protest about Isis, because you fight them


U faking idiot. Israel and Palestine is an on going war. Just bcz the other sida has more money and an army doesn't mean they are not terrorists. That's a problem about land. Its obv Israel came there with religious beliefs that their land is theirs and just took it. Got the world wide support arter ww2, got their country, expanded every year, killing thousands every year but thats okay. Now when the oppressor responded the same everyone lost their mind. Both are terrorists, Israel and hamas, but Israel is more in the wrong here and I cant see how anyone can argue against it. Tbh imagine someone got ur home, gave u a small room to live, while they control the acces to everything, cameras everywhere, from time to time ur family members start to disappear, until u get the news that they got shot, raped in prison and ...etc for years and uve got no support. I won't blame myself if I get "revenge- happy" that the ppl who occupying me feels a little bit in how they made me live. Like its not complicated to understand.


thousands of muslim iraqis, syrians, kurds and more died literally fighting these people on the ground while you sit on your arse and u have the gall to ask ‘wHy ArEnT tHeY cOndEmInG’


Yes, exatly. Most people ignore the fact that it's mostly other muslims that fall victim to islamist terror.


Just a recent event that comes to my mind: Last christmas muslims built a chain around the dome in Cologne after a terror warning and demonstrated against islamist terror.


I morocco we did and we r still doing, our secret service has been actively taking them down, educate ur self instead of making stupid claims


I mean you don’t see white Christians going on anti-KKK marches just like you don’t see Muslims go on anti-ISIS marches. But the people of either religion will both condemn ISIS and the KKK. Israel bombing Gaza is on a much larger scale of deaths compared to anything ISIS has ever done, hence the level of anti-Israel representation is fairly proportionate.


You do see "white" people going on anti-AFD marches


thats just objectively untrue


I remember the few people going out on October 7th celebrating the massacre. A very curious way to deal with such things


Shh.. they don’t want to hear this


What kkk marches 😂




[https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE71H6KA/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE71H6KA/) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/muslims-march-london-protest-isis-terrorism-ashura-islam-peaceful-demonstrators-a7980476.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/muslims-march-london-protest-isis-terrorism-ashura-islam-peaceful-demonstrators-a7980476.html) it's stupid to treat 1bn people as a collective and not as individuals. Do you feel like you're part of the global white community? Are you up to date with the white community's weekly newsletter?


yes they are, no one supports them. literally any good muslim doesn’t support extremism of all kinds, even our own quran and prophet have forbidden us from those barbaric actions and crimes. if an extremist group came holding their religious sign, anyone would common sense would think that they don’t represent that group, but they are nothing but blasphemous extremists making their reputation bad


Yeah , doesnt bring the people back that have been murderd by islamic terror


shush clown, if someone held a cross and killed someone i wouldn’t say that’s the entire religion, just a retarded stupid extremists 🤡🤡🤡 stop with the islamophobia


Most religious people are barbarians




notice how you got downvoted twice you clown


U can't judge a 2 billion believers just because few r fucking nuts


Jesus, stay safe guys who are at the stadium 🙏 I hope they catch him before anything bad happens


Bro, Jesus is death till Monday.


Not for me lol I celebrate Easter on the 5th of May because I am orthodox


ayy, fellow eastern european


Nah actually I am a copt


then I suppose you're Caucasian, since I suppose you're Armenian then (?)


Lol, no do you know Copts? We're Christian Egyptians, Coptic church and Armenian church are both oriental Orthodox Copt is the name that ancient Egyptians used to call themselves


Orthodox and using his name in vain? 🤔


I didn't tho


That's not how using the name in vain works


It is in the imaginary rules I was raised by


Looks like fake news ?


Apart from this most likely being propaganda… the Euro will be a pain in the ass security wise… drone defenses will need to be way enhanced, just a scary thought what the drone lessons from ukraine for example have brought upon us


Couldnt really sound more fake?


As a muslim, these fuckers disgust me yo the core, and i hate how westerners tolerate them so much. You see a beard and a burka, you fucking throw them in jail for life. Moroccan intel agence puts ppl on a watchlist the moment they grow a beard, they dont joke about that shit at all. I hope these extremists would die a painful death


This is bullshit, no “Arab” wrote this, it’s literally google translate crap. Propaganda. Stay safe guys


The match should have been postponed. This might be the reason the players are not playing well as they must have felt the easiness about the news.




yeah how does that relate to the post?


Well, sadly we are working hard on it.


It will be like the rest of europe. Majority of europeand supported it we deserve our suffering


Where do you get access to ISIS propaganda videos?


I saw the post in the screenshot on instagram. And so i googled it and i got the same article on times now, goal.com and other media sources all saying the same thing as the post


The Arabic text is composed using Google translator, which confirms this is another propaganda nonsense.


Im arab, i know. But either way its still scary


Guys, lasst mal die Kirche im Dorf! Das übelster Fake.


Luckily the game was to bad for them to attack


LOL Dortmund are in on it.. They had you walking out of your own stadium early into the hands of isis.




Ey endlich, dann muss ich von diesem Drecksverein nix mehr hören.




Bro lives in a hotel 💀