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Can it tape up and do prep?


“Boston Dynamics has joined the chat”


I think there is a large gap between "doing preprogrammed flips in a well controlled environment" to "being able to replace a painter." 


Exactly. A robot wont smoke weed in the porta potty or tell you stories of how he lost most his teeth. You just cant replace the human element.


Whatever it is, don’t reject them from the art school. We don’t want a robot rejected from an art school


Robot Hitler?


Adolf Hitbot


Rodolf Botler


This is how futurama would call it


[Kung Furher](https://youtu.be/QHSYGrXIqzo?si=YWl109jS-q4r1RI5)


Wolfenstein already did mechahitler!


Can a robot roll a ceiling with an 18in nap while smoking a Marlboro Red 100 and not let a single ash touch the floor?


The robot doesn’t complain about repetitive stress injuries and reduces workman’s compensation claims… People aren’t adding the RIGHT math to which side of the equation is looking at taking a sizable chunk of their ‘JOB’ elimination plan.


You sir, made me laugh this morning. As recovering painter parts of your statement are very accurate.


1930s painter watching this video "woah, we can spray paint out of a nozel? I'm doomed"


Guy I work for told me when he apprenticed for anold timer he wouldn't even use a roller. Called them a fad and would paint everything with a brush. He'd probably go mad seeing a 12ft extending pole with a roller being used to paint a house exterior in a single day.


This. I’m a millwright and I keep hearing of robot welding going to replace a lot of the things trades like me do. Until a robot can get anywhere, solve anything, and perform multiple different tasks they’re not going to be doing anything other than what I’d call “assembly line” levels of work.


The thing is the factories, mines, mills etc are currently designed around humans and their capabilities.  There's two divergent paths forward, robots that can mimic human abilities and spaces designed with robots in mind from the get go.  Focusing on the first will make it seem like full automation is a long way away, and I'd agree with you especially in legacy places and certain industries.  However you look at a modern car plant or a chip manufacturing plant in Taiwan that's almost entirely robotic and you can see the automation is already here. All that's left is taking those practises and designs and applying it to say a new bread factory or quarry etc. And as the cost of the automation goes down (which it is doing) this will only apply to more and more areas. 


Yeah makes sense. I was at a small lunchroom a while ago and watched the employees work with barely any space, handling different tasks, maneuvering past each other while talking, carrying stuff and generally multitasking and doing it all fast-paced. I sat there and thought there's absolutely no way a couple of robots would be able to jump in and do that work, not for a *very* long time. But a lunchroom designed from the bottom up with robots/ automation in mind, I'm sure that's gonna be way more effective.


Do robots need a lunchroom?


Where else are they going to talk shit about RTAK-08712 and his disgusting oil spills


In the automotive industry this already seems to be a reality. Whole component sub-assemblies are done by robots and brought together to make the vehicle. Mechanics bemoan manufacturers for making part repair/replacement completely inaccessible. The sub-assemblies weren't created with individual part replacement by a human mechanic in mind.


You might be surprised to find that plants are designed around fitting as much capability into their footprint as possible - end of story. Until you’ve tried to replace a chain on a gearbox that’s faced inwards against a corner at the ceiling of a production line of 5 year old equipment jammed into a building built in 1960 that requires scaffolding to reach will you realize that there’s often little mind paid to how well anyone or thing can perform maintenance in most places. This is why I doubt machines will replace people as soon as people say they will - and unless it’s mega corporation, I highly doubt anyone will be building plants with the sheer footprint, area, engineering, and infrastructure anytime soon to allow it to be fully built and maintained by machines.


Mate in my days building racks and they gave a 2 foot space to load 4 foot deep chassis switches, I fully understand what you're talking about. Mega corporations are who are already doing this, that's my point. All the small businesses with legacy buildings that can't afford to just do an Amazon and drop a megastructure on a transit hub will still need people, or one day humanoid robots. They just better make sure they are filling a niche otherwise megacorp will outcompete them based on labour costs alone. Think of it this way, the very best car you can imagine would be built by hand, just like all the carriages for horse drawn stagecoaches used to be. But we accept a lower quality mass produced car simply because its 1/20th the price. So maybe smaller plants will make a better product with their labour intensive process, but if Amazon can offer an Amazon Basics version thats 1/4 the price with 80% the functionality from one of their fully automated plants then its going to go the same way as horse shit did on all our streets.


>All that's left is taking those practises and designs and applying it to say a new bread factory or quarry etc. Ahh....so you've never been around food production have you....This has been standard practice for decades and in the case of bakeries for more than 100 years. The vast majority of products on supermarket shelves have never been touched by human hands until they are loaded into the shelf


I've worked in smaller food production, a regional baker and a meat processing plant. Both had levels of automation but not fully automated, plenty of people in between the machines and carrying out ancillary tasks. But I don't have experience of the mega bakeries, would be interesting to see. And also kinda proves my point!


Tell that to the guy that just came and painted my house - painting over the trim of every pvc door and window in the house!


And don't forget the fact that this big ass machine doesn't even come close to being able to enter a 5th story apartment


I think every multi story apartment building I've been in has an elevator 


Not in large parts of europe. Some of our buildings are old


There are A LOT of apartment buildings even in the US without elevators. Even in small towns, hell, even the barracks I have lived in had no elevators. All "walk-ups". There are probably more multi-story apartments without elevators than with.


It really won't matter when you want to paint a blue wall and your're out of red paint. I know a giant external printer when I encounter one.


Man, you think paint is expensive now? Wait till the company building this hires some MBA's away from HP


Right? The bulk painting isn’t the hard part. It’s moving shit out the way, tapping and edging that’s the most annoying.


You do the prep while it’s doing this room, then you move on to the next one. The robot then paints the one you prepped now. Rent one of these bad boys and you probably can repaint your flat in a day.


But I don't mind the painting itself, I mind the prep work ...


I have a friend who’s a robotics engineer and this was a real conversation we had a few weeks ago: Friend: “They’re having me build a robot to play pickle ball.” Me: “A robot to play pickle ball? It actually plays pickle ball?” Friend: “Yeah.” Me: “…why aren’t they having you build a robot to wash dishes so I have more time to play pickle ball? I’d actually pay for that robot. I don’t think I’d pay for a robot to play pickle ball.” Friend: “…”


Don't you already have a robot that wash dishes? It's called a dishwasher.


At the point you’re inventing a robot that can play pickle ball I feel like it should also be possible to invent a robot that loads and unloads that dishwasher too…


For the most part, robots like this are worked on so engineers can figure out motor skills and other dexterity related issues. No-one is going to buy a pickle-ball playing robot.


pretty much. prep work is the part that takes 6 hours. painting can take like 30 minutes if you're quick


A flat should take about 2 or 3 hours depending on the size obviously this this would be if you want to paint the whole complex in a day


I bet it can’t smoke newports like me!?


Or step over an extension cord, a bottle of drywaller piss and some garbage?


Can it cry when it makes mistakes? I think not!


Thats the easy bit. Now lets see it move away all the furniture, put coverings everywhere, search for the brushes, try and restore them from their cracked and dried up date, chip old paint off the roller and out of the tray, lug gallons of paint back from Homebase, mask everything up, clean everything afterwards, put everything away and move all the furniture back. Get the robot to do that. *I* can spray a rectangle.


Also let's see this bulky machine carry itself into the building, disassemble / reassemble itself to squeeze through doors.


And clean itself. Sprayers can be such a pain in the neck to clean.


And maintain itself when it inevitably breaks down.


It's very clearly going to be used in new construction.


In my experience in new construction, which is a lot, and this may come off racist but I do not care, immigrants are way cheaper than robots. We got dudes from Honduras with no harness working on the scaffolding outside NYC sky scrapers. They don’t care about safety and work for very little money. There’s a reason they’re being let in, in droves. These guys will paint a whole house in 2 days for next to nothing. It’s also effectively killing the blue collar middle class as much as the greedy rich are.


This is how the greedy rich work, I don't blame any person wanting to come to this shining light a top the hill that American can be. However, it's the rich who propagate the narrative that Americans don't want to work while also hiring illegal immigrants driving the cost of labor to the floor. We shouldn't be severely punishing the illegal immigrant people working, we need to punish the businesses that hire them and uncut legal laborers. Get caught knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, $100,000 fine per employee for the employer and possible jail time.


The middle class can't afford the middle class anymore.


At least it doesn't get drunk and no show for a week with half a room done.


Or get paid, or have injuries, or fuck up, or or or...


Yeah. Let's see that robot take constant smoke breaks, sneak cans of beer on the job, turn up late or not at all, etc.


You say this like it's not going to be able to do all of that and more one day lol unreal


This is a great analogy to why chatgpt isn't taking full software engineering jobs just yet.


This is such a good example. An industrial building, many square metres of flat surface: yes get a robot. The capital cost divides out, and you can probably save a lot of time, as well as it being consistent etc. A house with many corners, irregular bits which need masking, just the general practicality of having to get a robot into an upstairs bedroom.... Yeah, it's going to be simpler to get a painter in.


This doesn't save time in any way, and any painter with a *little bit* of experience has no trouble with an even coat. I don't see a single upside to this, and I love robots.


Seems that it’s probably more about money than time.


It's unlikely that robots will ever be cheaper than the labor they are trying to replace, at least for the foreseeable future. Even ignoring the material costs of the hardware, you're replacing unskilled labor which is generally lower paid, with expensive labor of software developers, specialists doing maintenance and the requirements of the robot developing company to make a decent profit. Even if it's cheaper than labor overall, the company will increase the price until it isn't, because it makes sense to do so, and people will still buy it. It would take massive economies of scale, and extreme market competition, like way too many manufacturers trying to provide this service for them not to be able to collude on prices. If it's possible at all to do it cheaper.


How would it be cheaper? The labor for spraying is nothing compared to the cost of masking, cleanup, and paint itself.


Robots can work 24/7.


Estimates are showing that by 2034, humanoid robot labor will sit somewhere around 10 cents per hour. They will have advanced AI, will be connected to giant servers, and if you teach one robot something, all the robots will learn it instantly. In ten years, there will be nothing that a robot will not do far better than a human. The implications are incomprehensible, let's all just hope for the best.


I think the concept would be useful if it was set up on pulleys to paint the *outside* of a building, similar to window-washing robots that clean skyscrapers.


It's only a matter of time until it's on a very stable drone and painting companies DO have ones that are viable for individual cases. It's not reasonable to make the proposition that the form factor and setup it's in now is the end game.




Its the eziest if u let a man prepare and configure the mashine/ calibrate. So the painter has no back problems and it seems very fast to me. But your Main Point i think is right this isnt a replacement




My brother is a painter/plasterer. The physically most difficult part of the job is actually the painting and plasturing itself, and a lot of accidents happen with ladders and scaffolding. I am sure that if he only has to do some taping and scanning and the robot does the rest, he would be able to enjoy his job a lot more and wouldn't be burned our physically from carrying all the materials and working above his shoulders half the time. Don't forget also that most of these professionals work in office buildings with huge monotone walls. Not every painter and plasterer does detailed work in (small) houses.


other issue is if you end up having to rent these robots.


Add to that, every other painter I know has back issues from awkward overhead angles slowly taking their toll. This looks great for simple jobs IMO


Well, Roomba is capable of scanning the environment it works on, so I think the scanning part should be a non issue.


No u usually use some geotag/sensor reflectors for the edges and the Robot should calibrate at least thats whats happening if you use big construction mashines that need calibration. But i see where u coming from and for repairs etc u need a technical worker/Software worker. Im not going to guess whats sustainable financally but i bet its good for the workers health. Sorry not native english


Machine probably costs 150k too. Lol.


I suspect it costs even more than that


But never calls in sick, can work 18 hrs a day, not not gonna slip off a ladder and sue you.


Which will probably be great till they need to fly out a technician to fix it


Exactly, lol. Also anyone who moves that robot to place can call in sick.


What’s the lazy fuck doing for the other 6 hours a day?


It's not like it's gonna drive itself there and home. Painter still needs to be there, he'll just be on Reddit, "watching" it.


150k, pays for itself faster than you'd think. Does it harrass people, or hurt itself, talk back to the client, fall down and sue you, ? There are reasons that robots are even considered in any line of work


And can't fit in tight corners, and probably can't paint details, doors, windows, a person probably needs to cover outlets and other features beforehand, etc. And I want to see it try to climb stairs.


Well, if you look at it not as a painter replacement, but a painter's tool... He can spend his time doing detail work, while his robot covers that huge wall in the living room.


Title says “slowly” this iteration may not be a replacement but slowly but surely the machines will become cheaper, more efficient and more skilled in what they can do. It’s only a matter of time


Could have viability for commercial work where there's large walls, fewer corners, etc. Particularly if models can work to large heights that would normally have a painter on a ladder or scaffolding


I honestly don't mind paying a guy to do masking and corners and then him setting up the robot to do the rest. So long as it's a quality job.


Yeah but this is the first stage. It will get better and cheaper like all tech


For a house? Likely. Now imagine a hospital. Drop it off and come back in the morning and your whole floor is painted. Next night? Next floor is painted. I imagine it doesn’t take many floors for it to completely pay itself off and then it’s “free” Labor with maintenance of course.


You'd probably need someone there to keep an eye on it but they can be doing other stuff which is great.


What you people seem to fail at realizing new technology takes time. It took time for the car to become fully functional to replace a smart horse. It took time for the electrical car to function as a private car. It took time for AI to compile a picture using only words. The human being I'm replying to was once literally a 4 legged poop n cry creature who crawled out from some hole before finally forming a coherent sentence. These things take time, but it is happening.


for now. But quite honestly, for how long? I'm pretty sure people said the same thing about pocket computers back in the days "here we see a particular house, big enough, with just enough electricity, typing a particular piece (with a lot of work done to accommodate such a machine) At this point it's easier to just buy a notebook" it's a stepping stone in the end


Manufacturing has been using robots for decades. Nothing new here other than instead of applying paint to appliances or automobiles, it’s spraying on a flat wall. Automobile assembly line robots are fun to watch with their incredibly precise articulation.


The whole *"taking jobs away"* narrative is bullshit. Automobiles took jobs away from horse stable boys. So what? That's just progress.


You're looking at horse stable boys. You should also be looking at horses. Their population has tanked since automobiles were invented.


Who is assassinating the horses


Big Glue.


So the amount of suffering decreased, in this instance?


Less humans means we can have less suffering


Yeah, I was actually pointing towards the fallacy of such reasoning, this would be a too simplistic way to determine a better world state.


What I find interesting that I never learned in school was how horses regularly died on the road and there was nobody to remove it. It makes sense tho. There would be a big hole that a horse falls into and dies then rots. Sucks for anybody who lives nearby


Pixar have predicted they’ll lose 80% of animators in the next few years owing to AI. A content writer I was reading about has lost most of his team to AI already. It’s happening. Burying your head about it won’t change the fact that AI will take loads of jobs.


Content writer requires creativity, I’d think. If AI replaces creative (and not the mundane) jobs, then I hope that everyone sees that we have a problem.


We are generally more concerned about the wellbeing of individuals losing their jobs today than we were 100 years ago. Also, the "progress" (people getting laid off from laborious work) is happening at a much faster pace today, which doesn't allow for the benefits (people don't have to do labor anymore, yay!) to catch up. Rapid automation will lead to a lot of people suffering before we can see the benefits, if ever. It's only a bullshit argument if you read it at a surface level.




As a scientist, I have yet to see any ai have any actual science knowledge. The best they can do is parrot something that someone else wrote down, it can help with basic research but actual science will require a live person for centuries to come or more (you can and should quote me on this) The issue with art is while ai art sucks, lots of people don’t care. Usually good enough is good enough, real artists will always have a job, but it may become more selective. Studios can type a simple prompt and get a show, but they won’t get a hit that people enjoy. The issue isn’t that ai can do jobs just like humans, it’s that people in power will give the job to ai and get a worse result just to save a few bucks. As I know I’m bad at expressing myself, I’ll add that we need regulation now, as companies will fuck over anyone they can if they think it gets them money.




There’s a difference between pattern recognition and science. Also why are you linking an article about Google ai just stealing joke responses from people to answer questions? Ai has not made any art redundant. Show me a book illustrated by ai and I’ll show you some crap illustrations. The only time I can see ai art being reasonable is for a billboard only because you’ll drive past it in a second and maybe won’t see what’s wrong, but even then an actual artist would be much better.


I mean, we managed to open up a bunch of bullshit white-collar jobs, but we have to face it sooner or later, that there will be a time when a good chunk of the population won’t be able to provide any useful work. After that, we can either go cyberpunk style and make the socioeconomic difference grow to the largest it has ever seen during human history, or we will have to introduce something like UBI.


I design welding robots for a living, and the main reason we have customers, is because they can't get skilled welders. Robots don't take jobs. They're given unfilled vacancies.


The issue is going to be when technology is able to replace the majority of workers. What will the average person do to survive when the rich own all the machines.


Should be a reduced population living with a higher standard.......but we both know that wont happen. There will continue to be the need to marginalize our fellow human and have tiered standards of living....


Robertos are still cheaper than robots


the actual painting process is a fraction of the time a paintjob will need though. the prep is the main work... and that robot seems slow as fuck, and probably to heavy to carry into any second story building. Maybe its good for industrial buildings. Also, sprayed finish on walls for living spaces sucks. its perfectly smooth, so any ding in the wall that will need a paint touchup will stand out a lot. painters that spray usually backroll with an empty roller, just to add texture so you can touch up paint later on.


> Maybe its good for industrial buildings. I've been required to paint/pay for painters after each move in my apartments. I imagine the prep work is much less when the apartment is already empty, and has similar layouts in many units, so the robot can be more easily programmed. But I'm sure we're a good way away from painters going out of business. I just imagine this could take some tasks off their plates.




Plot twist The painter you hired uses a painting robot


I think a lot of redditors are missing the point here. I work in manufacturing and we automate everywhere. We still have thousands of workers. We automate because it has become harder and harder to find people to do manual work. Especially welders. Robots fulfill a need, and that need is not replacing people, but filling jobs we can't get people to do anymore. Whenever we justify a robot we talk about a reduction in workforce at that area, but I've never actually seen anyone get laid off after a robot is brought in. They just get moved to a new area because the attrition rates and needs are so high everywhere else. This robot is nothing new. We have been painting things robotically for years. This robot would be great in a home manufacturing plant (yeah they have those) where now they build custom homes in sections. They could have an unlimited paint color mix with these things with the mixers built in feeding the robot and it just goes down the line painting different sections.


They're working on creating a general intelligence AI, one that can functionally replace a human in basically any task. If they pull that off, (I'm somewhat skeptcial), there would be no need to hire *anyone* since you can just buy your employees.


>Robots fulfill a need, and that need is not replacing people, but filling jobs we can't get people to do anymore. That you refuse to pay enough for, more like.


Nah man. I work in a union shop. Those guys make more than some of the engineers watching over them.


[they took our jobs ](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=c440b5eb7f1ea6ca&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILi2UQC23_Xn-lrnSVLTXM0HW-j6A:1719739041990&q=They+Took+our+jobs+GIF&uds=ADvngMiUitnrVmhIp7n9qOyVnKT4CYg_DFBX5trYvn6GcrFoFK-dIDwKlq056N1CVnLghz0XadM4OdoDeYl547vDRFexQT8MYvUrmTALh51dWAVxTfE7vjuDsnyoN0s6vbO5sQp05QLf&sa=X&ictx=0&stq=1&lei=oSKBZpWKPMynwPAPhuqniA8#vhid=CDEIM9w9so5vsM&vssid=_oyKBZs-yPMu9wPAP4di4gA4_1)


Not really, spend half the day preparing the area so not a tiny pebble is on the floor, calibrating the machine, prep the paint and then do some test before starting. Also repreat all this again for the other walls And having to deal with uneven walls and walls with non rectangular shapes. That vs.. steve who can do all of that in a day. We have had amazing dentistry leaps and bounds in the last 20 years but we still brush our teeth like it was 1800's. Thete is too much invested in the painting and painting tools and profession that its not going anywhere for a long long time


Imagine having to cary this up to your second floor mmmhm comfy


Does this mean the robot is going to be an alcoholic?


Ain’t no way. A Mexican would have that room painted in no time, that robot is slow.


It should have taped off that baseboard


that's the baseboard taping robot's job


What baseboard?


Nope. It's easier and faster to paint the walls yourself that lugging that machine around all day.




Now do the stairs Johnny Number 5




You can watch professional painters on Instagram that do a faster and better job than this.


You still need lots of people to : . Make the robot (conception, production, etc) . Sell the robot . Use the robot (transport, filling, maintain, repair, recycle)


Good luck to it. Anything that is capable to do not just wide falt surface with plenty of space with no obstacles to move will be a lot more expensive than human for decades.


"Oh no, this 'robot' can very slowly spraypaint a flat, even surface with extremely thin paint as long as it has perfectly flat concrete underneath it to slowly move along. If it comes with a robot that can prep the painting area and load the paint into the robot and turn it on and program in its perfectly geometric painting area and perform all necessary maintenance, we'll be shafted! *And* it only costs £500'000!" - Painters, apparently This is a passing grade for a college engineering module at best.


Well if painting were just doing this then yes. Keyword being SLOWLY


when we imagined robots doing our jobs, i expected (i know it's childish) a humanoid shaped robot, just mimicking our way of doing stuff, not a cubic piece of machinery aw sweet, manmade horrors beyond my comprehension


As a painter myself that's absolutely awesome il make my tea n prep 🍵👌😂💪


Now do a wall that requires cutting in


Absolutely useless for most general painting jobs. This is not a good application except for cookie cutter jobs.


Can it climb a 40 foot ladder? Let’s see it remove , label, sand clean and paint 22 door slabs. Then have it move some furniture and remove some window sashes….


Okay but this is literally the part of painting that anyone can do and takes seconds. To replace painters, the robots need to be able to tape off, prep walls, cut in the edges, do clean up, etc. No painter has ever said “if only I had a machine to save me the thirty seconds it takes to spray or roll a wall.”


my dad was a painter most of his life, he saw this and said "i wish they made this back then because then id never have to be a shitty painter i could of been an astronaut and spent more money down the pub"


It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Great! The less jobs humans need to do the better, I honestly don't understand the stupidity of people saying "***machines are stealing our jobs***", people have been saying that for hundreds of years and society keeps working "just fine"


Well im an industrial painter this thing isn’t going to get all the edges sealed gotta do some funky moves with the gun sometimes the tight spaces i gotta paint sometimes makes me think how a robot will be to clunky to pull this off


I am a robotics engineer (10 years military and private) Just popped in the chat to say that I really hope that those of you who have kids are teaching them to build, repair, maintain, and/or operate these kinds of machines. It’s looking like roboticist and coders are about to be the new blue collar workers. Even if they get into private ventures they’re going to need machines like these to compete with the larger companies. As someone in the chat said you plus this robot could paint a whole apartment complex in a day. Don’t resist the inevitable. Especially when it could be great for everyone. Except the people who live where we get the resources obviously.


"What?! You mean my over-priced, uncomplicated trade is finally getting outsourced?!"


I’m sure construction sites have such easy and clutter free access to walls just like this video. /s


Id rather paint and have a robot that does all the cleaning


Let’s be real guys robots are just better at almost everything.


Technology should be there for the humans, to take away our work so we can live and be creative and have full lives. But Capitalism and Oligarchy say: NOOOO!


If a very rudimentary "robot" can do what you do by simply moving left and right and up and down.... then maybe its time to think about career choices.


I see your robot and I challenge you with: Stairs.


Looking Good Robot!!!!


little by little....it is going to take them


The tech is slowly getting there, but I think we won't see large change until they figure out how to cut out most of the construction roles and that's just not happening any time soon.


Finally a worker who doesnt take breaks for hours


Meanwhile, there is an increase in demand of technicians.


Paints pretty fast if you ask me.


Hire a dude and let him feed his family.


Considering how "good" some painters work, its about time.


*Thank you, that will be 10.000$*


Brooo that looks like one of the robots from Wall-E!!


This is amazing! Can't wait for this cheaper and faster alternative :D


It probably runs on alcohol just like a human painter


It simplifies the job


Who would buy something like this if it was genuinely useful? A painter that’s who


Ngl, of all applications to use a robot arm on, this is the least dumb. I think for a very large room like office building it can be quite worth it just on the back pain and reduced stair usage alone


I need my painter to be high. Does that robot get high?


kinda like the slush puppy machine I bought, used it once and now I just blitz ice with a hand blender and add the syrup


I see that robot as an upgraded tool for painters


Who brought the robot there?


Could they at least, and this is coming from a Mechatronics Engineering student, work on technology that creates jobs for the unfortunate, rather than machines that take those jobs away. Just my opinion.


Lots of painters with their heads in the sand in this thread lol


They are also alcohol free


Yeah, no general contractor I've ever met would allow that on a jobsite. Can you imagine how many extra hazards it will create?


When I worked at a shipping yard they had a robot that painted the ships and it was much more efficient than the two people they had on a boom lift before


Looks like something from the 80s


Yeah sure... show us the cailing/wall connection 🤣🤣


Had to work with one of them just a few months ago (UR5e)! They're actually quite easy to program them what you want them to do


Yeah, but somebody got to put the robot in the room


I can build a faster working machine for 100$. Just need a garden sprinkler, a pump and some hose with adapter. Seriously, taping the room and floor, preparing power sockets, fill little holes is 80% ok f the work. And I bet it sucks with the ceiling. Also someone has to fill a new bucket every 15 minutes or so.


Ok now Paint a Hall with a staircase


~~Taking jobs~~ Doing work so we don’t have to do it anymore


Welcome to lawn care guys, grab an edger.


Salt water, just saying


And now it only takes 7 days to do the work that a two man crew can do in an hour.


Very slowly apparently


That thing is going so slow. A professional painter could go faster. Also, who wipes it/notices a drip?  I think they should be focused on automating expensive & more technical professions.  There’s so much trust, sales, marketing & expertise that goes into running a small painting business. If instead they automated away low level investment banking, accounting, actuarial sciences, analyst & used ai to make business development easier… that’d be smart. Fucking painting? I mean, sure but why?  Not like it’s all that expensive. There’s a larger number of people who do it. Why tf not let them continue. 


Nah they’re not a painter and decorator will cost a lot less than this robot.


Dey took 'er jerbs!!


Does it smoke meth in the bathroom, too?


Are they tho?