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Those r serrated ?


Bird shredder mode


That's on the trailing edge, not the part that'd whack a bird. [Trailing-edge serrations are a thang](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/we.2293). They're thought to reduce noise and turbulence.


Why don’t they put them on airplane wings to reduce turbulence, or does it not work like that?


I think it impacts lift, which obviously isn't great for planes...


Not quite. Turbine blades need lift too...that's how they move. People don't usually think of it as "lift" because you think lift means up but to an airfoil lift is just the force perpendicular to airflow, generated by that airflow. The answer is in some sense they do the same thing but a different way, many airlines use scimitar blades / winglets (the curved ends) which reduce fuel consumption and noise by reducing wing tip vortice magnitude by making more smaller ones. The wing has control surfaces on the trailing edge which would get in the way of serating the trailing edge, plus the noise reduction that provides wouldn't do much for an airplane wing and the turbulence reduction isn't what you think...it wouldn't help passengers, it's reducing wake turbulence caused by the wing. Some of the noise reduction from a rotating blade comes from moving the vortices created away from the center so the next blade doesn't hit that turbulent air and consequently makes a louder sound as it slaps against it. Think of when you are in that sweet spot behind a tractor trailer where you feel your car oscillating back and forth...that's the vortex you are caught in. So it's uniquely a problem when you blade airfoils rotating in a fixed position going through other airfoils turbulence. There have been studies with doing it on props, as those are a pretty significant noise producer, but it's only about 6db of noise reduction and is barely effective over 2000 RPMs whereas most props are at 2000-2500 RPM for much of flight.


This guy airplanes


Incidentally I fly, but I also fly myself around the country working/consulting on power plants, to Include wind turbines as my day job...so this one fell right into my lap. 😆🤷🏼‍♂️


Planes don't need lift. Just give them electrolytes. It's what planes crave - Brought to you by Carl's jr.


Welcome to Costco, I love you


would you like another, EXTRA BIG ASS FRIES 🍟 🤔


Someone bring me a Starbucks y


That would make them horny. Don't ask me how I know.


Thats planets, stupid


Stupid they run on Red Bull


Give them Red Bull and give their wings wings.


Have a look at 787 engines, they have them


They are on the cowlings of some Boeing engines, like the 787, for that very reason. And winglets are meant to reduce turbulence at the wingtip for better lift and reduced drag.


They do! The tooth creates a vortex, which helps the airflow wrap around the trailing edge of the wing/blade: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vortex\_generator#/media/File:Wind\_Turbine\_Vortex\_Generator.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vortex_generator#/media/File:Wind_Turbine_Vortex_Generator.jpg) . In a plane, they use a dogtooth or leading edge cuff for the same effect: [https://preview.redd.it/why-is-the-leading-edge-of-the-super-hornet-jagged-at-the-v0-iiccmacaf0w91.jpg?auto=webp&s=07e693e3631a9e890899a441eb6fbe48b1d618f4](https://preview.redd.it/why-is-the-leading-edge-of-the-super-hornet-jagged-at-the-v0-iiccmacaf0w91.jpg?auto=webp&s=07e693e3631a9e890899a441eb6fbe48b1d618f4)


Like owl wings, then. Cool


Yeah, its funny, when you are in front of a wind turbine, you think they are silent, but they are not, they make a constant whoosh noise, but if nothing break it up, you don't really register it. But if you are behind one, in other words the mast is between you and the blades, that whoosh gets blanked out my the mast and you can blank spots in the whoosh when masked by the mast. (I have about 20 wind turbines within earshot some days, it is especially noticeable on hot and humid days) Note that this is also why the two-bladed Huey has such a distinctive sound, one blade is blocked in noise production by the tail boom and/or fuselage and you get that thwap thwap thwap sound.


They are called castellations. Some sunroof have them. (I used to design roof systems for cars, not windmills)


The God of Wind demands tribute.




They now pop 3 balloons instead of 1!


This made tears actually come to my eyes from laughing, thank you. 


Looks like the serrations cut down on noise (I guess by breaking up the turbulence) [https://www.smart-blade.com/serrations](https://www.smart-blade.com/serrations)


The rear of some jet engines have serrations for the same reason.


The more you know 💫


ribbed for bird pleasure




Yes, they decrease drag by creating lots of perpendicular vortexes instead of one huge parallel vortex. They also decrease noise, which i believe is the primary function. The explanation to that is also that instead of one whole blade long single vortice and pressure gradient, we get lots of smaller ones that both decrease the magnitude but also spread the noise over wider spectrum: instead of hearing "flap flap flap flap", you get "hoahhh... hoahhh.. hoahhh". Tried to find a video about, couldn't. It is quite simple to understand when you see it animated.


They need to be able to... ...cut through the air... I'll see myself out, thank you!


You _saw_ the opportunity and took it


For noise reduction, copied from owl feathers.


I am curious why that is the case....


they cost $bread


To answer the question about the serrated edge, it's there to reduce the noise that can come from these huge blades passing through the air. https://www.smart-blade.com/serrations


You dont fool me with facts. That is someones sword.


It’s one of those Final Fantasy summons’ sword. They forgot to bring it to the fight they were summoned to and now it has to be couriered to the fight.


It's what the titans will use when they arise to defend earth from some apocalyptic invasion. Or something similar


Of course it's for Evangelion.


Cloud Strife would rock that.




Biggest question here is, Why is a Mountain Biker riding with a Road biker?! 🤔


The better question is why is the mountain biker's seat so low? That is really inefficient.


That was me as a kid but tbh you don’t want a high saddle for anything single track (or I didn’t at least, I was off the saddle so much it hurt to have it that high)


That's true, but they are clearly on a road ride and he could have just bumped the post up. Unless they don't know each other and just happen to be on the same road? I rode cross country for a while and I had my saddle nearly as high as my road saddle. That guy's riding in downhill mode!


Video is taken in Brazil. Bikes are expensive everywhere, but a good road bike might as well cost 2 years of minimum wage in Brazil, and most people earn just a little over minimum wage, so yeah, you gotta improvise. It is not uncommon for people to buy cheaper but quality mountain bikes (300-600 USD range, which is actually in the expensive range for Brazilians) and ride them on together with road bikers, they also have the opportunity to take them off road, which might be necessary in some places, because no paved roads or something like that. These guys are riding on the shoulder of some interstate roadway, which should have a speed limit between 80-120km/h, it's crazy, but it is the only way these cyclists find to get some serious mileage in a safe manner (riding in the city would be even worst).


Also, why is a mountain biker wearing lycra??


Up the hill in the rain... Both ways


Rear rider is on a drop bar gravel bike. Looks like it could be a 47mm tire up front.




Actually I can! They are all over the Midwest and it’s not really that uncommon to get held up in traffic while they are going through. I used to live in a town where they needed to make a 90° corner with them while avoiding stoplights and other cars. It takes them about 10-15min to make the corner while holding everything up while they do it.


I just have one question. How are they going to turn?




Very carefully. Sometimes with flaggers hopping out and directing traffic.


afaik a surveyor will check the route and decide if its possible to transport


They will have done that, probably removed obstructions like signs & vegetation temporarily, and if necessary done road improvement works like widening in places or reprofiling junctions


There's a wind turbine factory near me, and they had one of the roundabouts changed to a 'throughabout' so they could go straight instead of around. I think the angles of the old roundabout were a problem.


The trailer has steerable axles, either with a remote and/or a lock in the coupler for the trailer. They are fun trailers!


As mentioned below. But also, these trailers (Or some of them) have a mechanism that can lift the blade up so they can take sharper corners. https://youtu.be/9dtUrY8_1CM




My thoughts exactly... nope nope nope!


I just got an awesome idea for Final Destination 9




my question is how TF do they lift that blade up to the height of a fkn wind turbine.or any of the parts for that matter.


There’s a crane yoke made for lifting them. So the crane lifts it up and place it horizontally and holds it there until they’ve attached it. Then they turn the turbine so it can be done again and repeat. You can Google “turbine blade crane yoke” if you want to see some of the variations. I’m offshore installing wind turbines atm so see it quite often. Still impressive though!


You call that a knife?


I didn’t know they had teeth!? To cut the wind?


What's this kind of camera I'm seeing lately? How is it controlled?


360 camera, perhaps Insta360 or GoPro, among several other options. You can easily edit the view afterwards for "regular" viewing on an app or computer, or just upload the 360 file to youtube to manually scroll. Quality is usually kinda shit, although I have an older one.


those cameras are super cool, they don't capture a conventional square or horizontal video, they capture the video like a globe, and then in post you can decide where and how to frame the video, as the data was captured in full 360 degree, you can also pan the footage wherever you like


really gone full shredder with the tip


total aside but this doesnt seem like an ideal road to cycle on.


In west Texas they built 10,000 wind turbines when I was growing up, and I lived near the highway they drove them up from the coast. I'd see those things driving by 3-4 times a day on my way to school for a couple of years. They're huge.


That is not a big one. The offshore turbine blades are too big to transport by road; so big they are built next to the sea and loaded directly onto ships.


Also adding; It's a bit annoying to drive these offshore, trucks don't float that well.


Saw a lot of these in transit when I visited some friends up in Oregon. They got a lot of wind farms over there and I saw a lot of trailers hauling windmill parts across the state. Absolute units they are


Those weren't windmill parts, they were parts for wind turbines. Big difference.


Yea that's what I meant sorry, the word escaped me


Yep, Eastern Oregon & Washington have a lot of windfarms, especially near the Columbia River Gorge.


That's just a blade for a land turbine, off-shore wind-turbine parts are transported by ships the size of small oil-rigs.


Holy shit it's like the opening to the aliens movie. They just keep on going.


Especially when viewed through a very wide angle lens.


Nah fam that’s a 2-handed anime sword.


That almost didn’t seem real once it really started showing all that was out the back of the truck.


I saw these on a road trip with my family. My uncle saw a few of these trucks and said we were passing an airplane farm.


there's a factory of these near where I live in the coast of Brazil, it's fun seeing how coordinated the transport of these bad boys is. sometimes you can pass throught the road an see a truck with a blade parket on the side, it's like the lenght of 10 buses


Fun fact: the only reason turbine blades aren’t larger is because of the road networks required to move them.


Countdown to windturbine blade cutting someone in half in an action/horror/gorefest movie starts now. edit: since there is at least one who argues that these kill birds, lets put the debunk on the table. >study published in 2013 highlighted that wind turbines kill 0.27 birds per GWh, nuclear plants 0.6, and fossil fuel power plants 9.4. Yes, they do but much less than other energy sources.


I've read that [study](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1943815X.2012.746993), and it's not great to say the least. For the deaths from nuclear power it included the bird deaths associated from mining uranium in a *single* uranium mine which resulted in 300 bird deaths in a single year, and then extrapolated that for all years and across all uranium mines which is disingenuous. It also didn't include deaths from mining of the raw materials for the wind turbines or lithium mines for battery storage (a requirement for renewable power to be feasible) which you should do if you're taking mining of uranium into account. Then to account for bird deaths associated with collisions it took the average bird deaths from *four* power plants, took bird collisions from those power plants over a given period then averaged those collisions out to get a figure of 0.188 deaths per GWh. The rates from each power plant were 0.454, 0.261, 0.01 and 0.0285 deaths per GWh. The uncertainty in the average of those figures is more than 50%, since they are wildly different from plant to plant. (One of the figures are admitted to be a freak collision that happened over 2 nights, but they extrapolated it anyway). Any statistician can tell you that sample sizes of 1 and 4 are terrible sample sizes, any anyone that uses such small sample sizes for a study should be embarrassed. That's not to say that wind turbines do kill a lot of birds per year, they don't kill anywhere near as many as cats for instance, but the *type* of bird they kill is where we should worry. Wind turbines are one of the few things that regularly kill bats and birds of prey, and there are serious questions about whether they will disrupt and endanger larger avian species. Edit: Also on closer inspection their calculations are wrong. In one of their examples they cite 274 birds colliding over a 2 year period at a 1200MW power plant, equating to 0.261 deaths per GWh, but the actual figure *should* be 0.0145. They seem to have miscalculated by a factor of 20.


Zeus has returned. We are preparing his sword.


i know what everyone is thinking and no it technically will not fit in my asshole without killing me in front of my family


Intrusive though can I grab the end of truck and ride along


They bury that shit underground when its life expectancy is reached.


Not a wind turbine! Thats a blade for a newly build battle mech!


Neh, it’s not huge. Me watching this “ok, it’s going. Still going. Going. Ok, still going, alright? Gooooooooing aaaand. Fine, it’s huge.”


The Wind Turbine Blade she told you not to worry about


Nobody’s asking how you’re gonna read the sign saying how far you’re supposed to be lol


Just a question: how much electricy does one windmill produce?


>World’s largest wind turbine blows past previous record generating astounding amount of power amid typhoon >During Typhoon Haikui, the mammoth installation was able to generate 384.1 megawatt-hours of electricity in the span of a day, which would be enough to power around 170,000 homes, according to South China Morning Post. It's a 252 meter wide tower. Unbelievably big.


Those are some big numbers. More than I thought. Thank you!


Question: why would they transport the whole blade instead of shipping smaller parts and bolting/welding them on site?


Because they have to be made from one part for structural integrity. Theoretically you could of course put them together form many parts, but that requires massive reinforcement of the internal sections of the blade, which massively increases weight. And by much higher weight of the blade, the forces on the entire wind turbine are increased, so the entire tower requires a lot of reinforcement as well. Some smart people somewhere at the beginning have figured out that the highly more complicated transport is offset by the advantages and efficiency gain from reduced weight. It has to be that way, because if it wasn't then it would not be done, they would be assembled on site.


Yeah, how is wind able to turn this? It must way as much as several cars


You can't fool me, they're building a giant robot and that's it's cool robot sword


Thank God for the little flags on the car behind the truck, otherwise they may not have seen it coming.


Now go look up videos of tornados tearing those things apart like they’re made of paper mache. Does a good job showing you the power of those storms


And they look spectacular @ the local dump too!


Are we in war with Kaijus or something?


Looks like a weird sword for Thanos XD


That’s getting strapped on to a metal gear or something


Damn, imagine this thing in McDrive🤣


When your country has too many pollinators and pest controllers and you're trying to engineer food scarcity: Windmills to annihilate bats and birds by the hundred.


The guy honked right as he was pulling up to him. If that was me it would have scared the shit out of me I would have jerk steered right under the truck wheels


The blade was manufactured and shipped using 100% carbon neutral processes.


Should reduce noise a little but not by a whole lot, but if the teeth are broken somehow it makes rotation a little louder up close. When one of the teeth somehow gets bent the blade makes this whistling sound when that one blade swings by, nothing we can do, it'll whistle until it falls off, a lot of models have them just glued on honestly, I've just ripped them off before on a retired blade. We probably wouldn't repel down to the tip or rent a crane to just fix a broken tooth so it just whistles for years slowly driving farmers insane.


I guess the serrations are to make sure and close the deal on the birds? 🤷


Where in Brazil is it?




Those are to fight godzilla if need be.


I've driven by a fair amount of these and never noticed they had edged like that


When you see them spinning, they appear to be slowly turning. Actually, the outer end of the blade is going extremely fast.


Sound barrier braking fast, actually, that's why they gotta be forcefully stopped during storms and even normal operation so they don't rip themselves into pieces ... which you really don't want with something this large and blade shaped.




Thas a small one


Imagine making a u turn in that


Sir thats a large butter knife


Ribbed for her pleasure.


Final destination [insert # here]


Imagine Goliath welding that blade


I saw one when I was driving cross state. They were a lot bigger than I ever thought.


That's gotta be interesting to try and drive and make turns.


The cyclist: Oh, almost got my head cut like a bread.


That’s a big Saw




A new angel has appeard and they need a sword to defeat it specifically.


Is that one for bread?


The very first thing I thought was why are they serrated?


We passed 8-9 of these on the road on Saturday, and about a dozen tower pieces. Ours was somewhere else, because the trailering was different.


I think I'd rather carry a hydration pack than weigh down my jersey.


How do you even manage to drive that on the roads.


*It was too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron.*


That's king kongs butter knife




was not expecting a serrated blade


The largest offshore wind turbine blades are now exceeding 120m in length. (395ft)


I met a wind turbine at a Black Sabbath concert once. It turned to me and said: - *Hey! I'm a big metal fan!*


Serrated, to cut through the air better... i guess?


Got stuck waiting for a train carrying like 30 of these things to pass by. Thank god I wasn’t on my way to work.


Who knew.


I'm sorry, that's not a turbine blade. That's a weapon for a god.


Bikers fault


That's not a wind turbine, it's an Evangelion knife.


And then there are off shore wind turbines which are 1½ to 3 times bigger




Why are they serrated?


in case you don't see me... beep beep beep! I think it needs a vespa's clacson.


Wow knife crime is truly getting out of hand wtf


Is he wearing a cargo shirt?


Power is proportional to the Area . Longer blade, larger Area.


The true limit to their size is structural integrity, but the limit to the size of wind turbine deployable at any one location is how much length you can get there via roads.




It’s the size of space balls one


Damnnnnn. I love looking at them spin. Thats so beautiful 🤩


Looks like a 54m blade to me, probably for Vestas V112


Saw a lot of these in china. The extra long truck usually had a second cab and driver at the back


I have megalophobia and do not like seeing these big windmills at all. My family thinks it’s funny when we drive by them and I hide my eyes.


Never knew they had sawblades


Wind turbine Saws, you mean.


those are Jaeger swords


10 year life span. No imagine disposing of this.


This honestly doesn't do it justice. They're like.... super big irl.


That's clearly a giant mech's sword for killing Kaiju.


These sometimes pass by the large highway scissor intersection near my place on the way to their new homes. It shuts down all traffic for a good 10 minutes at least while they maneuver a very careful turn, and I’m not sure they’re even as big as this one is.


This is in Brazil, man, there are wind turbines everywhere in northeast.


And they are allllll non recyclable polymer. So great for the environment.


I don't know why, but that felt like a Sci fi movie! Like the truck was some huge space ship.


This is how people end up on darwinawards. Yeah, let's take a selfie with a train.




I kinda see Gipsy Danger using that to subdue a Kaiju. ![gif](giphy|l4Ep3nENt79GDpHBS)


That's definitely a Gundam sword. Now we know what the DOD is really up to.


That is a transformers sword.


Extra murder at the end


Why does it have teeth!?


It was the duty of the cyclist to carry that thing. Zero emission a to z, dammit


Sorry, but I need a banana for reference


Damn those are huge! I can only imagine how big the entire thing must be.


Everything is huge when you’re that guy.


So is his butt


Damn! What a big ass knife!!!